Author Topic: Adventures of the Master Ranger  (Read 1132 times)

Farren Kutter

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Adventures of the Master Ranger
« on: November 12, 2005, 08:02:10 am »
Ok, between now and when I finish my big story, I will write up some small adventures. I might put people I know from ingame in my adventures. But only people I know. And anyone who I know who wants to be in a story can ask and I\'ll put them in somewhere. :) I\'ll have a story sometime today.

Edit: changed \"this weekend\" to \"today\".... I got bored and decided to start writing it. It is only in the middle right now I think...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2005, 09:26:08 am by Farren Kutter »

Farren Kutter

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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2005, 10:12:18 am »
|||||||||||||||Adventure Story #1||||||||||||||||||||

    It is another bright day in the world of Yliakum, and the Master Ranger, Farren Kutter, is resting quite comfortably by a tree in the forest. Farren is a young Dermorian. He has short black hair, a medium build, and he is quick, strong, and brave. He wears green forest clothing, and carries his two longswords at his hips on a belt. He looks around as he wakes from a small nap, his eyes still a bit blurry from sleep. He slowly rises to his feet, picking up his belt from off of the forest floor. He puts his belt back on, securing his trusted longswords into place. It is a fairly cold day, but the young ranger cares not. The cold invigorates him as he sets off out of the forest to look for some adventure.

 As he walks along the road, Farren sees a few trepors grazing in the grass. The sight brings back good old memories of a party he had thrown in the trepor fields that one day, back when he had been a part of the Guild Knights. \"Those were the good old days\", he remarks to himself as he walks past. Getting a bit bored with so little to do, Farren decides to go kill a few trepors. He turns off of the road and walks over the hill, heading towards the trepor valley. After the short walk, he looks around for a nice strong trepor to give him the slightest bit of a challenge. He chooses a nice big one that seems extra vicious towards the other trepors and walks right up to it. The trepor notices him and slowly starts to turn. It gives him the most horrible look he had ever gotten from a trepor before and he almost starts laughing at how mad it looks. The Master Ranger pulls his twin longswords from their sheaths and moves to his defensive position, wanting to mess with the creature a while. The trepor sort of leaps forward and tries to bite Farren, but he smacks the beast on top of the head with the flat of his right-hand blade, slightly disorienting and and angering it. It comes again, going for his right arm, wanting to get revenge on the blade that hit it before. Farren easily pulls his right arm back and smacks the trepor on the head again, this time with his left-hand blade. Getting bored with such a stupid beast, Farren runs forward and runs overtop of the trepor and jumps off of the back and lands behind it. He instantly, upon landing, spins and shoves both swords through the trepor\'s back, severely injuring it and soon killing it. Finished with the trepors, bored after only one, the ranger walks off.

 Back on the road and still quite bored, Farren walks towards the ruins, hoping to find a few bandits to fight. They always gave him a bit of fun in a battle. As he walks towards the ruins, he hears a scream coming from them. He instantly starts to run towards the scream. He gets over the hill and sees an ulbernaut advancing on a young female Enkidukai. Thoughts started whirring through the ranger\'s mind. Why was such a young Enkidukai all the way out here? Had someone abandoned her? If so, what for? but the main thought going through his mind at the moment was \"How am I going to kill an ulbernaut?\" Not wanting to waste time, Farren jumps down from the side of the hill and lands between the Ulbernaut and the small Enkidukai, one knee going to the ground, the other bending as the foot stays planted. As he hits the ground, he pulls his blades out and holds them out to the sides as he drops. He is now in a kneeling position with his blades to either side, and he is staring right at the ulbernaut. The huge monster had stopped momentarily to gaze upon this newcomer, hoping the Dermorian would make a good meal. The ranger is filled with fear as he faces the beast, its red eyes showing him his doom. The ulbernaut suddenly lunges forward and lashes out. Only upon reflex, Farren comes to his feet, using the upward motion of his body to do a back flip, and barely missing being hit by the huge claws.

    Breathing heavily, the Master Ranger, thinks about how he can beat this monster, something he could never manage before. The young Enkidukai hides behind a tree not too far behind Farren, crying. The ulbernaut, confused by how it missed, gets very angry. It charges forward at Farren, its claws ready to utterly destroy him. It reaches Farren, who had started to move back, and slashes straight for his stomach. Farren pulls his stomach back, only dodging the attack by inches, leaving a cut in his shirt. He stumbles backwards, trying to get away from the beast, but not wanting to take his eyes off of it. He takes a second to calm himself down, but that is almost too long. The ulbernaut lunges forward again, it\'s right-hand claw slashing for Farren. The ranger slightly ducks, raising his left-hand blade. The claw smacks right into the sword and knocks him to the side as if he were nothing. He rolls sideways in the same direction as he gets knocked aside. He comes out of the roll smoothly to his feet and instantly lunges forward at the monster. As he does so, the monster effortlessly smacks him aside before he even makes it to its body.

