Author Topic: Journey into the mouth....part one  (Read 1798 times)


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Journey into the mouth....part one
« on: March 10, 2006, 05:11:05 pm »
Journey into the Mouth

By anfa

   We had done all that we could for my Guild sister, Xillix who was getting worse. The spell that had her was beyond the skills of any in this world and time was running out. When the map was found carved on the back of her head I knew I would be going on this journey. I had already lost to many loved ones, nothing would stop me from saving Xillix. I was concerned when Einnol announced he was coming too for I knew his fiance Alleri and dreaded seeing in her eyes the pain I knew in my heart. There was no changing his mind though, he was as determined as I to find the source of Xillix\'s illness.  With the love and best wishes of our friends and family, we prepared the best we could for a journey into the unknown. At the appointed time we climbed down into the mouth of the stone face searching for the promised answers to save our friend.
    We were quick to start down the rope into the well but slowed our descent as the smell assaulted our senses. Taking a deep breath I looked down to see how Einnol was doing below me and saw the first of the bodies hung up on the outcropping of the well walls. At first I wasn\'t sure what I was seeing as the light faded and we sunk into deeper shadow, but I have seen too much death in my lifetime for my conscious mind to deny what my subconscious already knew. I welcomed the darkness that rose up to engulf us, taking away the distraction of the bodies around us.
    The descent seemed to stretch for eternity. Within the darkness we found ledges through touch on which to rest before continuing down into this abyss. I was beginning to fear we would never find the bottom of this well forcing my mind away from what I knew would be there waiting for us.
  I remember sitting on a ledge staring into the darkness with a whispered prayer for all these dead rising from my heart...
 The darkness began to take on a feeling of more. It was no longer just an absence of light but seemed to have a presence, as if it were watching us; hating us for our intrusion into it\'s world. I kept feeling for my silverweaves, reassured with the feel of them in my hands. This darkness awaited us and I would hate to disappoint it, we would not be turned back and with renewed determination continued down til we reached the bottom.
 It was so strange when we finally reached our destination. As our boots sunk down into the rotting bodies of so many of Hydlaa\'s dead I grew alarmed at the realization that I no longer smelt death. I started at the feel of a hand grabbing mine, biting back a scream as my mind registered the warmth of the grip. I allowed Einnol to pull me off the bones of the dead as we scrambled together for solid ground. We stopped only when we hit a solid wall. Feeling the solid floor beneath me I swept my boots around me clearing away a space to sit and steady myself. I softly whispered \"Einnol?\" but realized no sound could be heard. A sense of helplessness began to rise up within me at the loss of sight, smell and sound until I felt Einnol\'s hand in mine, give a reassuring squeeze. I took a deep breath steading myself and a moment to rest before I felt Einnol tug on my hand to start moving again. We crept slowly along the wall, until we came to an opening. A narrow crevice with a low ceiling, I had to crouch to enter, Einnol needing to turn sideways to fit. Trusting in luck we entered the crevice and followed where it led.
    As we moved farther into the crevice the air around us began to get colder. We were both shivering by the time we felt ourselves passing out of the tunnel and into another room. As I followed Einnol out of the tunnel, my hand was still on the edge of the opening when it suddenly disappeared. Fury began to fill me as I tugged on Einnol\'s hand, searching for the tunnel opening with the other hand knowing in my heart that we were truly trapped. There was no going back the way we came. Frustrated I put my back to the wall, closing my eyes in a silent prayer. Einnol pulled me into a hug in a silent reassurance then suddenly tensed. My eyes snapped open but a sudden bright light blinded me causing me to avert my eyes blinking furiously to clear the tears. Squinting to allow my eyes to adjust I saw before me a strange glowing face within the ball of light floating before us. I looked over to Einnol and heard him swear under his breath.Startled to hear his voice I turned to look at him when the face within the light began to speak.
  I clapped my hands over my ears at the volume of the voice after silence for so long. It took a moment for my mind to register what was being said.
