Author Topic: Enkien - This makes sense of it all  (Read 2725 times)


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Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« on: November 12, 2006, 07:38:46 pm »
[OOC]Here is something I wrote up and I wanted some community response before wikifying it... But anyway, I spent about a total of 8-10 whole typing hours on this, in two sittings, so my head hurts... It may seem likt a short amount of time, but when you are thinking the entire time, it gives you a headache. Anyway, I think this is complete, and in conformity with DarkMoon's and Siofra's phrases on the wiki. I have showed an earlier version of this around to people, but it would seem that half of what I based it on got deleted by Eagel. Wham 6 hours wasted. :)
Also, I couldn't find a better forum for this; maybe Off Topic would do?


Verb conjugation:

To get the root of a verb, take its infinitive and subtract "e"
e.g. the verb "ene", to go. The root is "en"

Tense suffices

present                [none]
past             th
future            car

Basic negation adverb     noti

System suffices:

[before tense suffices]

indicative present        [none]
indicative perfect         arra
subjunctive present      ebi
subjunctive perfect       ebirra
conditional present       obu
conditional perfect        oburra
-----------------------------------------------{Add your noun declension endings to this
imperative-------------------------------aln}--{Low would be as if talking to a slave, High for a king.
imperative plural----------------------alnes}--{Normal is for friends and those of your age
-----------------------------------------------{In addition, sometimes there is no need to add Person
-----------------------------------------------{Indicators to an imperative verb

passive indicator      'pe --Add after all verb suffices

Person indicators:
::Add as suffices to whole verb::
1st Singular         o
2nd Singular             a
3rd Singular         i
1st Plural          ose
2nd Plural         anse
3rd Plural          itse

Personal Pronouns
1st Singular          mon
2nd Singular         olo        {Note that this should be pronounced without any
3rd Singular          ngo -----{beginning vowel; just sound coming from your   
1st Plural           monets  {vocal cords.                                         
2nd Plural          olotes
3rd Plural           ngets

Noun agreement - defining case
There are 6 cases, as follows

Normal Calling
High Calling
Low Calling

Declension endings:

   Singular   Plural
N   [none]      -has
NC   -ph      -phas
H   -dy'a      -dys      
HC   -dyn      -dynas
L   -jho      -jhos
LC   -jho      -jhos   

If there is a consonant or "y" at the end of your root noun, decline as so

   Singular   Plural
N   [none]      -as
NC   -aph      -aphas
H   -y'a      -ys
HC   -yn      -ynas
L   -ijho      -ijhos
LC   -igho      -ighos   

When pronouncing the High and Low cases with a "y" ending, run the vowels together, as if it is one sound.

Usage of the declension:
Normal and Normal callings are for objects and persons of whom you think equal to you.
High and High Callings are for objects and persons of whom you think highly.
Low and Low Callings are for object and persons of who you think lowly, and generally
is a tone that incites a fight

Word order should follow as so:

Subject-Subject Modifiers-Verb-Object-Object Modifiers-Adverb-Other Verb Modifiers
Subject-Subject Modifiers-Object-Object Modifiers-Verb-Adverb-Other Verb Modifiers

Personal Possessive suffices:

(Drop ending vowel if there is one on the noun to modify; do this before casing)

1st Singular         -eti
2nd Singular         -olo
3rd Singular         -oji
1st Plural         -etisa
2nd Plural         -olosa
3rd Plural         -ojisa
Conjugation of to be:

The verb to be is: "se", the root is "s"

The only difference in the conjugation of "to be" and any other verb in Enkien
are the person indicators, which are:

1st Singular         o
2nd Singular         a
3rd Singular         i
1st Plural         y
2nd Plural         awi
3rd Plural         ii - just pronounce this at length OR put a glottal stop in between

To negate the verb "to be" in Enkien, simply add the negation suffix -no to the conjugated verb, instead of modifying it with an adverb.
Most "to be" verbs use the second method of word order listed above.