 Farren slowly gets to his feet, using his right-hand sword for support. His body hurts badly from the hit and the wind was knocked out of him. He regains his breath and notices that the ulbernaut is not focused on him anymore. It is advancing once more towards the Enkidukai child again. Forgetting the pain, the Master Ranger gets to his feet and rushes towards the Ulbernaut. Not thinking about what he is doing, he leaps up to the beast. It notices him right before he gets there, hearing him as he jumps, and turns. It slashes out with its right-hand claw, but Farren does a sort of somersault in mid-air, smacking the claw aside. The beast slashes out with it\'s other claw and Farren, acting on reflex alone, deflects that one as well, coming out of his somersault right in front of the monster, its claws both flung wide. Not hesitating for another second, Farren shoves both of his longsword stright forward into the ulbernaut\'s chest, stunning the beast and driving it do an inward slash of both of its claws. Farren jumps upward, dodging the claws and putting the ulbernaut off balance. As he reaches the pinnacle of his jump, he flips the swords in his hands, facing them downwards, and jams them straight through the thing\'s head, finally killing it. It twitches a bit, its arms flailing a bit as it dies. Farren pushes off of the beast and lands a short distance away, and even doing so he almost gets smashed by the fall of the ulbernaut\'s lifeless body. He retrieves his swords and walks over to the little Enkidukai. She is crying and shaking. The ranger picks her up and goes off in search of her family, or maybe a family that can take care of her...

Ok, it was my first try at the short story thing, and I am still trying to figure out my writing style... Feedback is welcome, just make it constructive and helpful.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2005, 10:43:34 am by Farren Kutter »


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« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2005, 02:11:05 pm »
nice story.  I found it was very good.
Can\'t wait for you to add on to it and see some more stories :).
« Last Edit: November 12, 2005, 06:00:08 pm by shorty13 »
There are two types of people in this world: The Pinky and the Brain.
Which one are you?


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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2005, 07:43:26 pm »
I do love the story that you have written.
You are very good with your words and
I do look forward to reading more of
them. I really like the battles you had
with the Trepor and Ulbernaut. The only
thing that I may suggest is a little
dialogue between the characters but
even without it your story does capture
the attention easily. I restlessly await
your next story. :D

Farren Kutter

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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2005, 07:59:29 pm »
:) Thanx for the comments, and I\'m sure I\'ll add more dialogue in the future... Fights are my strong point though.


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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2005, 09:15:05 pm »
You should do a spar between Mitaki and Masoj for a next story [ignore Ikatim, pretend he doesn\'t exist :P]

Farren Kutter

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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2005, 09:17:17 pm »
K, but you know what i need to do a battle for someone else. send me the info in a PM


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« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2005, 09:18:16 pm »
...What? I have no idea what you just said :|

Farren Kutter

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« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2005, 09:23:24 pm »
read your PMs


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« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2005, 10:00:28 pm »
Originally posted by Suno_Regin
You should do a spar between Mitaki and Masoj for a next story [ignore Ikatim, pretend he doesn\'t exist :P]

Two great writers together
Dy jumps up and down ad she down in excited circles
\"Oh please let me be there :D\"
Dy giggles

I really hope that there is a battle between you two
and look forward to reading this.

Dy faints from all the excitement :P

Farren Kutter

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« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2005, 10:03:43 pm »
My first story, a short one at that, and I\'m already a great writer.... wow... :D


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« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2005, 12:01:33 am »
yeah, seriously, you are just as good as Salvatore ;) .  Soon instead of being Drizzt, you can make him up yourself, if you get wut I\'m saying.

(for those who don\'t, he used to be Drizzt, one of Salvatore\'s great characters, and instead of playing him, he can be able to make up a character, which I see he has, just as well thought out and written of as Drizzt was).

You should make a book.
There are two types of people in this world: The Pinky and the Brain.
Which one are you?


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« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2005, 12:31:25 am »
I\'m known for my storylines, your known for your descriptiveness-ness-ness

So combining the two would be a good mix

Farren Kutter

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« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2005, 08:18:57 am »
Hmmm... First of all, yes I used to be \'Drizzt\' ingame until I had to change my name... That is when Farren Kutter was born. But I think Farren is not quite as skilled as Drizzt was in the Forgotten Realms... Not even close you might say. I base him off of me real self in some ways... Not necessarily strong, quite fast, and excellent reflexes. Plus I do seem to get myself into situations that I am not prepared for...

Second of all, I guess we would make a great team for writing.... I am good at thinking of basic storylines, so are you, you are good at doing the actual story, and I am good at making the battles.

