Author Topic: Be famous, write a book  (Read 1682 times)


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« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2003, 08:33:24 am »
You can use The Fall of Armen (look in RP forum)


After the Beanstalk

     You all know, I am sure, the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  Boy trades cow for beans, mother throws beans out a window, beans grow, boy runs up and down beanstalk carrying off a big scary ogre?s gold, goose, and harp, ogre chases boy down vine, boy chops down vine, ogre dies.  And they all live happily ever after, right? (Except for the ogre, that is)  Well, they do when the book usually ends.  But afterwards?that is a different story.
*     *       *
     Jack yawned and took a sip of water from the pitcher on the table in front of him.  He began speaking again, saying, ?Lay lay lay lay lay lay?? It was bad enough that his mother wanted ever greater amounts of money from that cursed goose that laid golden eggs, but now the large amount of gold in the market decreased its price considerably.  (Of course, a goose laying many times its body weight in gold completely violated the law of conservation of matter, but since nobody knew about that law, nobody cared.)  Now he had to stay awake late into the night saying that accursed word ?lay? over and over in order to produce enough money to satisfy her.  Exhausted, he fell asleep.
     Slesai lurked among the bushes around the house.  A skilled thief, he had observed Jack?s activities for days.  Now he noted Jack falling asleep and crept towards the door.  He pulled out his LockPicker 500 (patent pending) and skillfully picked the lock of the front door.  As he sneaked through the house, through the long corridors lined with doors, he found the room in which the goose lay, half-dead from laying so many eggs.  He stepped up to the table, ready to grab the goose, but a searing pain shot up his big toe.  Barely suppressing a grunt, he looked down to see a mousetrap sprung on his foot.  Slesai blindly rushed out of the house, for he knew that Jack might wake up at any minute from the noise.  He darted out of the door, not noticing the writing on the doormat, which read ?Welcome.  Please avoid the mousetraps.?
     Jack woke and noticed that one of the many mousetraps scattered about the room was missing.  He was pleased that his traps had worked, but became uneasy as he realized that there were some people who now wanted to steal his source of wealth.  ?Those fools are trying to steal what I rightfully stole,? he mumbled and began to repeat ?lay? again.
     A few uneventful days passed; that is, Jack repeated ?lay? without interruption or attempts of theft.  Daily, his mother went to town, exhibiting the magical harp for crowds, who paid ten copper coins each (some grumbled about exorbitant pricing) for admission.  Every night the harp was placed inside a safe, which was stored within a vault, which was guarded by ten hired soldiers and two bloodhounds.  Ironically, despite going to such lengths to protect the harp, Jack?s mother considered Jack enough guard for the goose.
     The next would-be thief was a wizard.  In Jack?s realm, the few wizards that were left were nothing like the mysterious and well-off wizards that one would expect.  Due to rampant skepticism, they were so poor that many were dressed in rags and were mere entertainers.  They were so destitute that they were obliged to shave their beards, since many a heckler had accused them of hiding the secret to their tricks inside their beards.  
     This wizard, Elbmub, was no exception.  In rags he crept down to the vault, cast a magical sleep upon the unsuspecting guards and dogs, and quietly opened the vault and safe (magically of course).  When he was about to retrieve the harp, however, he was shocked to hear it scream ?Master, master!?  He quickly dropped the harp, exited the building (magically), and wondered at the harp?s ability to talk as well as play.  Apparently, he was too poor to afford the ten copper coins admission; otherwise he would have heard the harp talk at its performances.  Two rooms away, Jack sprang awake, but was characteristically too late to do anything.
     Sadly, the stress of the attempted theft proved too much for Elbmub.  As soon as he found his way back to the town, he collapsed in the street, only regaining consciousness the next afternoon.  The local newspaper, the Generic Herald, which was short on news that day, printed the following note:

?Elbmub Eeb, well known as an entertainer, was found collapsed in Main Street today.  He is expected to make a full recovery.  However, he told the Herald while his doctor was performing surgery, that had he died, he would have liked his last words to be ?argh?.  His collapse was apparently due to ?Something about his heart?, according to his doctor.  We all hope for his continued recovery, for he was the epitome of a good citizen: successful, honest, and with a good heart.  Metaphorically speaking, of course.?

