Author Topic: Story Chain - Xilam Arei  (Read 467 times)


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Story Chain - Xilam Arei
« on: January 21, 2006, 02:34:25 pm »
All of his life, the young Klyros Xilam looked for a job. Not a job such as cooking, but a mercenary\'s job. He made trias buy fighting, killing, destroying, and he loved it all. He did not think of himself as evil, but simply worthless trash, that would do anything for trias. After many battles, his hard leather armor, and his swords, would get damaged, and he had to learn how to repair them. Thus, he learned ways to strengthen his equipment, and become an even stronger opponent to those who would dare face him in battle.

Battle after battle, he decided to start collecting the items of the ones he has killed, and keep them as trophies. He found rare blades, some even ornated, and others just ordinary metal. The money was good, the battles were fierce, and the life was tough, but Xilam endured. Soon, it seemed as though no one would hire him, reasons unknown. Xilam thought of everyone as cowards, that feared his power, and did not want to give him a job because of it.

One day, Xilam was reinforcing his longswords, with a more durable metal. He looked at the Azure Sun, wondering if there was someone out there, who could accept him for his skill. As he put a sword into the flame, he got up to look for something to eat. He saw a hill, and decided that the view from up top could help him scope out a wild animal to hunt down. Then, when he reached the top, he saw the grand city of Hydlaa. Xilam figured that this town might have a job or two that needed completed, and he grabbed his sack, ready for anything.

Xilam walked around town, noticing aged grounds and landmarks. As he walked further, he noticed a door slightly opened, and people were inside, looking as though they were plotting something.

\", are you up for it?\" A man said.
\"Do you think that I would work for you!? You\'re insane, that guy\'s nearly invincible!\" Another man said, sounding scared.

Then, there was a crashing noise from inside the building, meaning the man got what he deserved for denying the job.

\"Fool, do not disrespect Grog!\" A Kran said, with a booming voice.

Then, Xilam knew that he heard enough, and decided it was time to get some more dirt on this \'invincible\' person.

\"So, you\'re having trouble finding someone to take on your job, eh?\" Xilam said, as he walked in the building.

Everyone\'s attention turned to Xilam.

\"Who the hell are you!? Don\'t you know that this is Grog\'s -\"

Xilam smacked down the Kran before the sentence was finished.

\"Shut up, I don\'t care who the hell this Grog is. If he has a job, I\'m ready to take it on.\"

Then, a rather large Diaboli walked into the room.

\"So, this Klyros thinks he can defeat the Enkidukai?\" The Diaboli said.

A few of the men started to laugh.

\"Spit it out, who is this Enkidukai?\" Xilam answered.

\"I am sure you are aware of a recent event, involving someone by the name of Mitaki. A feeble little Klyros such as yourself, would have no chance against him.\"

\"Mitaki? I don\'t care what the hell he\'s done, if he\'s powerful, then I will fight him. Yet, if this is just another small fry, then I\'ll let you redeem yourselves for wasting my time, by paying with your lives.\" Xilam replied.

\"Very well then,\" The Diaboli said. \"your job will begin immediately. Mitaki is somewhere in the central Plaza, go there, and make sure he does not escape alive.\"

Xilam nodded, and left the building. He knew that he heard the name Mitaki spoken somewhere before, a long time ago.

\"Wait - Someone named Mitaki passed through our village a while ago, could that be the, that was too many years ago, that kid couldn\'t have survived the walk...\"

Xilam walked down the road into the central plaza and looked around. There were people running around aimlessly, and others talking near a blacksmith\'s shop. Xilam could not tell one Enkidukai from the other, since they all just seemed like animals, so he tried to find a way to tell the difference without asking. He noticed a few Enkidukai that were normal, and peaceful. One, though, had torn clothes, and scars all over his body. Xilam knew right away, that that must be Mitaki.

\"Now, how am I going to kill him, when there are so many people around? I have to drag this out...\" Xilam said to himself.

Then, the idea came. There is no way to lure him out, so he had to lure everyone away. Xilam flew into the air, and once he reached high enough in the sky, he grabbed one of the swords from his sack, and threw it in the direction where Mitaki and the rest were talking. Mitaki jumped out of the way, and instantly looked into the sky, to see the Klyros in the air.

