Author Topic: GM events  (Read 6986 times)


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Re: GM events
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2007, 03:20:12 pm »
"I agree parallo. It is also a display of how childish Datruth can be. He likes to think he is all that and a bag of chips, but what he fails to realise is he isn't taken seriously when he acts like that. Give thought to his post, he asks. Well my thoughts on it is ...... I think your being an ass for no reason, and you need to check your head."

I am not all that, i've never claimed to be all that, and i'll gladly pay real money if anyone can show me boasting at any time.

Was i the one who called the other an ass?
And what does Akaye mean by, act like that? Like what? Expressing my opinion? What did i say that was so rude? :o
Please quote it for me.
* Datruth waits...
K now that his personal grudge/ accusations / mudslining boat has sailed, lets move on.

"Just keep in mind that the Gm's have to do their events differently from the player events. We have alot more rules we need to consider and we are not just throwing these events for friends, but for the whole community."

The last two player made community wide events:

"Gharin's tourney"
"Slavers rp/War"

Had a much higher turnout/Success rate, than any single Gm event has.
That's just the last two.
Don't make me get into Proglin, who magnificently made player tourney's, again, not gm manufactured.

Don't belitle our events by saying they are for friends.... we make community wide events too, much more successfull ones, Without Gm tools or awards.

What i'm trying to explain to Akaye, without him peronally attacking me(ya i failed on that part), is that you need to CATOR to your crowd.
It's Economics 101, no one likes your product if it isn't built properly.

You don't want to host them at times that are convienient for us, that's fine, remember, the events are for US, not gms.
If they were for GM's they'd be at times most convienient for you!

And if you decide to do them sporadically, again, that's YOUR choice, not mine.
Don't expect a huge following to be there though, or any following.

And i must note this one more time, i've never boasted myself, ever, i've degraded myself 10 times before a single boast has ever come.
I'll even say that Akaye might have given more to the community than me.

What i find horrible, and rude, is him attacking me, for no reason.
Again, if you ever find me boasting, please list it for me, I've never claimed to be all that and a bag of chips.

If you want to listen to Akaye, that's fine, i'm just asking for an unbiased view, as if our name tags arn't there.
Look at what we've said.
And who makes the most convincing arguement.

I for one, won't degrade myself by calling Akaye a childish ass.

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Re: GM events
« Reply #61 on: February 10, 2007, 03:28:42 pm »
Does an event have to have a big turn out to be good? No. Quite the opposite actually. Your case is not convincing at all. Please don't speak for us all.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(


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Re: GM events
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2007, 03:31:04 pm »
You don't want to host them at times that are convienient for us, that's fine, remember, the events are for US, not gms.
If they were for GM's they'd be at times most convienient for you!

If we are not around we cant run events you want them when you are on fine then we will not run events. We run events for the people yes but we have real lives too and things to do that keep us from being able to run events when all the players are on. And no we dont not lack events we lack the right number of  gms on at the right times to run them. We run events when we can no event will be run when the players can make it unless we announce it ahead of time.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #63 on: February 10, 2007, 03:39:37 pm »
Does an event have to have a big turn out to be good? No. Quite the opposite actually. Your case is not convincing at all. Please don't speak for us all.

I never said that, please explain where i said size of turnout= success rate?

I said we had higher turnout/ Better success rate with our Events.
That's a fact, if you had been at both Gharan's events.

I never said having more people makes you more successfull, and i'm not speaking for you parallo, so stop preaching.

As for Carrie, i didn't understand your post fully, sorry bro.
All i got was, we're busy, and we try to run them when we can.

This is the only volunteer service, which doesn't require member turnout.
Even when i did Public service for my town, for free ofcourse, i had times and places i was expected to be at.

I'd think that maybe someone could coordinate the GM team the same way, with times and places, and goals they need to reach.
Seriously, i've never heard of any other volunteer service, like the PS gm team/dev team.
Even while volunteering i still had requirements, and if i didn't meet them continuously, i was kindly asked to leave, or to help someone who could meet those goals.