Edit: Forgot to reply to Mitaki/Ikatim :P

Added: BTW, I am starting a second short story.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2005, 04:53:19 pm by Farren Kutter »

Farren Kutter

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||||||Adventure Story #2|||||
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2005, 07:05:02 pm »
It is a dark and gloomy day, seeming as if it is about to rain, when Farren wakes up. He finds himself to be laying at the base of Harnquist\'s hut, his belt laying on his lap, the longswords in their sheaths. He gets to his feet and stretches his arms and legs, also cracking his back in the process. Picking up the belt, which had fallen to his feet, the ranger begins to think of what he might do this day. Securing his belt into place, he is comforted by the familiar weight of his twin blades on his hips. He finally decides to go for a walk in the forest. He finishes checking to make sure he has everything and then sets off for the north gate.

    Farren passes through the gate and follows the path into the forest. After following the path a little longer, the ranger turns off and heads out into the wilderness, hoping to find some peace and quiet, hoping to learn something new from the nature that surrounds him. He takes a seat next to a nicely sized tree and clears his mind of trivial thoughts such as food and women. He pulls his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them. The ranger closes his eyes and listens closely to the calls of small animals. Relaxing his muscles a bit, his arms slip down his legs to his ankles, and his head lolls to forward and slightly to the side. He hears the breaking of a branch and instantly snaps out of his relaxed state. He gets up quickly and silently, his hands resting on his blades. He searches the area for any signs of movement, but sees nothing within his field of vision, and he hears nothing more. He checks up in the tree as well, but still, he sees nothing. He lowers his head from searching the trees and finds himself face to face with a male Enkidukai.

    The Enkidukai has two wicked blades in his hands, a look of maddened rage on his face. He stands no less than four feet from Farren and had made only that one small sound in his approach. And Farren was beginning to believe that he had made that sound on purpose, making Farren look away in search as it approached from another direction. Staring the Master Ranger right in the eyes, unblinking, the Enkidukai was challenging him to a fight. Farren feared that if he declined, the creature would attempt to kill him anyway. Farren nods his acceptance of the duel and pulls his two longswords from their sheaths and switches to his combat position. He turns slightly, his right shoulder turned to the front, slightly away from it to the right, his left shoulder just the opposite. His right foot is pointed forward, his leg straight, and his head is facing slightly to the left of his shoulder. His left foot is back to his rear and little to the left, his leg bent enough to keep him perfectly balanced. His right arm is in front of him, slightly to the right, the blade almost horizontal, tilted up just a little. His hand is about a foot from his shoulder. His left arm is in front of his left shoulder, also a foot away, and the blade is nearly vertical, only tilted a little to the right. The Enkidukai stands crouched over, its blades held crossed in front of it. And then the battle begins.

     The two combatants lunge forward, the Enkidukai\'s right blade coming in first. Farren brings his right blade over, deflecting the other\'s attack, and spins off of it, his right arm momentarily staying in place as his body rolls his left side back and around to the right, his other arm pulling off the end of the spin as the cat moves past. This positions the Ranger behind his foe and also keeps him on balance. The Enkidukai had tried to slice him with his left blade as he spun, but had to bring it in early to make sure Farren didn\'t slice him right in the stomach. The Enkidukai spins just in time to see Farren rushing forward at him. The Master Ranger\'s right blade comes in for a slash at the maddened cat\'s left shoulder and the Enkidukai deflects with his left blade, his own right blade coming in for a stab at the ranger\'s heart. Farren had anticipated this and was ready to deflect the wicked blade with his own longsword. Wanting to get a bit of room between them, the Master Ranger takes a leaping step backwards. The cat waits a few seconds and then suddenly lunges forward, his arms crossed and ready for a double slash at the ranger.

  Farren thinks of a perfect parry for this attack and readies himself for it. His arms are out wide, making it seem as if he can\'t block them, but right when the cat\'s blades start to perform the slash, Farren brings in his blades slightly above the Enkidukai\'s own and then pulls them down as hard and fast as he can, slamming all of the blades into the ground. But Farren\'s plan wasn\'t over yet. He quickly places his feet onto the cat\'s blades, the flat sides having been slammed down, not the sharp ones, and then he brings his own swords up and slightly cuts the cat\'s neck, not wanting to kill him. Noticing he is beaten, the Enkidukai releases his grip from his weapons and steps back. He is angered that he has lost the battle, but he also wants to live. He quickly turns and runs off into the forest to hide from this Dermorian who has bested him in battle.

  \"Well, that was interesting,\" says the Master Ranger to himself. Deciding he doesn\'t wish to risk another surprise encounter, he heads back to the city of Hydlaa. But in the back of his mind, he is worried that he might have made an enemy, maybe more if that Enkidukai has friends. The ranger can take on one, but can he take on two? Three? Pondering these questions, he almost missed the path back to the city. remembering that he is about to be late for a party, he takes off for the tavern at full speed, forgetting that he still has his blades in his hands. When he gets to the gates, he remembers that he is still holding them. He wipes off what little blood is on them and then slides them back into their sheaths at his hips. He says hello to the guards on watch and then takes off once mroe for the tavern. He makes it there just on time and goes off to socialize.

Ok, in my opinion, not as good as the first one... I may also do a followup story on this one later on.