     The mystery of the vault-breaking remained unexplained for a long time.  A guard mumbled something about a wizard, but everyone laughed them down.  ?Those charlatans couldn?t open a lock with a key!? Jack?s mother exclaimed.
     Again, several days passed without incident, but the next incident was large indeed.  News came of an invasion force from the neighboring kingdom of Aralynn, who came to take the goose and harp by force.  Jack, ever the obedient son, prepared at once for battle, strapping a frying pan to his hand and wielding a spatula.  His mother bravely hid inside their house and said, ?Come back with your frying pan or in it!?
     Jack tramped over fields and roads, wishing that he had waited for the Aralynian army at home rather than going to them.  He shook a stone out of his shoe, and strode on.
     Meanwhile, in the Aralynian camp, a scout brought to his general, Lord Tnagorra, word of a lone soldier marching upon their camp.  Tnagorra immediately gave the order for the army to slowly and quietly advance.
     As the huge army crawled forward, a herald strode ahead of it.  Drawing a deep breath, he shouted loudly enough for the hills to ring, ?ALL HAIL LORD TNAGORRA THE OMNIPOTENT!?
     ?Quiet, fool!  We?re supposed to be sneaking up on him.  He?s not supposed to hear us!?  Tangorra hissed to the herald.
     ?I?m sorry, lord, but this has to be done the proper way.  ALL HAIL LORD TNAGORRA THE OMNIPOTENT!?
     Tnagorra sighed, resigned to the necessity of an attack of force rather than of surprise.  The herald tried again, but his voice was nearly useless.  ?ALL hail?agh?LORD??.
     ?Why don?t you just blow a fanfare??
     ?An excel?agh?ent id?ea?.?  The herald drew a horn and blew a loud and lengthy fanfare.
     By now Jack could plainly see the army.  ?Who are you and what is your aim?? he yelled, waving his spatula threateningly.
     Trying to be heard above the fanfare, Lord Tnagorra yelled, ?We are the Legion of Aralynn, and we are here to take the goose that lays golden eggs!?
     The fanfare blew still louder, trying to be heard above the yelling.  Jack responded, ?You?ll pry it out of my dead hands.  Wait?it appears that I don?t have it, so it won?t be in my hands.  But still, I will oppose your theft!?
     ?Silence, boy, you are ten thousand times outnumbered!?  Tnagorra?s voice was very strained now, and he yelled to the herald, ?Stop blowing that stupid fanfare!?
     ?You told me to blow it, didn?t you??
     ?Yes, but don?t keep blowing it!  Just a few notes and that?s all, you hear??
     Jack, now no more than twenty feet from Tnagorra, waited for the exchange to finish, and he finally said to Tnagorra, ?You?re right.  I have no chance fighting, and there is no honor in defeating an outnumbered man.  Therefore we shall duel in wits, where numbers mean little.?
     ?Honor?  What?s honor??Oh right, that thing.  Very well, I accept.  Lay down your challenge.?
     Jack produced a box from his cloak.  ?As you can see, this box has a lock.  If you can find a way to open the box without damaging it, you shall have the goose.  If you cannot and I open it, you shall return to Aralynn defeated.?
     A wave of laughter swept over the Aralynians.  Tnagorra said, ?Fool boy, you challenge a general of Aralynn to such a simple task?  It is a simple combination lock!  All I have to do is find the correct combination.?  Without a pause, he set to work on the lock.
     Several hours passed, and Tnagorra was still unable to open the lock.  He passed it to his hired assassin, who was also unable to open it.  Finally, having called a council and concluding that the box could not be opened, he returned it to Jack.
     ?Nice try, boy, attaching a lock that could not be opened.  Still, the terms state quite clearly that you must be able to open the box as well.  My advisors were very clear on this point.  You said, ?If you cannot and I open it, you shall return to Aralynn defeated,? meaning, or so I was told, that you have to open it as well.  Let us see your wits best us in that, sirrah!?
     ?Very well, I shall.?  Jack took the box and turned it over a few times.  ?You see, once he had determined that the lock could not be opened, a true man of wits would have looked for another way to open it.  Now, if you look on this side?? he pushed cleverly concealed button and the box opened, ??you will see that it is quite a simple matter!  Now, will you do the honorable thing and retreat??
     One of Tnagorra?s advisors whispered to him, ?This is an outrage!  We cannot let this happen!  It will ruin our reputation!?
     Tnagorra replied, ?Well, what do you expect us to do??
     ?Why, kill the boy, of course!?  The advisor was fond of exclamation points.
     ?But?we can?t do that.  The supernatural power enforcing fair play might get us!  It?s happened many times in stories such as these all around the world.?
     ?Come now!  You are too well learned to believe in supernatural powers enforcing fair play!  Everyone knows that they don?t exist!?  Instantly, lightning leapt out of a clear sky and struck the advisor, leaving in his place a pair of smoking sandals, upon which was traced the words ?Yes, we do?.  The Aralynian army quickly fled.
     Jack finally made it home, weary and hungry.  His mother greeted him at the door, but Jack shuffled up to his room and fell asleep.  When he awoke the next day, he told his mother that he had decided that the goose and harp were simply too much trouble to keep.  His mother agreed, since her 50 newly hired guards and two ?magical wards? had eaten up their previous profit and threatened their financial future.  They traded the harp for a cow and had goose for dinner that night, and lived in destitute poverty (but very happily) ever after.
Ash nazg durbatuluk
ash nazg gimbatul
ash nazg thrankatuluk
agh burum-ish krimpatul


