Author Topic: Dream True..Dream Sorrow  (Read 864 times)


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Dream True..Dream Sorrow
« on: March 30, 2006, 06:51:31 pm »
I was crouched down with my hand upon the land feeling the life energy flowing beneath me. I closed my eyes savouring this moment so precious knowing that the peace would soon be shattered. As I stood I looked across the battlefield ready for the challenge before us. The suppressed excitement raged around me. I could feel it playing across my skin as we all stood proud and defiant. For the life of me I could not remember how this came to be.
   To my left my Guild Mistress in discussion with our ally and friend Proteous finalizing the battle plans. At my back, my apprentices, Corune and Djeroon, ready to follow me into battle. I stood silent and cold surrounded by my friends and allies but my eyes sought another. Across the field to those who would have us bow down to their Dark Queen, I sought the face of my Lover.
   Baston...guild leader of the Infidel Slayers and follower of Vodul.
   My heart yearned to be with my Lord but my soul would not let me betray the vow I had made.
   So I encased myself in ice, ignoring the darkness howling in my mind demanding my compliance.
   I would not yield to my love for Baston, to the Darkness and to their Queen.
   I felt the touch of Jorelle on my arm in concern. I tore my eyes from their search and smiled at her in reassurance, not wanting to let her love break my control.  Refusing to let myself be distracted from the mission at hand I turned to the guilds that had gathered to defy the might of the Dark Empire. Those who would fight with us stood this day united as one. I pulled out my battle blades testing their weight in my hands feeling the dagger Baston had given me strapped to my thigh. Once more I found my eyes seeking my Love wanting to know where he was, wondering what he was thinking.

 Oh Gods, how could this be?

   I felt the prayer rising from my heart for those who must die, that they die well. I could not pray for the safety of the Slayers I had come to care about, for it would be the deaths of my allies that would ensure their safety. I felt the tightness building within my chest and concentrated on shallow measured breaths to fight it. I would not fail my Scions.

Run run run and hide...make it not so, Oh Gods make it not so...

   I steadied myself clamping down on the emotions that were trying to rage up from my heart. And than I saw him. Across the field our eyes met and I felt myself go numb. As if a battle would never begin and we were all alone and standing before each other, our eyes met and my world centered around My Baston.
We could not hide from each other the love and sorrow we felt.

Farewell My Baston, for next we meet it will be my sword seeking your life, as your axe seeks mine

   The words rang through my mind. The last words I had spoken to him and from deep within me I felt the howl of rage rising up to explode from me.
I threw back my head to cry out his name...

   And I found myself safe in his arms, his hand stroking my back as he whispered words of comfort and love. The name I would have screamed in difiance of the Gods slipped from my lips in a whimper, \"Baston...\"
   I trembled trying to shake the last of the dream from my mind pressing my face into his shoulder. Wanting to be lost in his love, I rained kisses across his chest and felt his arms tighten around me as he held me close.

Oh Baston...My Lord, My Love....What is to become of us?
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2006, 06:53:34 pm »
The friendly Darkness...
How pleasant to rest, lost in the shadows.
Lying on my bed, at the moment before sleep claims me, I ponder.
A change occur, the Shadows of my room are no longer cold.
I can feel her warm body along mine, I can hear her breathing.
She moves.
I glance at her... My Lady, so beautiful... But not so pure... I know it, I can feel my old friend in her. A friend, you can\'t get rid of. Once your heart has tasted the Darkness you can never return.
I wonder.. Why not convert her ? She is strong and mighty, she can kill without hesitation... She would make a powerful ally.
She turns.
I can manipulate her... It would be easy since she is infected by Love, as I am, unfortunatly. Unfortunatly ? Really ? Search.. find in your heart, is it so unfortunate ? Hmmm
She moves again. She is having a dream or a nightmare. What is the difference ? I don\'t know. How much ignorant I am.
I remember. When I saw her the first time on the road, once upon a time. I was playing a role but she saw through this act. Obviously... she recongnized the Shadows in me, she can feel it.
My Lady, My Love.. My Anfa... My poor Anfa, what troubles will you go through because of me ?
We are so close and so different at the same time. I embrace my nature, she fight hers.
She is really agitated... I Take her in my arms, kiss her
I whisper \"Anfa, it\'s ok, you are with me\"
I kiss her again.
I gaze at her, she is regaining consciousness whispering my name.
\"It\'s finnished My Love, calm down... I... I Love You\"
A bad dream ? She may be disturbed, like I am.
This is such a complicated problem! Anfa, her allies (our enemies), our allies (her enemies), the Slayers, me...
Complicated ? Hu, no it\'s not. The solution is really simple... Without allies she will be all mine and our situation will no longer be complicated... Kill them all ! Slay them down, I have kill many before. I can kill them all, use the Slayers, bring them ruin and destruction. It is simple and efficient.
She will not like that... I believe...
Finally, I love her, I believe she love me, and our union is forbidden... Anfa what will we do my Love ?
Doubt... I know only one thing if someone wants to take her from me...

In the Darkness I rest
In the Shadow I act
In the Light I kill
In the Blood I bathe

Baston Xantror
Dark Crusader in Infidel Slayers


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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 08:56:06 pm »
So intense!
So right and so wrong!

/me wants more!!!


Thyme Zataar - masseuse for hire


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« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2006, 09:55:51 pm »
interesting.  Actually it is well written and enjoyable.  Feels like I have read something like this someone in a similar position, but can\'t remember, not that it matters.  Very nice job.
There are two types of people in this world: The Pinky and the Brain.
Which one are you?


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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2006, 04:54:21 pm »
The doors of the Warriors guild hall open with reasuring growl from the aincient hinges, standing in the doorway is Proteous, he pauses just for a second before he enters the hall with intent.
\"Jorelle\" he shouts, as he poors himself a drink from the old wood table that stands to greet all that enter the hall.
\"Jorelle! Where are you?\" Jorelle appears at the balcony that overlooks the great hall from above. \"ah, there you are. Come down, we need to talk.

Proteous takes a seat in from of the fire that was burning bright at the far end of the hall, and gestures for Jorelle to join him when she enteres the hall.

\"Jorelle we have what could potentialy be a delacate situation.\" Proteuse continues with a look of concern on his face as he poors himself another drink. \" i have heard whispers that our friend and ally Anfa has fallen in love with, well, how can I put this? Arather unsavoury character!\" Jorelle looks up at Proteous and raises an eye brow. \"Oh?\"
\"Yes, Baston leader of the Infidel slayer!\" Proteous\'s face turns to disgust. \"How could she let herself do this? I know she likes to live on the edge, but this is rediculous. Something Must be done! We can not let her fall by the hands of a follower of the Dark Queen.\"
\"so, what do you sugest Pro?\"
Well i see no other option, we must step up the fight, and take further action to prevent the darkness spreading.. We kill them. Starting with the Infidel Slayers!\"


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« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2006, 09:48:19 pm »
[ So we actually have to have a big event now hehe sounds like fun]
There are two types of people in this world: The Pinky and the Brain.
Which one are you?


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« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2006, 03:47:30 am »
hmmm, sounds complicated, how does this end?

The ends to any means is the beginings to any end