Author Topic: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers  (Read 6059 times)


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[RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« on: July 19, 2006, 02:40:59 pm »
:o Hydlaa's first* Serial Killer! :o

Zhai approaches Harnquist's shop. The merchant is busy as always yet she manages to get his attention out of his wares for a few minutes.

- Harn! I need a favor from you- she says, and before he gets a chance to answer, she goes on, lowering her voice- There's a... serial killer in Hydlaa- Harn's eyes widen as he instinctively grabs his pouch of coins to protect it.

- It's important that you warn your customers and keep an eye out for a strange klyros. He seems to lure his victims from this part of town or where newcomers can be found easily and take them to the sewers... where he murders them.- she explains.

- Oh, m'lady! I'm afraid I have no recollection of such a person around here!- He says- I'm afraid I'm too good at ignoring conversations that are not mine to hear... after all, I don't know why so many people come over here to talk! I'm a smith and this is my shop, not a pub or restaurant for bards and drunks! And that is a real problem! People always come here for conversation... pffft, I come here for trias! If you don't talk to me about that, I'm not listening! Anyways, eyesdropping is such a nasty habit...

- Well, could you at least warn you customers? The killer seems to target newcomers, offering them a great reward. Zorbels and I are looking into it and we've received the support of the Vaal Guard as well. All I'm asking is that you spread the word... otherwise you're going to lose all your customers!

Having said this, Harnquist raises an eyebrow and gives her a consenting nod. Then, he turns his attention back at his shop. Zhai starts turning around but then stops and looks back at the smith:

- One more thing! If you hear anyone talking about this, tell them to look for Zorbels, The Protectors, The Vaal Guard or myself and the Rangers of Yliakum -Harnquis shakes his head quickly as it seems that too many names too fast are hard to handle, yet he manages to listen to the rest of Zhai's words- We are all collaborating to find out more about this killer. Most importantly: if you meet any of his victims, tell them that we need their statements.

- Alright, alright: suspicious klyros offering great rewards, killing people... by the gods! Can I make a living now?- he replies. Zhai nods, not sure if having talked with Harnquist is going to be of any help at all but until the victims come forward or they learn more about this strange klyros there little else she can do.

[OOC: :o Watch out for the "Killer of the sewers"! Everyone's invited to participate in this RP. Just look for the characters mentioned and if you have been a victim, send us a /tell or PM so we can meet in game or, if that can't happen, reply to this post in-character telling your story. News and discoveries will be posted as the investigations reveal them.]

EDIT: :detective:
[It is VERY important that all victims ignore the name hanging above the killer's head... PLEASE! it's supposed to be hard to figure out who this killer is! fortunately, nobody has yelled out "IT'S <NAME>!!!" yet... but let's just try to keep it that way. thank you!]

* Not necessarily the first, we'd have to double check that... but probably the first this year :P. PM me for edits hehe...
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 05:13:49 pm by zhai »
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 04:50:56 pm »
[OOC -  I just wanted to express that I love this idea for a roleplay.

PLease keep in mind though if you are new to this roleplay that this was not my idea. I have been kindly invited to join in on this and have accepted. I have no knowledge at this point as to who, why, or where this klyros killer is. I currently have roleplayed out finding out about the serial killer in the plaza and taking on the responsibility of talking to the shady characters in planeshift to find out if anyone knows anything. This is ALL I know. PLease do NOT send me /tells asking for information. As the story goes on I will post here in a roleplaying manner as to what I have found out.]

[IC] Zorbels approaches the gaurds at the gates. "Hello gentleman. Could you please let the general public know about this serial killer that has been running lose in Hydlaa and ask the families to have their children stay close to home and not have them venture out into the wilds or to far from home. We don't have a pattern as of yet as to what this serial killer looks for in a victim, but I don't want to take any chances. Zorbels hands them flyers as they nods silently in agreement. "Pass these out, I had them made today. They give a select amount of information to the public about this situation. I would liked to have added more but as a friend pointed out, this could drive the serial killer to go under ground. So we must be careful how much the general public knows, as we don't want to start a panic." Zorbels bows and turns to leave. She calls over her shoulder "Thank you gentleman for your time."

