Author Topic: [RP] Wanted - Coalt Brightburn  (Read 451 times)


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[RP] Wanted - Coalt Brightburn
« on: June 20, 2006, 09:03:26 am »
Attached to the announcement board just outside library in hydlaa is a parchment with a short message written upon it.


Coalt Brightburn is wanted for questioning regarding the deaths of two individuals: Aluna Brightburn & Embers Wildfire/Wildflame.

Any sightings or information of his known whereabouts should be submitted to one Miss Meserb at the entrance to the Laanx Temple.

The message is signed with a single letter scratched at the bottom...[/size]



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Re: [RP] Wanted - Coalt Brightburn
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2006, 10:55:18 pm »
The Peace of Fire

Meserb was tired, oh so very tired and felt as though she could sleep for days.  Even her tail ached.  She walked into Kada El Tavern wanting to just lay down where she was.  She was brought from her weariness by the sound of  two dwarves enjoying their drinks.  Walking by them without a word she threw a hexa on the counter and began the slow trek up the steps to a free room.  She flung open the door to the nearest room and seeing no one within curled up on the bed.

"ROAR!!!" boomed a voice waking her.  "BLARGAN FORDICLE KNOCKHIP" the deep voice yelled.  She banged her fist against the wall feeling her irritation rising to anger "what's with all the noise!" she yelled. "SHUT YOUR TRAP" the voice yelled in response. "Right!.. that's it" she said storming out her room, looking for the souce of the disturbance and intending on giving it a piece of hers!.

Meserb bangs on the door and walks in to see what the commotion is all about.
Jergan looks confused.
Jergan says: What happened?.
Peacer says: Erm, you just shouted a lot of unclear words without a reason.
Peacer nods.
Meserb says: How odd.
Peacer nods "very odd indeed!".
Meserb says: I mean, I have a temper but that was just...
Meserb says: well...
Meserb says: ....
Peacer says: I didn't know why he shouted, he looked weird all of a sudden and started shouting.
Meserb says: Hmm..
Peacer says: I've seen this before, although it weren't in the same way.
Meserb says: Then you know him?.
Peacer looks thoughtful and nods a bit "he just told me his name, that's how well I know him!".
Meserb laughs.
Peacer smiles.
Meserb says: That's not to know someone.
Meserb says: You have only tasted his rage.
Peacer nods slightly "it's to know by name!".
Meserb grins "By name... or soul".
Peacer takes a hand to his chin while looking a bit upwards thoughtfully "hmm, by name, the soul is something i could get in contact with if I wanted to!".
Peacer looks thoughtful "he didn't try to harm me however!.
Meserb says: And what's your reason for being in here with him?.
Peacer says: oh yes, i was talking to him about joining the guardians of power.
Peacer says: but he didn't fit in sadly.
Peacer nods at Jergan.
Jergan looks side to side I am ok.
Meserb looks at the Ynnwn with interest.
Meserb says: Your rage gives you focus does it not?.
Jergan says: Huh?.
Peacer looks at meserb "have you perhaps heard of a menki named irick?".
Meserb side glaces at Peacer.
Meserb says: Why do you ask?.
Peacer says: he seems to have almost the same problem with a split personality.
Peacer says: Irick seems to have the same problems as this fellow,although his second personality doesn't seem to be that aggressive.
Meserb says: Anger is useful, as long as you can control it.
Meserb says: The same applies to Hatred.
Meserb eyes flash.
Peacer says: hatred is an odd feeling, I've felt it once lately, else it's a long time since I felt it.
Peacer says: anger is something I control, but rarely use.
Meserb says: When did you last defend yourself?.
Peacer says: today milady, why do you ask?.
Meserb says: And what did you feel as you laid the killing blow?.
Peacer says: i felt nothing but the tiresomeness.
Meserb says: Nothing?.. nothing at all?.
Peacer nods.
Meserb says: Not even pride?.
Peacer says: No hatred or anger if that is what you seek
Peacer says: There is no pride in taking a life.
Meserb says: But you were pleased to still be alive right?.
Peacer says: I was sad that i had to take another life.
Meserb eyes ponder for a few moments as though lost in thought.
Meserb says: You have been in hydlaa long?.
Peacer nods.
Meserb says: Would you say you are familiar with the many faces?.
Peacer says: I am familiar with a lot of faces, anyone speaking of in particular?.
Meserb says: I seek one know as Brightburn, Coalt Brightburn.
Peacer shakes his head "sadly I haven't met him yet, nor heard of him!".
Meserb says: A poor wretch who used to spend his days here drinking.
Meserb says: His guilt overwhelms him.
Peacer looks thoughtful "hmm, what is his race?".
Meserb says: He is of the Diaboli (she says proudly).
Peacer nods.
Meserb says: Did you not see the notice near the library?.
Meserb says: He is wanted.
Peacer raises an eyebrow "is he dangerous to some, and feared by others?".
Meserb scoffs a laugh "He would like to think so!".
Meserb says: For his crimes, he must pay!.
Peacer looks thoughtful and rubs his chin "what did he do?".
Meserb says: Murder.
Peacer says: Who's life did he take?.
Meserb clenches her hands into fists "Two lives he took... the first was his (she says with such anger) lover.
Meserb says: The second, his daughter.
Peacer's eyes widen and speaks with surprise "his lover, and his daughter, what... what beast".
Meserb says: This is why he cannot go unpunished!.
Meserb slams her fist against the wall "He will pay!".
Peacer raises an eyebrow at meserb "did you know any of those three?".
Meserb eyes flash red "I knew all three".
Meserb 's voice drops to a dark and lethal whisper.
Peacer looks surprised again and speaks with a caring voice as he looks worried at meserb "must be very hard for you then miss...?".
Meserb looks up slowly with dark eyes.
Meserb shakes her head slowly "You have no idea how it feels".
Peacer says: how well did you knew them?.
Meserb says: We were close, all of us.
Peacer shivers.
Peacer looks at meserb with empathy in his look.
Meserb says: Aluna was going to be such a leader one day.
Meserb says: Her mother was to show her the many layers and how to take them!.
Peacer says: Hmm aluna, I've heard of her.
Meserb says: She was my... (she quickly corrects herself) her only daughter.
Peacer looks at meserb with surprise.
Peacer looks down.
Peacer says: if you need something I'll be just around the corner.
Meserb burns with a unnatural heat.
Peacer raises an eyebrow thinking if meserb should be a mage.
Meserb says: Just remember the name...Coalt!.
Peacer says: And yours miss?.
Meserb says: "Meserb" she says with disgust.
Peacer raises an eyebrow "there's nothing wrong with your name milady!".
Peacer says: Or you.
Meserb says: Its not the name I detest...
Meserb turns towards the door.
Meserb says: Its this body....
Meserb leaves going back to her room.

"Now I can rest for a few days, whilst another looks for me" she thought as she slipped back into that dark place where all become nothing but past memories...
« Last Edit: June 23, 2006, 10:58:32 pm by Meserb »