Author Topic: balance people  (Read 994 times)


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balance people
« on: February 01, 2006, 04:25:22 am »
ballance people,ballance
you seem  to be against pvp pk and thieving, why?
if the world would be full of do-gooders than the whole and only point in the game would be pwrlvling
i would bite off my finger if less than 80% of rp-ers would be against pvp
here is an ideea:
the dev team is trying to make, in the not so close future a mmorpg in wich all the functions of the game would be handled by pc\'s right?
I think that thieving pvp and pk should be enabled
these sort of actions should be made illegal.
since there is allready a town militia led by ogu, i think
they could be used to inforce the law,meaning: if someone steals, or murders someone else, that someone is liable to punishment, i mean think about: the implementation of pvp and pk is a two bladed sword meaning that if someone steals     from someone else, the victim runs straight to ogu and his militia and tells them about it, in wich case the militia would mark this thief and they will be able to kill him, right?
if these things are never enabled, then wouldn\'t it be pointless to have a militia???
whats would be there use, making sure none of the rats in the sewers dont get to close to \"endanger the citizens of hydlaa\"?

in short i think that pvp,pk and thieving should be enabled if not for improving and encouraging rp than at least  for balance sake


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« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2006, 02:44:51 pm »
I am in total agreement with you Makita. These things need to be allowed in-game to keep the balance. If not, then I would assume that this game was intended to create a virtual utopia and not a realistic world.

However, I am not saying that the thieves and \"evil\" people should have the right to go around killing everything in sight and stealing high-level weapons and things like that. There should definately be punishment (provided that the character gets caught of course).

My ideas on thieving/looting are as follows:
1. Players should be allowed to loot other players after a duel.
2. Players cannot loot anything that the character had equipped.
3. What players loot depends entirely on their thieving skills.
4. Players can loot only one object at a time. (weapons, potions...) Looting items or weapons is entirely random.
5. There should be a maximum amount of Trias that a person should be able to get. (Maybe 500 max.)

There should definately be punishments for thieves as well. I haven\'t any ideas about this at the moment. (Would I really want to design my own punishments? lol)


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« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 10:37:59 am »
there is one small problem with this.

People who use it in a non-RP fashion. Someone who does it just to annoy the crap out of you over and over again when you are hunting or does it to gain something not caring he will have to walk through the DR aslong as he has the chance to sell and spend what he stole.

How exactly would this be solved gamemechanicly without killing the RP in it at the same time?

As for Aradia\'s idea. I would agree with thhis in a guildwar for sure, but in a duel only if you have the option to chose the kind of duel. As a normal duel wouldn\'t be fought becuase the player is so nicely lootable :P
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 10:40:28 am by Pestilence »


  • Traveller
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« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 11:39:52 am »
actually, it is quite possible to use pvp or pk without killing the RP value of the game, and that is easy:
Zones for pvp and zones for stealing
zones for pvp could be something like a war going on or something, or maybe on some shady parts of town, where thieving could be enabled
by using certain zones, you should be safe; and of course some warning like a post or something:
\"Warning, point of no return\"
\"Warning, cross this line and you enter a warzone\"
or some sort of militia office where they could warn you on stuff, with lots of books like:
\"   the sewers
for as long as Hydlaa existed, so had the more shady elements of the city, most of them seemed to be very drawn to the sewers, you should be very carefull when you enter there, because all maner of thieves and pickpockets run there.\"

or something similar for other zones like behind the temple, or behind jayose\'s lybrary, or maybe down into the  lower levels of the laanx dungeon [the mines]
there are a lot more zones that can be used, these are mere examples, and considering the pre-beta state of the game, i\'m sure many more will be added :P
so basically, the ideea would be to add certain free pvp, pk and thieving zones and maybe warn players when they enter them


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« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 10:47:12 am »
Yes. I agree with this and implement Makita and Aradia\'s suggestions and my own too.

You should be able to openly PVP in zones or places which have markers. This should be things like a forest of Ruins, maybe even a Thieves city? Perhaps however for these area\'s there is a set amount of time after leaving that you are still open to attack. This reduces the ability to loiter on the edge and then run away after a couple of hits.
The militia could become something NPC enabled so you culd do some training and when you become a certain ability in something and have a certain lawfullness you can join the cities  malitia, you would have to sustain a goodness to stay in the malitia or be thrown out for unruly behavior.

