Author Topic: RP superthread developing in PS now!  (Read 10034 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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RP superthread developing in PS now!
« on: April 22, 2006, 08:04:22 am »
We are witnessing the convergence of 4 RP threads coming together in a story of an evil in the hills and a warlord\'s approach. This conversation should be enough to get you up to speed. It\'s spreading like wildfire; get into it! :D

A Summary:
Once, Einnol and Anfa ventured into the Face (funeral chute of Ylaikum), and entered the underdark in an effort to save their friend, Xillix. They were successful, although they found out later a preist sacrficed his life to create the portal they used to escape. Now it has become apparent that dark forces took advantage of those moments to keep the portal open, which it remains to this day. Anfa has reason to believe Vodul is behind this. The symptoms of this situation have been many. There is a shadow growing in the SouthWestern plains (the region surrounding the Face). Many who have gone that way have found themselves wandering aimlessly, yet not caring or wanting to return. It has ended up with people nearly starving, others going mad.

More recently, Laroc and some others have been "assigned" to Stalker Demons. They contracted the Stalkers by falling unconcious in the hillls, then experiencing a kind of merging of the two realms in their conscience. When you have been made an "assignment" you will keep thinking you spot a demon out of the corner of your vision, but you look and see nothing. Gradually you see it more often, come closer to catching a proper glimpse of it. Once you first see it completely, it has taken you over. The shadow will seem to leave you, but you will start finding yourself places you didn't remember going, and losing parts of the memory of each day, not knowing what you were doing. These are the times that the Stalker Demon are possessing you to do the Shadow's bidding.

Now we are trying to discover who is infected, and train them to be aware of all their thoughts, keep remembering who they are, and all the details of their lives to fight the Stalkers. We are also trying to draw the best plans we can to defeat the Darkness, which will ultimately mean a party willl probably have to re-enter the Underdark to try to seal the portal from there. No one knows if they will return.

Meanwhile, Darkshade Tilien has seen a terribly warlord overtaking and crushing a city near the Bronze Doors - the warlord enters a city like a charming man, but soon all who know him are either on his side or dead. Is Hydlaa next? Is this related to the shadow.. perhaps Darkshade has the answers..


Today in Hydlaa, tragedy struck. Shiho the enkidukai led a band tour party out to the Stone FAce, and beyond, not heeding the warning of the Shadow. He fell unconcious at the site of the Face, and soon afterwards turned on his tour party, leading them towards death at the hands of ulbernauts and his sword. When he returned to Hyldaa and was confronted by the survivors and the citizens of the city, he did not remember a thing. However, when confronted by Monk with a sword stained with the blood, his fingerprints confirmed by Jefecra the city guard, he could no longer be in denial. Mad with the news of his possession - he went into a mad rush of anger and despair, almost killing Janner before he was consumed by a cloud of darkness right outside Harnquist's smithy.

Shiho is confonted with a Stained Sword, stained with the blood of his innocent victims


See the new (shorter) convo post for the alarming discovery that not all the guilds are against the Shadow. Where will Baston's blind faith in Vodul lead? Can we trust any of the Infidel Slayers Guild?

The first big three-post conversation here is probably unecessary to read if you have read all these summarising bits. Only for those particularly intersted in the details and how this developed. See future posts for future developments.

(14:34:29) Monk tells group: this way please, friends :]
(14:35:35) Anfa tells group: Monk are you nuts?
(14:35:53) Darkshade comments softly \"I don\'t think she\'s a roof climber..\"
(14:36:07) Monk tells group: i am sorry.. it is.. private
(14:36:15) Anfa laughs
(14:36:23) Monk tells group: it is not difficult.. are you wiling to try?
(14:36:25) Anfa tells group: well if I get killed you can come to the DR to see me
(14:37:03) Monk tells group: thank you for coming
(14:37:07) Anfa tells group: so what\'s up?
(14:37:09) Anfa tells group: Definitely privat
(14:37:21) Monk tells group: it is important for the scions and the mentors to know
(14:37:33) Darkshade tells group: Details of a problem that may soon become one for us all..
(14:37:47) Monk tells group: on his recent travels to a city near the Bronze Doors
(14:37:55) Cerala tells you: How do i tell Jirosh about Brintec\'s carpet order?
(14:38:07) Monk tells group: Darkshade saw the city overthrown by a warlord
(14:38:14) Anfa raises an eyebrow at the mention of the Bronze doors
(14:38:17) Monk tells group: he turns up in a city, bringing many to trust him
(14:38:29) Monk tells group: then soon all who know him are either with him, or.. dead
(14:38:34) Monk tells group: even children, slaughtered
(14:38:36) Anfa tells group: Which city?
(14:38:42) Monk tells group: darkshade?
(14:39:01) Darkshade tells group: It was a city close to the Doors themselves..
(14:39:06) Anfa \'s face has become hard and cold at the news
(14:39:07) Darkshade tells group: Perhaps the closest one.
(14:39:21) Monk tells group: the most troubling thing is this: his name changes often, and even his face by magic: he is known only as, the Faceless Shadow
(14:39:32) Anfa tells group: The name of the city?
(14:39:54) Darkshade looks grim. \"Jlaad.\"
(14:39:57) Monk tells group: there is only one way we can combat such a danger
(14:40:03) Anfa thinks for a moment considering the news
(14:40:39) Monk tells group: to combat this danger, we must be united, fearing not death by one anothers hand, seeking not to rule one another and ready to die for each other
(14:40:13) Anfa tells group: What are you suggesting?
(14:41:10) Anfa considers what Monk is saying
(14:41:39) Monk says: i am not sure what will happen next
(14:41:39) Anfa tells group: The Scions are part of an alliance with the Warriors, the Vespers and the Gaurdians of Power
(14:42:11) Anfa tells group: We stand together
(14:42:31) Monk says: good!
(14:42:35) Darkshade tells group: He talks about innocence as the only weapon to unmask this \'Faceless Shadow\'\"
(14:42:37) Anfa tells group: Innocence?
(14:42:57) Anfa tells group: well than I am not the one to unmask him...
(14:42:50) Darkshade tells group: Regardless of how gentle, and kind he may seem, the Shadow is far from it.. He\'s cruel in every way.\"
(14:42:54) Monk says: the more of us who know of this coming danger the better we can brace ourselves against the dissent this foe may try to sew among us
(14:43:16) Anfa narrows her eyes
(14:43:36) Anfa whisper\'s softly...\"I know what the shadow\'s are..
(14:43:47) Monk says: the innocence i speak of is merely having no desire to rule one anther, no fear of death by the others hand, and a willingness to die one for the other
(14:44:06) Anfa tells group: [monk wrong window]
(14:44:07) Monk says: with this, he will be powerless
(14:44:20) Monk says: [we cannot be heard here]
(14:45:00) Anfa sighs
(14:45:04) Darkshade tells group: There is, in fact, one more thing I neglected to mention, Monk. He controls a silent force.. The peasants spoke of it only in pained whispers, and not for long. The Forgotten, they were called.
(14:45:21) Monk says: the forgotten?
(14:45:22) Monk says: no...
(14:45:27) Monk says: they have been in this city before..
(14:45:24) Anfa says: If you are concerned about guilds wanting to rule one another, you are talking to the wrong alliance
(14:45:37) Monk says: glad to hear it, anfa
(14:45:54) Monk says: in this time all i can ask is for us to be strong in honour, to be ready and watching
(14:46:29) Anfa smiles at the word \"watching\"
(14:46:41) Monk smiles
(14:46:49) Monk says: indeed. i have no more diligence to ask of you
(14:46:59) Monk says: it is only to inform you
(14:46:60) Monk says: let all the guild heads know that you can
(14:47:15) Anfa says: I will inform my guild mistress
(14:47:27) Anfa says: YOu know where we stand
(14:47:34) Anfa says: She will inform our allies
(14:47:52) Anfa says: We are united and willing to fight as one
(14:48:07) Monk says: very well :]
(14:48:22) Anfa nods waiting
(14:49:31) Anfa sends a silent thank you to Darkshade for discovering in time to warn
(14:49:56) Monk says: aye, indeed it was his discovery
(14:50:04) Monk says: if you need more information you should talk to him
(14:50:22) Darkshade nods, though he does not revel in joy.
(14:50:24) Anfa says: I will probably corner him to pick his brain for details
(14:50:29) Darkshade arches an eyebrow at that comment. \"Careful what you say..\"
(14:50:34) Anfa smiles grimly
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 12:38:31 am by Monk_ »