And thank you caarrie for respectully responding, i'd speak with your collegues and ask them to hold the same level of respect as you.
I appreciated it alot, thank you. :)

Truth To Disbelief

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Re: GM events
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2007, 03:40:34 pm »
What don't you understand about "We run events when we have time?"
Judge: Are you trying to show contempt for this court, Mr Smith?
Smith: No, My Lord. I am attempting to conceal it.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #65 on: February 10, 2007, 04:19:17 pm »
I have a grudge against the last event, the rogues invasion one(Although I didn't involve any of my characters on it):

It was fully done for PLers to kill uber-powered rogues, no real deep plot behind it or something that catches interest and mistery like the Event involving a polymorph glyph or like the event involving the "Order of the Skull", and the fact you could be killed with one single hit by those rogues didn't make it better. Next time I suggest to focus on less massive things like invasions but on more interesting and less dependant on the current alpha-stage combat system of Planeshift.

Best ones I involved my characters(fully or partially) into for now:

- Order of the Skull (Based on a human skull found in a barrel filled with acid in Kada's Tavern)
- Carkarass turned into mage (Retrieve the polymorph glyph, and some fishy details about what was really happening)


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Re: GM events
« Reply #66 on: February 10, 2007, 04:27:57 pm »
Janner i think you're mixing avatars with characters.

Characters live in a world, virtual, but as complex as a real one.

Avatars is what we see on the computer screen. Their abilities are greatly limited. That's true even in a complete game, and PS is far from complete.

Now, seeing the avatar of a pet, that usually stays still, run and display some intelligent behavior will surprise me, the player. None of my characters will be surprised. Pets in Yliakum do that everytime. We (players) don't see it, because their avatars are (yet) too limited to show that.

Characters do all the stuff people (and pets, if you consider them characters too) usually do in a complex world. They go to sleep, they wake up, they go to work if they have a job, or go to school if they are young. They can sit down, light a pipe and smoke a bit. If they are pets, they run around, hunt rabbits, even mark territory if that's their habit.

The avatars won't do much of those... they simply disappear when the player disconnects. They can't really 'sleep' (assume a position that seems comfortable for sleeping) or smoke. They cross rivers and lakes without getting wet, they run and fight just as good even when they are at 5% of health, and so on.

The avatars of pets are even more limited, for now. They just stay there. That's what you see, as a player. But that's not what your character sees. He sees a normal pet, not a still representation of it.

Nothing in the settings mentions weird, still pets. It seems reasonable to assume that pets in Yliakum are just like those in the real world, companions to their owners... just a bit more magical in nature (as everything is, in Yliakum), and with different shapes, of course.

BTW, it'd be fun to RP something like:
- have you seen my pet?
- no, what happened?
- i've got a terrible headache, i tried to summon him but i failed the spell and now only gods know where I sent him!  :oops:

Janner bows, this is a very good explanation, well thought out reply, well done.
Glad to help.


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Re: GM events
« Reply #67 on: February 10, 2007, 06:33:42 pm »
@Datruth: Oh my, so your upset because I said the truth? Must be after that long winded post that really accomplished nothing. You were being childish ... correction you still are. I asked you why you were being such an ass, (Obviously your post came across that way) I mean you were the one after all who ranted. I was responding to your silly rant. I haven't degraded myself in the least, though you can tell yourself that if it makes you feel any better. I told you how it was. Deal with it and maybe take a look in the mirror and grow up. Your posts are not being taken seriously because all you do is attack people when they don't agree with you. Might I also remind you, you were the one to be disrespectful when responding to my post. If you think you weren't then you definitely have issues. 

I have a grudge you say? That's funny I don't recall ever saying that, or telling you that. Paraniod much? For the record there is no grudge I carry. I just don't like how you talk to people here on the forums, and think you have a lack of respect for peoples opinions. Please don't give me a long winded post about it, your posts are all over the forums and are proof of your selfish attitude.

You don't want to host them at times that are convienient for us, that's fine, remember, the events are for US, not gms.
If they were for GM's they'd be at times most convienient for you!

Just because I am a GM does not make me NOT a player. I know what events are for and that is the whole reason I joined the gm team. Again you have no right in the world to make demands of the GM team, or to lecture me on how to do my job. You have no idea how it works and therefore your opinion on it is nil and void. Until you can show some respect don't expect me to take anything you say seriously and don't even talk to me about how things should be run because the only thing you know how to run is your mouth!

*bows*  I have nothing further to say on this matter and apologize to the thread started for going off topic.

[Edit] One more thing to add. I am a female, not male.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 06:40:55 pm by Akaye »
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Re: GM events
« Reply #68 on: February 10, 2007, 08:35:12 pm »
There, all cleaned up.

