Author Topic: The Tale of Tharo  (Read 442 times)


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The Tale of Tharo
« on: February 15, 2006, 10:17:36 pm »
Tharo watched as the building burned, the flames reflecting off its narrow white eyes. The Kran finally walked away, knowing that there will be more to come for it to destroy. Tharo was a Kran that lived as a mercenary, but had its own purpose for killing. Justice had to be served, one way or another, and acting as a mercenary would send it straight to the source of the suffering, so that it could destroy the person responsible. The job that the Kran had just completed, was killing a fanatic who thought he could spread his heresy to a local town. He controlled darker magics, magics that Laanx had created. Tharo did not feel greatly about any God, though Talad had created it, it did not like the fact that it was created by an accident. The Kran killed this fanatic with its bare hands, leaving the body to burn in that building. The people of this town were freed from his rule, and that was all Tharo needed to know. It almost made its way out of town, but someone had stopped it.

\"Hello! Are you the Kran who killed Aarne?\" The man asked, speaking of the fanatic who was just killed in the flames.

\"Yes...what do you want?\" The Kran spoke.

\"We are grateful for your there any way we can pay you?\"

\"I need no pay...I simply wish to rid the world of these scum.\" After Tharo said this, the man took a few steps away, then bowed and walked back into town. The Kran did not have any feelings, though it was fighting for justice among the world, it did not care how many lives were lost, it only wanted to get rid of the cause. That was how it lived, and that is how it would continue living.

\"What is my next job?\" Tharo said to a female Lemur with black hair, which was braided in a weird way.

\"Your next mission, is to kill the one named Seth\'eel. He resides in Hydlaa. They say he has been involved in some kind of plot to unleash a dangerous magic...I do not know all of the details myself, but you may go to Hydlaa and ask around.\" The woman said. Tharo bowed, and walked out the door. Before it got there, the woman spoke something else. \"Oh, I almost forgot. In Hydlaa, they know him as Setill. Make sure not to confuse the two.\"

\"Yes, I will remember...\" The Kran responded. Tharo continued walking out the door, and journeyed to Hydlaa, looking for Setill. Along the way, Tharo had encountered many bandits, who it had slain with the axe that had been hanging on the cloth belt around its hip. Sometimes, it would stop and rest under a tree, lost in thought about what could happen in the next job. Normally, Tharo would not be the kind to think, and worry, but the name of this man had struck it with some kind of feeling. One time, the Kran had been attacked by a wild tefusang, which had chipped a lot of rock off its body, and torn some of its armor. The Kran punched it away, but it was a hard struggle. Tharo was trained to use its fists, in case there was not enough time to get the axe from its belt.

Once arriving in Hydlaa, Tharo had asked around for information on Setill, hoping that this person would not be one whom it needed to slay. The Kran had met with Satayne and Zorbels, who were Enkidukai that seemed to know of Setill. They said he was their friend, and that if it was going to kill him, they would kill it. Tharo told them its reasons for doing what it did, and they understood. Tharo now knew a little about Setill, he had many friends...and those friends speak good about him. But, is he really as good as they say he is...?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2006, 10:20:56 pm by Suno_Regin »


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« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2006, 04:45:51 am »
Oh good idea to use Seth\'eel  
I\'m glad the character Setill inspires your stories ;)
The evil is like an iceberg.
The Dark Empire is the little floating part you can see, but below this, there is a huge part...


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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2006, 08:22:58 am »
Narita takes a mental note \"Call on Harnquist to buy a pick and a bag. Be prepared to sacrifice a heap of pebble.\"