     \"I am Vodul\'s will... Why do you come here at the appointed hour?\"
 Einnol, more quick to recover, responded in a clear voice, \"we wish Xillix returned form her coma\"
    There was silence for a moment,  \"Is that all?\" Vodul\'s will demanded.
 Einnol bowed respectively and replied \"nothing more\".
 Vodul\'s Will filled the room with it\'s voice, \" A powerful spell holds her in her state no less powerful than the vigesimi,    are you sure you wish to release her?\"
   Einnol paused and glanced at me in concern then responded to Vodul\'s Will, \"she is our friend we will not fear her\"
    Vodul\'s Will in a cold voice mocked us, \"The spell that binds her was ordered by vagesimi, do you still wish her release?\"
 I grew frustrated with this discussion and answered in a cold hard voice of my own.\"yes, release my Sister!\"
  The face turned to me and smirked, \"I cannot\"
 I don\'t know who was making more noise? My swearing or Einnol\'s  protests to Vodul\'s Will.
 We made alot of noise till Vodul\'s Will boomed out \"But you can, I have marked the spot on her map where you will find the key to her identity.\"
   This silenced both of us, with a shock I looked back towards the lost tunnel wondering how we would return. My head snapped back as the light flared and Vodul\'s Will began to laugh. With one last flare, the light disappeared and once more we were lost in darkness.
 I collapsed onto the ground leaning my back against the wall snarling in frustration when I felt Einnol drop down beside me. Silently he took my hand in his with a reassuring squeeze. I felt myself begin to laugh, helpless to stop it knowing that we were not going to give up. My laughter must have been contagious because I heard Einnol beginning to laugh as well and so we went til tears poured down our cheeks and we could barely breath...
 I don\'t remember when sleep overtook me, I just know that it was a soft ruby light playing on my eyelids that woke me. As I opened my eyes I saw before me a floating ruby crystal, it\'s red glow chasing back the darkness and showing us the room around us. As I gently nudged Einnol to wake him, the crystal began to slowly move away from us towards the back of the room. I scrambled to my feet wondering at this gift and remembering the ritual done to the dark crystal before I left on this journey. I shook my head in wonder as we picked our way across the cave following the light wondering how this could be. A rush of adrenline surged through me and I felt hope grow inside of me. We were not finished yet...
   The overwhelming need to laugh began to rise in me again but I managed to contain it to a stupid grin as I glanced over at Einnol. We would prevail and Xillix would be saved. At that moment that is all I knew for sure as we came to the far wall and saw the small opening with stairs leading down. The crystal floated off down the stairs with us chasing it and the darkness chasing us.
   The crystal lead us through a maze of twists and turns, always with the darkness around us and things hiding in it\'s shadows. when we stopped to rest the Crystal would wait for us but always did we start again when the crystal began to move. It was a full day that the comforting light bestowed it\'s grace until it came to a stop and faded away. Once more the darkness overwhelmed us as we closed our eyes exhausted and wondering what awakening would bring.
 Again it was a soft glow that brought me to conciousness and another day of travelling. One crystal per day when ten crystals were offered makes for a long journey. I sighed to myself wondering if Einnol had yet figured out how long the journey ahead of us was? I send a silent prayer of thanks to Alleri for loading me up with food before we left. As I offered some breakfast to Einnol I vowed to myself that I would return him to Alleri.  We finished our meal quickly and started off on another day\'s journey.
  We quickly learned not to wander off the path the crystal wanted us to take. Whenever we moved off to explore the rooms we entered the crystal would begin to pulse a warning and move away down the prescribed path. It was either follow or be left behind in the dark. We also learned to prepare for battle if the crystal stopped and increased it\'s light. As the shadows retreated from the ruby glow the creatures would be left exposed to our blades. Most that attacked us were no match for Einnol and I. We quickly dispatched the rats and gobbles that would attack in their packs looking for an easy meal. Their was one moment when we were almost caught with our blades down when we forgot to look up. Never had I seen such a huge spider and the shock almost killed me. Einnol, moving with a speed that amazed me, swung his axes to sweep out the legs of the creature quickly leaving it helpless and vulnerable to his killing blow. I shuddered at the jerking body of the creature but managed a quick smile of thanks to Einnol who grinned back while wiping his blades clean. I never forgot to look up as well as around after that when entering a new cavern. We came across many a twisted version of creatures we already new. Consumers so large it took both of us working in tandem to avoid the tentacles and finish the kill.  We discoverd we make an excellent killing team, dancing a deadly dance of twist and turns and thrusts that left all creatures laying dead at our feet. The only true threat to either of us was the darkness that followed us through the maze.
