Author Topic: What happens when you die?  (Read 401 times)


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What happens when you die?
« on: January 06, 2002, 01:48:52 pm »

oldman kay
                            posted 10-11-2001 00:02 GMT        

                         In RuneScape it goes dark grey then says \"Ooh dear...your dead\" then transports you back to \"Lumbridge\" the place where
                         players begin.

                         What happens when you die in PS?

                         Is it something lame like RS? It needs to be cool like it has a small movie of you being sucked into blackness then awakening in
                         some specified \"dieing place.\"
    PS Official Member
                            posted 10-11-2001 00:53 GMT            

                         In a world, no. (It is not like RS)
    oldman kay
                            posted 10-11-2001 03:19 GMT            


                         Actaully do not answerme.

                         I hope I never find out. :)
                            posted 10-11-2001 04:24 GMT            

                         i would hope it was like in other games. you have bind spots where you gain an afinity for the area so when killed you return to
                         that area. that way, unlike in RS, you can chose where you respawn after death so you dont have to travelk the entire world to
                         get back to where you once were.

                         the question im more concerned with is the death penalty. what will that amount to? will you keep your item after death or loose
                         them? will you keep the items but have to return to where you died to get them back from your corpse? what about xp? upon
                         death can you loose some of your xp? if you had just gained a lvl and got killed imedietly after, do you then loose that lvl from the
                         loss of xp? also what about a new skill you get after you lvl, if you are then killed and loose that lvl do you then now loose that

                         sure death penalties are needed or there would be no fear in dieing but to make them too exteam could hurt in the long run.
                         example is EQ. there for a while it was the only game of it\'s kind and the only one safe from the Quake types that like to PK. one
                         of the largest problems they had was their death penalty. you could work months to get a bit of xp to gain a lvl then in one death
                         you would be set back a week or two. also melee chars had it even worse. they had no magic where as casters had magic so
                         they could bind themselves anywhere. so when a melee died they were sent to a town. when a caster died, they returned to the
                         mouth of the dungion where they bound themselves. this caused the melee to run long distances with no armor or weapon to get
                         back so they could loot their corpse yet the casters still ha their magic to protect them.

                         well that went way off the path there but was ment to point out that death penalties need not to be massive and have to be equal
                         to all classes.
                            posted 10-11-2001 04:59 GMT            

                         anyone know about the death penalties?
                            posted 10-11-2001 11:22 GMT            

                         I believe the dying/respawning thing was dicussed at length in another post... thekkur care to explain? ;)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2002, 09:31:15 pm »
when players die they should be taken back to the starting place (the center of Ylaclium)and lose some of there skills and stats.
newbies would lose less stats then experts, this way unnessary newbie slaughtering would be decreased.