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« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2006, 08:04:55 am »
(14:50:34) Monk says: now
(14:50:13) Monk says: the other matter i have called you here for
(14:50:37) Monk says: Xillix
(14:50:44) Monk says: saved by your hand and that of Einnol
(14:50:57) Anfa looks coldly at Monk
(14:51:13) Anfa says: Ah she is sister of my heart...tread carefully
(14:51:22) Monk eye\'s betray only goodwill
(14:51:40) Anfa remains defensive on her behalf
(14:51:40) Monk says: i will understand if you do not yet wish to speak of it
(14:51:51) Anfa blinks
(14:51:54) Anfa says: speak of what?
(14:51:59) Monk says: but i heard that you had accompanied someone to the Face recently
(14:52:07) Anfa shook her head
(14:52:13) Anfa says: My apprentice did
(14:52:16) Anfa says: not I
(14:52:17) Monk says: i thought perhaps you were comfortable enough by now..
(14:52:21) Monk says: oh..
(14:52:23) Darkshade sits on the rooftop, tapping his longbow against his hip, while he gazes out at the city.
(14:52:27) Anfa says: I do not go to the face if I can avoid it
(14:52:36) Monk says: there is something wrong, out in the SouthWestern hills
(14:52:57) Anfa feels the shadows gathering curious
(14:53:00) Monk says: the energies emmiting from that face may have something to do withit
(14:53:19) Monk says: if you can tell me the nature of the danger you, xilix and einnol faced out there
(14:53:23) Monk says: it could be of great help
(14:53:26) Anfa trembles slightly
(14:53:37) Monk says: we only recently recovered a guildmate from that area
(14:53:45) Monk says: he stil doesn\'t completely have his mind back
(14:53:49) Anfa says: The danger is within the funeral well, not on this plane
(14:53:55) Anfa says: or it was not
(14:54:04) Anfa stops to reconcider
(14:54:07) Darkshade stiffens slightly, at the mention of \'guildmate\'.
(14:54:17) Monk looks down
(14:54:25) Monk says: I am so sorry anfa, to ask you do to this
(14:54:36) Anfa starts to think furiously noticing how silent the shadows lie
(14:54:49) Monk notices anfa\'s unease
(14:55:00) Anfa says: What Einnol and I experienced was not of this world
(14:55:16) Monk says:
(14:55:19) Anfa says: If it wasn\'t for the love of friends and family we never could have returned
(14:55:35) Anfa says: The portal closed behind us..or so I thought
(14:56:02) Monk casts a spell that causes the shadows to retreat and the area to be sanctified
(14:56:03) Anfa wonders now at the reaction Einnol had
(14:56:25) Darkshade speaks with a definite chill \"Tensena Ela.. Teneka ror..\"
(14:56:29) Monk says: i have heard that he still will not go there
(14:56:43) Monk says: i am sorry darkshade
(14:56:46) Anfa shakes her head
(14:56:53) Anfa says: He CAN not
(14:56:56) Monk says: you don\'t need to stay, if you would prefer
(14:57:02) Darkshade shivers, a slight breeze passing.
(14:57:13) Darkshade says: It.. it is not that..
(14:57:32) Monk says: anfa
(14:57:41) Monk says: Gellule is back with us
(14:57:45) Darkshade mutters softly. \"I can feel it.. The wind brings darkness, an aura of darkness.\"
(14:57:46) Monk says: yet does not remember us
(14:57:51) Monk says: it pains us greatly
(14:57:59) Anfa nods understanding
(14:58:15) Anfa says: We were touched differently Einnol and I
(14:58:26) Monk says: Nilaya herself was starved and driven nearly mad in the southwestern wilderness before she was resceud by two other explorers
(14:58:31) Darkshade shivers once again.
(14:58:55) Monk says: i understand your pain, and xillix is not the only one who has been endagered
(14:59:04) Anfa says: I have heard the darkness calling...I thought it was only me...
(14:59:06) Monk says: i expected to hear this was not entirely of this world
(14:59:11) Monk says: calling
(14:59:11) Anfa looks concerned
(14:59:14) Monk says: yes
(14:59:16) Monk says: exactly
(14:59:26) Anfa says: to each a different experience
(14:59:37) Anfa says: the shadows whisper secrets...
(14:59:49) Monk nods, understanding
(14:59:52) Anfa says: threats/ lies/promises?
(15:00:02) Darkshade suddenly starts swearing in another language, a language from above.
(15:00:06) Monk says: even when you know you\'re caught, you may not want to escape
(15:00:21) Monk says: darkshade? what is it!
(15:00:33) Anfa nods slightly distant
(15:00:46) Darkshade moans slightly. \"Can you even _feel_ it? It\'s like the.. wind itself is sick..\"
(15:00:50) Anfa says: And once touched...never clean again
(15:01:02) Darkshade sways.
(15:01:16) Anfa shivers hearing the shadows chittering their laughter
(15:01:21) Monk holds darkshade stead and starts chanting under his breath
(15:01:57) Monk says: darkshade
(15:02:05) Darkshade collapses onto the rooftop.
(15:02:13) Monk sighs
(15:02:27) Anfa reaches down and touches Darkshade in understanding
(15:02:29) Monk moves darkdshard to a safe position on the beam
(15:02:57) Monk says: he seems very sensitive to the movements of the underdark
(15:03:04) Monk speaks to Anfa
(15:03:16) Monk says: i think perhaps his recent trauma has made it too much, for now
(15:03:20) Darkshade says: (And this is where I must go. :( Pretend Darkshade is unconcious here.)
(15:03:26) Anfa whispers softly \"fight it Darkshade, build your walls, you will need to be stronger for this fight to come\"
(15:03:54) Anfa leaves the unconcious Darkshade to sweet sleep
(15:03:57) Monk says: [cya darkshade! see you soon]
(15:03:59) Darkshade murmurs softly, although it sounds pained. \"The wind itself... cannot fight.\"
(15:04:05) Darkshade says: (Bye!)
(15:04:09) Anfa says: [bye]
(15:04:32) Monk says: if you can shed more light the nature of the danger you faced
(15:04:40) Anfa turns in the direction of the face...and tastes the wind
(15:04:47) Monk says: it is clear the underdark does not approve of this discussion
(15:05:03) Monk says: but that should encourage us: it means this is worthwhile
(15:05:07) Anfa says: The smiles coldly at the mention of the underdark
(15:05:23) Anfa says: The nature of the danger?
(15:05:33) Monk says: from what was xillix saved?
(15:05:55) Anfa says: Xillix was under a spell, the answers were in the well
(15:06:16) Anfa says: We had to go to the other plane to find out how to break the spell
(15:06:19) Monk says: and what lead you to believe the answers lay there?
(15:06:33) Anfa says: The map carved into her head...
(15:06:39) Anfa looks at Monk grimly
(15:06:41) Monk blinks
(15:06:46) Anfa says: with a date
(15:06:53) Anfa nods
(15:07:09) Monk says: do you have any idea how she came to be under that spell? who\'s doing the map was?
(15:07:13) Anfa says: At the appointed time, at the appoint place
(15:07:42) Anfa says: She remembered when she awoke from her coma and her memory was replaced
(15:07:52) Anfa says: or returned really
(15:08:37) Anfa says: She was an instrument of the future..
(15:08:51) Monk says: but, you broke it
(15:09:07) Anfa says: No...we released it
(15:09:12) Anfa smiles softly
(15:09:24) Anfa says: the spell was for her own protection
(15:09:26) Tamirol shouts: figure it out stop shouting
(15:09:53) Anfa says: To protect her from the assasins that would be searching for her
(15:10:21) Monk says: i am a little confused..
(15:10:23) Monk says: but anfa..
(15:10:23) Anfa says: She didn\'t know who she was...or where she was from..
(15:10:57) Monk says: i must ask you to bring yourself to the memories i seek
(15:11:00) Anfa says: [try being in the middle of it with Kran kings and rituals to]
(15:11:21) Monk says: it may be much of this is unrelated
(15:11:25) Monk says: however
(15:11:27) Anfa says: What memory is that Monk?
(15:11:29) Monk says: your experience with the face
(15:11:47) Monk says: the evil working in the wilderness
(15:11:57) Anfa shakes her head
(15:12:01) Monk says: may be the same which tarnished your experience there
(15:12:13) Monk says: please anfa
(15:12:15) Anfa says: when we arrived at the face it was peaceful and calm
(15:12:27) Anfa says: There was no evil there at the time
(15:12:47) Anfa says: Einnol and I did not meet evil till we climb down into the funeral well
(15:13:07) Monk says: funeral well?
(15:13:17) Anfa says: Yes..that is what the face is
(15:13:31) Anfa says: it is the funeral well of Hydlaa
(15:13:42) Anfa says: [check the library]
(15:14:07) Anfa says: It is where the citizens of Hydlaa toss their dead
(15:14:34) Anfa looks curiously at Monk
(15:14:39) Anfa says: Did you not know that?
(15:14:49) Monk shakes his head
(15:14:57) Anfa says: It was a sacred place...
(15:14:57) Monk says: funerals are rare with my kind
(15:15:11) Anfa looks off into the distance saddened
(15:15:17) Monk says: and my company has been small for some centuries
(15:16:27) Anfa nods \"I see now why you were confused at my mention of the face and the \"funeral well\" it is one and the same
(15:16:42) Anfa says: [the whole story is on the forum]
(15:17:07) Monk says: but funerals are an honourable and holy thing
(15:17:12) Anfa says: If evil is rising it has the spirits of the dead at it\'s mercy
(15:17:15) Monk says: and so was your quest
(15:17:29) Monk says: if you encountered an evil there
(15:17:32) Anfa says: Yes...but to an unholy plane
(15:17:42) Monk says: it may be related to the evil which is haunting the whole area
(15:17:47) Anfa shakes her head knowing he didn\'t understand
(15:17:59) Anfa says: We were no longer \"here\" Monk
(15:18:13) Monk eyes narrow, trying to understand
(15:18:13) Anfa says: Where we were, I do not know
(15:18:36) Anfa says: But the passage to this other plane was at the bottom of the well
(15:18:50) Anfa says: We were let in...we did not know we were being led
(15:19:06) Monk nods
(15:19:14) Monk says: if something happened that day...
(15:19:22) Anfa says: We were gone for 12 days
(15:19:27) Anfa looks grimly at Monk
(15:19:29) Monk says: something that could bring a leak from the underdark..
(15:19:37) Monk says: i must know
(15:19:57) Anfa says: For 12 days we were lost in the darkness, making our way to a rescue
(15:20:34) Anfa says: But the power there is nothing you can even begin to understand
(15:20:52) Anfa says: if It is beginning to rise up from the well....?
(15:20:52) Monk nods: i would not desire to
(15:20:57) Anfa shivers horrified
(15:21:22) Monk says: when you finally left this realm
(15:21:26) Anfa says: It dances on the mind...finding your wants your fears you hopes
(15:21:39) Anfa eyes get wider
(15:21:55) Monk holds anfa\'s shoulder a moment
(15:21:59) Monk says: Anfa!
(15:22:02) Monk says: it\'s ok
(15:22:17) Anfa says: No is not..
(15:22:24) Monk looks down
(15:22:27) Anfa starts to tremble
(15:22:35) Anfa says: you don\'t know
(15:22:35) Monk says: will be.
(15:22:49) Monk says: Anfa you are right that I know very little of this power
(15:22:59) Monk says: it is my Way to avoid it
(15:23:06) Monk says: however, I know much of it\'s counterpart
(15:23:07) Monk says: the LifeRealm
(15:23:17) Anfa nods thinking furiously
(15:23:32) Monk says: and there lies a Power that no darkness can fathom
(15:23:34) Anfa says: it will find those who want it to make itself stronger
(15:23:44) Anfa ignores the chittering of the shadows
(15:24:14) Monk says: when you left the realm
(15:24:19) Monk says: how did you get out?
(15:24:40) Anfa says: We had made our way to the bottom of a cavern and discovered a portal door
(15:24:50) Anfa says: it was inactive...we were trapped