Zorbels begins the search and decides to drop in unannouced to some of her more "shady" friends to ask some questions.
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 05:33:28 pm »
Idoru enters, head bowed slightly. He mumbles in a low growling voice, 'I believe I have met this Klyros you speak of, the vampiric beast persuaded me to follow him in the sewers, I did, in the hope of assisting him in his quest to find a treasure greater than any in the whole of Yliakum'

'It now seems obvious that this was a ruse, My greed got the better of me and I got what I had deserved, not endless riches but death in the most humiliating of circumstances'

'I warn you all, avoid the sewers at all costs and trust no-one'

"May there only be peaceful and cheerful Earth Days to come for our beautiful Spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life."


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 06:29:59 pm »
*Jekkar shakes his head*

"This is not a common criminal we are dealing with, Vaalguard reports show that."

"We will do everything in our power to catch this killer with the help of the Rangers and Protectors"
"A new day will come when those who rudely interrupt are swept away!" -Lereal


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2006, 10:24:02 pm »
* Peacer stands at the plaza hearing at zhai telling about a serial killer preying on the weak and thinks "truly he haven't heard the guardians doesn't like thoose preying on the week"
The Guardians of Power

left the game, looking in now and then to check progress, if you want to contact me use the email attached to the msn contact on this forum account


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2006, 03:43:34 am »
Spetyco had just left Hydlaa and was heading out to see Levrus at the Magic Shop when a stranger approached him.
"Excuse me, sir," he said.  "Would you know the way to the windy hills?"
"Windy hills," Spetyco ponders, "that name doesn't reing a bell.  Could you describe it for me?"
"It's a hill that is supposed to have a great view of Hydlaa."
"Oh!  I think I know what you're talking about, though I have yet to hear it called by that name before."
"Names come and go," the stranger says.
"There are some cliffs overlooking Hydlaa, does that sound like the place?  I could take you there if you like."
"Yes, that sounds like the place, and I would appreciate the help."
So the ever trusting Spetyco decided to show the stranger the way.
When they arrived to their destination on the secluded hillside Spetyco noticed the stranger had an odd look in his eye.  At this point Spetyco took a moment to look the stranger over.  Later on he couldn't remember as much about what the stranger looked like as much as what he felt like.  He couldn't really describe it, but there was definitely something dark about this stranger.  What he did remember is that he was a Klryos and he had a scroll tucked under his belt with a list of names.  It was as Spetyco was noticing the list when the stranger spoke, "Thank you for your help, and what was your name?"
"My name is Spetyco, and what is yours."
At that moment the stranger leaped on Spetyco, daggers in hand.  He was powerful and quickly killed Spetyco.  He then slit Spetyco's wrists and began to drink his blood.  When he was finished he carved a spiral symbol on his chest and added the name Spetyco to his list.
We can fix this, but you're gonna need a butter knife, a roll of duct tape, and a car battery.


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2006, 10:36:23 am »
Zhai walks up to to a group gathered by the fountain. She skips the formalities as the matters at hand are urgent. "Greetings. We are looking for the victims of a... serial killer in the area. We are trying to find those he's sent to the death realm to get all the testimonies. We know little of this killer. He is a klyros, wielding daggers. He lures victims to secluded places offering them a reward or asking for help and then attacks them viciously. Please, if you hear anyone talk about him or having been attacked by him, please let me know. And do not wander alone out there. I'll appreciate any information. Look for me, Zhai, of the Rangers of Yliakum; Zorbels, from the Protectors; or the Vaal Guard if you see someone matching the description or any of his victims". The small crowd look at her with a hint of disbelief but she makes it clear with a piercing look that she's very serious about it and as she turns around to walk away, she finally adds: "And do not go after him alone. It's too dangerous without all the information. We need the victims to come forward." As she leaves, a flyer falls on the grownd with the portrait of the suspect...

