Author Topic: For Fun  (Read 2374 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2002, 05:06:10 am »
OMG kendrick, do you mind if i print some of these off and take them to school?
Hey kiddoes, its your favorite basher......  HATE ME!


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« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2002, 03:19:14 am »
Yet another, stupid, but true story.

Ector The Brave

It was a cold morning in Jahahalad, a village out side of Yliakum and the sky was bright. Our hero, Ector was juust crossing the bridge entering the small village. A guard, named Cyonamie stands guarding the end of the bridge.

*Ector walks on the bridge.*

Cyonamie: What are you doing?

Ector: Walking... What are you doing?

Cyonamie: I\'m guarding, Towns Quarantined

Ector: What ever for?

Cyonamie: Some Kran loony... he\'s eating people...

Ector: ohh

Cyonamie: Yes, He bites them. urh, as sort of tasting you. If you taste good on the first bite, he\'ll bite you again.

Ector: Ewww.

Cyonamie: Yes. well have fun.

Ector: G\'day

*Ector walks into the town, which is totally desertered*

Ector: HEELLLOO?! Is anyone there?!

*some thing moves in a tent nearby*

Acriag: Whose there?!

Ector: It is I, Ector the Brave!

Acriag: Oh, thats nice!! Hehehe! soon to be Ector the Eaten!

*Acriag jumps from the tent and runs away*

Ector: Crazy fellow.

*Ector walks around the town for a few minutes looking for the mad kran*

Whitti, the Speech Inpedimentist: YOU? There, Where are? you going!

Ector: To find the monster.

Whitti: why would! someone diliberalty,. confront. that beast,

Ector: eaa? Pardon?

Whitti: Sorry! I? Have a bit a of speech impediment, people! call me. Whitti the. Speech
Inpedimentist, I travel the world! spreading the  faith? of Inpedimentists! would you. care
to convert!

Ector: umm.. what are the advantages of the impediment?

Whitti: WELL! protection. from evil.

Ector: What kind of Evil?

*Long pause*

Whitti: the red kind? look! do you want to convert? or not.

Ector: Not really. I would rather slay a kran.

Whitti: VERY! well... good! bye?

*Ector continues his search.*

*Ector hears some one speaking in side of a tent.*

*Ector walks over to the tent and looks inside. The tent is a store named \"Talads Toys\"*

BigFoot: Hello dolly

*Bigfoot holds a doll*

BigFoot: Helllo?

*Bigfoot nudges the doll with his hand*

Bigfoot: are you alive?

*bigfoot taps the doll on the head*

Bigfoot: say something if you don\'t want me to eat you.


Bigfoot: RARRR!

*bigfoot eats the doll*

Bigfoot: yummy yummy!

*bigfoot picks up another doll*

Bigfoot: speak doll!

*bigfoot slams doll on the ground and stomps on it*

Bigfoot: if dolly don\'t speak, dolly must die!

*bigfoot eats doll*

*Bigfoot picks up another doll*

Big Foot: whats your name?

Ector in a doll voice: Alice

bigfoot: ahh! doll talk! doll talk!

doll: dolly is hungry.

bigfoot: ahh! don\'t eat me!

doll: feed me.

Bigfoot: what do you want?

doll: i want your blood.

Bigfoot: *crying* I don\'t have any!


bigfoot: eek!

*Ector jumps in and attacks the kran*

*bigfoot bites ector*

bigfoot: Shh doll is talking.

*Ector pull out his sword and de-heads bigfoot*

*bigfoots head hits the floor, but his head is still alive*

bigfoot: ouucchhhyy what was that for?

Ector: umm... justifiable retribution?

bigfoot: ohh

*big foots body attacks Ector*

*Bigfoots body kills Ector*

bigfoot: come to me, body.

*big foots body walks around stupidly*


I\'m bored with this one. Feel free to finish it, otherwize consider that the end.


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« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2002, 03:36:46 am »
as funny as ever :). GO KENDRICK! ;)


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« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2002, 03:58:25 am »
LOL sorry if i laugh any more my other leg will fall off.
keep up the good work.



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« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2002, 11:58:23 pm »
The elders of the great city of yliakum call a meeting.

-Elder #1: There is a great peril in our land. Is it someone named sorehon.

-Mistwalker: Sorehon? What the hell are you talking about?

-Elder#2: Yes, sarehon. He is seeking something that used to be his. It is the one wristwatch!

-Mistwalker: A what?

-Elder #1: A wristwatch of power. And you, yes you, must take this wristwatch to the one place that it can be destroyed!

-Mistwalker: Why me?

-Elder #2: Your the only one who showed up.

-Mistwalker: Damn. Where do I have to take it?

-Elder #1: You must take the wristwatch to the evil land of boremore, to the great Butte Doom, where it must be tossed into the crack of fire there!

-Mistwalker: Please don\'t say it.


-Mistwalker: On my own?

-Elder #1: No, we will put you with a group of 9 people, who won\'t get along, and will be a royal pain in the ass for you, and will eventually start to kill each other in order to gain the wristwatch of power. Oh, and you will also have to avoid 9 unkillable guys dressed in black who ride small pink ponies.

-Elder #2: Your companions will be Lickanass, the Elf, Streaker, the ranger, Gimpy the dwarf, Boredtotears, the large and unsightly warrior, Marie and Flippin, the small unsighlty things smaller and uglier than dwarves, Slam Bang-gee, who smells quite a bit, and GrandAlf the light purple, who likes to eat cats.

-Mistwalker: Sounds like winners.

-Elder #1: Oh yeah. Off with you now.

-Mistwalker: Can\'t I just smash this thing with a hammer?

-Elder #2: Oh hell no, that would be to simple. Its indestuctable unless you toss it into the Butte Crack.

Thats all for now! Let me know if you want more installments of this almost good story.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2002, 02:01:04 am by mistwalker »
A fool and his head are soon parted.

Princess Aelya

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« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2002, 03:33:42 pm »
kendrick you should post that story you said you were going to write...from the other night in the mirc :D
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