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« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 08:05:43 am »
(15:25:01) Monk nods
(15:25:07) Monk says: but it isn\'t any more, is it, anfa
(15:25:35) Anfa says: It was not until we got back that we discovered there was a prophesy that if people gathered to pray for us we would find a doorway home
(15:25:57) Anfa says: There love and friendship activated the doorway allowing us to escape
(15:26:29) Monk says: and the those same forces will prevail again
(15:26:32) Anfa shrugs in the and love saved all of us
(15:26:40) Monk says: but the battle is not over
(15:26:47) Anfa says: It will never be over
(15:26:49) Anfa says: As long as the darkness is embraced by some
(15:26:56) Monk says: the war will never be over
(15:27:04) Monk says: but we must stand up for this battle
(15:27:05) Anfa shrugs
(15:27:16) Monk says: i am not asking you to get involved again
(15:27:19) Anfa says: We need to return the balance
(15:27:23) Monk nods
(15:27:29) Monk says: what you have told me is of great help
(15:27:51) Anfa says: I hope it will help...and I will return to the face to see what I can discover
(15:27:52) Monk says: it surely confirms the source of the Strangeness in the wilderness
(15:28:02) Monk says: anfa..
(15:28:07) Monk says: that may not be advisable
(15:28:15) Monk says: i insist that if you do so you go with me
(15:28:44) Anfa looks seriously at Monk
(15:28:54) Monk says: let me tell you what our guild has encountered out there
(15:29:01) Monk says: you know we roam widely in the lands
(15:29:10) Anfa nods
(15:29:19) Monk says: once nilaya went out there, with enough food planned for her trip
(15:29:36) Monk says: she is a wise advneturer, knows how to read the cracks in the sky
(15:30:02) Monk says: that is why when she found her journey taking days and weeks longer than expected, and her supplies ran out..
(15:30:07) Monk says: she was driven nearly mad
(15:30:22) Monk says: it is lucky she had told ones of our guild where she was going
(15:30:27) Monk says: another was not so lucky
(15:30:30) Monk says: Gellule
(15:30:41) Monk says: he was out there for months
(15:30:50) Anfa thinks slightly confused for a moment
(15:30:54) Monk says: began living on mushrooms and clacker meat
(15:31:11) Anfa says: They just \"lost\" their way?
(15:31:19) Monk says: he was seen from time to time, by travellers along oja road, or inteh shadoows of the city
(15:31:27) Monk says: but he was...
(15:31:35) Monk says: you could not make sense of him
(15:31:45) Monk says: finally.. finally he is back with us
(15:31:50) Monk says: and seems sane
(15:31:56) Anfa nods softly
(15:31:57) Monk says: but nilaya wept when he did not remember us
(15:32:16) Monk says: he is still with our guild, only taking our word for it that we are his home
(15:32:22) Monk says: but his memory is still lost
(15:32:34) Monk says: i went into the SouthWestern Wilderness myself
(15:32:47) Monk says: having heard of this anomaly
(15:33:01) Monk says: my will is higher than Sharven can train
(15:33:16) Anfa nods
(15:33:20) Monk says: and i have the disciplines of my way
(15:33:46) Monk says: once it began to affect me
(15:33:54) Monk says: i began travelling in circles
(15:34:03) Monk says: i was reading the sky crevaces
(15:34:11) Monk says: but it didn\'t matter
(15:34:20) Monk says: even once i was aware what i was doing.. i didn\'t want to stop
(15:34:22) Anfa listens quietly
(15:34:24) Monk says: didn\'t care to go the right way
(15:34:35) Monk says: i was prepared for this
(15:35:11) Monk says: i did finally return and meditation took off the effects, but not before i ended up in the ruins when i thought i was going in the opposite direction
(15:35:32) Monk says: there are others in danger
(15:35:44) Monk says: it is not only Xillix any more
(15:36:35) Anfa nods concerned over the news
(15:36:47) Monk says: if there is a leak from the underdark
(15:36:55) Monk says: the effects could become far worse
(15:37:01) Monk says: confusion and temptation are only the lesser dangers
(15:37:10) Monk says: it could become as bad as even.. possession
(15:37:37) Anfa looks off into the distance again knowing the evils that \"could be\"
(15:37:37) Monk says: this Faceless Shadow.. he could even be a Hydlaaran who went into the hills or near the face, and then to the city near the Bronze Doors
(15:38:20) Monk says: if you know how anyone could return to that portal deep in the underdark
(15:38:23) Anfa says: Grave news indeed Monk...
(15:39:07) Anfa says: The portal opened on this side by the words of a prophet who sacrifized himself to save us...
(15:39:27) Anfa whispers..\"I never even knew him....\"
(15:39:49) Anfa blinks away a tear in memory of the noble spirit
(15:39:59) Monk says: how terrible the underdark
(15:40:10) Monk says: that such sacrifices should be perverted
(15:40:24) Monk says: and used for such purposes
(15:40:43) Anfa says: the Portal should have closed when the praying stopped
(15:40:55) Monk nods: aye. Should Have.
(15:41:05) Anfa has a sudden thought...
(15:41:10) Anfa says: oh noooooo
(15:41:33) Anfa says: \"Used....used...used...
(15:41:37) Anfa starts to snarl
(15:41:50) Anfa eyes grow cold in anger
(15:42:11) Anfa says: Could that be it?
(15:42:22) Anfa says: Forgive me Monk...I must talk to Einnol
(15:42:33) Anfa says: Only he can answer the questions I have
(15:42:33) Monk says: the battle is not over
(15:42:51) Anfa says: If what I suspect is has only just begun
(15:43:03) Anfa smiles coldly
(15:43:14) Monk says: [this convo being pasted to a forum or two might help others get involved]
(15:43:17) Anfa says: And a God will hear my voice
(15:43:40) Monk says: [i\'ll hit the explorers]
(15:43:53) Monk says: [and the ps story forum]
(15:44:21) Anfa says: [I was going to add to my story -journey into the mouth..I will let you know when I have finished writing it
(15:44:24) Anfa says: ]
(15:44:45) Monk says: [great! this convo here is enough to give people a gist of it too]
(15:44:54) Anfa says: [an after the fact..follow up...discovering we were used to open a portal to evil]
(15:46:35) Monk says: anfa
(15:46:43) Anfa says: [Vodul was the who we encountered in the other plane]
(15:46:43) Monk says: do not forget you still saved your friend
(15:47:09) Anfa says: Ahhh but I will not be used...not even by a God
(15:47:11) Monk says: it seems your exit from the underdark was taken advantage of
(15:47:32) Anfa says: It was arranged..we were let..the ruby crystals..
(15:47:41) Monk nods
(15:47:42) Anfa sighs remembering the journey
(15:47:55) Monk says: .. i did wonder about the original source of the map, and the spell
(15:48:07) Monk says: whether the origins could have deeper than you thought
(15:48:29) Anfa says: I know only that is by my actions alone that that portals is open
(15:48:47) Anfa says: I am responsible if the darkness is emerging
(15:48:52) Anfa says: Me...
(15:48:53) Monk says: no anfa!
(15:48:57) Anfa says: Yes Monk...
(15:49:03) Monk says: you must not take this onto your shoulders
(15:49:06) Anfa says: You do not know the story
(15:49:23) Anfa laughs slightly hysterical remembering the ritual in the death realm
(15:49:32) Monk says: but i know you are innocent of disohonour
(15:50:06) Monk says: there are minds of manipulation at work here far beyond our ability to fathom
(15:50:29) Anfa says: It was done for honourable reasons...for the life of Einnol and Xillix...\"
(15:50:37) Monk says: don\'t forget that
(15:50:37) Anfa snarls again...
(15:50:50) Anfa says: ohhhhh I hate being used!!
(15:50:57) Monk says: ultimately it will have to be the forces of the Lore that we must call upon
(15:51:13) Monk says: only there lays a Might greater than the evil of the underdark
(15:51:27) Monk says: but that Force works through all of us
(15:51:33) Anfa takes calming breaths
(15:51:41) Monk says: some of us may have to return to the underdark
(15:51:55) Anfa says: I will do all that I can to undo this portal
(15:52:02) Monk nods
(15:52:06) Monk says: i believe you will
(15:52:27) Monk says: but for now, you have much to think about and discuss, as do i
(15:52:37) Anfa nods distracted
(15:52:50) Anfa says: I need to talk to Einnol
(15:53:20) Monk says: go easy on him, anfa
(15:53:39) Monk says: he may not be as ready as you have been to delve back into those memories
(15:53:57) Monk says: you have been mighty this day
(15:54:02) Anfa says: On Einnol? He needs to know there is a reason he is reacting
(15:54:20) Monk nods
(15:54:22) Anfa says: He thinks it is a memory he is responding too and feels weak because of it..
(15:54:34) Monk says: i see..
(15:54:46) Anfa says: When he finds out he was only feeling what others could not yet...
(15:54:54) Monk senses anger in the shadows
(15:55:05) Anfa laughs out loud
(15:55:19) Anfa says: Aye...he shall be justified
(15:55:32) Anfa says: and once more not doubt his strength
(15:55:40) Anfa says: hahahahahaha
(15:55:47) Anfa sticks her tongue out at the shadows
(15:55:47) Monk smiles
(15:56:03) Anfa says: Score one for the good guys
(15:56:12) Anfa grins at Monk
(15:56:22) Anfa says: It is the little things that matter..
(15:56:27) Monk says: thank you for seeing me, Anfa
(15:56:51) Anfa says: No thank you Monk
(15:57:09) Anfa says: I am glad to know what it was I was experiencing
(15:57:23) Anfa says: As will Einnol
(15:57:27) Monk says: : )
(15:57:31) Anfa says: You have helped two this day
(15:57:49) Monk says: i am only glad to have the danger identified
(15:58:25) Monk says: and meanwhile, life goes on :]
(15:58:39) Monk says: i had better get back to the others
(15:58:54) Anfa nods
(15:59:09) Monk says: good journey, Anfa
(15:59:09) Anfa says: And I will find Einnol and fill him in
(15:59:11) Monk says: be safe
(15:59:22) Anfa says: And to you Monk..many blessings be upon you
(15:59:27) Anfa says: And I am sorry...
(15:59:36) Monk says: hm?
(15:59:46) Anfa eyes are filled with pain
(16:00:03) Monk takes anfa firmly by the shoulders and holds her eyes
(16:00:15) Monk says: this source of this Evil is not your heart
(16:00:19) Monk says: that is all that matters
(16:00:36) Monk says: forget the past uses of your hands and prepare them for the future
(16:00:49) Anfa nods and sighs
(16:00:55) Monk nods: fare well
(16:01:04) Anfa says: Fare well Monk