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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Journey into the mouth...part two
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 05:12:39 pm »
We would hear the whispers and laughter of the shadows during the crystal day feeding off the death we offered to all the creatures that crossed our path. It was not til the crystal faded and our nights began that the darkness would reach out to embrace us. We began sleeping lightly, curled up back to back bracing ourselfs for the onslaught of whispered promises of power. I would remember the faces of my guildfamily and the days of laughter and joy found in the wyldewood as a barrier to the dark as I fell asleep, comforted by the feel of Einnol behind me guarding my back. It was not til the forth crystal night that, exhausted from our journey, my guard failed me. The darkness must have managed to slip inside of me and trigger the memories of my past before the Scions. Once more I lived the destruction of my family and lover, feeling the anger rising within that set me on the path of vengence and destruction. The darkness seemed to curl around my heart inside me, feeding off the emotions of the memories it awoke within me. I began to struggle to fight the memories that ran through my mind crying out in despair as once again I saw the death that I wielded so joyfully. It was Einnol, crying out my name that rose me out of this horrid nightmare, giving me the strength to push the darkness away. He held me as I cried once more for all that I had lost and all that I had done, the wounds reopened in my heart. I fell back into a fretful sleep safe in his arms knowing he would watch over me. In the light of the crystal dawn I awoke once more with a concerned Einnol searching my eyes for any sign of danger. I gave him my best grin to reassure him that I was okay not wanting him to know the truth. How could I tell him that I was tainted once more? That the darkness within me has been reawoken by the darkness of the caverns. No more did the shadows whisper threats to me...but promises that I refused to acknowledge. I would not give in to the shadows already within me. I would not let the darkness win. But at night as I lay there in the dark, I would feel the power of the darkness as it caressed my mind and my heart, a tear running down my cheek for the pure light that again has been lost to me.
   It was the ninth crystal day that the crystal began to change. Instead of a soft steady glow the crystal began to pulse in a most alarming way. A feeling of urgency began to fill me and I stepped up our pace drawing from deep within me the energy to keep going. I know not how I had anything left but exhaustion but with grim determination we both continued.
 By the end of the tenth crystal we came to a large room that had a softly glowing light of its own. I blinked in amazement, examining the moss that I had only heard about from Sreamah\'s tales of the Labrynth. As the tenth crystal faded away behind us we turned to the huge cavern sensing we would have to work our way down to the floor beneath us. It was a long tedious climb down that left me wanting to cry out in pain as my muscles screamed in agony at this last abuse. It was Einnol\'s heavy breathing beside me and Alleri\'s name spoken softly as a prayer that got me to the bottom only to find a portal door with nowhere else to go. We rested for a bit pondering the problem of how to activate the door when I saw a surge of energy run the frame of the portal. At first it was a small surge but it seemed to grow causing the frame to light up and the center to form. I looked to Einnol wondering what prayers were saving us than shrugged at the miracle of it all and smiled. I roared the battle cry of the Scions, \"To Certain Death\" and ran toward the portal hoping that it would take me back to my Guild sister....
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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(No subject)
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2006, 07:01:09 am »
Well I knew Anfa has a way with words , but if I had any doubts left about it this  , after reading this I have none