\"What are you doing!?\" Mitaki shouted. \"There are people here! You could have killed someone!\"

\"That was my intention...\" Xilam replied, lowering to the ground so that he did not have to shout. \"Now, are we going to fight, or do I have to kill all of these people?\"

\"Grr...Fine.\" Mitaki said. \"Everyone, gain distance, this will be dangerous.\"

Then, all but a few backed away from where the battle could drag out, and watched. Others, just stood their ground, knowing that they could defend themselves from any kind of danger.

\"Now,\" Xilam said. \"let\'s begin...\"

Xilam flew straight at Mitaki, drawing his blades from his belt, and extended them forward. As he descended, he started to spin, knowing that it could easily mend his bones on impact. Mitaki jumped out of the way right before Xilam hit the ground. Then, Xilam ascended into the air, before his swords hit the ground and broke.

Now, the battle was ground-based, and the moment became tense. They were both almost equal in strength, but Mitaki had a key advantage. Speed.

\"Well, aren\'t you going to attack?\" Mitaki taunted.

Xilam glided towards Mitaki. This time, he extended his blades to the side, knowing that the only way to dodge would be up, and that\'s where Xilam had the battle won. Mitaki did just what Xilam thought, he jumped straight into the air.

Xilam bolted towards Mitaki while he was airborn, and he crossed his blades, ready to slash in an X pattern when he got close enough. Mitaki remained, still without his blades drawn. Then, right when Xilam got close enough for the final attack, Mitaki drew one blade, and fended off the attack. Being pushed straight into the ground, Mitaki grabbed Xilam\'s head, and twisted it sideways as he turned on the offensive. Xilam was now heading into the ground, being used to break Mitaki\'s fall. Mitaki still remained on Xilam, twisting his neck, as if he was to temporarily kill him, until he recovered from the fall.

Xilam had to forget the pain, and somehow turn Mitaki back around to the bottom. He started to flap his wings, trying to rise into the air again, but there was too much weight, and he still fell at a very fast speed. Mitaki then started to stand on Xilam\'s back, holding on to Xilam\'s wings, then he kicked Xilam into the ground, and jumped off his back at the same time, as not to get hurt when they impacted into the ground.

Xilam was now falling too fast to even be able to move, and the distance between him and the ground closed.

\"Gah!\" Xilam screamed, once impacting the ground so hard that it left debris from the destroyed pavement.

Mitaki bowed, and slowly walked away to the Tavern to relax.

Days after being defeated by Mitaki, Xilam began to slowly rise from the spot where he was shot into the ground. He started to curse Mitaki, and demanded to know how he was defeated by an ordinary Enkidukai. He picked one of his swords up out of the ground a few feet away, and began to walk towards the Ojaveda Hills to do some solitary training. His body was scarred all over, and his clothes were torn to shreds from the battle, but Xilam ignored the wounds, and began to kill off all the creatures in the Hills that he could find. His eyes blazed with determination, and hatred.

Xilam spent weeks in the Hills, practicing each one of his skills, pushing himself to the limit. He even practiced with a bow, which would be good for aerial combat. Finally, he was ready. He found a Clacker nearby, and killed it for its meat. As he was eating, he started to hear something.

\"I have passed your test, yet I do not want the sword now. I only wish to live peacefully, without fighting, without worry, without pain...\"

\"Very well,\" Said a deep voice. \"the sword will be kept safe, for your return.\"

\"What is this sword they\'re speaking of...?\" Xilam asked himself, listening to the words.

He looked a little closer, and he saw that it was Mitaki talking to some stone head. He said he did not wish to fight, this would be the perfect chance to take him down, Xilam thought. He took out his bow, stood up on the peak of the hill, and pulled back his arrow, ready to deliver the finishing blow to Mitaki, while he wasn\'t looking.

The arrow released from the string, and it bolted down at Mitaki from above. Before the impact, a stone hand shot out of the ground, and blocked the arrow. It was the hand of the stone head Mitaki was talking to.

\"State your business here, Klyros.\" The stone spoke.