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2003, 01:27:32 pm »
Well, here\'s part 4. Copyright, blah, blah.  As you have probably noticed (if indeed anyone is actually reading this thread :] ), I have taken a few liberites with the planshift fiction and made up things not well defined or looked over completely.  If settings info comes to conflict the story at a later date, then I will revise.  If it conflicts it now, please let me know.

Part 4

EDIT: Changed a little bit of the first part for clarification.

Kinshadow?s magic easily overpowered the well-dressed lackey asking after Asuria and Surin.  Bound by invisible magic bands, the Diaboli squirmed and twisted on the floor of Asuria?s bedroom.  With a wave of his hand, the Klyros sorcerer covered the room in a ?ward of silence?, so his prisoner?s cries could not be heard.  Carefully, Kinshadow drew the Diaboli?s silver dagger and began to cast a series of spells.

?What are you doing?? Asuria asked, leaning over the sorcerer?s shoulder as he knelt over the victim.

?I am temporarily altering the magic of the dagger.? Kinshadow said as he touched the tip of the dagger to the Diaboli?s exposed chest.  Spittle flew as a scream ripped forth and the prisoner arched his back.  Black sparks of energy rippled across the surface of the lackey?s skin.  ?Only pain brought by the tool the slavery may awaken the mind beneath.  He will thank me later for helping him.?

Asuria very well doubted that as she exited the room into the hall.  Though no sounds of screams could be heard outside the bedroom, Asuria shivered with dread thoughts.

Several minutes passed before she dared to enter again.  The prisoner was quiet and still and she could not discern if he was dead or merely unconscious.  Kinshadow still knelt over the body and was casting a spell.

?I have suspended him.  I will free him of the spell once we have taken care of his master.  For now, we will store him here.?  The dark sorcerer stated as he began lifting the catatonic form of the henchman, propping him up in Asuria?s closet.  ?After the attack, I retraced the methods of my research.  Someone has noticed my hiring of you and has found the pattern I had wished to remain hidden.  I tracked them to their home only to find they have set out to raid the final tomb, while I was incapacitated.  The knowledge of the man who tracked you here confirms my suspicions.  This cannot be allowed to happen.  We must reach the tomb ahead of them and I am counting on your skill and my magic to make up for the lost time.?  Three silver pommels now peaked from the confines his belt pouch.

?But why go to all this trouble?  Who are these people?  Will these artifacts hurt them??

?No, not directly.  They believe that my possession of these items will increase my power and that their possession of them will give them influence over me.  They are ignorant of the specifics of my work and what the artifacts represent.?

?Alright, but that still doesn?t tell me who they are.? Asuria tightened her eyes and frowned at the sorcerer.

?Telling you that would give you clues to my identity.  That is something I am not prepared to tell you.? Kinshadow said in a very serious one.