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2006, 05:23:20 am »
(18:56:20) Monk says: greetings, bastion
(18:56:24) Monk bows
(18:56:28) Awai tells you: Hi Monk :]
(18:56:32) Diggah tells you: How did it go at the Face....had a server crash and couldnt log on for hours.
(18:56:42) You tell Diggah: it was amazing
(18:56:50) Baston nods "Greetings Sir Monk"
(18:57:01) You tell Diggah: xillx pulled off a master piece. wasn't without hickups, but very dramatic in the end
(18:57:13) Diggah tells you: If ou have time, tell all :)
(18:57:33) Monk says: I sought the leader of the Infedel Slayers and I was eventually directed to you.
(18:58:15) Baston says: You were wisely directed indeed
(18:58:17) You tell Diggah: i will - watch the thread
(18:58:33) Monk says: they seem good men, the Fidels
(18:58:44) Baston says: [hey it's "Baston" and "Infidel" not "bastion" and "Infedel" ;-)]
(18:58:56) Monk says: [got it]
(18:58:56) Diggah tells you: I annoyed I missed it.Be well.
(18:59:30) Baston says: what kind of "fidels" are you talking about ?
(18:59:33) Ragnerok tells you: When do we make our attack?
(18:59:46) Monk says: your men
(19:00:08) Monk says: forgive my curiosity, is it true you direct them not to speak of the nature of your guild?
(19:00:52) You tell Ragnerok: i don't yet know, we've not even decided who will be in the main party. we may decide the date/time in teh same meeting
(19:01:11) Baston says: why do you want to know that ?
(19:01:33) Monk says: that was the impression i got from speaking with one of your men
(19:01:43) Monk says: he was reluctant even to name you
(19:02:00) Baston says: oh ! and may I ask who in particular ?
(19:02:02) Monk says: he did so under anonymity
(19:02:31) Monk says: and with the assurance that my guild directives prevent me from interfering in the matters of other guilds
(19:02:48) Monk says: such is the nature of the Explorers
(19:03:06) Baston says: My guild do not hide is motivations and goals
(19:03:17) Monk nods
(19:03:19) Monk says: i thought you might be interested to know there were those amongst your number who were under a different impression
(19:03:45) Baston says: We are followers of the Almighty Vodul and we will help him to take back this land
(19:04:13) Monk face looks suddenly grave
(19:04:19) Baston smiles
(19:04:42) Monk says: are you aware of Vodule's latest movements to "take back this land?"
(19:04:46) Awai tells you: [Sorry, yet another client freeze-up... How goes it?]
(19:04:56) You tell Awai: nb ty
(19:05:08) Baston grins evily "The Mouth is ours... if it's what you are thinking"
(19:05:08) You tell Awai: hope we can bump into each other
(19:05:41) Baston caresses Vodul's Words of Power tattooed on his face
(19:06:37) Monk looks sadly on into Baston's eyes
(19:07:02) Monk says: will you not question the methods of your master
(19:07:12) Awai tells you: I'm heading to the arena to turn some of my hard-earned tria into sword experience
(19:07:46) Baston says: My Master is Almighty I will never question his method
(19:07:56) Baston says: *methods
(19:08:28) Monk looks down a moment
(19:08:41) Monk says: there is a Power at work in all the realms
(19:08:51) Monk says: some follow Talad, others Laanx
(19:08:57) Baston's eyes reflect an unfriendly spark
(19:09:24) Monk says: not aware that all of them are simply poor reflections of the One whom sent them forth
(19:09:47) Monk says: the many imperfectly following the imperfect
(19:09:49) Baston says: Laanx and Talad are young deity not worth to be followed
(19:10:05) Monk says: just as Laanx and Talad have failed to follow Vodule
(19:10:14) Monk says: vodule is no different
(19:10:18) Baston says: I aware you to be carefull with your words.. at least in my presence...
(19:10:34) Monk says: why follow poor reflections when you can follow the One perfect example
(19:10:59) Baston winces and whispers slowly "what !?"
(19:11:17) Monk says: I am a servant in the Lore of Life
(19:11:21) Androel says: can you buy this
(19:11:35) Monk says: I fear no other than He who began all, including Vodule
(19:11:52) Baston says: Be carefull little Dermorian...
(19:11:54) Monk says: and i speak Truth to you this day
(19:12:21) Monk stands unperturbed
(19:12:25) Baston looks agitated
(19:12:50) Monk says: follow that which is corrupt, and only add to your own corruption
(19:12:57) Monk says: so says the Lore
(19:13:26) Baston make a visible effort to control his anger "Is it all you have to say to me ?"
(19:13:53) Baston's eyes are not friendly anymore but filled by angry and evilness
(19:14:10) Monk says: i would happily die by your hand if my words would then be heard
(19:14:18) Monk says: but i sense that they will not
(19:15:05) Baston says: No they will not...
(19:15:38) Baston says: and if you only wish to die I can help you
(19:16:20) Monk says: Vodul will kill your friends and those you love, and then will be vanquished. This is your path. This is not my threat, but the Lore. You have been warned.
(19:23:12) You tell baston: [hey - cool development! :D
(19:23:35) You tell baston: [at one stage we're going to have a full militia surrounding the face, to guard a party while they go down]
(19:23:44) Baston tells you: [thank you, and thank you for such a good rp part ;-)]
(19:24:21) You tell baston: [why dont you / your guild charge and attack the militia when the party is descending into the mouth?]
(19:25:30) Baston tells you: [it can be a good idea]


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2006, 05:29:58 am »
At the moment the ideas / plans in the mind of the citizens is roughly as follows:

There must be a front assault in the area of the Face to try to allow a party of selected men and women with special skills and knowledge to descend into the face, where the portal may be closed.

However, this will be only a distraction as one Chavem Stonehands, seeks to approach the dark portal from the within the underdark. He will try to enter the underdark by allowing himself to be drawn in by a being who is already trying to becon him onto their side. Chavem will pretend he has been taken over by a Stalker Demon and go to the other side.

A council must be called of as many great warriors, wise ancients and guild leaders as possible. It is scheduled for the Soltice (an arbitrary time we can hopefullly work out that best for everyone soon :] )


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2006, 03:53:03 am »
Everyone is encouraged to develop events and side-plots to with this supertheme. If anything develops or you have some strange encounter with the Shadow, post here to let us know the development!


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2006, 09:48:50 am »
Peacer stands on teh entrance to oja road trying to recall his stealth lessons he had in his nolthrir school although, he was determined in what to do and after his meditation the it was as if the lessons had taken place yesterday. But his skills in stealth was only a beginners, it would be strong magical eyes he may come up against, or could be no one knows. Maybe someone who could detect magic as well as himself. He recalled the lessons one more time and whispered "Lietha guldur" to hide his are to then start tiptoing very silently over the hill towards the face. He remembers from being there before that there was some hills to the left where he could look a bit around and then hurry away again. When on the top of the hill he saw a Male tefusang blocking the road to his goal. "Blasted" he thought and looked a bit more at the tefusang, it appeared to be not to bright so he had a little sneaky plan! He pointed at a tree far from the tefusang but something that the tefusang could see and pointed there. He silently whisperd "Yala ona en' alu" and a little water elemental shaped like a female tefusang appeared. He hoped that it would work and saw the male tefusang looking interesting at his water elemental tefusang, there went some time and Peacer got himself ready to battle when the male tefusang started acting weird and walked towards his water elemental shaped as a tefusang. Peacer grinned smilingly and just to be sure he pointed at the tefusang and whispered silently "Lova tyelka"[Clumsy, spell.] He dispelled his aura again by whispering "lietha guldur" and tiptoed towards the hills left to the head. Nothing was to sight as he tiptoed to his goal.

He arrived at the hills and silently looked at the head and at the area where the head was. He couldn't see anything, maybe it was magical hidden. It could be but in fear of being discovered he didn't use any magic if they were scanning auras, he couldn't use magic, lying there vulnerable without no protection but invisible to magical eyes but not to physical eyes if they looked for him. He tried to look again but everything was laying silently. He saw something black rising from the head and a sweatdrop walked down his chin, his brain immediately recognized the dark spell making him fear the shadow, but remained calm. He ducked from the shadow in the hills so he couldn't be seen and hoped it would be gone when he tried to look again.
There was nothing, it was gone, he was about to whisper "Pa..." when he forgot about the risks that could happen. He checked the area near the head again and saw nothing. He hurried titoing the way back where he came from. On his way he saw a tefusang rolling on the floor and couldn't get on it's legs again. also seeing that it was wet. Peacer grinned at the thought from what the tefusang might have tried to his water elemental and whispered the curing words for the spell he made before and hurried back tiptoing over the hill. Thinking it was not a coinsidence that shadow rised from the face right after he arrived. Something must have told him, or Someone.
The Guardians of Power

left the game, looking in now and then to check progress, if you want to contact me use the email attached to the msn contact on this forum account


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2006, 12:22:55 pm »
A strange Ynnwn watches in the hills, waiting for something...he looks a lot like Xidus, who was said to have been chosen by Vodùl to lead Yliakum to its destruction and rebirth. Yet, he looks younger...


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2006, 07:01:26 pm »
[ooc] Satayne and I entered the temple and we were taken by surprise with this roleplay. Anfa was here through out but I believe she was having problems with her connection as she crashed alot. I had a blast and look forward more to this story.

Saving Proglin from the shadows ......