Emphasis Rules

Emphasis can be added to low or high forms of a noun by adding a niche between the root noun and the ending. If there is a vowel on the root, drop it. Example:


The pronounciation of this will put stress on the vowel immediately before the added niche, so:
[thi LOP oi a]
whereas the normal stress would have been:
[thi lo POI a]

Another form of emphasis can come from doubling the first vowel of a word, resulting in a roar or a hiss, depending on the context. This is generally used for the low form.
Sa vaat'jho!
You are an idiot.

Some inferred vocabulary:

grrensholo - normal greeting
grrensgho - low greeting

da - of/for
mo - my
dhorret - language
sebh - welcome [noun]
sibh - welcome [adjective]
tiishme - be wrong
bonnhet - good [noun]
phonweh - place
gwa - why
osghet - quiet
du - very
vaatjho - idiot [low form]
vaatholo - you idiot
taajho - stranger [low form]
rrrive - coming, to come
topatendho - anyway, either way
shrdah - journey
venne - to know
ashreto-de - shame
ese - to give
not' - verb prefix, is emphasized "I"
demah - day
vensalla - joy
pont - creation
dhury - care
en'te - go with
dira - child
tresshe - be patient
ento - and

Other vocabulary:
grrensholy'a - high greeting

uthila - utlic; home
okath - stone
parri - bottle

mani - light [adj]
gatha - dark [adj]
peja - room [noun]
jhe'jhe - idiot; fool (slang) [noun]

ubyna - mother [noun]
padyna - father [noun]
diraba - daughter [noun]
dipada - son [noun]
vejhaba - sister [noun]
vejhape - brother [noun]
thilyba - woman [noun]
thilope - man [noun]

thajhe - speak; talk [verb]
tanje - say [verb]

enta - with [preposition]
set - or [conjunction]

nanjhe - never [adverb]
entse - always [adverb]

ulbreti - Ulbernaut [noun]
terebe - Trepor [noun]

lake - guard [verb]
majhe - kill [verb]
desde - attack [verb]
pade - run [verb]
lurre - love [verb]

paaja - crazy [adjective]

[OOC]Feel free to add vocabulary to this, but keep it to format or I will show up with Brackets ready :D[/OOC]
« Last Edit: November 15, 2006, 09:54:08 pm by Laris »


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2006, 10:02:16 pm »
Impressive. I just gave it a quick glance though. I love the person indicators, though. There's a few things from Roman languages that you'v put to quite a good use, if I may say so. Normal Calling is equivallent to the Latin (and Slavic) Vocative, innit? What I really didn't like, though, is the quite unimaginative use of "-no" as the negation suffix. It simply tramples over the fantasy, for me at least. I propose you consider chaging that.

Another thing. Looking at the alphabet on display at PSWiki, Enkidukaien is largely phonetic, when it comes to writing it down. The few exceptions to this rulecan be blamed on the limitations of the English alphabet - i.e. "Sh", whereas most Slavic languages have a single letter for this sound. Now, to my point: I strongly believe that we should take into account all the lovely feline noises we know and love - purring, roaring, hissing; These pose a huge opportunity to create a unique and plausible language with a real edge over other, more human fantasy languages (which are limitd by the constraints of the human voice).
Now, this is just a thought, but might we use the currently unused (in Enkien) letters of the English alphabet, in ordeer to convey these sounds? Say, X and Z and Q? I can imagine words being formed by the combination of purrs and voices, qnd the same applies with hisses. An illustration of this point being those obscure African tribes that speak using clickety noises, and "pops", that sound more like rolling pebbles than human speech. I think this should be considdered and debated in some depth.

To sum up, great work. I love it and I'll do my best to contribute.


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 06:37:48 am »
I have showed an earlier version of this around to people, but it would seem that half of what I based it on got deleted by Eagel. Wham 6 hours wasted. :)

Woooah... I apologize Laris... I never saw your contibution and I never wanted to throw your work to the garbage...... (Hmmm, think I have to make a searchĀ  :-[ )

I was working with Darkmoon and Siofra contribution, thats why the material in the wiki is what you see... but this work you have is really impressive...