Preparations for the hunt were done with haste.  The cobbler was informed that Surin needed looking after and street merchants provided what supplies were needed.  Asuria always kept a full gear pack ready, just in case running was the only option.

 Soon the thief and the sorcerer were passing through the Bronze Doors into the Stone Labyrinth.   The traffic around the Doors was not particularly heavy with farmers or hunters with no particular migration seasons to exploit.  Kinshadow kept himself wrapped in his unusual cloak and concealed by magical shadows, unwilling to give up his identity even in the darkness of the tunnels.  Few travelers openly took notice of this, recognizing that it might be unhealthy to stare.  

For miles the pair traveled, walking the endless maze.  Countless tunnels merged and re-split, straining the skills of both adventurers.  Every so often, Kinshadow would throw a cantrip that magically outlined his queries? footsteps.   Asuria kept them clear of the obvious dangers.  Predators that hunt by heat, poisonous fungi that blend in with rocks, and false floors that drop out at any moment.  There were a great many areas in the Stone Labyrinth to avoid and Asuria knew them all too well.

Past great crevasses, through groves of giant mushrooms, and down into the tunnels they journeyed.  Fields of stalagmites and slippery cavern floors kept the pace agonizingly slow.  They avoided any hunters and gathers that they sensed, fearing that the passersby would give them away to the ones they hunted.  The path of their prey led into a set of artificial tunnels, ancient beyond reckoning.  As they journeyed farther, the air became more damp and stagnant, hinting that there was no through passage.  Finally, after walking several miles into the tunnels, Kinshadow placed his arm on Asuria?s shoulder and crouched low to the ground.

?They are just around that bend in the tunnel.  They are disguised by a magical barrier, else we would be able to see the light they carry and the sound they make.? He whispered, pointing to a curve 80 feet ahead and up slope.  Kinshadow placed his hand inside the darkness of his cowl as if to rub his chin  ?I believe they have already found the tomb. We need a plan of attack.?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2003, 06:46:32 pm by kinshadow »


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« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2003, 11:36:23 pm »
As promised, the saga continues......

Part 5

Lounging against the tunnel wall, a gossamer clad female Enkidukai preened herself.  She wore yellow silken robes heavy with gilding and a golden mask covering her upper face.  Toiling in front of her, two Krans heaved on thick metal chains attached to a coverstone embedded in the tunnel wall.  A fist sized gem lay upon them tunnel floor, emitting a soft green light to see by.

?Both of the Krans are carrying silver daggers.? Asuria whispered as she and Kinshadow crouched under a ?ward of invisibility?.  They had managed to creep to almost 20 feet from the grunting Kran?s.

Suddenly, the coverstone cracked, causing one of the attached chains to break free.  The Kran holding the chain fell heavily to the ground, sliding across the tunnel.  With a harsh grinding sound, the rest stone fell halfway forward and blackness could be seen beyond.  The Kran that was still standing dropped his chain and grabbed the outside of the exposed stone?s edge.  The Enkidukai stopped her cleaning and began to watch as her slave struggled to dislodge the rest of the stone.

With a large thud, the stone fell quickly away, revealing a small closet like room with stone shelves.  Asuria felt an indescribable horror as she watched the air around the opening ripple and turn the standing Kran to dust, his silver dagger clanking as it hit the ground.   Most of the traps she had seen were one shot, but very deadly without proper care.

The Enkidukai sneered as she stepped over the resulting rubble to get at the cache. ?Get to your feet slave, I do not have time waste on your clumsiness.?

The remaining Kran was slowly rising to his feet, a bit disoriented from his earlier fall.  The trap spell had damaged one of his feet and he would probably not walk the same again.  The magic of the trap must have been truly great to penetrate the natural defenses of a Kran.

?Now!? Kinshadow said as he stood, letting the magical ward go. Asuria immediately cocked her arm and threw a potion Kinshadow had given her moments before.  Her aim proved true and soon the Kran?s face was covered in a thick black goop.  Rage boiled out stone man as he thrashed about and tried to attack the opponents he could not see.

