Author Topic: Kallum of Fhel revised  (Read 420 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Kallum of Fhel revised
« on: May 08, 2006, 09:06:58 pm »
I'm going to be editing and revising my story so it has more; detail, depth, and flows easier. And so with out further a do I present my prolouge

Kallum of Fhel

An infant born of ancient magic and common power, under ominous signs and dour evil, will walk the world with a cursed existence. Always seeking the truth. Those that join his dreary life will be poxed with plagues and poverty. Till the fated the day the demon is slain with the heart and justice of nation born again in a man.
Tradgi, Dragar Cleric,
~Najadasd Book of Prophecies

 â€śTradgi, hurry they are almost upon us!” exclaimed a dragoon general in vibrant sigold armor that he couldn’t quite place.
      “Let me hide the book so the Hilets can not find it.” Said Tradgi, in a rather rash voice, which he was known for, throwing his pen into the inkwell and binding the book in enchanted leather. Then handing it to the general who he now realizes as the first human that was learned. “Pass this book through your family and it shall hide them, do not open and read the sacred text in which I have written or the Hilets will find you.” The human nods and runs clutching the treasure to his breast. As Tradgi peers out the door he sees his childhood home burn down. Slowly they slink into his room from the walls they congeal into ethereal beings, demons. Tradgi did not fall by the first arrow or the second it was when they severed his head from neck did he loosen his grip on his sword and fell.
* * *
        The book did travel with them for a while and where it went great wars erupted eventually the book and the prophecies where lost for the ages. Through this time the Dragars slowly disappeared because of genocide of the dragons, their protectors and guardians, by the Demons. And human life flourished and built great empires that always ended with corruption, as they always will.
* * *
       It was the Third age of the Humans, and the stories of the Dragoons, Dragars, and Demons have become legend. And a single man walked through the ruins of an ancient city. He searches for some unknown reason seeing how he could have servants do it for him. When he peeked inside of a fallen building he saw a glinting object next to a horned skull, which should have scared him, but instead it soothed him. He picked out the glinting object that seemed to be a sword with a hilt that came to a dragon’s head and a blade more deadly then steel and more heartless then iron with runes of an unknown language carved along it. When he, The most noble lord of Fhel otherwise known as Geint, looked at the runes that began to clear and they seemed to say Narjaver. This was the one thing Geint was looking for, the one thing that seemed to belong to him. As he was thinking a voice roused “Behold the blade of good in which will be the sundering blow to evil that will stalk your family.” Geint being startled looked at the source, the skull, as it seemed to have come from it. That was enough for him to go away from the site and declare it hallowed and cursed. Geint came to wed a lass of Varre and came to sire a male heir, Hidithe, and a girl who died shortly after because of a plague. Hidithe came to age and married a lady from Naja who birthed a male child name Kallum. Unfortunately his mother died at the brithbed, from then on things slowly got worse with Geint going senile with age and an everlasting whisper that came from the skull. Kallum at the age of twelve learned his father, Hidithe, came to be slained by one of the last dragons. Which put him into Geint’s care. Two long years pass and that leads us to now.

I am a Chirstian
So I believe in Predestitnation, and God giving us a \"free will\"
So what do I believe? I believe life is just a huge RPG