[So far, victims identified have been: Spetyco, Idoru and Weredal. All "victims" are invited to come forth and RP. Give your testimony in-game and post it here. Everyone interested in catching the killer can go look for him at their own risk. However, we're encouraging the newcomers targeted by the killer to participate in the RP so look for them and get their stories. Again, you're free to tell everyone all that your characters know and everyone (but not the name of the killer, of course) and everyone's welcome to participate. Just keep in mind that the objective is to catch that killer not to scare him away yelling "<name>'s the killer" or "we're coming for you!", etc. Finally, if you find out something try to inform the rest through the chat channel in game before sending /tells. We're trying to keep this as IC as possible. Posting info here should only come after it's been shared In-Game or if you can't find anyone at the moment (basically to keep a record and have the story updated for those who haven't been on). If something can be said in game and in character, then let's try to do it that way. Go roleplay!]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 11:13:58 pm by zhai »
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2006, 03:24:20 pm »
'Miadon upon hearing about this killer went on his own search to hunt him down, while searching the sewers he found many and warned them and asked them about the klyros. He even found some Klyros' but they were not the killer, but when he told one xacha about the klyros, A klyros wearing some armour came up running behind the xacha. Miadon cried out: "Oi, Klyros!", the klyros ran, Miadon followed trying to catch up, the Klyros almost lost Miadon, but then the Klyros stopped, before Miadon could even say or do anything the Klyros leaped and knocked Miadon down with one strike, Miadon who was still just breathing felt the klyros bite into him and suck his blood, miadon vaguely heard some last words before his soul was sent to the Death Realm. Altough unsure of the exact words he thought they sounded like: " Dennor, Angomarch,  Gerhoth, Gu..." Miadons body died before the last word was heard. His soul luckily found tis way out of the Death Realm, when reentering his body, Miadon went straight to Hydlaa to see if he could find some inspectors to tell, he could not so instead yelled out telling people about the klyros and giving warnings. Some listening to his warnings others ignored it and decided to go to the sewers to look for themselves."


"Miadon wanting to help decided to look again for the klyros, so prepared himself for anothe encounter, again he warned others down there of the klyros, upon trying to find him, he found a group of black robed strangers [see thieves vs vespers] who seemed to be upto something, but they ordered Miadon to leave, but Miadon warned them of the klyros, altough they seem pre-occupied with something else. Miadon wondered on until he saw the klyros again, Miadon had a better look of the klyros before he ran, The klyros chased after him, Miadon shouted for help, but the black robed strangers ignored it. So Miadon was on his own to escape, which he managed to. Miadon on his quick observation of the klyros noticed that the Klyros wore a belt with a piece of paper attached wich contain names, including his, Miadon believes that this is a list of names of yliakians he has killed."

« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 02:49:54 am by miadon »
- MiadonCam (Refresh page to see live in game Miadon Action!!)

Siteri Kidachi

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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2006, 08:53:57 pm »
"I caught a glimpse of him..." Siteri declares. "Another Klyros (this one female) later claimed to know his name, but I'm skeptical... he wouldn't give that out, would he?"


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2006, 10:49:35 pm »
[not at this point. we're trying to keep the mystery. so for those who have seen the killer but not talked to him, AGAIN: PLEASE, YOU'RE FREE TO JOIN, HUNT HIM DOWN, TALK TO HIM OR ABOUT HIM, BUT DON'T SPOIL GIVING AWAY HIS NAME. In other words: ignore the name tag. thank you. ;D]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 11:15:38 pm by zhai »
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2006, 07:31:51 am »
me walks upto zhai and tell her that he took a party to the sewers to look for this killer. The party consisted of himself, Gwinn, Eid and dejoweon. I bilieve we have locatet the killers hideout he stays in the sewers in an underwater place. After tracking him it is apparent that he knows the sewers well and that he wont be easy to trap. however if we get enough ppl it may be posible. Alliva then bows and hands zhai a crude map that dejoweon made the map shows that you take 2 turns to the right and that you will come to the klyos's hideout.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
(Fighter in the wind)


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2006, 08:48:46 am »
Aregul walked away from Harnquest, shaking his head slightly, another fruitless night of searching the streets, of combing the sewers, and all he had was a piece of cloth that might not even be the killers! He looked up to the sky, seeing it brighten slowly. Sighing he put up one last poster in the plaza that read in flowing writing:

            'Citizens of Hydlaa, please report any odd activity involving a Klyos to the Vaalguard, the Protectors, or to the Rangers Of
             Yliakum. It is advised that all citizens avoid the sewers at all costs. If someone does ask you to follow them into the
              sewers, report it to the proper authorities immediately! This is for your protection.'