Kinshadow sidestepped the Kran?s clumsy swings to throw a dark bolt of energy at the masked woman.  Caught by surprise, she was unable to fully block the magical blast despite the wards protecting her.  Her delicate form was knocked back along the tunnel floor, slamming into a wall 30 feet away.  The golden mask of the sorceress tinged loudly on the stone floor as it was knock free by blast.  

Concentrating on his spell, Kinshadow was unable to avoid the second set wild swings.  A crunching sound was heard as the Kran?s stony fist connected with the dark sorcerer?s gaunt shoulder.  Immense pain shot threw Kinshadow?s mind he struggled to keep his balance.  Gritting his teeth and stumbling over rubble-strewn floor, the Klyros made his way to the unconscious form of his enemy and began searching through her belongings with his one good arm.  The intense agony rippled through his body causing silver specs to flow over his vision, making the task all that more difficult.

Meanwhile, the Kran had stopped thrashing and was concentrating on clearing his vision.  Just as he began to see again and move toward his prone master?s position, Kinshadow withdrew a silver hued crystal and threw it against the tunnel floor.  As the shards scattered, the Kran slowed and stopped in the middle of the tunnel.

The seconds stretched by as the Kran resurveyed his surroundings.  Neither Kinshadow nor Asuria moved; each perched on the balls of their feet in anticipation.

?RROOOLLL?EEEKKK!!? the Kran cried as he barreled awkwardly toward Kinshadow and the Enkidukai.  The damaged leg allowed the Klyros sorcerer enough time to dive out of stone man?s way.  Unfortunately, the abundant rubble made Kinshadow?s actions less than graceful and he unintentionally landed on his shattered arm.  The pain overwhelmed him and blackness came rushing in.

The Kran ran head first, trampling his former master.  The sickening sounds of cracking bones and gushing blood filled the tunnels.  For several minutes, the stone man pummeled the sorceress into the barren ground.  Very little of her was left when he finally stopped and began to sob.

By this time Asuria had begun to concentrate on reviving Kinshadow and getting him out of the raging Kran?s way.  Even when the noise stopped, she refused to look at the gore covered stone man.  Imagined horrors screamed in the back of her mind and she would not sleep well for a very long time.

Despite his unconscious state, the magical shadows still clung to the Klyros.  Asuria could not see his face, but she knew he had regained some of his faculties from the groaning noises he made.

?She killed my brother, Rol?Ek.? The Kran said, still standing with his head hung low in the puddle of fur and goo.  The sobbing sounds made his words hard to pick out.

Having done what she could for Kinshadow?s injuries, Asuria began to gather the items from the tomb into he backpack.  With a sigh of relief she placed the long sought after black rod on top.  At least the journey was not a waste.  She turned to the sobbing Kran, striving desperately to only look at his sullen face, and said, ?We are journeying back to Yliakum and you are welcome to join us.?

The stone features of the Kran?s face picked up a bit at Asuria?s words.  He stared at her and then Kinshadow?s now moving form for several moments before speaking. ?Thank you.  Thank you for freeing me.  Thank you for helping avenge my brother.  My name is For?Ek.  I will be honored to accompany you and I will carry the injured dark one.?

?That is most gracious of you For?Ek. I am Asuria and the sorcerer is known as Kinshadow.?  Asuria said as she picked up anything of value left on the ground.  This included the silver daggers dropped by the Kran and the gold mask worn by the Enkidukai.  Asuria would not go anywhere near the bloody mess nor the items it contained.

On the way back to Yliakum, the three looked an odd company.  The series of odd tales concerning a very weary and overburdened Ylian woman leading a Kran, half covered in gore, who was carrying a broken shadowy Klyros were told at taverns by observers for weeks to come.


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« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2003, 11:38:40 pm »
Just to alieviate any suspense my sparse readers may have, here is the conclusion to the story.......

Part 6

The night they arrived back in Yliakum, Asuria had a local physician mend the injured sorcerer and laid him down in her bed while she slept in Surin?s room.  The following morning, she found three things missing:  the Klyros, the catatonic Diaboli from her closet, and the black rod from her pack.  A short note was affixed to her with one of the silver daggers.  It read, ?I will keep my promise. ?Kinshadow?.

