Author Topic: Where are Tsarok's swords ?  (Read 1066 times)


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Where are Tsarok's swords ?
« on: December 17, 2005, 05:22:13 am »
[Celigid Denider]

Dear diary, what a world a strange world we\'re living in. All started yesterday in my home town Odejea. I was there trying to find some Tefusang skins with my dear friends Gyfu and Macobra. Then suddenly, an Enkiduka? officer appeared and asked us if he could check our weapons. It was something very strange indeed. He explained then to us that he was looking for weapons because some swords were stolen from Tsarok\'s forge. He told us we may help Tsarok finding the missing swords.

With my friends, we decided to help Tsarok, after having translated the event in a understandable language for our friend Macobra who couldn\'t understand any enkidukai words.

Tsarok explains then to us that the swords were stolen during the time he was out having lunch. More surprising, the weapons weren\'t finished and fifty of them were missing. Unbelievable ! Unfortunately for him, the thief has made a mistake: the swords were already bearing the mark of Tsarok so that he would be able to identify them without any mistake. My friends and I started our inquiry to find out where the stolen swords were.

First step, the tavern where we met two people : the famous and nice tavern\'s owner Brado and another traveler. While I speaking with Brado, Gyfu went started to ask to the traveler if he hasn\'t seen anything strange lately. This one then told us that he saw a Stonebreaker walking around in a suspicious manner. At the same time, Brado told me he heard some clattering noise that seemed to come from the east of the town around the time Tsarok went to lunch.

Let\'s run to the east, the warehouses and their surroundings. We started to ask to several people if they saw or heard anything strange. We learned nothing interesting. Then, with Macobra, to whom we had to translate all of our discussions, I started to tell the whole story to Jirosh, the warehouse owner while Gyfu was looking around nearby. Jirosh looked really suspicious and sounded odd. He was saying that there are lots of noise here and lots of people coming in and out ... In the end, we couldn\'t determine if Jirosh knew something or not but, at the same time, Gyfu found a sword in one of the warehouse.

We decided to let Macobra around, looking for any suspicious move around, and Gyfu and I went back to Tsarok\'s to show him the sword we found. He positively identified it as one of the missing swords. We then went back and explored the whole warehouses sector looking for other missing swords. After fighting with creepy rats, we found ten in one of Jirosh warehouse we brought back to Tsarok. We were sorry we could only find ten swords but Tsarok seemed satisfied and said we could call it a day. We couldn\'t help Tsarok any longer and went back to our business but I\'m still wondering : where the death realm are those incomplete swords and why someone stole them ? Is Jirosh guilty of something or not ? What a strange world we\'re living in ...


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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 04:42:04 pm »
[Excellent! Thank you celigid! :) Only thing: Tsarok = Trasok. ;) Thank you for posting! Look for more events today... :) ]
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