Author Topic: Kenusha has died full of pain  (Read 2281 times)


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Kenusha has died full of pain
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:33:50 am »
Kenusha, the sweet Darkness Kenusha, came from Kadaikos a long time ago. She had a lot of trouble and pain whole her life, cause of a dangerous twin named Ahsunek. She was the most friendly and warmhearted Diabola I've ever met and I'm sure I will never meet one like her again.

She died in my arms this morning at the lake near the chess playing guys. I will call this lake furthermore "Lake Lagrimas de Kenusha". And if you taste from this water: it's salty. She dropped a lot of tears in the past.

Kenusha whisperes: "Quantus! Help me! The power of life is leaving my body and soul... ...the pain and desperation is hitting my heart in pieces ... I can't hold it any longer. Please, please, tell my friends that...."
Her voice breaks and her hand stretches to catch some help. But to late. Her Flame leaves her body and she dies.
Quantus gives Kenusha a last kiss. Then he gave her body to "Lake Lagrima".
Full of tears he says: "I will remember you forever, sweet Darkness Kenusha. Promised.". Then he felt in silence.

My lovely Kenusha died cause of a broken heart. Broken from love? No, not from love. Her pain was caused by some stalking guys. These destroyed the freedom she needed to life here.


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 07:45:09 am »
Garbald arrives at Lake Lagrimas de Kenusha. Fleet-footedly he jumps to one of the giant water lily leafs and sits down in a meditating position. His gaze turns inward. After a long time he begins to speak quietly.
"My dear friend Kenusha. You know how much I would have wanted to help you. But in the end all our powers were not enough. We will terribly miss you for your huge compassion, your way to have an open ear for everyone who knocked at your door and your desire to set things right. Fare thee well, my friend. May you now find the peace that was refused to you in this life!"

Garbald stands up, carefully balancing on the leaf. With a swift jump he reaches the shore again. Before turning away his face hardens.
"We will never forget you and we will neither forget the ones who drove you to your death!"


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 09:05:28 am »
Socia's ghost awaits her friend.... watching from distance


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2007, 09:49:13 am »
Hello... my lovely Kenusha,
Yliakum never will be as it was before, without you. But in my heart you are never able to die.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 10:02:37 am by Tutoned »

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2007, 12:01:55 pm »
* Donari Tyndale walks into the temple and starts praying "Laanx, grant me the power to cleanse the world of those that caused her pain, for I shall never rest as long as her stalkers are still alive."

Velh Krome

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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 01:24:47 pm »
The Yliakum Gladiators, with Tutoned at their lead, sadly took the, now hard, march to Lake Lagrima, to give Kenusha her last honor as she deserves.. With their heads hanging low, they stared into the water emptily, hearts full of sorrow.
Tutoned took one step forth, laying down flowers, then struggles to speak:

"Kenusha.. your spirit still roams these lands as it ever will - your name will be kept in our hearts, your deeds of the finest will never be forgotten, your loving kind may guide us.."

The Gladiators then kneel down in silence, ramming their swords into the ground commmemorating their beloved friend.


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2007, 03:16:32 pm »
Poundus finally arrives at Lake Lagrima de Kenusha and looks out over the still waters in silence. He fumbles through his backpack and produces a wreath of white lotus blossoms, a wreath he made in hope he would some day place it on her head, and tosses it onto the waters. His heart slowly starts to fill with anger at those that would destroy such a precious flower, at the senseless loss of a kind and caring person, at the unforgivable torment that caused the death of a proud warrior maiden, at the unfairness of happiness and peace denied. 
The silence is shattered by a long scream of anguish, full of pain and heartache, as if torn from the very soul of an unwilling participant and he numbly realizes it is his own throat that issues this sound, and he weeps. He feels no shame as the tears stream down his face, as the sorrow in his heart pours from his eyes, as his body convulses  with deep, wracking sobs of indescribable agony.
How long he stands there matters not any longer ,an hour, a day perhaps a week. He cares not, for time has become as meaningless for him as his own life.
A new sound fills his ears, a voice, soft and gentle, inviting...calling his name, and he opens his eyes ....
Upon the waters he sees his Kenusha with her arms outstreched to him, smiling, his wreath on her head, beckoning him to join her. He is confused and bewildered but he reaches out and feels her touch, he knows this cannot be, but it is as real to him as the earth under his feet, and he moves into the waters to be with her and he feels himself engulfed by her love.
He pulls her to himself and holds on to her with a passion and desire that fills his being with hope of a forever in her arms and he kisses her for what seems an eternity...
He awakens to find himself alone...but not alone...and he realizes that Kenusha has finally found her his heart..and he smiles with this knowledge  and says "I was not allowed to have you in least in death you can be with me always" and leaves Lake Lagrima de Kenusha with more than he hoped for.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, regardless of how wrong it is  ~me~