Siofra has right with sounds of alphabet, I was working on a pronunciation close to cats, and imagine some affrican language... therefore I post and alphabet and his sounds... but (again) it's not my work...

You have made a really really good work.. you have to wiki it!Ā  \\o//

Please... make the right corrections and be free to delete what you consider wrong.

I think this work had to stay on the wiki... what do you think people?

Excellent, Laris...!!!

EDIT: Oh... one thing more... what do you think about written language? Have Enkien be a written language? I'm not quite shure because I think that enkidukai have a mouth to mouth transmition of language... but it's just a suggestion... What do you think?

@Karyuu: Can we move this info to the general discussion with the ingame language thread? ThanksĀ  ;)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2006, 07:03:17 am by Eagel »


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2006, 09:07:11 pm »
Okay, -no was based on one of darkmoon's examples, where "siino" was "are not", from what I could tell. I suppose, though, that that could only work for the verb to be (as the verb "to be" has so many technicalities in other languages, too, especially English).

In addition, it is very equivalent to the Vocative; what I was trying to do with the Normal, High, and Low was bring in an aspect of Tonal (Asian) languages. An example of this is in Korean, where there are Honorific forms and 7 speech levels. Of course, knowing that Enkien would be a tribal language spoken by a simpler people, I brought this down to three simple levels.

Again with the phonetic thing, I see it fit to bring in some kind of Asian of American Indian writing system as inspiration for the Enkien writing system, and I also wanted to bring about another aspect to the pronounciation of this; Is it meant as 'pure' vowels? For the way I look at the words and pronounce them, it personally sounds less "rough" when the vowels are pure, separated, but still in somewhat of a legato tone. Another thing I wanted to bring up: Is the 'niche' significant of a glottal stop?

All I was doing with this grammar was conforming to the examples given and the overall tone of the words...

I also wanted to see each and every sound be separated, and an 'h' simply mean more aspiration added to the preceding sound, and at the beginning of a word, an 'h' not be pronounced at all.

And now to Eagel's comment;

I never put it up on the wiki; I was just working on it and showing it around to friends. [I do however think that those prefices and other junk after Siofra's contribution were very fantasy compared to average languages...]

I also want to quote from above for the writing system: "I see it fit to bring in some kind of Asian of American Indian writing system as inspiration for the Enkien writing system"; only if we do bring it in...But I have noticed a little bit of writing around Oja, and think that kind of curvature would be a nice inspiration for Enkien writing, if any... By that kind of inspiration, I mean an alphabet based on syllabary and the conjoined vowel-consonant sound.

[Something I thought about as I was nodding off last night; the infinitive is off; the 'l' should not end it.]

Off again to Shooree's comments:

I would think that those letters would definitely be usable as significance for such sounds...However, purring for cats is not something that could be conveyed into a middle sound, so would definitely have to be at the end or beginning of a word; but perhaps could be combined with a long vowel...this brings about some kind of articulate punctuation in the writing system, or complex pronounciation rules... roaring and hissing might be able to make it in as a vowel sound, though, I imagine...


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2006, 10:43:15 pm »
Bah, it still kinda bothers me to see "no" used as a "no" in a language so far off from any human counterpart. But yea, I guess I will survive, even if it stays the same.

As to the writing system, if one is to be implemented, then yes, I very much agree with what you have said regarding it. The pronounciation of vowels, in my humble oppinion, can be left as "pure", as I see no need to make the common language phrases excessively rough. After all, we will hopefully implement roars and such onomatopeic niceties, which are bound to spice it up a little, no?Ā  Ā :oops:

About the ' and h now. The alphabet on the wiki lists the letter "Han" as being pronounced as the h in "hammer", but I am sure you knew that already. Now, why would we want to throw a perfectly good letter away? We could use, say, that same "niche" or maybe two of them, put togeter, to signify accented pronounciation of the preceding (or maybe, the following, would be a better option) sound? Then, the letter Han could be either left alone and used as the current alphabet suggests, or it could come to signify the hiss. Think of a domestic cat's response to seeing a dog - that is what I have in mind when I say "the hiss"; originating deep in the throat and with an intrinsic emotional value to the felines. It could help enormously when constructing aggressive/defensive/swear words, et simile. This is not to say that the same role could not be taken on by, say, W or Q. It is just that "H" seems like a godsend for the role.

