Author Topic: Cerrina Watercaller  (Read 491 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Cerrina Watercaller
« on: April 10, 2006, 08:36:43 am »
[I am writing about my own Enkidukai. Here goes!]

Chapter one.

Kria Watercaller, and her husband, Krashn, ran from a group of Talad Cultists. As a member of the Black Flame religion, they too had been discovered and hunted. And just to make it worse, Kria had a baby to wait for too. Up the mountain they went, through blizzards and storms.
Until they came over a little city, named Akkaio [at least, that\'s what I think the Enkidukai village is named. Correct if wrong], where they settled. Protected by the chief, Sasek Windrunner, Kria gave birth to a wonderful child.
Her husband though, were never able to see the child. After he returned from the battle between the Black Flame and Talad, protecting Akkaio together with Sasek, he were already blind...

They named the newly borned child Cerrina Watercaller.

Chapter one, part one of two.
[From now on, the parts consists of age, time or events.]
Ten years later.

Cerrina Watercaller had become a beautiful Enkidukai, with eyes as blue as the sea itself. Her body structure was so aerodynamic that she could jump 10 meters up in the air, and run almost as fast as a horse.
But now she were lost. Lost in an unknown city full of different races. From Klyros to Ylian, even the demonic Ynnwyn and the mythological Diaboli.

Anyway, working hard, Cerrina achieved to survive, barely having enough Trias for food. She even took some jobs in Kada\'El\'s place, cleaning of tables, and the guest\'s rooms. In return, she got to live there for free, and keeping herself warm and well fed.

She lived like this for about five years, when she heard a voice downstairs, that she remembered only from her dreams. \"Hello, Kada\'El. Could I please have a room for the night?\" the voice said. Cerrina could tell that she was not happy at all. Kada\'El was fast in her answer; \"Yeah, that will be 500 Trias for one night. Cerrina! Clean up room 5!\" The woman stopped breathing. Cerrina too. Cerrina decided that she didn\'t hear this order correctly (though her ears revealed the lie) and went down.
\"Sorry, I didn\'t hea...\" It was true! Her mother, standing in front of her. \"M... m... Mother?!\" Cerrina ran like never before, throwing herself down the stairs, and landing on her mother with a big sound, like when you smash your pillow in the wall. \"Oh, Mother! I have missed you so! I\'ll never, never leave home again! Never!!\" Cerrina went crying, with her mum too.
Kria cancelled her room, and took Cerrina back home.

[PArt one finished. I\'ll continue to write, and if something needs improvements, tell me.]
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 07:49:04 am by Arcanacat »


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« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2006, 07:46:03 am »
Originally posted by Arcanacat
[I am writing about my own Enkidukai. Here goes!]

Chapter one.

Kria Watercaller, and her husband, Krashn, ran from a group of Talad Cultists. As a member of the Black Flame religion, they too had been discovered and hunted. And just to make it worse, Kria had a baby to wait for too. Up the mountain they went, through blizzards and storms.
Until they came over a little city, named Akkaio [at least, that\'s what I think the Enkidukai village is named. Correct if wrong], where they settled. Protected by the chief, Sasek Windrunner, Kria gave birth to a wonderful child.
Her husband though, were never able to see the child. After he returned from the battle between the Black Flame and Talad, protecting Akkaio together with Sasek, he were already blind...

They named the newly borned child Cerrina Watercaller.

Chapter one, part one of two.
[From now on, the parts consists of age, time or events.]
Ten years later.

Cerrina Watercaller had become a beautiful Enkidukai, with eyes as blue as the sea itself. Her body structure was so aerodynamic that she could jump 10 meters up in the air, and run almost as fast as a horse.
But now she were lost. Lost in an unknown city full of different races. From Klyros to Ylian, even the demonic Ynnwyn and the mythological Diaboli.

Anyway, working hard, Cerrina achieved to survive, barely having enough Trias for food. She even took some jobs in Kada\'El\'s place, cleaning of tables, and the guest\'s rooms. In return, she got to live there for free, and keeping herself warm and well fed.

She lived like this for about five years, when she heard a voice downstairs, that she remembered only from her dreams. \"Hello, Kada\'El. Could I please have a room for the night?\" the voice said. Cerrina could tell that she was not happy at all. Kada\'El was fast in her answer; \"Yeah, that will be 500 Trias for one night. Cerrina! Clean up room 5!\" The woman stopped breathing. Cerrina too. Cerrina decided that she didn\'t hear this order correctly (though her ears revealed the lie) and went down.
\"Sorry, I didn\'t hea...\" It was true! Her mother, standing in front of her. \"M... m... Mother?!\" Cerrina ran like never before, throwing herself down the stairs, and landing on her mother with a big sound, like when you smash your pillow in the wall. \"Oh, Mother! I have missed you so! I\'ll never, never leave home again! Never!!\" Cerrina went crying, with her mum too.
Kria cancelled her room, and took Cerrina back home.

[PArt one finished. I\'ll continue to write, and if something needs improvements, tell me.]

Chapter 1, part two.

\"Mum? Where did you go, when I got lost?\" Cerrina asked her mum. As they were walking home too Akkaio, she had begun too wonder how she ended up lost.
\"Can\'t you remember? We were fighting. You tried too convince me that you could handle your own, and didn\'t need me too watch over you. Then you said \'I\'va had enough! I want too prove that I can handle my own!!!\', then you ran away. And I never found you. It left me crying for years...\" Krias tears began to flow even before she had finished the story. For a beatuiful Enkidukai she are, crying made her look poor, and ugly. It really didn\'t suit her, thought Cerrina.
Kria had brown fur, with dark, white and red tribal marks and stripes over her face and front body. Her tail was exeptionally long, and her smile could even stop aliens.
But for Cerrina, this short meeting with her mum would be her last.

Chapter two, part one.

CRACK! A stone fell down on the road, and cracked. Inside it there was a message. \'Take a look at the hill!\' it said. They so did, and what they saw were two Klyros, an Ylian and a Hammerwielder. Then it all got black, and when Cerrina woke up, she was alone.

\"Wha... what? Mum, are you alright? Mum?\" Cerrina couldn\'t see properly, but she could feel her mum, and even barely see her. Cerrina shoke Kria. \"Mum, mum, wake up! Wake up!\"
Kria didn\'t. She would never do it either. Cerrina tried too focus on her sight, and saw what had happened. There was blood everywhere, and a knife sticking out of Krias lungs. The Cerrina noticed the pain in her leg. An other knife. She let out a scream, and fell unconsious [please correct this word, as I dunno how it\'s spelled].
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 07:50:22 am by Arcanacat »