A story full of emotion , written in a professional way , great work Anfa!


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(No subject)
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2006, 11:04:38 am »
he just realized I forgot to comment.

\"A work well-done\"

\"A master Piece\"

\"Truly inspiring\"

Okay okay, it really was a great story...think I have to get glasses from having to stare at the computer screen for so long due to the length hehe.  Nice job, I commend you.
There are two types of people in this world: The Pinky and the Brain.
Which one are you?


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(No subject)
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2006, 08:46:24 am »
Well done Anfa, your story was as excelent as the build up, when are we going to get more?

The ends to any means is the beginings to any end


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hmmm jorelle
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2006, 02:26:49 pm »
What do you think Jorelle,

shall I drag you off into some mayham so we have a tale to tell?
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2006, 09:35:05 am »
What a great story and very well written:) Truly inspiring. I could not stop reading it.


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(No subject)
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2006, 10:39:46 am »
how can I be original in this flow of congratulations ?
Truly great, I can\'t wait to read your next one !

In the Darkness I rest
In the Shadow I act
In the Light I kill
In the Blood I bathe

Baston Xantror
Dark Crusader in Infidel Slayers


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there is No Escaping the actions of our past...
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2006, 07:34:10 am »
I had returned to the place it started...

The Dark Crystal glowed gently before me, deep in the bowels of the death realm. Seldom do I visit this realm anymore but I was here to think and remember. Ten ruby crystals offered up to the Dark Crystal and the God Vodul for the safety of three lives, but at what cost. If the rumors were true, and the portal was still open leaking darkness into the hills how many lives would be lost because of it? I sat there, numb at the thought of what we may have unleashed, wondering if we really could stop it?

Prayer, love and self sacrifice opened the portal, now being used by the darkness for it's own agenda, anchored by the blood of the male who gave his own life for ours. I felt the same burning sensation in my eyes and blinked away the tears not willing to show weakness here. I took a deep breath to steady myself as I contemplated our options hoping for inspiration to come to me. The arrival of Asalya and Araye distracted me from my dark thoughts. They had heard of my mission in the death realm and had searched me out to add their concern and support. Ready were the Dark Shadows to add their might to our fight.

We stepped out of the room to get away from the Dark Crystal and discuss the possible options when a commotion disrupted our conversation. I turned to see what was going on and was stunned at the sight of two souls stumbling towards the living realm wailing about a great evil at the ruins...

Gods no, I prayed, let it not have spread so far so soon...
I intercepted the souls needing to hear their tale. As they babbled about a madness and a killing spree I knew what had befallen them. But at the ruins? already?

We were able to calm them down enough to discover they had been taking a guided tour of the wilderness and that their tour guide had taken them to the stone face! That the guide had begun acting strange while there and than had preceeded to take them to the ruins. It was at the ruins that the madness struck. Getting the ulbers all worked up than drawing his weapons, their guide had turned on them. They had not been able to escape his murderous rage and had found themselves here in the death realm. They did not know what had happened to the tour guide but I had my fears. Knowing that this news must be brought immediatly to Monk I set off for the Living realm asking Asalya to search for this tour guide "Shiho" and to bring him to the temple. Praying softly that no more would be harmed before we could stop this madness.

Asalya found Shiho and escorted him to the temple without any problems as Shiho seemed oblivious to the mayhem around him. At the temple Shiho stood defiant and righteous before Xillix, denying the accusations until Monk arrived to confront him. Unable or unwilling to admit what he had done a madness took him and he ran. Captured by Janner near Harnquist a struggle took place when suddenly a dark cloud errupted and Shiho just disappeared!!