Aregul finished putting up the poster and took one last look around before heading for the guard barracks.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 08:56:19 am by Aregul »


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2006, 11:23:27 am »
Ever since his encounter with the strange klyros, Spetyco has been overcome by weakness. "I seem to spend more time in the Death Realm then amongst the living," he thinks to himself after finding himself there again after having been killed by a tefusang. "I used to be able to slay one of those creatures with relative ease. That klyros must have done something to me."
He travels the path through the Death Realm and comes to the library. He then turns towards the chamber across from the library where the dark crystal resides. There are two ynnwn in the room. He walks up to the one closest to the Dark Crystal. "Excuse me"
"What do you want, Mortal?" the ynnwn bellows.
"I was looking for some answers about a particular ritual involving the drinking of blood."
"I don't have time for such things, Mortal. Now move along! I don't have patience for the likes of you."
"Sorry," Spetyco mutters then quickly leaves, stumbling as he exits the chamber and falling into the darkness.

"Hmph! Ouch! That hurt," Spetyco mutters to himself as he lands. "Well, he may not have time for me, but I know someone around here who has lots of time on his hands." With that Spetyco gets up and goes to see his old nemisis, Aphtarin. Aphtarin was imprisoned in the Death Realm by Talad himself after an attempt to destroy Talad with power from the Dark Crystal. Spetyco freed Aphtarin, naively trusting him only to later find out his true nature when Aptharin killed Spetyco's adopted parents. It was then with the help of some new friends, that he was able to re-imprison Aphtarin. The strange thing is, Aphtarin and Spetyco are identical, and Spetyco has yet to discover the reason for this.
"Ah! There you are! How have you been, Aphtarin."
He spits at Spetyco's feet, "You seem to be visiting the Death Realm a lot lately. Are you so eager for my company? Or have had a visit by a certain klyros? Maybe one that had a taste for your blood?"
"How did you know about that?"
"That is not your concern! Though I am happy to see you here again! Perhaps if you let me out I could help you?"
"I don't think so, Aphtarin. You won't fool me so easily again. Tell me what you know of this klyros."
"I will tell you once I am back in Hydlaa."
"Then I will have to find the answers on my own. Goodbye!" And with that Spetyco turns and heads back to the realm of the living.
"You'll be back, fool!"
Spetyco turns around, "Next time I come back, I will bring that filthy klyros here with me.  Maybe you would like a cellmate!"
We can fix this, but you're gonna need a butter knife, a roll of duct tape, and a car battery.


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2006, 11:05:29 am »
Boaal is musing to himself of this killer.  A klyros that huants the sewers...
He laughs at the coincidence that just as he  would take to the sewers so much lately a serial Killer would use them. Boaal was alerted of  this violent Klyros when hunting down Gobble's. After the story he directed the seeker deeper into the sewers, if a Killer was to hide, he would seek more dark and perilouse places out of desperation.

Either way Boaal doesnt care. Other will come and others will go. As long as this Klyros doesnt attempt to kill him, he will not care about the Klyros....
However... the adventure sounds good. Even if  this Klyros can kill him with ease, he would at least like a reason to take a break from the daily grind.
The Kran stands up and heads towards the sewrrs, his axes  glinting. Money, adventure, blood.


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Re: [RP] The Killer of the Sewers
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2006, 12:27:15 am »
Zhai approaches Jayose with a small piece of paper, where four words can be read:

"Daennor Angamarath Gorhoth Guliant"
- These are the words chanted by the Klyros in his foul ritual- she says to the librarian- We learned this thanks to a vision Einnol had of the killer... Can they be translated?

- I do not know, m'lady... it seems rather cryptic... or arcane. Have you checked with Levrus? Certainly there's magic of the darkest sorts related to this- replied Jayose.

- I have, yes and many citizens are also lending a hand. We do not know if it's a strange language from another realm [latin?] or not...

- I cannot put my trias on it but there are certain similarities to an ancient root of elven dialect. Maybe if you break the particles... "Dae" for instance... I think I have a book here...- he adds as he turns and runs his fingers through the backs of the many books on his shelves. He mutters words Zhai doesn't bother to listen to. She sits down and sighs, watching the old man rush to get an answer. "Tis going to be a long night...", she says to herself.

[the spell can be translated indeed. do your best! we need to figure out its meaning!]
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::