(10:39:26) Satayne says: lets go see Proglin
(10:41:21) Satayne says: where is he I wonder?
(10:41:28) Zorbels says: "Thats not proglin."
(10:41:32) Satayne says: Thats not him
(10:41:32) Zorbels frowns
(10:41:50) Satayne says: Forig,..where is Proglin?
(10:44:00) Forig says: have you come in search of the shadow
(10:44:00) Satayne looks at Folandar
(10:45:20) Zorbels ears perk and she looks at Forig with curiousity
(10:45:32) Zorbels strolls over to Forig
(10:46:02) Zorbels looks Forig up and down with a thoughful look upon her face "I suppose the shadows
got you?"
(10:46:10) Forig says: the secret garden shall fall the shadow wil take the portal we will unleash a our
force from the portals
(10:46:21) Forig says: this land is soomed
(10:46:24) Forig laughs
(10:46:36) Forig looks at zorbels
(10:46:44) Zorbels chuckles lightly herself "Not while I and other great worriors wander this land."
(10:46:54) Forig says: have you come to become one with the shadow
(10:47:18) Zorbels says: "I come from the same place the shadows do, but my missions are different."
(10:47:53) Forig says: you stand within my curses rubys you shall dream dof shadow tonight
(10:48:05) Forig laughs
(10:48:06) Zorbels lets a smile curl her lips "The dark ones thought they could control me but I will be
their death, as will others who have vowed to fight the shadows."
(10:48:16) Zorbels says: "I am not effected by it my friend."
(10:48:46) Zorbels says: "I am immune to it you see. Though I hear the calls quite clearly."
(10:49:29) Forig says: you will not be immune to the army that comes forth
(10:49:33) Forig laughs
(10:50:12) Forig looks at Sezrenade "Have you come to beat me more."
(10:50:39) Sezrenade laughs "silence worm"
(10:51:02) Forig says: you see the rubys on the floor they give me power from the dark one
(10:51:05) Forig laughs
(10:51:14) Forig chants
(10:51:17) Sezrenade snarls
(10:51:27) Zorbels ears perk as she hears faint voices whispering dark deeds
(10:51:31) Satayne looks at Sezrenade
(10:51:35) Forig chants louder and the shadow begins to grow in the cell
(10:51:43) Satayne says: please don't agitate the prisoner
(10:51:54) Zorbels looks thoughtful and whispers "And so it begins."
(10:51:56) Satayne says: he is bewitched
(10:51:58) Sezrenade backs away fom the shadow feeling ts over powering aura
(10:52:06) Forig shouts: DOOM DOOM TO YOU ALL FOUL BEAST
(10:52:14) Sezrenade says: hmmm, we need monk...
(10:52:23) Forig laughs
(10:52:24) Zorbels nods "Yes I do believe so. Monk should be here to view this. I cannot locate him
(10:52:55) Forig says: let xillix know i have called forth a curse upon her tell thanks for the water
(10:52:58) Forig laughs
(10:53:03) Sezrenade says: my power alone wont do much aginst the power he gets from those crystas...
(10:53:35) Forig set in the center of the rubys and begins to chant
(10:53:58) Zorbels waves it away "I can remove the curse from her... but I fear your soul Forig is in
trouble, if you can hear me?"
(10:54:12) Satayne says: Perhaps white magic will bring him to his senses
(10:54:23) Zorbels looks at Forig "How long have the shadows had you?"
(10:54:44) Forig tells Satayne "you should not touch the rubies with white magic's."
(10:55:36) Forig says: the shadow has not got me i am one with it we are power
(10:56:14) Zorbels chuckles "Forig it lets you believe you have power. You do not really, it is an illusion."
(10:56:21) Satayne says: help me collect those crystals first Zorbels?
(10:56:37) Zorbels says: "Never trust the dark, it will always consume you...this I know."
(10:56:51) Forig says: you may take them the curse is done
(10:56:54) Satayne chants an incantation
(10:57:11) Forig chants
(10:57:18) Proglin says: Heya!
(10:57:20) Satayne says: "by the power of the light, I release you"
(10:57:30) Zorbels lays a cool hand on Forig forhead and whispers a few ancient words
(10:57:51) Proglin sees what's happening 'ah...."
(10:57:53) Satayne wtaches for a reaction
(10:57:54) Forig yells "AAAAARRRGGGGGGG" falling to the floor
(10:58:19) Zorbels puts a protective shield around Forig to take some of the pain
(10:58:24) Satayne says: Proglin?
(10:58:26) Forig says: the shadow will come for you beast
(10:58:29) Satayne says: are you alright?
(10:58:35) Proglin whispers to Satayne "Anything I can help with my friend?"
(10:58:49) Proglin says: I'm sort of ok... talk about that later.
(10:58:51) Satayne says: I have tried all I know to help, It is useless
(10:58:52) Forig looks at zorbels why do you treat me well
(10:59:10) Zorbels says: "Because I know the dark well and what it is doing to you."
(10:59:19) Forig looks at proglin
(10:59:25) Zorbels looks sad "It has been apart of me a long time."
(10:59:28) Forig spits
(10:59:36) Forig says: you will come back to us
(10:59:40) Forig laughs
(11:00:07) Zorbels nods 'Perhaps, or so I have been told. I will fight it to my death."
(11:00:26) Zorbels says: "But I may not come back a friend to the dark but enemy."
(11:01:09) Zorbels stand in the circle and breaths in the familiar scent of home nad looks disturbed
(11:01:40) Forig stands up
(11:01:41) Zorbels looks sad "I cannot touch these crystals, or indeed I will end up feeding you dark, and
that I do not want to do."
(11:01:41) Satayne looks at Proglin
(11:01:54) Satayne says: I am so glad to see you out of there my friend
(11:02:14) Forig says: dont forget short proglin the shadow seeks you
(11:02:23) Forig laughs
(11:02:27) Satayne says: what are the crystals on the floor?
(11:02:30) Proglin says: yeah...
(11:02:52) Zorbels looks at Proglin sadly "Aye I feel them reaching for you proglin. How did that
(11:03:16) Proglin says: That's a long story my friends...
(11:04:55) Proglin steps back slowly, keeping an eye in forig.
(11:05:05) Forig says: Let the shadow of voduls wrath clean thee lies of this false temple
(11:05:30) Forig says: let the blood of the wicked flow on its walls
(11:05:43) Zorbels feels something reach for proglin and stands in it's way 'Ohhhhh proglin the shadows
ARE growing sronger."
(11:05:46) Forig yells " HAIL VODUL"
(11:05:59) Proglin says: Graaa.....
(11:06:04) Zorbels gulps with worry "Something has to be done about this soon."
(11:06:05) Forig begins a dark chant
(11:06:10) Proglin says: Hold them back Zorbels!
(11:06:18) Proglin says: I.... I can't!
(11:06:28) Zorbels feels the shadows crawl up her back like ants
(11:06:49) Zorbels eyes widen with shock "Holy hell ... proglin I am going to need some help."
(11:06:52) Forig says: brother proglin why have you not yet come to join us we welcome you friend
(11:07:07) Forig says: we offer a great seat of power to you
(11:07:16) Proglin looks at Forig, then too Zorbels.
(11:07:21) Proglin says: That's why...
(11:07:23) Forig says: you will lead your people to death with your loyalties of the tall ones
(11:07:27) Zorbels looks fearfully around and begins to chant an old protection spell
(11:07:40) Zorbels wards the door
(11:07:52) Forig says: come take the power we offer we shall not harm thy brothers if you join us
(11:08:08) Forig chants
(11:08:13) Proglin looks at Forig, the to his own hands.
(11:08:35) Zorbels feels them whipsers in her ear "Coooommmme hooomee."
(11:08:43) Forig stands up
(11:09:06) Zorbels looks back at Forig and says in a low tone "Tell them I am not on their side this
(11:09:26) Forig smiles
(11:09:44) Zorbels chants harder and squeezes her eyes shut ignoring their calls and promises
(11:10:01) Zorbels whipsers "All lies....all lies...""
(11:10:07) Forig says: they call you the shadow comes stronger it has grown for many years waited for
this time now we rise
(11:10:48) Forig says: we will take the portals and the force that come will be like none this land has
(11:10:57) Proglin says: Satayne....
(11:11:00) Zorbels peeks through her closed eyes at proglin and satayne with worry "Someone must tell
Monk and Anfa.... they are prepare to come forth. I see it in my minds eye. They will be ready soon."
(11:11:06) Satayne says: Proglin?
(11:11:20) Forig laughs " MONK "
(11:11:21) Proglin says: Einnol took my weapons, can I have your daggers for a sec?
(11:11:57) Satayne says: "sure" *satayne hands over the daggers*
(11:12:24) Zorbels suddenly feels something move within her and she drops to her knees while fighting it
"They.....are......strong...." she gasps.
(11:12:35) Proglin says: Thank you Satayne... I'll go and fetch monk and ki.... get Anfa now.
(11:13:07) Zorbels shouts: Anfa .... I need your HELP!
(11:13:17) Zorbels looks at Proglin as she notices he cut off what he was going to say and replaced it
with other words.
(11:13:20) Forig says: do not fight it, it comes for you all if you come to the shadow you will be saved
(11:13:56) You tell anfa: *You hear Zorbels screaming for your help in the temple as she wards off
(11:13:58) Forig says: for those who deny the truth of VODULS SHADOW YOU WILL PAY IN BLOOD
(11:14:22) Forig chants
(11:15:06) Zorbels begins to sweat and she looks at satayne with fear "It is"
(11:15:21) Proglin says: I send anfa a bird with a meesage attached to it's foot.
(11:15:29) Zorbels breaths deeply and chants her hardest
(11:15:32) Satayne's eyes widen and he looks concerned
(11:15:37) Forig says: can you not choose a side friend
(11:15:41) Satayne chants with her
(11:15:52) Forig looks at zorbels
(11:15:54) Satayne says: Zorbels, Get out of there!
(11:16:00) Proglin looks at Forig and to the daggers in his hands, smiling.
(11:16:11) Zorbels says: "If I move satayne the shadows will get proglin."
(11:16:28) Zorbels looks to her favorite dwarf with sorrow in her eyes "I will die first...."
(11:16:35) Forig says: come strike proglin give me a new host, one of power
(11:16:41) Forig laughs
(11:17:03) Forig says: kill this weak beast this puppet of my wrath
(11:17:07) Forig laughs
(11:17:08) Zorbels feels the shadows slashing at her back and blood begins to flow down her back
(11:17:12) Proglin looks at Zorbels with a dark glance in his eyes "Now we wouldn't want that, now would
we? Stay where you are, I say... just... stay.... righ.... there.
(11:17:51) Zorbels swears under her breath "Proglin please....please....fight them."
(11:18:04) Satayne chants another incantation
(11:18:10) Zorbels takes another blow to her back and screams out
(11:18:25) Proglin feels as if though a hammer hits his head "Satayne... stop that."
(11:18:29) Forig says: you anger Vodul
(11:18:33) Satayne tries to find out what it is and fails
(11:18:37) Proglin says: Vo.....dul?
(11:18:41) Forig says: you pay in blood as it has been said
(11:18:58) Satayne gets flung by some unseen force out of the cell
(11:19:18) Proglin gets struck by a large black-ish ball of fog.
(11:19:22) Satayne gets up a bit dazed
(11:19:27) Zorbels looks back at Forig "So be it as my blood falls to the floor Vodul will take this as
payment instead of Proglins soul...."
(11:19:44) Satayne says: Noooo!
(11:19:48) Proglin glances at Zorbels.
(11:19:50) Proglin starts emittig a blue light from his hands
(11:20:02) Proglin says: yes! YES!
(11:20:03) Forig says: Vodul wants your life
(11:20:10) Satayne follows Proglin's lead
(11:20:21) Zorbels closes her eyes as she bites her lip and takes another blow "He will have to work to
get it."
(11:20:24) Forig says: come if you wish to save your brother come to the face it welcomes all
(11:20:58) Proglin says: Forig? Vodul kill mortio Zorbels?
(11:21:10) Zorbels opens a power in her that she hasn't touched since her last fight with Alhana and lets
it flow into the room
(11:21:24) Proglin says: woooooahhh!!!!
(11:21:32) Forig crawls over to the blood on the floor and begins to claw at it crazed
(11:21:53) Zorbels eye narrow "I have dark magic of my own and I am afraid Vodul has a fight on his
(11:22:20) Zorbels shoots a ball of magic Forig's way "I may not be able to defeat him but he will not
have PROGLIN!"
(11:22:41) Forig yells "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH"
(11:23:02) Forig mumbles "he will come he has seen the path it calls."
(11:23:37) Forig still claws at the blood on the floor looking in a state of sleep
(11:24:37) Zorbels casts a protection shield around her and Forig so that she can keep the power between
them her back now bleeding at a fast flow
(11:25:33) Forig mumbles " shadow comes garden"
(11:26:38) Zorbels chants ancient words keeping Forig in place and holding the shadows back barely
(11:26:57) Satayne says: Zorbels!
(11:27:04) Zorbels calls out in a panic "Proglin talk to me...are you ok?"
(11:27:24) Zorbels back bleeds at a fast pace and she feels it begining to roll down her legs
(11:27:50) Zorbels says: "Kran get back!"
(11:28:09) Forig crawls to the far corner in the cell
(11:28:13) Zorbels says: "There are evil forces at work here."
(11:28:49) Forig looks around as if gone crazed like a wild beast just captured
(11:29:02) Satayne looks at Polof with a fearful gaze "Trust her, remove yourself."
(11:29:35) Zorbels throws a sleeping spell on Forig to give him a moments peace
(11:29:44) Polof says: Help.... Whats going on?
(11:30:40) Forig give a weak look to Zorbels
(11:30:52) Zorbels graps the corners of the door to hold her up and she continues to chant ancient words
(11:31:07) Satayne says: what meds do you speak of Proglin?
(11:31:18) Satayne comes to Zorbels aid
(11:31:39) Zorbels shouts: Anfa .... PLease .... I need your help..... they will escape soon....
(11:32:05) Forig begins to gather his rubys still crawling
(11:32:50) Zorbels has tears begins to stream down her cheeks as the pain from her back settles in but
stands her ground stubbornly.
(11:33:00) Satayne says: ooh no you don't
(11:33:01) Forig rest on the fur
(11:33:14) Satayne wrestles the crystals from Forig
(11:33:21) Zorbels drops to her knees beside Forig
(11:33:38) Forig yells " DIE"
(11:33:40) Anfa glances around
(11:33:56) Anfa reaches out to touch Zorbels
(11:34:13) Anfa says: Lady?
(11:34:15) Proglin says: he..lp.... her... i'll ... go ... get the. ... medicine... .quickly....
(11:34:19) Zorbels instantly feels better
(11:34:27) Arka tells you: Will do
(11:34:28) Forig says: you shall pay for my rubys
(11:34:30) Satayne holds Forig in place and takes the crystals
(11:34:32) Zorbels says: "Oh thank the gods...."
(11:34:50) Anfa smiles at Forig
(11:34:54) Satayne winces as slashes start to appear across his back
(11:35:03) Forig says: the shadow shall take you and cast you into flame
(11:35:09) Anfa says: How long did you think it would take me to notice the crystals?
(11:35:20) Zorbels looks at anfa with tears of pain rolling down her cheeks and shows Anfa her back it
bloody from fighting the shadows
(11:35:40) Forig says: long enough to finish what i finished
(11:35:44) Forig laughs
(11:35:46) Anfa says: "OH Lady...
(11:35:57) Anfa casts a healing spell
(11:36:02) Satayne is thrown out of the cell by some unseen force
(11:36:12) Zorbels gasps "Forig...he...he.... is possed."
(11:36:18) Forig says: hmmmmmmmm Anfa is it
(11:36:22) Zorbels says: "They seek ppp.....p...porglin."
(11:36:26) Anfa turns to Forig
(11:36:34) Satayne looks around for Proglin to see if he has returned
(11:36:41) Zorbels says: "I will not let them have him...I made a blood oath."
(11:36:49) Forig says: yes many of your clan comes to the shadow we welcome all
(11:36:51) Anfa sneers at Forig
(11:36:54) Zorbels says: "vodul must kill me to get Proglin."
(11:36:58) Anfa says: I have met your Master Forig
(11:37:09) Forig says: and he shall kill all
(11:37:12) Anfa says: None of my clan are in your grasp
(11:37:13) Zorbels breaths in rapid breaths struggling to stay conscious
(11:37:27) Forig says: deny the power and you will fall
(11:37:34) Anfa laughs softly
(11:37:56) Forig says: we shall see dear Anfa
(11:37:56) Anfa says: I have been dening the power for a very long time...and here I still stand.!!
(11:37:58) Proglin says: YES!
(11:38:06) Satayne says: Proglin, youre back!
(11:38:09) Proglin says: Levrus send the meds to Sharven!
(11:38:10) Zorbels groans and looks wildy around for proglin not seeing clearly "Where is he ok?"
(11:38:21) Satayne says: he is here
(11:38:26) Proglin says: Satayne... your own daggers would have almost killed you...
(11:38:32) Anfa continues to sneer at Forig
(11:38:38) Forig smiles
(11:38:42) Proglin says: in my hands...
(11:38:45) Proglin says: Zorbels...
(11:38:47) Satayne says: a worthy sacrifice for a friend
(11:38:52) Forig says: it gorws stronger how long can you hold
(11:38:56) Proglin says: Zorbels?
(11:38:58) Zorbels lays on the ground weak and still bleeding a mass amount of blood from her back.
