Author Topic: game runs, but running super choppy  (Read 478 times)


  • Traveller
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game runs, but running super choppy
« on: November 06, 2005, 06:34:25 pm »
after all thse updates and stuff I finally got the game working again...  even took a trip to the new death realm.  But I had a problem...

When I went to the death realm I was using the windows client on my laptop at my parent\'s house.  When I got back here to my apartment and my linux PC, I respawned in the death realm...thing is, it was the OLD death realm.  did it change back or did I get lucky?

Also, before I could even do that, I had to the get the game actually running again...followed all the directions for each little thing and it\'s working fine now.  Thing is, it\'s running like CRAP.  There\'s moments where it runs fine but most of the time it\'s getting super choppy...frame rate CLAIMS to be above 30 most of the time, but it feels more like 10.

Specs: all the latest fixes for planeshift
Gentoo, fully updated
AMD64 3200+
nVidia GeForce 6600
1GB (dualchanneled) PC3200 DDR RAM
dual SATAx150 HD\'s (all programs run off of 100GB one, 250GB\'s just for my other stuff...)