Author Topic: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum  (Read 2349 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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[GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« on: August 10, 2006, 12:49:09 pm »
[I decided to post a new thread about the rangers given the many changes the guild has undergone in the past few months and also to avoid reviving very old topics. You can check these links: The Rangers' Guild, Rangers Unite, Rangers of Yliakum - Remade to get the whole story of the guild.]

The Rangers of Yliakum is a neutral guild which finds its purpose in helping its members make their place in our world. We are all part of something bigger, something beyond good and evil, for destruction and rebirth are part of nature's eternal cycle. Our balance lies in motion, it is not a still image, a frozen morality that offers no evolution. We are meant to change, to grow and to learn but this can only be accomplished if we are in harmony with our world.

A ranger is selfless yet indomable. A ranger is warm like the light of the Azure Crystal but cold as a night unsheltered when the times deem it. A ranger is a wanderer yet their path is always clear.

We aid those in need and we explore the lands, for both hunt and leisure. We share our love for nature and our passion for adventures. We are skilled fighters and explorers and we have knowledge of certain magics as well.

We have camps all over Yliakum, from the Bronze Doors to Ojaveda, hidden headquartes that help us find shelter and comfort during our travels. We have constant meetings there where we share our adventures and plan our moves.

We are friends with many other guilds. Those that are honorable and respectful of the Gods and the laws of our land are greeted warmly.

And if you are new to our land, seek us and we shall help you asking nothing but one thing in return: that you use our aid to help and protect others and then yourself, respecting their paths between good and evil, following the nature of all things. However, if you shall fail at this and choose the low path, the selfish path, the path of only chaos, the path of immobility, you'll face the consequences of crossing us.

•     â€¢     â€¢

[Out of Character: About the Guild Organization and Purpose

We are a RP-oriented guild. We value original ideas to interact with other players above Powerleveling. We will help you develop your skills for it is part of the fun in PS but we never place it above community events.


We are rangers. We follow our own path. We don't need a complex hierarchy to rule our organization. That's why we have basically two ranks and a few special positions for outstanding members. Here they are.

The scout is the ranger in training. Their mission is to learn about the world and explore it thoroughly. They should train their skills in the areas they find useful for their paths and serve the guild by learning all they can and doing the quests given to them by the older rangers.

What we are. A ranger can train scouts, offering them certain guidance and sharing the secrets they have learned. They are expected to help the guild by bringing knowledge, by collecting items for our vaults and by mastering their skills as fighters or magicians. They also have the responsibility of recruiting new members.

A druid is the ranger who has chosen the path of the arcane arts. They hold the same responsibilities and privileges as any other ranger but they are recognized for the time and effort invested in knowing the secrets of the magiks. A druid is a healer. They have knowledge of herbalism and alchemy and can even resort to powerful spells to defeat their foes.

Guild Champion:
The guild champion is the best duelist in the guild. The strongest fighter, the deadliest in battle. They hold the responsibility to defent the honor of the guild and protect the guild leader. They are the Lady of the Ranger's bodyguard and also guild duel trainer and master hunter.

Guild Mentor:
The wise and elder rangers who have gained thorough knowledge of our world are acknowledged as Mentors. They have the responsibility to guide other rangers and the authority to give them tasks and promote them.

The Lady of the Rangers (Guild Master):
She serves as leader of the rangers. As guild master, she has the responsibility of providing opportunities to grow and enjoy the world of Yliakum and guide the guild with wisdom so it can grow strong. They are to lead by example and help everyone find their place.


Promotions depend on Guild Points. They are given based on the following criteria:

- All rangers are expected to be active in-game and in our forums.

- All rangers are expected to be involved in Guild Events such as our weekly meetings and our plots.

- All rangers are expected to create a well round character and place their RP before their powerleveling. We want strong members first in personality and then in skills.

- All rangers are expected to fulfill the responsibilities of their ranks: be it to train their skills, to explore, to help newcomers and new members, to help our community grow in richness and in numbers or to bring knowledge and wisdom to the guild.

Rangers are acknowledged when they do all this and that is expressed with guild points, promotions and prizes. Being in the guild is a way to grow and enjoy Yliakum and also to have access to more things: friends, money, rare items, knowledge and RP.

Not doing anything of the above will not make you lose your points or earn you an invitation to leave the guild but don't expect to be promoted. However, if you don't fulfill the duties of your rank, it could be stripped from you. Those who lead and teach have a greater responsibility. They are to serve the community first.

Our RP Purpose

We don't just stand there and say "we are rangers and we are good fellas", we work with plots that are aimed to cause an effect on the way people interact in-game. it's not only about "guild history" (we welcome storywriting, and we love to RP in our forums) but guild presence in the game. We have both.

We see our guild as a small but growing community that supports its members in their development as characters RP-wise. We hold guild meetings once a week to explore, hunt or just spend time together and we share our knowledge and richness among each other.