(11:39:08) Proglin says: GOD!
(11:39:14) Proglin says: TALAD!!! Where are you?!?
(11:39:19) Proglin says: LAANX!
(11:39:29) Proglin says: We need your healing powers now more then ever!
(11:39:32) Forig says: you may want to help that one the shadow seeks her life proglin in trade for yours
(11:39:34) Satayne licks the wounds and starts to dig in his pack for sackcloth
(11:39:35) Anfa blinks and trembles
(11:39:41) Anfa whispers to Forig..."as long as I must.."
(11:39:43) Forig laughs
(11:39:44) Zorbels smiles weakly up at Proglin "You are ok?"
(11:39:49) Proglin says: Deal Forig.
(11:39:52) Proglin says: Take me.
(11:39:56) Proglin says: not her.
(11:39:57) Zorbels says: "NO!"
(11:39:59) Proglin says: I'm old....
(11:40:03) Zorbels stands up with all her will
(11:40:07) Forig chants
(11:40:24) Zorbels faces forig and chants as well
(11:40:27) Proglin says: Zorbels... it's me they really want... it has been like that from the start of this
(11:40:27) Satayne chants a spell on Zorbels
(11:40:33) Forig says: the shadow shall come for you when the darkness falls
(11:40:40) Proglin starts emittig a blue light from his hands[/b]
« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 02:43:09 am by zorbels »
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2006, 07:01:53 pm »
(11:40:48) Zorbels says: "Vodul wants proglin he must spill my blood to get him."
(11:40:58) Proglin says: NO!
(11:40:59) Forig says: you still see its way in your heart proglin
(11:41:18) Zorbels gets hit in the front this time and stumbles back
(11:41:22) Forig says: And i must say
(11:41:25) Proglin says: Forig... take me... please....
(11:41:26) Forig smiles
(11:41:44) Satayne says: Noooo!
(11:41:46) Zorbels chants until her eyes glow a bright blue blood trailing down her chest
(11:41:52) Proglin says: I beg of you... leave my friends alone... taunt them no longer....
(11:42:05) Forig says: we welcome all the shadow shall come to you when the darkness falls out side the
lord Vodul has heard you
(11:42:05) Proglin says: I.....
(11:42:12) Proglin sighs
(11:42:19) Zorbels opens her power once more and calls to her own darkness "Proglin trust me..."
(11:42:21) Satayne's objection goes unnoticed as he stands there helpless
(11:42:24) Forig grins evil
(11:42:32) Zorbels says: "Where they want to take do not want to go."
(11:42:37) Zorbels says: "I come from there."
(11:42:45) Forig says: tis done
(11:42:52) Zorbels says: "It was once my home....Alhana brough me here."
(11:43:12) Proglin says: I know Zorbels... I know...
(11:43:18) Proglin says: And I don't care.
(11:43:36) Forig laughs " to bad you came to us in this manner proglin your brother shall not be spared "
(11:43:36) Zorbels turns to Proglin with tears in her eyes and whispers "Please don't go to them..."
(11:43:47) Proglin says: Satayne, Zorbels, Einnol and... .Elesiy *a tear rolls down his cheek* you are all
to precious to me to suffer like this.
(11:44:05) Zorbels says: "I will suffer more if I know they have you."
(11:44:07) Forig says: they shall fall by your hand should they stand against us
(11:44:10) Satayne says: Einnol....where is he?
(11:44:16) Forig chants
(11:44:30) Proglin says: Einnol is looking for a cure... he does't know we got it already.
(11:44:36) Satayne grabs Proglin on either shoulder and looks dead into his eyes
(11:44:51) Zorbels gets hit again in the front this time some unseen force cuts her deeper in the chest
(11:44:53) Forig says: cure?
(11:45:04) Proglin says: ZORBELS!!!!
(11:45:13) Proglin says: ZORBELS, GET OUT OF THERE!!!!
(11:45:16) Proglin says: NOW!!!!
(11:45:21) Satayne casts defensive wind
(11:45:24) Proglin says: Or I'll kill you to make this pain end!
(11:45:40) Forig says: tis just a wound from the shadow it shall not kill
(11:45:44) Zorbels shakes her head "I will die first Proglin, my life is not as important as saving you from
their hell."
(11:45:53) Proglin says: IT IS!!!!
(11:45:57) Proglin says: Don't you get it?
(11:45:59) Forig says: she bring this pain to herself
(11:46:06) Forig says: she fights herself
(11:46:10) Forig smiles
(11:46:10) Proglin says: I'm old, they will keep killing one after another just to get to me....
(11:46:21) Zorbels smiles at Forig "Funny Alhana used to say that to me. Yet, she does not have me as
she wanted."
(11:46:39) Forig looks away
(11:46:56) Satayne watches to see if Zorbels is still under attack
(11:47:06) Proglin looks surprised all of a sudden
(11:47:19) Proglin slowly raises his dagger to his throat.
(11:47:20) Zorbels says: "They sure picked the wrong fenki to side them in darkness ...didn't they...."
*Zorbels laughs a little distant with pain*
(11:47:38) Forig looks to proglin and smiles cruely
(11:47:41) Satayne tends to her wounds
(11:47:44) Zorbels turns and grabs at the dagger missing it
(11:47:52) Zorbels says: "Proglin what are you doing?!"
(11:47:58) Proglin puts the dagger near his vain.
(11:48:04) Proglin says: Forig....
(11:48:14) Satayne says: Proglin NO!
(11:48:16) Proglin says: Servant of Vodul....
(11:48:16) Forig nods with a smile
(11:48:23) Zorbels shrieks and grabs on to the dagger cutting her hands "Proglin don't....please...."
(11:48:31) Proglin says: Whaat..... would you do, If I am no longer here?
(11:48:32) Forig says: come brother come become one
(11:48:36) Satayne grabs at the dagger
(11:48:47) Proglin dodges
(11:48:53) Forig says: we shall punish your race for your lies
(11:49:04) Satayne looks at Forig and realizes something and bolts at him
(11:49:06) Proglin says: Is it not true, that all you say are lies?
(11:49:06) Forig says: they shall all perish by flame
(11:49:11) Zorbels looks at Forig 'Will you take me in trade for proglins life?"
(11:49:29) Proglin says: If you do so Zorbels, I'll commit suicide.
(11:49:49) Forig says: i am not the taker but i spread the word the shadow will decide who it wants
(11:50:45) Forig says: we will keep doing what we do and be glad for one less traitor
(11:50:58) Satayne restrains Forig from any movement
(11:51:01) Forig says: and we will take your love in your stead
(11:51:02) Zorbels says: "I offer myself in Proglins place....tell your master that."
(11:51:05) Proglin looks at Zorbels, with doubt in his eyes.
(11:51:16) Proglin slowly lowers the dagger.
(11:51:23) Zorbels spits "Lets see if he can deal with a fenkis soul."
(11:51:29) Satayne looks at Zorbels, his eyes glazed with pain
(11:51:32) Forig says: hmm what was her name.....
(11:51:39) Proglin says: Satayne ... no worries...
(11:51:44) Forig thinks as his eyes darken
(11:52:14) Satayne says: "Face me demon! for I will be your doom!"
(11:52:31) Anfa says: Satayne...nooooo
(11:52:36) Zorbels laughs with cruelty "It would be fun to play with the darkness your master provides
and the faulse hopes."
(11:52:50) Anfa says: Kill this body and he is free to infect another
(11:52:57) Forig yells "Chaos .....FUN "
(11:53:05) Anfa says: One more powerful than he
(11:53:11) Zorbels eyes narrow "Go to him and ask.... I gave my blood on this oath." she looks to the
ground where he blood has spilt
(11:53:12) Satayne is flung back over the rail and falls
(11:53:15) Anfa looks horrified
(11:53:23) Forig says: tis a fine place to die for one sich as this
(11:53:27) Forig laughs
(11:53:38) Zorbels curses angry "You kill him and you will be sorry."
(11:53:47) Forig says: and a new host to choose would be not hard to find
(11:53:53) Satayne gets up slowly shaking off the impact
(11:54:02) Proglin says: come on Sat....
(11:54:04) Anfa looks sadly upon her friends
(11:54:08) Proglin says: I'm with ya...
(11:54:13) Forig says: looks around at all who have came into the cell
(11:54:30) Zorbels looks to anfa and whipsers sadly "I cannot let them have proglin."
(11:54:39) Proglin says: Anfa, Satayne, Zorbels....
(11:54:45) Satayne draws his swords and puts them together forming one single sword
(11:54:49) Proglin says: There are 4 of us... all great friends...
(11:55:02) Zorbels says: "He doesn't know .... the places we have seen Anfa."
(11:55:19) Proglin says: Our power... especially with mine added... is magnificent.
(11:55:20) Zorbels listens to proglin with interest
(11:55:34) Zorbels looks thoughtful
(11:55:38) Proglin says: I got cursed... but this curse may turn out s a blessing.
DARKNESS" he then throws a glyph on the floor shadow slowly seeps out of it
(11:56:06) Satayne looks at Proglin with suprise
(11:56:11) Proglin says: There is not much all of us together can't handle...
(11:56:22) Proglin says: let the shodwos come... find light in one another...
(11:56:34) Proglin says: le darkness gulp us as a whole..
(11:56:34) Forig chants
(11:56:40) Satayne starts to teeter and drops his sword on the floor
(11:56:44) Proglin says: let love, friendship and trust overcome this.
(11:56:48) Zorbels says: "Your words seem logical and true Proglin. Let us test this theory."
(11:57:12) Proglin says: Zorbels... love Satayne...
(11:57:13) Zorbels smiles and grabs proglins hand gently and then sataynes
(11:57:23) Satayne teeters a bit more before he hears the words
(11:57:36) Proglin says: Now....
(11:57:38) Forig dives at the sword grabbing it in both hands
(11:57:42) Proglin says: be yourself....
(11:57:42) Satayne starts to come out of it and shakes it off
(11:57:52) Proglin says: fear it not...
(11:58:11) Proglin says: it is all lies... unlike loves, friendship and trust....
(11:58:14) Satayne says: "I do not fear"
(11:58:18) Forig says: if you get to close to me i shall kill this host get away
(11:58:19) Satayne says: "I love"
(11:58:20) Zorbels opens her heart and emotions to Forig showing him and his god her happiness
(11:58:47) Satayne grasps Zorbels hand tighter as he thinks of how much he loves Zorbels
(11:59:05) Proglin grabs Zorbels's hand, and feeds her with the joy he felt when Elesiy said yes to his
(11:59:13) Zorbels lets her power travel down her arms and seep into proglin and sataynes bodies
(11:59:27) Forig thorws the sword at proglins head
(11:59:27) Proglin smiles and dodges the sword but is hit lightly on the top of the head he then laughs
with joy
(11:59:30) Satayne watches as the room begins to fill with a white aura
(11:59:30) Zorbels notices the begin to glow a yellowish white
(11:59:48) Forig yells back ye beast
(11:59:57) Proglin grabs his head... the sword hit it with the handle, a trace of blood walks down his
(12:00:19) Proglin smiles and sends trust to into satayne.
(12:00:21) Zorbels takes all of their love and power and thrusts it into Forig
(12:00:22) Forig kneels and starts to chant
(12:00:49) Zorbels chants as she does this
(12:01:04) Zorbels looks see proglin is ok
(12:01:08) Satayne chants an incantation for a silence spell
(12:01:15) Proglin starts to sing, a lullaby from his old days as a young dwarf, and feels the joy o his
mother holding him.
(12:01:17) Satayne says: "Silence Demon!"
(12:01:19) Forig yells " DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" as he falls into a trance
(12:01:42) Zorbels thrusts the power of the three into Forig
(12:01:51) Proglin says: Anfa! Send all your joy, trust and friendship to Zorbels... all of it!
(12:02:03) Forig rolls on the floor
(12:02:09) Zorbels says: "Be gone out of Forig!"
(12:02:17) Anfa lets the Song of the wyldewood fill her and flow to Zorbels
(12:02:37) Zorbels chants ancient words and lets the power flow from her friends through her and into
(12:02:40) Proglin touches Zorbels's back and sends images of his first tounament.
(12:02:41) Satayne chants another incantation "by the power of the light, I cast you out!'
(12:02:47) Anfa feels tears flowing down her cheeks
(12:03:13) Forig yells out in sleep " SHADOWWWWWWWW COMEEEEEE"
(12:03:25) Zorbels chants become louder and she screams "Leave Forigs body to return no more to him ...
(12:03:50) Proglin sends images of a young dwarf, smiling up to him.
(12:04:00) Anfa feels the shadow gathering
(12:04:18) Zorbels reaches out her hand to anfa
(12:04:33) Anfa's mind and heart feel with the call of the children and their life giving energies
(12:04:38) Satayne says: aaaarrrrgggh!
(12:04:48) Zorbels reaches her other to satayne as she knows proglin has his on her back
(12:04:49) Anfa takes Zorbels hand
(12:04:49) Forig rolls in sleep
(12:05:20) Anfa lets the tears fall as the song fills her soul
(12:05:31) Forig mumbles "i see all"
(12:05:53) Proglin says: Come on my friends!!!
(12:06:13) Proglin says: Laughter! joy! Frindship! trust! songs! LOVE!!!!!
(12:06:17) Zorbels chants and speak directly to Forigs demon "Leave this body as you have no chance of
having it, we are to powerful for you demon."
(12:06:33) Anfa falls to her knees feeling the connection strengthen with the Wylde while still gripping
Zorbels hand
(12:06:55) Zorbels lets her happiness and emotions show when she first meet satayne
(12:06:58) Forig rolls still sleeping
(12:06:59) Proglin remembers his friends, one at the time.
(12:07:14) Satayne falls to the floor weakened
(12:07:16) Forig says: i will not leave you can not be rid of me till that shadow takes all
(12:07:20) Anfa feels the children calling to her
(12:07:22) Proglin feels the excitement of the Melee tournament.
(12:07:40) Zorbels remember Proglin and her first meeting him and their playful magic fights
(12:08:01) Forig chants in sleep
(12:08:03) Proglin remembers the roulette game in Brado's.
(12:08:08) Anfa cries out
(12:08:37) Zorbels squeeze anfa and sataynes hands feeling there power growing
(12:08:40) Anfa says: What are you going to do with the demon if you free it?
(12:08:49) Anfa looks worried
(12:09:09) Proglin crawls in front of Zorbels, keeping his hand on her all the time.
(12:09:11) Zorbels chants but looks at anfa with the same worried look
(12:09:23) Forig laughs
(12:09:50) Anfa lets the power flow between them
(12:09:52) Proglin touches Zorbels, feeling Satayne's, Anfa's and Zorbles's emotions.
(12:10:13) Proglin reaches out with his hand, towards Forig.
(12:10:18) Zorbels closes her dark memories so that proglin satayne and anfa cannot view them
(12:10:30) Forig reaches up and grabs proglins arm "rest in shadow come back to us Ralmk kthi drenmdic"
(12:10:36) Zorbels whispers "be careful proglin."
(12:10:43) Proglin reaches, and touches Forig''s cheek.
(12:11:15) Proglin let himself be free, and trasfers all the energy given to him, through his body, into
(12:11:23) Zorbels thurst all the power she feels down proglins arm as he touches forigs cheek
(12:11:46) Satayne staggers as he regains some strength
(12:11:54) Proglin sighs, letting all energy flow freely.
(12:11:59) Zorbels screams back "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeace."
(12:12:06) Proglin says: hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(12:12:16) Forig skin begins to get burn marks and the body heaps in pain
(12:12:33) Forig yells "ARRRRRRRRRRRG"
(12:12:46) Proglin keeps his hand on Forig, burning his hand, but smiling. ... happy....
(12:12:50) Satayne says: "Forig, remember your family'
(12:12:56) Zorbels dulls Forig pain bay taking it through proglins contact and into her own body
(12:13:04) Satayne says: "your loved...ones'
(12:13:09) Forig set ups and opens eyes
(12:13:20) Zorbels whipser "You friends...and good deeds..."
(12:13:44) Proglin says: your family... your ... home....
(12:13:57) Forig says: this one is dead play you games else where he belong to the shadow " a dark deep
voice booms out
(12:14:06) Zorbels says: "The peace that is now not in your body...."
(12:15:09) Proglin slowly takes his hand of off Forig.
(12:15:20) Zorbels says: "It is no use this demon will not leave his body. We will only kill him trying.
(12:15:39) Proglin colapses
(12:15:52) Proglin says: It is no use... we are with to few....
(12:15:59) Proglin says: Get out of here!
(12:16:01) Zorbels is thrown against a wall by a forceful power
(12:16:02) Proglin says: All of you!
(12:16:13) Forig burns smoke the room smells of burning flesh
(12:16:17) Proglin says: I'll .... catch up.
(12:16:26) Proglin says: Zorbels!!!
(12:16:30) Satayne beats a haste retreat
(12:16:32) Zorbels knees and pants short of breath and in pain but looks at proglin and shakes her head
(12:16:39) Proglin says: Leave now! before it is too late.
(12:16:45) Forig still in a deep sleep has noticed little it would seem
(12:16:46) Proglin gets up.
(12:17:06) Proglin grabs Zorbels
(12:17:12) Proglin says: Come with me milady...
(12:17:20) Zorbels looks up at Proglin and gets up tp fp;;ow him
(12:17:44) Proglin says: agh....