I got carried away with this. Let me see if I can remember what other points was I to make...Ā 

Oh yes. The length of the glottal stop. Personally, I think that it should be an audible interjection of silence (...did that make any sense? ...I'm in my bed and it's 3am...). Now, if my proposal for the salvation of the letter h gets accepted, the rules you propose could be carried out by the use of one (') and two ('') niches for the mid-word glottal stop and for accenting the following sound respectively.

Ok, now for some lightheaded deliberation concerning roaring and hissing.
What do you say about using repeated "r" for signifying the occurance of roaring, when writing Enkien in the English alphabet? I see Enki roaring in a sentence in a slightly more controlled, i.e. shorter, fashion, but with much the same intended intensity as say, lions. Ditto with the "h" for hissing.

I'llĀ  try and illustrate:
Imagine two Enkis dueling, looking each other over before they leap... The moment comes and they toss them selves ferociously into the fight... "vaarrr'jho!!!" - one of them screams: a roaring insult, a mere idiot momentarilly degraded into an imbecile- cretin, impossible of coherent thought. His opponent, equally dismissive and enraged, screams "ulbrrreti dirhhh''gho!!" - literraly, son of an Ulbernaut.

Now, due to the fact that both roars and hisses are easily influenced by the vowel immediatelly before or after them, this is how I believe one should read words like the ones in the example.
1. the " vaarrrjho " - the long "a" flows into a roar, much like you and I would yell "aaaa!" in our deepest, scariest Count Dracula voice; but the resulting sound is about 3 octaves deeper and, well, 3 times as ferocious, I guess. The "rrr" is there as a symbol of a roar, then, determined by parameters. The niche (') is there to give more strength to the intrinsically insult-bearing -jho sufix. I hope I make my vision clear enough.
2. the " ulbrrreti " - the word would be pronounced very fast, the "ulb-" comming from the bowel, basically as a suffix to an immensly powerful yet short roar that ends in spitting the "ti" out.
3. thw " dirghhh''gho " - beginning with a loud "di(r)-" and then immediately transforming into a ahort, edgy, fightcall hiss. I was quite happy to include the two niches (a rule I made up about four paragraphs ago, which mind you, is not exactly a rule just yet)р that signiffy the strength and ferociousness of the "-jho" suffix, the lowest common denominator in Enkien.Ā 

I trued pronouncing these, and they do indeed sound quite rough and ferocious, just what we need, for a bloodthirsty (prejudice) race of destructive felines (racial slur) that we are, IMHO.

To be honest, I'm a bit lost by now. I'm very tired and my thoughts are fleeting. I'll give this thing one more proofread and then I'll call it a night. Or go play Hobowars. Anyway, I'm very keen on getting your oppinion, guys.


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 10:49:20 am »
Hi there...
When I pick up all the material (Darkmoon and Siofra) I was trying to figure out how the words will sounds... That's because I pick all letters and try to give a particular sound to any... And when the alphabet was complete, then I start to work on verb tenses, nouns, etc... all that awesome work of you, Laris...
Now my little contribution seems out-place. Except for the niche letterĀ  :P like said Shooree.

I'll not be tired by saying that everything could (or better should) be modified if is not consistent with Laris's work. I was analysing and it's really a good work so everything else must adapt to this.
I would like that we try to finish this rules and make some new words to test the language in-game... Then maybe could give a truely sound to any letter in alphabet.

@Laris: Can I put your work on the wiki page or want to do by yourself?


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 07:10:30 pm »
For one, I was working around only the wiki material, and if that changes, some entire aspect of this will change, and it will bring about a domino effect that I personally don't like. So I personally prefer the alphabet stay the same, for what can be done is the controlling of "voiced consonants", that depict intelligent speech, and in addition the lexicon can and will be built around the alphabet and purpose of the language.