Shocked and horrified to discover the darkness had gathered such strength I knew in my heart I could not delay longer that which must be done. I listened to the discussion going on around me answering the questions put to me, while in my head I began to plan my return to the Mouth. With Esseda and Djeroon beside me I would return and find that portal so it could be closed once and for all...
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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Help from unexpected sources..
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 03:28:56 pm »
I had been in the death realm with Baston and Narita before the dark Crystal when Zorbels cry for help filled my mind. Unable to ignore the call of a friend I immediately ran for the living realm praying that Zorbels would not be overwhelmed. I reached the temple and saw the shadows still in their attack upon Zorbels Proglin and Satayne. Offering up what help I could I used the "Song of the Wyldewood", a song of harmony and joy, to add to the fight against the shadows. As the Song filled my mind and heart I cried out, for within the Song a connection was made and the  Legendary Children called me home. Caught in the compulsion I had to leave Hydlaa immediately to journey to the Wyldewood. As I ran the hills and valleys towards my home, I prayed that Zorbels would be able to survive the poison until I could return.

As I approached the Wyldewood, a feeling of great hope and peace envolped me and calmed my fears and guilt away. I approached the council of the elders of the Scions in anticipation. They would not have used the compulsion spell unless it was of the utmost importance and I was not disappointed.

As I stood before the council in the grove clearing I felt the darkness within me retreat and hide. "Yes..." I smiled and whispered to the darkness, "there is nothing here for you." Feeling cleansed by the energies around me and truly at peace I focused my attention on the Elders who had summoned me.

I stepped forward and fell to one knee my head bowed to the wisdom of the Elders..
"Greetings Bright may this warrior serve you?"

"Anfa, our watcher and beloved child of our heart...we welcome your return home to us..."

I grinned mischievously and giggled .."Not like you lot gave me much of a choice...nice compulsion spell by the way"

I heard the soft laughter ripple through the grove and stood up to tackle the reason I was summoned awaiting silently for my answers.

I felt the laughter die off as the time had come to discuss their reasons for calling me.

"Anfa, word has reached us that an imbalance has been felt from the area of Hydlaa..we have send scouts to discover the cause and we are much disturbed by the reports that have returned. Explain to us the cause..."

I stood for a moment to gather my thoughts and than began to tell The Children of all that has befallen Hydlaa and the area. As I reported all that I knew about the shadows and the darkness and their agenda I prayed that the Scions might be able to help for we were quickly running out of time. I finished my report and stood there quietly waiting as the silence settled.

"Grave is the situation, child. We must discuss this matter amongst ourselves. Rest Anfa, and we will summon you back to the council when we have word for you."

I took the time to visit the sacred well, a place of healing and peace to strengthen my resolve before returning to the battle. A much needed respite from the constant whisperings of the darkness whose voice had no power to touch me here. When the summons came to return to the council I was ready for whatever may come.

"Lady Anfa, We the Elders of the Wyldewood charge you with the mission to return to Hydlaa with these ten emerald crystals. They have been charged with "life energy" and will help with the fight against this darkness that would upset the balance of our realm. Used wisely these crystals will be able to disrupt the energy of the portal. That is all we can offer."