\"Mitaki must die...\" Xilam said, in a cold voice. \"I also want that sword you\'ve been talking about...\"

\"You do not have the purity, the sword seeks.\"

\"I don\'t give a damn! I\'ll take it by force...\" Xilam responded, angered by the nonsense the stone was speaking of.

Mitaki looked up on the hill, and saw Xilam, beginning to realize that they fought eachother about a month ago.

\"Now...I remember...I fought against people like him...\" Mitaki said.

\"You must take the sword, Enkidukai, you are the only one, who can use it to its full potential.\" The stone spoke.

\"Yes, I see now...I will wield a sword one last time.\"

The stone raised it\'s hand, and opened its fist, the sword inside. Mitaki took the sword, and looked towards Xilam, who was already pulling back on the second arrow. The stone stopped moving, and froze in place after the sword was removed.

\"I will use this sword as best I can.\" Mitaki claimed.

\"Prepare to die!\" Xilam shouted, releasing the arrow, and jumping off the hill with his sword drawn, following the arrow\'s path.

Mitaki jumped towards the arrow, and grabbed it with his left hand, using his right hand to block Xilam\'s attack with the sword. He took the arrow and stuck it in Xilam\'s right arm, leaving Xilam defenseless for a few seconds. They landed on the ground, Xilam ignoring the pain from his now useless right arm. Mitaki jumped to the left, ready to take out Xilam\'s left arm, but Xilam spun around and delivered a blow to Mitaki\'s side with his left arm.

Mitaki began to blead heavily, the wound from Xilam\'s sword went in too deep.

\"You\'re losing your touch, Mitaki.\" Xilam said, his face looking like he was enjoying every moment of Mitaki\'s pain.

\"Gah...I won\'t let you win...\"

Mitaki jumped into the air, trying to get Xilam to come after him, so he could strike Xilam\'s head. Instead, he took the arrow out of his arm, and threw it as hard as he could at Mitaki, since he couldn\'t use a bow with only one working arm. The arrow hit Mitaki\'s leg, charging all the way through. Mitaki screamed in pain, with his leg almost twisted all the way around from the arrow wound. He took the sword given to him by the stone head, and threw it at Xilam, hoping it would strike him down, but Xilam jumped to the side, missing the sword with ease.

\"This is the end of you,\" Xilam said, flying at Mitaki, with his sword extended. \"I\'ll see you in hell...\"

Xilam impacted Mitaki while he was still falling to the ground, his sword sticking through Mitaki\'s chest, and out the other side. Mitaki couldn\'t react, and fell to the ground, with the tip of the sword sticking in the ground when he landed. He stopped breathing, and Xilam decended, looking at the corpse.

\"No one injures me, and lives to talk about it...\" Xilam said to Mitaki\'s corpse, pulling his sword out of his chest. Then, Xilam looked towards the sword Mitaki was wielding, which was still stuck in the ground from when Mitaki threw it at him.

\"Mitaki could not wield this sword...maybe I can...\"

Xilam walked back to Hydlaa, while examining the sword. It was made of a special type of material, metal melted into rock. The handle of the blade was mostly stone, as the blade itself was made out of metal, curved at the tip, and reinforced with stone. The metal was strangely colored blue, which matched the color of his wings.

\"This sword was made for me, that fool Mitaki could not wield this to its full potential...\" Xilam said to himself.

He returned to Grog\'s hideout, where he was payed handsomely for defeating Mitaki.

\"Well, I didn\'t think you could do it,\" Grog said to Xilam. \"I figured you would just die like all the rest. Good job.\"

\"Do not underestimate me.\" Xilam replied.

\"But, you demand too much pay, I\'m afraid I\'ll have to kill you myself...\" Grog said.

Everyone there began to charge at Xilam, under Grog\'s demand. Xilam raised the blade that was given to Mitaki by the stone head, and killed six out of the thirty gang members there.

\"This should be fun...\" Xilam said, a look of excitement on his face. The battle took only a few seconds, then Xilam killed Grog, and took the rest of his trias.

He lived the rest of his life fighting, earning money, and forging weapons, but didn\'t have any regrets. As long as there was pay, the job was as good as done.

(So ends the legend of Xilam Arei, hired mercenary...)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2006, 03:24:19 pm by Suno_Regin »