We feel that joining a guild is a long term commitment and thus, it should not be taken lightly. We do not want members joining in and quitting a few days later. Approach us, try to spend some time with us and ask around to get unbiased opions and then please sleep on it. We are not going anywhere so we can wait until you've made up your mind. And after all this, if you want to be a Ranger, you will be welcome in our ranks.

•     â€¢     â€¢
I hope you found this information useful and feel free to reach me in-game. We also have a new site: ]

Edit (feb 14.07): Uptaded info concerning ranks and guild rules posted in the next page of the thread.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 11:32:25 am by zhai »
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2006, 01:05:15 pm »
A few pointers.
A ranger is selfless yet indomable. A ranger is warm like the light of the Azure Crystal but cold as a night unsheltered when the times deem it. A ranger is a wanderer yet their path is always clear.
You need to work on your prose. "Indomable"? Also cold as a night unsheltered? How can a night be unsheltered? I understand what you mean, but it's poorly worded.
We have camps all over Yliakum, from the Bronze Doors to Ojaveda, hidden headquartes that help us find shelter and comfort during our travels. We have constant meetings there where we share our adventures and plan our moves.
Constant meetings? Try regular. I'm fairly sure you do other things as well.
Our RP Purpose

We don't just stand there and say "we are rangers and we are good fellas", we work with plots that are aimed to cause an effect on the way people interact in-game. it's not only about "guild history" (we welcome storywriting, and we love to RP in our forums) but guild presence in the game. We have both.

We see our guild as a small but growing community that supports its members in their development as characters RP-wise. We hold guild meetings once a week to explore, hunt or just spend time together and we share our knowledge and richness among each other.

We feel that joining a guild is a long term commitment and thus, it should not be taken lightly. We do not want members joining in and quitting a few days later. Approach us, try to spend some time with us and ask around to get unbiased opions and then please sleep on it. We are not going anywhere so we can wait until you've made up your mind. And after all this, if you want to be a Ranger, you will be welcome in our ranks.
You don't actually seem to have a point. There is some sort of vague reference to a love and respect for nature, but really the guild seems to exist simply for the purpose of having a guild. This is a little dull, although technically ok. Wouldn't it be better to come up with a purpose of sorts rather than just hanging out and hunting with friends? I mean, although that's great, what do you offer that another guild doesn't?


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2006, 01:49:10 pm »
A few pointers. (...)

Thank you for your interest. The guild can help you define your character. Those who feel appealed by nature and are essentially wanderers, rovers and fighters are welcome among us. RP is very important in our guild, and creating well round characters is not an easy task. Our guild encourages its members to do so, giving them the opportunity to create plots that can go beyond their background history (that's what we try to do when we hang around, btw). Also, building an active community is a prirority so spending time together in-game and in-character is very important, even if it seems "vague".

We are not a new guild and certainly not an improvised one yet we are work in progress and we will find good use for all opinions.
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 03:02:44 pm »
Still though, there are a lot of guilds that promote RP and well-rounded characters. Wouldn't you agree that having a more concrete RP purpose for your guild would help your members both RP more and better, and round their characters out? Anyways, it's up to you. I have the greatest respect for the Rangers and for Monketh, the original founder. If there is any way I can assist, please let me know.

Colinb? That's just pathetic. lol


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2006, 04:17:03 pm »
cmon im busy!
Phinehas you got a guild?
It's in progress. Check back in a month. I'm sure you understand that due to my, err... critical nature, I must be sure that my guild is above reproof before exposing it to the public eye.

Farren Kutter

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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2006, 11:35:55 pm »
Phinehas: If you have troubles with the 'purpose' of the guild and why it was made, you would do better to speak to me, and not plague Zhai with such things...


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 05:20:31 am »
Phinehas: If you have troubles with the 'purpose' of the guild and why it was made, you would do better to speak to me, and not plague Zhai with such things...
I'll have none of your high-handed ways with me, young man. What you don't seem to understand is that I'm not criticising to pick a fight. If I was you would know it. I am criticising with the hope of helping Zhai understand how to improve the guild. This, as far as I am aware of, you are uncapable of, not being a member any longer. If you want to simply match wits, I'm at your service. However, if you are actually interested in the improvement of this guild, as I am, then stop pestering me.

Farren Kutter

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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2006, 08:22:48 am »
I help Zhai all I can because it is my fault that she is the guild leader. And some of the questions you ask, she cannot answer, such as why the guild was made. Because she was not there at its creation. She wasn't even in Planeshift at its creation.


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2006, 03:45:49 pm »
"Your Fault" ?  doesnt sound very promising to me. Get her all that information she needs then. But Phinehas is right.. this guild just makes me think of The Rangers under Monketh.