I bowed to the council and scooped up the crystals and with a happier heart filled with hope headed back to Hydlaa. If the crystals can help in our battle with the shadows, than perhaps they can help in Zorbels battle to survive the poison until the cure can be found. I was determined my first act upon my return would be to find her and place beside her one of the Crystals of the Scions. She must be healed and ready for the final battle to come...
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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It was time...
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2006, 03:30:18 pm »
Grouped with Navarr, Asalya, Janner, Peacer and a small force of supporters I headed back to the Mouth to pinpoint the portal. Carrying with me the emerald crystals that were given to me by my Elders we headed to the Stone face. As we came over the last hill we found the valley already occupied by followers of Vodul. As the darkness swirled around me I gripped one of the crystals in my hand to help me focus on my purpose here. I did not want any more blood shed here feeding the hunger of the darkness and smiled relieved to see the Slayers were the ones guarding the portal with Xidus. They were under the empression that we were there to damage the portal and I let them believe that knowing it would allow me more freedom to do what I came to do.
My heart hurt to see the slayers but my mind began to formulate a plan. Lady am I to their guild Leader Baston, and so slow are they to kill me. I was able to talk my way closer to the portal. As I stood there beside Xidus with the shadows whispering promises in my mind of power and love showing me standing beside my Lord as his true Dark Lady, I began to feel my will begin to bend toward the embrace of the darkness. Focusing on My apprentice Navarr and the song of the Wyldewood  I casually dropped the emerald crystal at the base of the Portal and almost cried in joy as I felt the shiver run through the portal as the emerald's power touched it. Stepping back away from the Portal I was willing to leave this place knowing now I had to report my findings. As I stepped away I finally noticed that the crowd had grown while I was distracted and a confrontation was building. Not now...we aren't ready yet for the final assault. As I turned away to leave I heard Xidus say "you aren't going anywhere". I turned back in time to see a dagger knocked from the air that had been meant for me. Surrounded by the followers of Vodul I knew I could not take the chance of being captured. I had on me all the emerald crystals from the Scions and they could not be allowed to fall into the hands of Vodul. There was only one sure way to remove myself and get to the temple to report...I smiled.....and died...
As I ran through the death realm on my way back to the living realm I prayed that my presence now removed would allow the others to back away from a fight today. not today...but soon..we have the way..

[in actual fact the world crashed and the second half of the conversation took place at the spawn point of OJa road but I allowed in this story that we were not all moved]
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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time is not on our side...
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2006, 03:31:31 pm »
I stood there looking across the valley feeling the caress of the darkness around me. I felt again the doubt creeping into my mind, would he be so bad to turn to Vodul? How would one God be any different than another? I snarled to myself remembering the innocent victim sacrificed to Vodul by his followers so that his still-beating heart could strengthen the portal and the doubt disappeared from my mind. If that is the future of this realm than there would be no place for me and mine. I growled softly knowing, right or wrong, if I was responsible for the portal being open, than I am responsible for each death after, to strengthen it. The cycle must end and once more I must go to the realm where it all began to finish what I have begun. Gripping one of the emerald crystals I felt the plan forming in my mind. Turning from the Valley I headed back to Hydlaa seeing in my mind's eye the faces of those who I must find....
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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Re: Journey into the mouth....part one
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2006, 03:45:41 pm »
:thumbup: Well I was finally able to have the time to read this brillant story. Good job Anfa, it was a nice read. I enjoyed. Look forward to more that you may have to write about.
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!


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Re: Journey into the mouth....part one
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2006, 01:09:24 pm »
Anfa sits back staring into the flames contemplating the tasks before her...

Safe in the tavern in Hydlaa she swallows the cry of rage trying to escape. Two steps forward, three steps back, would they ever make it to the end? And what end would that be she wondered to herself. Anfa caresses her cheek remembering the feel of Monk's hand when he slapped her. Anfa smiles grimly to herself remembering Monk's reaction to her calling herself "expendable". Although Xillix and Baston agree with his opinion, Baston was not happy about how he expressed it..Baston...she feels his love fill her heart and a calm envelop her. Anfa didn't remember how she came to be at the face alone..she remembers the cold fury and power surging through her and knowing that this time she would not be walking away..and suddenly he was there calling her name. Looking into Baston's eyes, she was helpless and at his mercy. That Baston led her from the face and held her until the power of the darkness faded within her, amazed her. She would have surrendered to the darkness that night...

Anfa shudders and closes her eyes thinking of the darkness and Aoibhihn. "Oh my sister, why did you have to do it?"
No longer was there a choice for Anfa. That she would be returning to the underdark to confront the darkness and close the portal was now a given. That she would not be returning without her little sister was another given. "I lost you once Aoibhihn, I will not lose you again..."
Anfa opened her eyes just a crack to glare at the shadows around her as they chittered their laughter and whispered what they would do with Aoibhihn when they captured her. "Leave me alone...that you threaten for WHEN you do have her, only confirms that you DON'T have her yet and only strengthens my resolve to fight you!"
Anfa smiles satisfied at the angry hiss she receives in response and goes back to thinking of the fight ahead. That Janner and Esseda were willing to go reassured her and she hoped Zorbels was up for the fight. Both she and Zorbels had a bone to pick with the darkness that was playing with them. She would let Monk worry about the mages they needed, her concern was for the fighters. For she had no doubt there would be a fight ahead of them.