Weeks went by without a word from the sorcerer.  Asuria and Surin had become good friends with For?Ek and life was becoming relaxing for a change.  She sold the extra trinkets from the tomb with the exception of the golden mask.  The news of a missing Xacha Vigesimi prompted her to reexamine the item.  While worn, the mask changed the wearer into the form of an Enkidukai.  Unfortunately, the transformation takes ten minutes to change the wear?s form in either direction, explaining why she had not seen evidence of the magic by the tomb.  Thoughts of the magic made Asuria wonder about the true nature of her dark employer.

With Asuria?s new wealth, she had taken up the habit of enjoying an occasional ale at a local tavern called Kada-El?s, named for its elven hostess and owner.  On several occasions, she would meet For?Ek after he had completed a long day at the forge. He would introduce her to the tavern?s regulars and their time would be filled with laughter.

It was during one of these indulgences with some newly acquired friends that Asuria sensed a light in the room grow slightly dimmer.  Turning her head, she saw the shadow covered form of her Klyros employer framed in the doorway.  The room grew instantly hushed.  Asuria bade her friends to stay seated and that the man was harmless.

As she approached the sorcerer to one side of the entrance he said ?I don?t know if I would call myself ?harmless?.?  Obvious amusement filled his voice. ?I am here to keep my word.  There will be no more tomb robbing for you.? Kinshadow reached beneath his cloak and produced two scrolls tied with red ribbons.

A perplexed expression slid over the thief?s face as she unrolled the scrolls.  After a quick examination, Asuria exclaimed, ?These are entrance letters for the Yliakum Academy.  There is one here for both my brother and I.?

Kinshadow?s cowl bobbed in agreement. ?I pulled some strings.?

?But I am too old for the academy.?  Asuria said in a lower tone.  Sadness filled her voice.

?You are too old for the general studies, but not the city apprenticeships.  Academy students can choose to apprentice to any city sponsored trade, from magi to blacksmith to city guard.  Besides, you already know how to read and can probably run circles around other students with your knowledge of ancient history knowledge.?

Asuria blushed and clutched the letters to her chest. ?Thank you my dark friend.  You have indeed kept your promise.?

Kinshadow shied away as Asuria leaned to embrace him. ?My arm is not healed? the sorcerer said, his voice giving away his tender emotions.  With great care he brushed her face with one of his clawed hands.  ?I am eager to see you progress in a more worth while occupation.  Make your life count.? With that, the cloaked figured back away and headed through the tavern?s door.   The unmistakable sound of cheering was heard as he exited onto the street.



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« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2003, 11:40:30 pm »
Well, that was the first short story I have ever written.  It has a few rough edges and needs work on the transitions.  I?m going to re-work it a little and add material so that the reader doesn?t have to read the PS history for it to make since.  Once I do my rework, I?ll put it up on the web somewhere and post the link in the RP forum.

There were several items in the story that were placed there for inclusion in the next short story I write.  That will probably be about Asuria and Surin?s time at the Academy and will be a lot more ?thought out? than this one (should I be blessed with enough time and slow work days, that is).  Subsequently, it will probably be considerably longer.  Speaking of which, here are some setting things to note that are not in the history/etc. that I have taken liberties with.

Yliakum Academy ? The premier educational institution of the city(ies).  Not many get full schooling there (tuition and tests keep most out), but training is open to all for a fee.   Full education is in 2-3 four year phases.  Four years of general education (reading, history, etc.) followed by two optional 4 year pseudo-apprenticeships).  The school might be a nice game mechanic for every new player to receive one (or two) training scrolls (or you may be paid in scrolls for completing a quest).  You give them to a trainer in the scroll and get a ?leg up? in your desired profession.  Or it might be a nice place for players of certain skill sets to start.

Mounted Defenders ? A combination city guard and standing army that both supplements the Watch and patrols the safe areas of the Labyrinths.  MDs pilot the typical ?flying beasts? in addition to some ground beasts.  The ground beasts will be mentioned in the next story and will I understand if they not in the game.

Magic Wards ? A term to used refer to the persistent and maintainable spell effects.  I purposely did not mention the schools (or Ways) of magic.  This was mostly due to the fact that I didn?t want to classify the spells wrong and that I thought the spell groups? names sounded kind of silly.  I was wondering if more arcane/serious names can be used in conjunction with the current color based names.