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2007, 04:54:09 pm »
Alecin and Mirey arrive at the Lake Lagrima de Kenusha. They look over the lake and kneel down to give Lady Kenusha her last honour.
Wiping her tears away Mirey starts to whisper: “My friend, I would have done everything to help you. You will be terribly missed. I hope you found your peace now.” Starting to cry again Mirey stops whispering.
Alecin takes Mireys hand as much for his comfort as hers, bowing his head he speaks softly, "Kenusha, my heart grieves that you should leave us in this manner, you had so much to offer this world.  You will be missed by many, I hope you can find the peace you deserve where you have gone"
Standing up Alecin raises a fist and shouts, "Your death shall not go unavenged, we vow that now"
Alecin and Mirey look out over the lake remembering their friend and then turn slowly away with a new purpose in their hearts.

Eagles may soar....
....but polecats get the eggs.


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2007, 06:33:36 pm »
*Sisisa walks in a daze still from recent news from Sir Quantus of Lady Kenusha*

Her thought's are brought back to her time with 'The Woiperdingers' when she first came to know Lady Kenusha and Highly Respect Her.
"This cant be true!" She keeps on saying over and over to Herself as a tear comes back to Her eye.

Finally reaching her destination of ~*Lake Lagrima de Kenusha*~ with eyes cloudy from tears. She casts a spell that brings forth a fire spiral........
Sisisa Looks at the water to see her reflection as a tear drops she looks up and closes Her eyes and drops to one knee.

Still in shock she starts saying softly ......
"We seem to want to know if there is life after death? Will it make us happier to know for sure? Even if we dont know what form it takes?
There are those who look forward to the happiness of life after death, and those who would prefer a happy life before it."

Sisisa stops for a second stares at the water and continues with concern in her voice.......
"Kenusha I do pray you have happiness in your life after death"

Sisisa stops again this time her eyes close slightly and her eyes seem to to take the appearance of the fire spiral ...
"And do pray other wise for any that took your happiness before it"

She closes Her eyes and shakes her head as her voice starts to go louder..........
"Why should anyone's desire to be unhappy make anyone else uncomfortable?
Do You suppose there are those amoung us who weren't made to be happy?"

Taking a deep breath she glances back at the water.........
"Kenusha" she says as she places a sack full of apples at the waters edge.
"Happiness can be a secret place, some where to go to in your hour of pain, where a moment's peace can fill your heart"

Reaching further in Her sack pulling out some pies then places them around the sack full of apples.
Looking in the water again she whispers.......
"I will leave these here for all your friends that will be coming to Pay Their Respects"

Standing up Sisisa smiles as thought's of how nice a person Kenusha was come to mind........
Clearing her throat and wiping one last tear away she whispers to ~*Lake Lagrima de Kenusha*~ once more.......
"I wish for You to find your Secret Place and know You were a Highly Respected Friend that touched My Heart and will be Remembered Now and Forever....... Farewell My Friend till We Meet Again"

Sisisa turns taking a last glance at the still waters to see ripples............
A Smile comes to Her face to know that Lady Kenusha has heard Her words

As Sisisa runs off from a far distance she turned one last time to see visions of Lady Kenusha bringing forth fire spiral at the water edge.......
Knowing that this must be a sign that Kenusha liked the apples she plans to visit often to bring her more.

[Kenusha Even the greatest tyrant looks small from the peak of happiness,open yourself to the possiblity of discovering solutions,  :( Take Care... Sis]


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2007, 07:32:22 pm »
Jangeol grumbles, "So many senseless deaths these days."  He then kneels and grasps his symbol of Talad, uttering a few words of prayer.
Jangeol Bakieck the Scarred
Dameve Angelun the Insane
Ehatihen the Cowardly Kran


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2007, 09:00:24 pm »
Eila takes the scroll from the messenger.
Her boots and gloves encrusted with iron, soil and coal.
Racks her pick, removes her gloves and wipes the sweat from her brow with a damp rag.
She reads the scroll slowly.
Eila drops her gloves and crumples the scroll in her hands.
She falls to her knees and stares up at the Azure light in the evening sky.
She begins to weep.
"Nooo, i need you!"
"Not now?"

At Lake Lagrimas de Kenusha, Eila kneels at its shoreline and softly threads her hands through the salty water.
She remembers the living legend that befriended her, thaught her and protected her.
"There are those in this land that can't be replaced"
"Farewell, Lady Kenusha!"