Later on.....

(12:18:27) Satayne posts a guard at the door
(12:18:56) Zorbels kneels by Proglin and begins to weep "Proglin....I...I...can't let them have you."
(12:19:34) Proglin says: I understand, for I feel the same....
(12:19:54) Proglin says: How would I be expected to live with the knowledge it could have been me instead
of you?
(12:20:18) Zorbels touches her back and looks at her hand caked in blood and gasps "Is it that bad on
my back?"
(12:20:28) Satayne nods
(12:20:39) Proglin says: omg....
(12:20:52) Forig shouts in sleep " THIS ONE IS MINE"
(12:20:54) Satayne and Proglin dab at her wounds and clean them up
(12:21:11) Zorbels says: "Proglin I understand, but I would rather it be me who takes your place... I
come from there... I know how to deal with...with ... what is there."
(12:21:27) Forig says: forgis body is tossed to the other side of the cell as the words come out
(12:21:28) Proglin says: I AM what is there....
(12:21:50) Zorbels gasps as she feels proglin and satayne working on her back "You are?" her eyes widen
in shock
(12:21:57) Satayne says: "so selfless you are my love"
(12:22:04) Proglin puts some Giram-ree leaves on Zorbels's back.
(12:22:22) Zorbels tries not to cry out as the pain begins to set in and the shock leaves her body."
(12:23:28) Forig looks up and says your blood on myhands what a nice treat
(12:23:35) Zorbels grabs sataynes hand and squeezes and mouths the words "I love you." before turning
to proglin and giving him a worried look
(12:23:45) Satayne says: "shut your mouth demon!'
(12:23:52) Proglin says: Yes milady.... you heard right...
(12:24:00) Proglin says: I AM what is there.
(12:24:09) Zorbels gasps in shock "You must tell me ...."
(12:24:15) Proglin says: I must leave .... *runs off without another word*
(12:25:59) Zorbels passes out from pain
(12:26:28) Satayne catches her before she hits the floor and lies her down easy
(12:27:09) Satayne carries Zorbels to the tavern to lay her in a bed. He realises that she has become
poisoned by the slashes on her back. He whispers to her that he will be back soon and rushes off to
gather his friends to find a cure. If he doesn't she will belong to the shadows.......
« Last Edit: December 04, 2007, 07:44:55 pm by zorbels »
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2006, 12:01:02 am »
[If posting conversations here, please provide summaries to make it easier for people to stay up to date with important developments.]