Anfa reaches into her pack without thought and caresses the remaining Emeralds. Ten she was given. One used to test the portal and all the remaining nine were needed to close it. Anfa jumps as she cuts herself on the shard of the ninth crystal and frowns at the thought of what will happen if they do not find Aoibhihn and the rest of the emerald crystal Aoibhihn had stolen. Sucking the blood from her cut finger she sends a silent prayer to whatever Gods might be listening and willing to help. "Please let us find Aoibhihn and close this portal for good. I would see the end of this nightmare once and for all."

Anfa sighs into the silence around her and stands up to go find Zorbels...
« Last Edit: May 06, 2006, 09:24:53 am by Anfa »
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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Re: Journey into the mouth....part one
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2006, 07:20:25 am »
It was almost time...
Anfa sat quietly within the glade in a state of semi-meditation with the emerald crystals before her. In the distance she heard the trumpeting of the consummers as they shuffled around their valley. She felt the eyes of the rogue hiding in the wood behind her upon her back. Curiousity and greed had drawn the rogue to her, but she knew he was not foolish enough to actually attack. Soon would the final assault begin and what was opened, would be closed. Anfa was coming full circle and she was eager to finish what she had started.

Taking a deep breath Anfa placed her hand over the crystals drawing their life energy into herself. Letting the energy flow through her and back to the crystals allowing the life energy to grow. As that energy surged through her body she used it to build a wall inside of herself to keep the taint contained within her mind. That little piece of darkness fought at first, she knew that it would, but she continued to reinforce the wall until the darkness was trapped within her mind. As she began to bring the exercise to an end her hand brushed across the crystal shrad and she felt herself propelled into the underdark, a connection forming with the source of the shrad in her sisters keeping. Aoibhihn...

Anfa could feel her sister's fear and desperation. So long trapped in the underdark, but Anfa could also feel Aoibhihn's determination and courage too. Aoibhihn had not yet been taken by the darkness. Anfa send some of the life energy filling her through the connection to reinforce the crystal Aoibhihn had and strengthen the protection that crystal offered to her sister.

"We are ready my sister, soon we will be there to help you, please don't give up!!"

Anfa growled softly as her sister's mind connected with hers for one brief moment. "I am coming Aoibhihn and not even the darkness will stop we from finding strong Love..I am coming..."

As the connection was lost, Anfa let out a cry of anguish. Her sister's voice still in her mind calling to her.

Several breaths were needed to bring Anfa back in control of her emotions. Focus was needed to survive this coming journey. Anfa could not let the darkness use her own feelings against her. She focused on the friends who would be with her. Zorbels and Esseda...fierce and beautiful Fenkis. Janner who was solid and true. Monk who's heart was pure and Peacer whose magics were strong. Anfa felt a wicked smile begin to form as the battle lust began to grow within her.

Oh yes..I am coming, and I am not coming alone. United would we meet the darkness, and united we will reach the portal. Of this I refused to doubt. We would find Aoibhihn and we would close that damned portal.

Anfa let out a long breath and felt the energy flare within her. Focused and ready for the battle ahead she carefully began to place the crystals back into her pack. She left the crystal shrad til last. Holding the shrad to her heart for a moment sending her love to her sister, she looked out upon the world around her. So peaceful the glade.

With a sigh, Anfa began gathering up her belongings. Throwing her pack onto her back she unsheathed her battle blades loving the feel of them in her hands.

Giving the glade one last glance, Anfa heads back to Hydlaa ready for the battle ahead...
« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 07:27:45 am by Anfa »
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}