Author Topic: 2 stories of Fayodin Istar  (Read 393 times)


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2 stories of Fayodin Istar
« on: July 31, 2006, 07:02:22 pm »
FAYODIN ISTAR and the Giant.

   Fayodin Istar, was exploring the wilds. The sky was clear and the Crystal shone brightly.  He walked up to a cliff, looked down and wiped his sweaty brow as he felt the cool breeze wisp by him.  Looking down the small cliff, he saw a forest to the right and plains to the left.  Being curious in nature, Fayodin of course wanted to go down there, so he uncoiled his white elven rope and tied it securely around a sturdy tree overlooking the ledge.  He then carefully, but swiftly, climbed down his rope.  Upon reaching the bottom he looked up and realized he would have to climb back up to get home. What fun that is going to be.
   Fayodin wandered along the edge of the forest when he felt a rumble from the ground.  He knelt down, planted his dagger into the ground and put his ear to the hilt, amplifying the vibrations allowing him to gather more information.  He realized that they were footsteps…very very large footsteps, and coming his way fast.  He then rose to his feet, took out his other dagger, and looked in the direction of where the giant would emerge.
   The giant emerged from the forest charging at Fayodin.  It was about 40-50 feet tall and sported a giant stone club about 20 feet long and as wide as an overweight human in its right hand, leaving his left empty.  Very well knowing this giant could easily out run him in a chase, he had no choice but to fight it.
   This thing is huge! Think, think, think.  The behemoth swung down upon the elf in a huge arc.  Fayodin jumped back just out of range, but the impact of the club hitting the ground shook the ground enough to almost cause him to lose footing.  Fayodin backed off out of range from its club.  The giant then picked up a boulder with its left hand and chucked it at Fayodin, who dove to the right out of the way.  Fayodin, rolling to his feet, wipped out a couple throwing knives from his vest and flung 3 at the giant with his right arm.  All 3 stuck in the giant’s chest, but they barely pierced his skin. Damn, these daggers are not going to be able to do more than scratch this thing…unless I can get to his head…The giant swung from left to right with his club, forcing fayoding to duck quickly.  While ducking however, he stuck the hilt of 2 daggers into the ground.  He then threw some caltrops on the ground and backed up. Then he started taunting the giant and throwing rocks at him. Come a little closer you big ugly thing…
   The giant to two large steps forward and stepped directly onto the daggers and caltrops with its left foot.  Fayodin threw two of his biggest throwing knives at the right ankle and lunged out of the way of the falling giant.  It fell flat on its back, now is my chance, and Fayodin quickly jumped onto its stomach.  With increased speed and agility, Fayodin dodged the incoming hands as they tried to squash the Dermorian on the giant’s stomach, slicing a few fingers in the process.  Fayodin lunged onto the giant’s chin, then dove over its mouth and ran onto its forehead.  Fayodin jabbed his daggers as far into the giant’s forehead as he could multiple times.  The giant’s arms which were previously poised to smash Fayodin, now fell limp to the Giant’s sides. Dammit, after all that, I still have to climb back up that rope.

FAYODIN ISTAR and the Rogue

   By the gods why the DR is Ojaveda so freakin’ far away from Hydlaa. Fayodin Istar was about Âľ of the way to Hydlaa City from Ojaveda.  The Crystal had begun to set and the shadows loomed.  It was a clear, yet windless evening.  Fayodin stopped to watch the beautiful vista of colors coming from the sky, or more appropriately the ceiling of the stalagtite, created by the setting of the crystal.
   Fayodin started to reminisce of his past life, of his old home world.  He thought of his parents chasing him around in a game of tag, his father teaching him the very basics of wielding a blade, his mini explorations he and his friends would go on in the forest.  However sad these thoughts would other times make him, at this hour, they soothed and calmed him.  He felt grateful for what he had now and how close it is to his old home.  Well sitting here isn’t going to get me to Hydlaa before night. Fayodin go up and started a slow paced walk toward the city.
   All of a sudden, a shadow moved in the corner of Fayodin’s eye, catching his attention.  As he wheeled around he saw a rogue standing now in front of him.  He was about 6’2” and looked in great shape.  He was covered in black robes and wielded two short swords…very short swords. “Drop your weapons and give me your money and valuables elf.” Said the rogue.  Fayodin took note of the rogue’s relaxed, defenseless stance.  Who does this guy think he is? “Ha, you are no threat to me,” claimed Fayodin, “let me be on my way and there be no bloodshed.” “I think not,” replied the rogue as he started after Fayodin.
   Fayodin, who had backed up and sensed this attack coming, quickly whipped out two throwing knives and heaved them at the rogue.  The rogue however was far too quick and evaded them with ease.  Fayodin quickly readied his two daggers as the rogue closed in within melee range.  They twirled and parried their blades with extreme speed. Holy…this guy is fast. After completing a swift series of attacks, the rogue took charge and jabbed his right sword at Fayodin’s stomach.  Fayodin quickly slid to the left and parried the attack away, however wasn’t fast enough to parry the rogue’s left sword without it making a shallow cut on Fayodin’s right side.  Fayodin did not flinch.  Fayodin backed up and took a defensive stance trying to formulate a plan.
   The rogue came in from left to right with his left blade.  Fayodin parried it outside and was quick to parry the rogue’s next attack, inside.  Fayodin then quickly spun around right and came in at the rogue’s face.  The rogue was too fast as he blocked it inches from his nose, and then knocked away Fayodin’s other attack at the rogue’s stomach.  The two pushed away from each other. “Last chance before I kill you,” stated the rogue flatly.  However, just as he spoke those words, Fayodin had another plan.
        Gripping his daggers at the hilt, Fayodin held them next to each other blade facing up, and whispered in an ancient elvish dialect the words for a spell.  Then, the runes on the blades glowed blue for a second and then a ray of white light shot up from the blades about 4 feet before dispersing.  Fayodin twirled his right dagger threw his fingures “I told you to leave me alone!” Fayodin ran in with amazing speed towards the rogue, his blades moving with unforeseen quickness, createing quick sparks of white light as they bounced off the surprised rogue’s blades.  Fayodin moved his daggers in all directions rapidly.  He got his blades between the rogue’s blades, then quickly swiped his blades out knocking the rogues swords outside, leaving his abdomen open.  Then in one continual motion and with blinding speed, Fayodin kicked the rogue’s stomach with the heel of his foot, brought his blades in slicing across the rogue’s still open stomach while pulling his foot away, and brought his blades back out, slicing through the rogue’s neck in the process, decapitating the rogue in a flash of light.  Fayodin took a deep breath and watched the glowing runes on his blades fade away back to normal.
        He slid his daggers back into their sheathes.  As he mumbled a quick incantation, Fayodin’s ring glowed quickly and a groffel appeared.  Hello Lightray, how are you.  Fayodin threw his pet an apple, which Lightray ate voraciously. “iii like fayodin” said Lightray as it flapped its wings with all its might and managed to fly off the ground for half a minute.  Fayodin smiled “Alright, lets go to Hydlaa and pick you up some fresh fish.”  Fayodin and his energetic pet walked off to Hydlaa and through the east gates.

Tell me what you think of them.  They are my first stories I wrote and just 2 of Fayodin's many challenges.  If you want a full description of Fayodin I suggest you read it in-game :)