Author Topic: Soft Stone Circle  (Read 448 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Soft Stone Circle
« on: January 19, 2006, 09:43:36 pm »
Take a broken rock?not female nor tall but soft
And lean down making sure to keep left of you in view
While carefully you mark with soft stone a circle

Inside, place mother?s gold, a flower, coal and tinder?coal that feels best to you when you run it through hands and teeth.
When you have waited as long as you can wait, lean forward again.

Place fire to coal, and listen as the flower dies,
Don\'t worry about the smoke or the stories you\'ve heard.
There is no cold and no darkness now.

Once the flame stops talking,
Take the soup of metal left in the circle, and carefully
Quietly so no stone wakes, lean closer;
Taste ambrosia.

--Acre, Kran Excavator