Author Topic: Legend of Xilam Arei  (Read 396 times)


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Legend of Xilam Arei
« on: December 07, 2005, 08:12:39 pm »
All of his life, the young Klyros Xilam looked for a job. Not a job such as cooking, but a mercenary\'s job. He made trias buy fighting, killing, destroying, and he loved it all. He did not think of himself as evil, but simply worthless trash, that would do anything for trias. After many battles, his hard leather armor, and his swords, would get damaged, and he had to learn how to repair them. Thus, he learned ways to strengthen his equipment, and become an even stronger opponent to those who would dare face him in battle.

Battle after battle, he decided to start collecting the items of the ones he has killed, and keep them as trophies. He found rare blades, some even ornated, and others just plain metal. The money was good, the battles were fierce, and the life was tough, but Xilam endured. Soon, it seemed as though no one would hire him, reasons unknown. Xilam thought of everyone as cowards, that feared his power, and did not want to give him a job because of it.

One day, Xilam was reinforcing his longswords, with a more durable metal. He looked at the Azure Sun, wondering if there was someone out there, who could accept him for his skill. As he put the sword into the flame, he got up to look for something to eat. He saw a hill, and decided that the view from up top could help him scope out a wild animal to hunt down. Then, when he reached the top, he saw the grand city of Hydlaa. Xilam figured that this town might have a job or two that needed complete, and he grabbed his sack, ready for anything.

(To be continued)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 09:42:29 pm by Suno_Regin »