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2007, 04:30:03 am »
Kaviczaia sits down at the lake's edge and takes her head in paws.
She whispers: "Oh Kenusha...I miss you...".
Her eyes are looking in the deep blue water. She whispers: "May this be what I give you...".
She kisses the water with tears in her eyes and moves her right paw over it.
Kaviczaia whispers: "Oh Kenusha...I'll never forget you...".

Kavicanea looks at Kaviczaia, then at the water.
Kavicanea growls slightly and one paw moves in the water, her eyes trying to cry.
Kaviczaia looks at her pet, sobs and kisses her on her back: "...feeling...what death means...".
She lets a tear falling in the water, shimmering and silvery. Her green eyes close in mourning of Kenusha.
She shouts: " were and you are what I...loved...".

Kaviczaia stands up slowly, looking at the lake a last time.
She blinks and slowly turns around. She pads away, spreading tears on the ground.

Kaviczaia cries and whispers: "Farewell, Kenusha"

--- The next day ---

Kaviczaia jumps in the Lake Lagrimas de Kenusha and swims to the ground.
Air bubbles rise...slowly, trundling...

Her chest moves up, slowly...and moves down...

A voice could be heard: "Kenusha...I will follow thoughts will commemorate you..."
Slowly Kaviczaia's body arises and drifts on the water. It turns around and sinks down to the ground.

A voice resounds over the lake: "Farewell, my friends...I will not leave you...never..."

[Kaviczaia isn't dead. She's the water of the lake. A magic is supplying her with air. - The next part is coming soon.]
« Last Edit: February 24, 2007, 04:33:34 am by Kaviczaia »


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2007, 06:24:13 am »
--- Five days after she swam in the lake ---

Kaviczaia slowly swims out of the lake...her eyes full of pain...but also full of love. She shouts: "Kenusha...don't miss me, I'll follow last day of my live has begun..."

She runs to Ojaveda...and memoration of her life...

She walks to a tent and sits before it...her friends come...and her last talk begins...

Kaviczaia grins and hugs Eklina. She says: "I'm in need of...of...a guild leader...who leads my guild...until..."
Eklina hugs Kaviczaia back and looks sadly on Kaviczaia
Kaviczaia turns to Ekarotas. Ekarotas hugs her and sighs again.
Kaviczaia asks him "May you...?"
Ekarotas answers: "Your guild M'Lady?"
Kaviczaia nods and says: "Yes...My guild needs to have a leader..."
Ekarotas smiles and bows. He says: "I would be honored".
Kaviczaia smiles and says: "Ekarotas...if somebody in my body wants to join the Mages...Let her be guild leader..."
Ekarotas agrees: "I will". Kaviczaia nods quietly.
Ekarotas bows his head so the others won't see the sadness in his eyes.
Kaviczaia gives Ekarotas the rank of the guild leader: "See you all...on the other side..."
She whispers. "It's time to...die..."
Eklina's eyelids shake and well up.
Ekarotas lets out a cry "Farewell M'Lady."
Kaviczaia sighs: "May your life be more happy than mine."
Eklina pulls out her sculpture, and holds it in her hand.
Eklina says: We're going to remember you.
Ekarotas nods "Forever"
Kaviczaia whispers: "Please, don't bury my'll be investigated by somebody I take out of death...somebody who isn't really dead"
Ekarotas nods and says: "As you wish M'Lady...."
Kaviczaia lies down and her head slowly moves up and down
Ekarotas kneels down besides her
Kaviczaia whispers: "Farewell, my friends...and give...the person in my body this list...". She takes out a paper and reachs it to Eklina
Ekarotas whispers: "Farewell...."
Eklina takes the paper and glances over it.
Kaviczaia whispers with her last breath: "She...should...tell them...what happened..."
Kaviczaia says: "see you in eternity..."
Eklina leans over an places a kiss on Kaviczaia's cheek..."rest well, my lady"
Kaviczaia breathes out and her heart stops to beat
Ekarotas closes his eyes in pain
Moranyi closes his eyes and feels Kaviczaia's soul moving out of her body
Eklina places her hand on Kaviczaia's shoulder, and looks up at the other two.


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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2007, 03:22:43 pm »
A sadness fills Trymm's heart as he recieves the news. "An old friend you were not. Now you never will be. But I did have the pleasure of knowing you. And a pleasure it was indeed. I wish you all the best wherever your spirit might fare."

Garris Shrike

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Re: Kenusha has died full of pain
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2007, 01:42:37 pm »
The torn spirit of Garris Shrike hovers above the lake, a certain depressing aura around the lake. He sighs, this world cannot bear more deaths, none can stand another leader taken. Bye, Kenusha, I've heard good things about you....
Garris Shrike.
A lady's man. That lady's friend's man. That lady's friend's sister's man.
He will be missed.
M. R., also known as Lurch