I also like Shooree's method of implementing those roars and hisses: doubling or tripling the vowel sound, and depending on the sontext, the vowel would be accompanied by a roar or hiss. The purr can be achieved by a single "r", but emphasized by a double "rr". Right now I just want the basics to be worked on, such as building a lexicon and grammar and pronounciation method; we can get to the more complex parts such as the alphabet later...

And on that strong emphasis thing, I will see how I can get that in :)

EDIT: Forgot bout this, but I think you should go ahead and put it on the wiki...I am not sure of the exact format you want this to be in, i.e. Different page? Separations? &c.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2006, 07:31:08 pm by Laris »


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2006, 06:31:16 pm »
Hi... Well, I will post that work in the wiki page.
Something I want to do is to remove the pronunciation in the alphabet and let they as the english alphabet, later we will discuss about the sound of each letter.
Now I'm thinking about 'ph' i.e.... will sound like and 'f' or will remain as two separated sounds?... that's why I want to take off the pronunciation.
For now, all rules for enkien seems perfect and can improve the pronunciation later.

Thanks again...


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2006, 06:38:36 pm »
Don't delete it, though. Just ask Kerol to paste it somewhere where its easily accessible to us and still not in plain sight. Or just add *UNDER CONSTRUCTION*... on second thought, I'll do that myself. :)


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2006, 06:59:13 pm »
I also like Shooree's method of implementing those roars and hisses: doubling or tripling the vowel sound, and depending on the sontext, the vowel would be accompanied by a roar or hiss. The purr can be achieved by a single "r", but emphasized by a double "rr". Right now I just want the basics to be worked on, such as building a lexicon and grammar and pronounciation method; we can get to the more complex parts such as the alphabet later...

I think you somewhat misunderstood what I was going to say, but yea, this way works as well. Maybe even better than mine. See, I was saying that "rrr" is a roar, and the vowel in front of it determines the sound of it. This was in place because, 1) I thought "aa" was a long "a"; and 2) so that you could basically both use the roar and not use the roar when calling someone an idiot. 
To clarify:

"Sa vaat'jho." Vs. "Sa vaarrrjho!" 

I thought that the first example didn't include roaring. It was a simple statement, in plain voice or whispered. The second example lacks the "t" because it gets swallowed in the roar. It is much more suited for combat crying (or drunken pub brawls). I would like to think that Enkis have come to realize over time that the other races do not readily appreciate their roars, especially not in crowded, populated, areas. In this light, being able to call someone an idiot without announcing it to the entire city borough is of crucial social importance.


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2006, 07:43:39 pm »
I personally wish to keep this as a vowel simply because changing a consonantal sound could mean very big problems down the road when we develop a big lexicon' thus, I propose simply this: make it 2 vowels followed by a Niche to accent it and emphasize it; if needed, let this run into the emphasis niche between the root and ending...example:

Sa vaa't'jho! Pronounce as necessary ;)

With some more vocabulary:
enta - with
mansa - mind, brain

Sa vaa't'jho enta mansa da ulbret'jho!
Rough translation: You Ulber-brained idiot!


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2006, 08:52:37 pm »
very well, then. Agreed.

Funny how the first thing one learns in foreign languages seem to be the swears and cuses.Ā  :beta:
I can't access the wiki and I;ve been working on some vocabulary. I'll try a few more times. If not, it'll be in the FL forums, being that it's experimental. I'll provide the link.

*EDIT* ya well, I published these here: I'll try again, tho
« Last Edit: November 15, 2006, 09:13:12 pm by Shooree »


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2006, 09:00:32 pm »
hahaha... ;D
Shooree, maybe you can't access because I was writting in all the stuff

Now its ordered... but can change...

what do you think guys?


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2006, 09:33:31 pm »
Larisma loves it...

Added some of the later vocabulary, so did Shooree, I see...

Nice work, and I hope we can all contribute to this language's growth :)


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Re: Enkien - This makes sense of it all
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2006, 09:44:21 pm »
<spam> yaaaay! group huuug!  \\o// :sorcerer: :surrender: </spam>