Author Topic: A few short tales  (Read 390 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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A few short tales
« on: April 26, 2006, 03:40:37 pm »
(These are a few short tales that will be added to as I write them, hopefully you will all be able to eventually see how these tales all make up a full back-story for my character. These are real short stories, and I shall start with two of them.)

A tale of the Watcher surname.

A Klyros tribe known as the Kripat were living in between two warring tribes of different species due to this the tribes would seek to attack the Kripat’s land. A brave young Klyros named Eanth chose to put a stop to the attacks and stood watching his tribes land all night and day for several weeks. One night he was sitting up on his perch when he saw the outline of many men riding towards the settlement their swords glinting in the half-light. Upon seeing this Eanth rushed to rouse all the warriors in the village. The conflict was short and brutal, the attackers had not been expecting any resistance and where quickly crushed. For his actions Eanth was awarded the tribes high honour of a second name: Watcher. This name was passed onto his descendents if they where proved worthy of it. Although the tribe no longer exists (as far as I have been able to deduce) the descendents still carry the name on.

-Extract from “The Book of Names” written by Unknown

An old friend.

Mian fell onto the floor, as Aerium rushed to help him. Mian pushed him away and hauled himself up

"What's wrong?"

"I am dying... my body is attacking its self. Rare condition I am the second ever too have had it. There is no cure."

"There has to be something, perhaps we can go-"

"There is no cure, all the mages in the whole of the world cannot help me. I called you here to give you something, this ring. Take it, may it help you and protect you against evil.

"Thank you but why give it to me?"

"My father gave it to me and his father before him, now I am the last and I have no sons to give it to. So I must pass it to you, my dearest and oldest friend."

Mian half walked half fell onto his bed where he lifted up the sheets and slid in. Looking up at Aerium he smiled. Then Mian, Aerium’s lifelong friend breathed his final breath as death took him. Aerium stood up, his head bowed. Putting his friends last gift on his finger he walked out of the wooden hut and flapped his wings and flew away.