In the conversations above, it becomes clear Proglin is struggling greatly with the Shadow. A Stalker Demon has been assigned to him for some time, but it's getting close to succeeding and taking him over. Zorbels found him in a weak state, and used her own dark arts to protect him from the shadows with her life. The darkness slashed her back and she ended up poisoned. She is now laying in a hospital bed in Kada's Tavern..


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2006, 03:20:48 am »
Update: Nurahk aka Nostra has communicated with the shadow now assigned to posses Zorbels and kill her. He claims that he has spoken with the demon as he put Zorbels in a trance like state. He claims the demon agrees to remove it's self from her body as Nurahk aka Nostra knows it's master Vodul. Esseda makes a comment later on with visiting Zorbels that you can never trust if Nurahk is telling the truth but hopes this is one of the rare times he is. She sets out on a mission to help collect a certain ingredient from an unsuspecting enemy of Zorbels. Satayne is beside himself with worry and struggles to be at Zorbels aid, as well as collect the ingredients Erlon has requested him to find. Once the list is complete Erlon will have the delicate task of mixing the cure. Many visitors have come to pay their respects such as Lolitra, Einnol, Monk, Xidus, and Chavem. Zorbels health is detererating slowly and she is coughing up what is decribed to be Voduls blood. She has begun to see the shadows more clearly as each hour passes. She has at max a week to receive the cure, or she will be taken by the shadows.

Cure List For Zorbels

[Edit] If anyone finds details not to their liking or that I may have missed something please send me the details through a pm. I don't want to flood this thread with anything but stories as monk has proposed this thread be.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2006, 02:44:01 am by zorbels »
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2006, 07:22:27 am »
Yesterday in Hydlaa, a reconnaisance team was assembled by one named Ralarssenth. He brought together a team of skilled rangers and stealthy men, and bravely ventured to the Face to see what they could learn about the movements of the Shadow.

On the way they were met by Monk, who bestowed a special amulet on Janner, a ylian with a strong mental resistance to the Darkness. His job was to keep an eye on the rest of the team, that they were still.. themselves.

When they arrived at the Stone Face, they were met by a strange sight: a Ylian was standing in the center of a giant symbol of rubies.

A strange sighting by the scout team

To their horror he was performing some corrupt ritual in the name of Vodul and the darkness. When the Ylian saw them, he called down destruction on them and they were attacked by a force of maddened tefusangs, consumers and other vile beasts. They lived through the battle, but the worst was stilll to come.

The advance scouts encounter Forig performing his ritual

Just as they were about to apprehend the mad Ylian (Forig), another figure appeared on the scene. It was Baston of the Infidel Slayers! He was quick to side with the Shadow, and Monk desperately sought someone to hold Baston back as the madman Forig was taken into custody in Hydlaa. But the Shadow took advatage of the situation. Already confused by the question of whether to confont someone they counted as a friend, people soon became confused as to who was taken by the Shadow and who was not. Conflict broke out. Monk asked Janner, the one he could trust to be of sound mind, to take the madman back to Hyldaa while he tried to keep Baston busy. Before long, Baston had attacked Monk. Monk was lucky and defeated Baston in battle, but it was not long before he was overcome by vengance, and Shal defeated Monk and left him for dead. Luckily there was someone willing to carry Monk back to the city's healers.

Back in Hydlaa, the madman was interrogated. Under great pressure he hysterically declared the master plan of the Shadow:
It intends to expand it's reach into the city and into the Secret Garden of portals. There, it will corrupt the portals and use them to pour invading forces into the city itself. The portal must be closed and darkness stopped before this can happen!

The interrogation

You must all commit ourselves to discover - what will it take to close the portal once we can get a party into the Underdark?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 01:02:29 am by Monk_ »


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Help from unexpected sources..
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2006, 12:43:43 pm »
I had been in the death realm with Baston and Narita before the dark Crystal when Zorbels cry for help filled my mind. Unable to ignore the call of a friend I immediately ran for the living realm praying that Zorbels would not be overwhelmed. I reached the temple and saw the shadows still in their attack upon Zorbels Proglin and Satayne. Offering up what help I could I used the "Song of the Wyldewood", a song of harmony and joy, to add to the fight against the shadows. As the Song filled my mind and heart I cried out, for within the Song a connection was made and the  Legendary Children called me home. Caught in the compulsion I had to leave Hydlaa immediately to journey to the Wyldewood. As I ran the hills and valleys towards my home, I prayed that Zorbels would be able to survive the poison until I could return.

As I approached the Wyldewood, a feeling of great hope and peace envolped me and calmed my fears and guilt away. I approached the council of the elders of the Scions in anticipation. They would not have used the compulsion spell unless it was of the utmost importance and I was not disappointed.

As I stood before the council in the grove clearing I felt the darkness within me retreat and hide. "Yes..." I smiled and whispered to the darkness, "there is nothing here for you." Feeling cleansed by the energies around me and truly at peace I focused my attention on the Elders who had summoned me.

I stepped forward and fell to one knee my head bowed to the wisdom of the Elders..
"Greetings Bright may this warrior serve you?"

"Anfa, our watcher and beloved child of our heart...we welcome your return home to us..."

I grinned mischievously and giggled .."Not like you lot gave me much of a choice...nice compulsion spell by the way"

I heard the soft laughter ripple through the grove and stood up to tackle the reason I was summoned awaiting silently for my answers.

I felt the laughter die off as the time had come to discuss their reasons for calling me.

"Anfa, word has reached us that an imbalance has been felt from the area of Hydlaa..we have send scouts to discover the cause and we are much disturbed by the reports that have returned. Explain to us the cause..."

I stood for a moment to gather my thoughts and than began to tell The Children of all that has befallen Hydlaa and the area. As I reported all that I knew about the shadows and the darkness and their agenda I prayed that the Scions might be able to help for we were quickly running out of time. I finished my report and stood there quietly waiting as the silence settled.

"Grave is the situation, child. We must discuss this matter amongst ourselves. Rest Anfa, and we will summon you back to the council when we have word for you."

I took the time to visit the sacred well, a place of healing and peace to strengthen my resolve before returning to the battle. A much needed respite from the constant whisperings of the darkness whose voice had no power to touch me here. When the summons came to return to the council I was ready for whatever may come.

"Lady Anfa, We the Elders of the Wyldewood charge you with the mission to return to Hydlaa with these ten emerald crystals. They have been charged with "life energy" and will help with the fight against this darkness that would upset the balance of our realm. Used wisely these crystals will be able to disrupt the energy of the portal. That is all we can offer."

I bowed to the council and scooped up the crystals and with a happier heart filled with hope headed back to Hydlaa. If the crystals can help in our battle with the shadows, than perhaps they can help in Zorbels battle to survive the poison until the cure can be found. I was determined my first act upon my return would be to find her and place beside her one of the Crystals of the Scions. She must be healed and ready for the final battle to come...
"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't."     {George Patton}


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Re: RP superthread developing in PS now!
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2006, 02:22:17 pm »
Nurahk has told Satayne that he has used Nostra to convince the shadow poison to leave Zorbels but Satayne is already mistrusting of Nurahk and the handshake and contact with Nurahk has convinced him not to trust Nurahk due to his empathic powers. Erlon the ex-healer turned miner has agreed to help Satayne and gave him a list of ingredients which are as follows...

  • the blood of a true believer of Vodul (this was given by Flameron)
  • some of Zorbels tears (Erlon will get those,..somehow)
  • 10 light yellow potions
  • the blood of one who loves her unconditionally, given willingly (Satayne of course)
  • the blood of her enemy, taken (Esseda will get this)
  • a lock of Zorbels hair (Satayne has this)
  • and a blue flame (this is the hard to find one)
  • The blue flame is believed to be somewhere in Hydlaa it is represented by a stack of 30 ruby crystals and may not be accessible
    but just telling Erlon where it is will suffice as only a Sage and Healer nay handle it.
    I would like to encourage anyone who wishes to, to search for the blue flame and tell Erlon of it's location.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 02:41:06 pm by ou8i8uo »