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2006, 04:34:25 pm »
I help Zhai all I can because it is my fault that she is the guild leader. And some of the questions you ask, she cannot answer, such as why the guild was made. Because she was not there at its creation. She wasn't even in Planeshift at its creation.
Why is it so hard to understand that I'm not accusing Zhai for the faults of the guild, I'm trying to challenge her to improve it. If you've such a bloated sense of self that you believe that she's incapable of improving the guild without you, then it sounds like you need to be shown your place.


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2006, 06:12:42 pm »
This is from one of the earliear posts about the guild by Kiramon:

(...) Rangers are an interesting type of warrior who prefer the open expanses of the outdoors to the cramped, uncomfortable confines of a castle or tower. They are most at ease when the wonders of nature surround them, and especially when the creatures of the forest can be heard in all directions. Though they all share a love for nature and are quite adept in battle, there may be other aspects of life that are held even dearer to any particular ranger. Rangers are renown for their unique abilities at working with things of the natural world, and their skills at outdoor survival are equally exceptional. (...)

Again, the guild isn't either new or improvised, and certainly not there for the sake of having a guild. The effort and experience of all the guild masters that preceeded me is highly valued and so is their help. This is a guild with history. We've had our ups and downs but we've made it this far and, most importantly, we've learned from it and helped many players along the way. I am particularly interested in making it a place where players can fully enjoy the game from the perspective of their characters: what they want for themselves, what kind of stories they want to tell and lead.

I decided to avoid an extensive background story because it has been shared before (check the links in the first post of this thread) and because the most important thing now for me, as a leader, is everyday purpose in the game, not just something with "good prose" that doesn't really relate to the members. The path of the ranger is that of the rover, the wanderer. We cannot simply point out an enemy to kill or an innocent to save, thus I decided to focus on the members. Our objective is that they feel that their characters are complete by being thoroughly described by the term ranger, as a special class of fighter-explorer; and by having a supporting community with which they can RP their own character plots, taking them out of their background history into their present in the game as actual adventures. That is what we are working on.

We have undergone many changes since Farren stepped down and named me Guild Master and now we are finally ready to welcome the opinions of the community in our growing process. I read yours carefully and take them in consideration (even if they do lean a bit off-topic) as I hear the opinions and ideas of all members to make this guild better. I will serve as guild master for as long as the guild requires it and supports it. I do not shy from the responsibilities and the (smart) criticism, I welcome them.

:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2006, 05:15:59 pm »
Ok. I suppose that that's about as close to an answer as I'm going to get. If I understand correctly, your IC goal would, essentially not exist as a spoken statement per se. So you are actually adhering to what guilds tend to be in RL as supposed to the accepted concept of a guild in PS. That's ok, good even.

An interesting question, though... Would it not be good for you to consider changing, not your purpose, but some of your structure? For instance, a druid ranger? I'm not saying it's not feasible, but it seems more like a rank put in out of a desire to not exclude wizards rather than the concept that there is such a thing as a magic-wielding ranger. Again, I'm not saying it's not possible, just a thought. Think along those lines.

Although this discussion may have seemed long and, I'm sure, annoying to you, I can now officially and sincerely wish your guild the best of luck and say that I hope to have doings with you in the future.


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2006, 06:22:23 pm »
:) Thanks again for your comments. A druid is not exactly a mage but I do get your point. However, druids aren't to be the majority in the guild (otherwise it should be "the druids of yliakum") and it is also common to see healers among any patrol or traveling group (be it thieves, soldiers, etc.). In this case, they share the same connection with nature as other rangers so they don't exactly step too far apart from the group.

Currently, we have no druids and the idea is that they be RPed as rangers with particular knowledge and skill in magic and healing/poisoning arts or as druids per se who happen to feel very comfortable among rangers, again as an effort to help our members define their characters more thoroughly.
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2006, 06:28:56 pm »
Yes, I understand that and I'm glad you've thought it through. I was just pointing out to beware of accepting more or less anyone as long as they express some vague enjoyment of nature or desire to walk around a lot. I'm sure you're not that foolish, but sometimes it's so easy to accept people who don't quite fit just because you're desperate for members. Personally, I think that you have a great guild and shouldn't lower it any by being haphazard in following your concept. I'm sure Monketh would agree were he here.


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Re: [GUILD] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2006, 08:19:17 pm »
From the first post in this thread:

(...) We feel that joining a guild is a long term commitment and thus, it should not be taken lightly. We do not want members joining in and quitting a few days later. Approach us, try to spend some time with us and ask around to get unbiased opions and then please sleep on it. We are not going anywhere so we can wait until you've made up your mind. And after all this, if you want to be a Ranger, you will be welcome in our ranks.

We don't shout for recruits nor require a "quota" of fresh members from our rangers. We deal with recruitment in a serious way.
:: The Flaming Feather :: Lady of the Rangers ::