Magic Items ? There were several items in this story that may make nice in-game items.  These include the bracelet of dark vision, the mask of shape-shifting (but only to one form), and the magic light gem.  The silver daggers and black rods are story items and should not be PC possessable items.  But, for an in-game plot tool?.

If you think my writing sucks the phonics monkey, then you are probably right. My formal education is in engineering (supplemented by a considerable amount of fantasy/sci-fi book reading) and I am no Author C. Clark.  Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

As a side note, if you are looking for good underground inspiration, try reading the Drow Elf (Drizzt Do?Urden?s story by R.A. Salvatore) series in the Forgotten Realms DND genre.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2003, 11:44:29 pm by kinshadow »


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« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2003, 11:42:57 pm »
Just gonna say, kingshadow, i actually didnt read it, it looks really long, im sure its pretty good too, just dont know how many people would want to take the time to read soemthing that long in game, otherwise keep it up! great job!
Dwarf with nothin better to do


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« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2003, 11:58:03 pm »
Originally posted by kyalin
Just gonna say, kingshadow, i actually didnt read it, it looks really long, im sure its pretty good too, just dont know how many people would want to take the time to read soemthing that long in game, otherwise keep it up! great job!

Thanks, I guess it takes an aquired taste to get into the longer fantasy reading (*cough* Robert Jordan *cough*). :D

Perhaps the books in-game should have their length in addition to ratings/etc in the description.  I know some people (especial hard-core role players) that like in-depth game related fiction to dig into.  This kind of non-legend/real-story stuff apeals more to them anyway.   I know that I enjoy pen and paper RPing a lot more after I have read a related novel or short story.


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« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2003, 12:03:46 am »
Its kinda off topic....but actually i really like the Robert Jordan books, and ive read the first 7 of the series so far, maybe i will have to go back through and read yours...
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« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2003, 10:27:24 am »
I read RJ too..  the last book, Crossroads of Twilight, SUCKED! X(

This is what RJ had us wait two years for?!
Ash nazg durbatuluk
ash nazg gimbatul
ash nazg thrankatuluk
agh burum-ish krimpatul


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« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2003, 06:15:56 pm »
Nice story Kin.  :-)

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« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2003, 12:12:38 pm »
Ways of the warrior

...being a powerfull and reknowned warrior, a dream and goal to many a man, kran, diablo or any other creature for that matter. Often i see people running of into the depths of the labyrinths rushing of to find nothing than an early death.

To become a powerfull warrior there are a few virtues that a person must have and a few things he should do and more importantly a few things that he shouldn\'t do.

Patience and calmness are very important qualities for a warrior. Yyou might not accomplish your goal as fast as possible when you stay calm and take on new things slowly but the chances of accomplishing those goals will be a lot higher.

Caution, when you wander of in the unknown always be on your gaurd proceed slowly, you never know what danger lurks in the shadow. There is a big difference between bravery and stupidity. And how strong and powerfull might be never underestimate your foes.

Perception and reason, when you are engaged in combat with a certain beast or creature look for the creatures weak spots and strong points and use these in your advantage when you encounter a creature alike in the future. There is more to a warrior than mindless hacking and slashing. A good warrior relies on strength as well as tactics.

Always prepare for journeys into dangerous areas, a few potions and scrolls might save your life in the heat of the battle. And there is no shame in having someone come with you to help you go places you couldn\'t go by yourself and deafeat enemies that you couldnt have deafeated alone.

These are just a few guidelines to becoming a warrior, there is a lot more to it but I have good faith that you will learn those lessons yourself as you grow more experienced. Having given this advice I wish you good on the many adventures you will have, walk with the crystals blessings and live the dream.

--Elanthir the wise


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« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2003, 07:32:55 pm »
The Marvelous Three
Chubbs Fables

In the not-so-distant past there lived a man by the name of Shavo who owned a Shoe
repair store. They Called him, Shavo, the repairer of shoes. Because that?s what he did.
Fixed peoples shoes. He fixed them because they were broken and the people who owned
the broken shoe?s feet were really cold because there was a big hole in the shoe, and
anyway, Shavo was the one who fixed that.

Shavo wasn?t a very strong man, that?s why he fixed shoes. Instead of going out and
killing all the ugly monsters he had to fix shoes. It was very sad.