Post constructively or else.  Personal insults are not welcomed here.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 08:42:08 pm by neko kyouran »


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Re: GM events
« Reply #69 on: February 20, 2007, 07:58:02 am »
what i dont like about gm events is 1. they mostly seam to occour at times out with gmt leaveing a lot of us high and dry. 2. connected to the first i have been playing around 7 months and only ever been able to particapate in 2 gm events why well cause most are not help in a sutable time alowing those to in gmt time or around gmt to be involved or they say at 2200 gmt and dont start for hour{me remmember scavanger hunt that got ballsed up anyway} 3. of the 2 event i was in i got 2 i pritty bad weapon 1 a golden saber and 2 a slight stats booster none of witch i would use and i had to fight for them witch is total wrong seing that ppl get things like new unquestable glyph for simply collecting 10 lake mushrooms { or so i have been lead to bilieve} how is that even fair i go kill 3 super consumers and get a sword that the gm seamed pritty unwanting to hand over when someone that collects 10 little lake mushrooms gets a glyph ? there dosent seam to be anything there that rewards in comparison to what the person did.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
(Fighter in the wind)


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Re: GM events
« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2007, 01:22:56 pm »
For a gm event to even be done it has to be approved by talad that includes the reward. Next in order for the event to be run we need the gms around to run the event. Lastly we need a gm4 [akaye yill tarel chaos hadfael or rayken] to be around for the whole event to over see it as no other gm can run an event then a gm4. Only gm3s can be in most events unless there is no speaking roles. So that leaves most gm events need 3 or more gms to be around and at last one of them has to be a gm4. We can not run events that are not approved and we cant give out rewards just because we feel like it. You get a reward because how much effort you put into the event not all events give all people the same rewards. I have seen several events where all you get are a few trias and some pp and no items at all but that was how it was approved by talad and that is then how we have to do it. Again we can not just do events when ever we feel like it as we have to follow guidelines as to how we do them and what rewards are given out for each event. A lot of the time we dont see the gm4's around during the day GMT or EST [either time zones] or we dont see enough other gms around during the day to run them. Again we run events when we have the people to do them [the gms] and then we do them we dont care what time of day it is we just like running events. Sorry if you feel left out but we do our best it just happens the events happen when you are sleeping we would do them earlier but a lot of the gms needed dont live in a time zone that allows them to be done at other times unless we plan them ahead of time and then hope all people show up to get the event done.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 01:55:46 pm by Caarrie »


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Re: GM events
« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2007, 04:14:40 pm »
To become a GM you must not be:

1) A hard-defender of GPL that doesn't like the fact Planeshift as a game is under a restrictive license and that is prone to arguing over it.

2) Someone who disagrees with the way PS development works or with the way GM Events are excessively centralized.

3) Someone who dislikes centralization in general.

4) Someone that feels offended or that feels distrusted because of the need of approval of the project original creator himself for the hosting of a GM Event.

I met all these 4 criteria thus am not suitable neither willing to become a GM due to them as well. Of course other criteria also apply(or should be applied). Here are some:

5) Not being a godmodder, cheater, neither someone who becomes egocentric and arrogant when entrusted with any kind of power.

6) Being respectful of the PS Community in general

7) Having enough time on schedule for it.

Among many others


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Re: GM events
« Reply #72 on: February 20, 2007, 04:23:03 pm »
Is it just me is this whole rebel attitute starting to annoy anyone else.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(


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Re: GM events
« Reply #73 on: February 20, 2007, 04:25:17 pm »
You also shouldn't be allowed to become a GM if you ever used alts to stalk someone OOC.  (And no, I'm not talking about the GM who stalked someone AFTER becoming a GM!)
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Re: GM events
« Reply #74 on: February 20, 2007, 04:47:54 pm »
You also shouldn't be allowed to become a GM if you ever used alts to stalk someone OOC.  (And no, I'm not talking about the GM who stalked someone AFTER becoming a GM!)

Using alts for OOC espionage or stalking is another important criteria for declassifying someone applying for becoming a GM.

Is it just me is this whole rebel attitute starting to annoy anyone else.

If the expression of opposing opinions against mainstream view is an annoyance, I'll be glad to leave the Comintern for respect of its stability and of the always truthful claims of the chairmain.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 04:53:20 pm by lordraleigh »