Author Topic: Bikaye's Beginnings  (Read 378 times)


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Bikaye's Beginnings
« on: February 24, 2006, 04:03:59 pm »
Finally I was able to make a character, and with every good character, you must have a history. Voila! Here\'s mine!

It was cold. I had been laying in the same spot for what seemed like years. Time slowed to this one moment, where there was neither past nor future, only the numb feeling I got as I lay blanketed by freezing snow. Had there ever been a past? I couldn\'t remember. I didn\'t even know my name, or what color was. I tried to count the thousands of different shades of white to keep myself awake, but I knew that it wasn\'t long now before everything would turn black, and I would drift into oblivion.
I couldn\'t wait for the pain to go away. My limbs were numb, my face an icicle; buried deep into the frosty pillow, but inside, I could still feel the throbbing. It was unbearable, but all I knew. It had been such a long time; laying in the same spot, eyes glazed over and blonde hair turned white with frost.
Suddenly, I jerked. My whole body convulsed as a memory pierced through me like an arrow. It was gone the moment it hit me, but one thought lingered behind. I grasped that thought like it was my dearest friend, trying to keep myself awake just a little longer. Go North, it said. Just go north, and all will be better.
I tried to moved my arms, but failed. They were too numb, and my legs were the same. How? I thought.
The scene began to go black again, and I tried to blink, but my eyelids had frozen. I despaired at the thought of diving into oblivion with the dust of memory still yelling into my mind. As a warmth settled over my body, I thought to myself that this was it. All the feeling was finally starting to go away. It wasn\'t even cold anymore. Only moments now until true Nothingness.
Be calm little\'un. Your safe now, the words floated into my mind as I fell into a deep sleep.
    I woke up warm. Whatever was on top of me was soft...and big; covering my entire body. Alarmed, I wriggled, and felt a great weight lift off. Opening my eyes, drops of snow fell onto my revealed face, and I took a deep breath.
The cold was still there. I sighed. Then how had I been warm...?
A large furry body came into view. No...I squinted...two  white bears stood in front of me. One licked my face, warming it with its saliva. I smiled hysterically; hallucinations. No matter, I was alive, and I could carry out my only thought that had stayed with me; go north.
What do you need, small friend?[/] I looked into one of the bears kind faces.
?Go north,? I could barely choke the words out through my parched throat.
With the help of my new friends, I climbed onto one of their backs and buried my face deep into the soft fur.
We will take you, I heard.
I can\'t say if it was a long journey. Time was something foreign to me now, and no land marks in the white wasteland to judge it by. But, when the motion stopped moving under my belly, and I slowly raised my head, I was once again covered in snow and numb despite the warmth of the bear.
Ahead lay a small castle nestled deep within a icy cliff, enveloped by fog in the same manner that a mother protects a new babe. How the bears had known to stop I had no clue.
I slipped off the bears back, falling to the ground. Only severe determination had me up on my knees, and once again looking into the bears faces. I tried a smile, unsure if it showed.
?I thank you.? I ruffled in my pockets with numb hands, pulling out two handkerchiefs; a birthday present from my mother. ?I know you are only figments of my mind, but without you, I wouldn\'t have made it this far.?
I tied the cloths around each of their necks; one blue, one green. They bowed their heads, and then turned away, disappearing silently into the fog.    
Now, I turned back to the castle. Still, my memory failed me, but I knew I had to get inside.
I started moving forward, using the lingering warmth from the bear to aid me. And again, time passed in an infinite manner as I crawled towards the front door.
I had closed my eyes by the time I felt the wood upon my outstretched fingers. The door had a rustic tone to it, with carvings in the dark wood and the black metal cut into Gothic patterns. I ran my hands along it slowly, reaching for the handle. It had been a long time since I had been to this place.
Opening the door, I collapsed inside, using the last of my strength to kick it shut. Plush rugs touched my face as an unearthly warmth cascaded over my body. I let the ice melt and my body thaw for many minutes as I lay there; limp. I felt pain as the blood rushed back to my limbs, throbbing horribly, and then I shuddered, realizing where I was.  
Had it been years or lifetimes since I had last set a foot in here? I couldn\'t remember. My mind flooded with the images of the horror that had taken place so long ago.
A creak bounded through the hall, penetrating the thick silence like a knife, and I knew I wasn\'t alone.
?Brother,? I croaked; I was so thirsty. I tilted my head and looked into the shadows, ?Show yourself.?
A figure stepped into the dim light; shadows playing over his face, making his wide grin seem terrifying. I remembered that grin, from long ago. Hard tremors ran through my body, and I forced myself once again to my knees, my wet hair hanging in my face, but not having the strength to remove it.
?Give,? I stopped. Swallowed. My voice was just a hoarse whisper now. ?Give it to me.? His disturbing laugh rang through the halls, reverberating through my skull. I saw something glint from his forehead. ?What...What have you done??
Those were the last words I uttered as he lifted his hand; the other still behind is back, and pointed. The echoes of my scream lasted for days, but out here, there was no one to hear me.

    I opened my eyes to a lantern shining in my eyes. Blinking, I adjusted well enough to be able to open them fully and examine the setting. Large stone buildings stood on every side of me, and I sat up, trying to recognize where I was.
Gasping in surprise, I glanced down at my hands, seeing blood red skin. But! How can this be? My skin is white...immediately my hands flew to my head, and I pulled the long white locks in front of my face, My blond hair is gone! And what\'s...I felt something hard and pointy sticking out of my two! Horns? It couldn\'t be.
\"Brother!\" I screamed into the foggy streets, \"What have you done to me? Where am I!\" I sobbed as a deep laughter reverberated through the air; my brother.
A shadowy figure appeared in front of me and I jumped up, my entire body tensing. There my brother stood, not five feet away, but he was separated from this world somehow, and I knew that I wouldn\'t be able to touch him.
\"Your name is Bikaye Kolebied now, you would do well to remember that.\"
And then he was gone in a whirl of color. I leaped, making what I knew was a futile attempt to grab him. \"No! You cannot do this to me!\" But I was utterly alone in this new world.
I glanced around once more at the gray buildings, and then started forward, a determined beat to my steps. I would learn about this world, make something of myself, and then I would find a way out, and finished what I had started when I first thought to seek out my brother.
I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet it\'s hard to pronounce.


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Houlen Aru

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« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 04:54:29 pm »
This is kind of similar to mine, with the whole memory loss thing. But, good story. :)


  • Traveller
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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 05:19:01 pm »
That\'s neat, but techniquely she didn\'t lose her memory, only got transported to another world in someone elses body, she still remembers who she used to be ^_^

Thx for your comment!
I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet it\'s hard to pronounce.


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