As a child Shavo?s father forbid him to lift a lot of barrels of water, because that would
make him strong. So while all the other Children lifted barrels of water for fun, Shavo had
to sit and only lift tiny rocks.

During his teen years Shavo spent a lot of his time walking, because moving his legs felt
good, and for some reason he enjoyed feeling good.

Also in Shavo?s boyhood time there lived a girl by the name of Sara, Sara was a very
strong girl. She was the star champion of the Girls Barrel Lifting team and she was very
avid in swimming. You would think that Sara was so happy being so strong and so great
and every thing, but she wasn?t. You see, because of her superior strength, many of the
boys were scared of her and never took her to the celebrations regarding school.

Years later in Shavo?s adult time, she was still very strong and mighty, and held the title
?Sara, the Barkeep? and owned the ?Good Tymes Bar?.

One day Sara came into Shavo?s shop and said, ?Hey, fix my shoe? and Shavo said ?Wow,
your a strong lady!? Thus the beginning of their friendship...

It was many years later though before they met again. During a long walk Shavo came
across a potion maker named ?Aron, the Potion maker? who said ?You there, fool, do you
doubt my magnificence?? Shavo, being the smart guy he is replied with ?Yup.? and thus
began another great friendship...

And this being the small kingdom it is, Shavo, Sara and Aron all met in his shop due to
shoe?s having holes in them.

After deep conversation Shavo learned that shoemakers make great archers. Sara learned
that she wanted to be an archer, Shavo also learned he wanted to be strong, and Aron
learned he could change their special powers by using a simple potion.

And so it was done. Shavo, now titled ?Shavo the Strong? Sara now titled ?Sara the
Arrow Shooter?, an Aron still being called ?Aron, the Potion maker.?

Shavo, now being strong decided to become a warrior and sold his shop in order to gain
money for a powerful sword and armor.

Sara, now liking to arch, and only to arch, closed her bar and made room for what is now
?The BBB?.

Aron being also bored followed them around telling people how great he was.

It also, just so happens that a cave had been discovered, and needed exploring. So the
three took to their swords, because now they were exactly what they wanted to be.

Deep in the caves, were they had killed many bats and cave dwelling fish and living things
like that, they found a door that would for some reason would only open if they people
who opened the door and step through were not people who drank a potion to change
what they were. And as they were reading that, a giant cave fish flopped out of the water
and started to come after them. So they struggled with the door and tried to brake it, but
couldn?t so they died because they weren?t who they really were.

Moral of the story is: Be yourself.


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« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2006, 01:27:24 am »
So, did any of these get used? Are there any books in the game yet?


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« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2006, 01:47:10 am »
None of these were used that I know of. There are books in-game, but they are short and informative. No doubt the system will expand later on.
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2006, 05:54:24 am »
So you\'re adding a library too the PS game, huh? I\'ll write a short book then.

How Yliakum got created: The four goddesses

Long time ago, Yliakum were just a chaotic planet with no life at all. Storms always raged, and nothing escaped the destructive forces of the four primary elements. It was in that time, the universe gave birth too four controllers of the elements. May\'Ah, the goddess of Fire, Kashra, the goddess of Earth, Terra, the goddess of Water and Wusha, the goddess of wind.
Together, they created the crystal, the Crystal of Elements, wich they placed in Yliakum. The Crystal symbolized the harmony in the world, and gave the powers of life too the planet.
May\'Ah used her powers too give warmth too our sun.
Kashra gave the earth the ability too live, and she also gave birth too the first living creatures, the Elves.
Terra. With her healing power, she created oceans, and watered the earth so it could grow food, and plants.
But Wusha, the goddess of Wind, was not willing too stop the raging storms of Yliakum.

Wusha would rather misuse her powers, and Yliakum were still under chaotic powers for many years. But after 1000 years, the Crystal destroyed Wusha, and gave peace too the planet. Finally, Yliakum had been created, and new races were born.

Written by Cerrina Watercaller, daughter of Terra.

That\'s part one of my quest story. Too see the creations of the different races, the player must complete quests, to be able too read the books. Unless you guys won\'t make such quests. I\'ll continue too write.