Author Topic: keeps pausing when i walk big lagg.  (Read 2847 times)


  • Hydlaa Notable
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Re: keeps pausing when i walk big lagg.
« Reply #75 on: January 13, 2007, 08:32:52 am »
Well, let me just say that I doubt its even your router. |I think you are having connection problems because of your wireless connection (im guessing that is what you are talking about when you say you have an 11Mb/s connection). I personally wont try to help you though, i entirly understand why Karyuu has given up, there are only a certain number of times that someone can try to help and not be listened to before they get to the end of their tether and stop caring.

You told us you had a certain router so I downloaded the manual and gave you step by step instructions, then you tell us 'oh, its not actually that router'. This is irritating and you have wasted peoples time by not trying to get the information they need. And the fact that you cant seem to see that there is a modify button on your posts so that you can edit them rather than double posting is just beyond belief.

hey karyuu if u can see this respond my fragnetics have changed their not 0 anymore ther from 1000 to 2000 is that goo 

If you can log into the game then that is good. if it doesnt lag then that is better.

"May there only be peaceful and cheerful Earth Days to come for our beautiful Spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life."


  • Traveller
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Re: keeps pausing when i walk big lagg.
« Reply #76 on: January 13, 2007, 01:41:50 pm »
its not my fault i've told people what they want, ask me what u want and i'll answer