As far as looting goes thats a good suggestion, Allow looting of a random nature after a duel. Nothing a player has equiped but 1 random item and a random amount of tria up to say 500.

Thieving should be random and like looting should not be looting equiped items. However, items looted should be based on your level of thieving and the amount of tria\'s looted significantly smaller. Up to 200 or somthing.

Each of these actions should significantly effect your characters alignment.  Eg:

 Killing people in cold blood (even in the open pvp area\'s ) should drastically reduce your lawfullness.  Thieving should also reduce this, but less so than cold blooded killing.

A person who is attacked but kill\'s their attacker suffers no change in alignment. This is self defence, the player will change their alignment based on this for example the experiance could give said player a thirst for power and they now go around attacking at random.

The militia will gain lawfullness from killing a marked player, this shows they have served their purpose well, but if they attack a random player for no reason, the drop in alignment is larger than that of a normal player not in the militia. They can also run the risk of being marked as a criminal and  being thrown out of the malitia.

I might add to this later on if I think of anything, but for now thats my two cents.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2006, 06:33:08 pm »
What your proposing with the Militia is a no different than bounty hunters.  The issue with this style of rules is that it is becomes a game of cops and robbers.  You just chase each other arround untill the robbers are cornered and there is a shoot-out.

The game of cops and robbers is fun providing, there is an even ballance between the two sides.  In a MMORPG niether of these things is going to happen.  There usually is one side that is more popular than the other.  This side will either need NPC\'s fillers to help them out, or just be outnumbered a loose badly week after week.

In additon your inital newbie victoms will not get to play this game.  They will have their stuff stollen, or be killed in the crossfire and will forced to level as quickly as possible to be able to play the cops and robbers game.

To make matters worse, you can always log off to avoid capture.


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PVP solution
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2006, 09:34:49 am »
In EQ there was a npc Called (The Priest of Discord) all you have to do is go up to him and hail him that starts the quest He give your toon a book you read it and hand it back to the POD  then apon handing back the book your tag AKA the name above your toons head turns red from blue and Bad bing-Bada boom your tag in now set to PVP status and that means you could openly attack any one else (WITH a red tag ) and thos who wish to remain out of the fray could .It also ment only those with the red tag could heal you you buff you in any way ... I hope this give you some Ideas to work from for a better pVp solutions....

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Re: balance people
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2006, 07:58:01 pm »
That might be a good idea. Or just a command "/pvpmode on" that would allow you to participate in PVP. That way you wouldn't have experienced players just randomly assaulting new players; people would have to know what they were doing, and actually agree, in order to be attacked.


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Re: balance people
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2006, 08:14:10 am »
That might be a good idea. Or just a command "/pvpmode on" that would allow you to participate in PVP. That way you wouldn't have experienced players just randomly assaulting new players; people would have to know what they were doing, and actually agree, in order to be attacked.

That would also RP profit on as in roleplaying you will either charge the player(pvp mode on, tell player so the pvp event will open) or challenge him(duel) or a faction/friends(mass vp on) though this would be very fragile as it would solely need rp and no disturbances such as "neutral" people without manners. Remember that this is an alternate world, and in this alternate world yuou can do anything. There must be a sort of a challenge then those players are tagged. If another player attacks this player will be tagged and can be attacked by anyone.

This militia would be good solely as an npc faction as the militia can be fooled(without tags at least) by false accusations, so that wont happen in a near future :P The guards shoudl be stationed across the city, patrol and guard commons such as hydlaa plaza, south and north gate and the area near hydlaa tavern as there will most surely be barfights once alchohol is implemented ;)

The guards shouldn't be self-healing, they should be able to change places as shifts might be implemented once sleep is invented also. At night the guard force will be 1/3's of the day's squad as it is logical many will sleep during the nights, leaving 2/3's of the city either unguarded or 3/3's poorly guarded. This will be an ideal time for Thieves, Smugglers and Assassins. Good luck :)