Author Topic: In-Game Roleplay: Mission and Rules  (Read 7061 times)


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In-Game Roleplay: Mission and Rules
« on: December 11, 2005, 12:52:44 am »
Welcome one and all to the in-game role-play board. The purpose of this board is several-fold.
First, this board serves as a way for the Game Masters (GMs) of Planeshift to communicate with the players of Planeshift.
Second, this board serves as a place to announce major upcoming events and discuss previous events (out-of-character).
Third, this board serves as a place to post in-character role-play summaries of upcoming events and past events. Do not put full roleplays here. The roleplay on this board serves to add color. The meat of your roleplay should happen in-game. This is just a place to log and reflect on what happens in-game, not a place to start new roleplays.
Fourth, this board may also be used to post in-game regulations and notices. A sticky will be created and labeled [RP] for any such regulations/notices.

With these things in mind, please read and abide by the following rules:

1. As with all other boards, decency is important. No profanities, cursing, etc or the like. I'll say no more about this. However, unlike some other boards, there will also be no out-of-character arguing here. That's not the purpose of this board. Suggestions and criticisms are fine, but they are not to be argued over between players; the GMs will do that. ;)

2. Keep your posts in the right threads. Do not post out-of-character posts in in-character threads (except in small bracketed [] footnotes/headers-these footnotes and headers should not be the majority of the post and should not be used to criticize or argue about other posts). Do not post in-character posts in out-of-character threads (including threads marked "[Event]" ). All in-character threads should be marked "[RP]" at the beginning, i.e. "[RP]The Evil Sorcerer." If you have a problem with someone's post (i.e. it is out-of-character when it should in-character or it uses profanity, etc), do not post. Send me a PM detailing the problem, and I'll address it.

3. Some threads may be reserved to GM posting only. If a GM asks you not to post in a thread, please observe his or her wishes and do not post there.

4. In the feedback/quality assurance (QA) threads (labeled with [EVENT] tags), we want you to speak freely and criticize on where you think we can do our job better. However, you are not permitted to flame GMs under any circumstances. Keep your posts civil and we will listen.

5. Finally, if you participate in an event, you are encouraged to post an in-character follow-up. This could be anything writing in a diary, or chronicling a history to quietly contemplating what you've been a part of. To make things easier to understand, we request that your first post include the character in brackets on the first line alone like so, [Selaros Anari]. Anyone else who contributes should note their character in their first post as well. You may post about anything that occurs in-game, even if a GM is not involved. Feel free to keep an in-character diary with entries for every day if you wish. This roleplay is not judged in any way. It serves only to help players keep up to date with what is happening in Planeshift in a general sense. However, all players should beware of using out-of-character knowledge in-game. Some of these posts may be public knowledge or public notices. Others may be private. Be careful to distinguish between the two. Finally, do not feel confined to posting in an existing thread about an event if the context of that thread differs from the context of your post. For instance, a diary entry and a retelling on the same event belong in separate threads. I expect to see a lot of threads that are just one post. Use the context of the post (present context: how your character is communicating what happened in-game, not the context of what happened in-game), to decide where you put your post.

I hope you enjoy role-playing in Planeshift and I hope this forum and the GM team make your role-play experience a ton of fun!:) If you ever have any concerns, feel free to post them here. For concerns relating to a specific GM, however, please direct all inquiries directly to that GM through a PM or to myself. Thanks!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 03:53:32 pm by Cha0s »
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