Author Topic: Turn-Taking Story  (Read 1851 times)


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Turn-Taking Story
« on: April 09, 2007, 05:27:41 pm »
[Ok here's how this will work:  I'll write an opening to a tale, and you add something else to that story.  We keep going with this and get a very cool story that the poster's wrote.  It doesn't have to be paragraph after paragraph of text: in fact it might be better to have it short.  If your just posting a comment, please put it in square brackets so future readers know it isn't part of the story.  With that, onto the intro.]

That day was expecially coated with blood.  Continual waring among the many factions of the world raged on.  It was after a tactical move by General Yesive, a Ylian man in charge of the Blue Moon faction, that ended an occupation of a neighbouring town.  It was a bloody undertaking, and that town as a result is no more, with nothing but broken glass, torched buildings and corpses everywhere.

So, sitting in a tavern in a small town north of the Yliakum caves, Sintha sipped red wine out of a small glass.  News of the obliterated town reached her ear, but she didn't really care - she was too stoned and drunk to care - as she sipped her wine and eyed a strange hooded man in the corner of the tavern, staring down at his table in an odd stance.  After a while he looked up.  He was a pale Xacha with dark hair and pale eyes.  She stared at him with intrigue, wondering what someone like him would be doing here.

At that point, a dark Diaboli man strolled in, as attractive as the Diaboli are famed for - rippling muscles, smooth skin, dark hair and eyes, and a well groomed gotie.  Knowing that she would have better luck with the Diaboli as their also famed sex drive, Sintha approached him.


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2007, 08:33:07 pm »
[careful young one. such things have been known become... interesting.]

mosim walked up to the bar. his journey here had been eventful, and had not been simplified by recent events. the bartender looked at him, his eyebrows raised in question.

"mulled rum," he said.

the bartender started to ready the drink. mosim noticed sintha's approach. he simply stared at the counter waiting the drink's arrival.

"you are wasting your time lass," he said. "i have no desire for company." the drink slid infront of him. he slid several tria back across the counter. "even if i had interest in your gender."

he took a mouthful of the drink. he felt the first warmth, but not the second.

"i am here on business."
may laanx frighten the shadow from my path.
hardly because the shadow built the lexx.
the shadow will frighten laanx from my path.


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 08:49:52 pm »
[Yeah, that's when I like them the most Steuben]

The hooded Xacha's eyes darted to the door as it creaked open.  A look of shear agony crossed his face for a split second and then he returned his gaze to his table, his hand shaking slightly.

The door continued it's creak before it smashed into the wall and a drunk dwarf stumbled in.  The dwarf's hair was bright red and one could see traces of blood in it and on his cheap white shirt, mixing with sweat and ale.  He stumbled from chair to chair trying to reach the bar, his green eyes darting around aggresively, actively looking for a fight in the eyes of those around him.  Upon reaching the bar the dwarf spat on the ground, an unpleasant mix of mucus and blood and looked up at the pair by the bar.

"Mosin!  You-uu-u... you... owe me ....a beer!....Yesyoudo!." sputtered the dwarf, almost falling over, his eyes catching sight of Sintha the dwarf grinned and tried his best to stand up straight, his eyes leering at her.  "My name!!...Yes, that's it!... Grokin.  What's yours, pretty?"  The deep voice of Grokin boomed out the question confidently before his eyes rolled up into his head and he fell asleep on the floor.


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 04:59:45 am »
Mosim looked Sintha up and down before carefuly placing his drink on the bar, leaning down and confidently pulling the dazed dwarf up by the breast of his matted shirt. He took his drink back up, holding the rim by his fingertips. A glance to the hooded figure. He strode to the back of the tavern. Gracefully throwing Grokin into a chair and throwing the rest of his drink in his face in one movement. The dwarf spluttered, jaw dropped, eyes fluttered open. Mosim Slamed his hand into the dwarfs head, tipping the chair back. Fixating the dwarfs head against the back wall.

"where were you?!"

Sintha turned, startled. A small double take. The Xacha's eyes glinting at her from under the hood. She made her way back to her chair unconfortably picking up her wine again.


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2007, 06:02:40 am »
Grokin, frozen in amazement just stared at Mosim. He knew that the wrong answer now would swiftly become the last words he would ever utter.

'M-m-mosim,' he stuttered, trying to think of a reasonable lie, opaque enough to fool the Diaboli  'My old friend, I was attacked by bandits. I fought them as best I could. Killed one and badly wounded another before they made their escape. You think I would be in the state I am unless something terrible had happened?'

Mosim gave Grokin a steely look directly into his eyes. He was well aware that the dwarf was lieing to him. Had it not been for sheer curiousity the floor would be coated with blood. Mosim leaned forwards, his mouth an inch form the dwarfs ear, 'You will tell me the truth Grokin, but not here, outside. And believe me little one, it had better be worthy of the lie you just told me or I shall not be happy with you.'

The Diaboli released his grip on Grokin's head. Turning and walking slowly to the door he glanced back at the Dwarf still frozen in his seat.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 12:41:31 am by Idoru »

"May there only be peaceful and cheerful Earth Days to come for our beautiful Spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life."


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2007, 04:42:56 pm »
As the Diaboli and the dwarf of unknown tribe motioned out of the bar, the Xacha in all of his unusual glare and questionable intentions stared into Sintha's eyes.  Sintha could not resist this look and fearfully stared back as a narsist stared at their own reflection.  The Xacha then motioned for her to come with a pale and discoloured fingure.  Sintha saw the hint and made her approach.

"Name your price," Sintha said in a trembling voice, "it's obvious you want me."
"I've been waiting for you, but not for that m'lady" he replied very calmy.
"What do you mean?" Sintha inquired.
"What is your race?" he asked.
"I'm an orpan, I do not know," she replied as matter of fact.
"Hold this for me," the Xacha said as he passed her a shiny metal bar.  Sintha touched the bar and learned it was platinum.  It burned her tanned hands.
"Your Ynnwn, as I though" he replied, "I'm Broshine, and I have a quest for you."


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2007, 05:59:59 pm »
As the Xacha and Ynnwn began to talk the rest of the tavern was running outside, their interest peaked by the sudden violence and the beast in them craving more.  Grokin frown and looked up at Mosin, the abrupt turn of events sobering him up.  The Diaboli ignored the crowd and just stared at the dwarf, glaring.

"Tell me the truth, Grokin"

"Well...the bandits-" Started Grokin before being cut short by Mosin taking his dagger out of it's sheath, "Alright...alright...but, ye won't like it"

"I better"

The two stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.  They'd been through a lot together, Grokin's mother had been kidnapped when he was but a teen and Mosin was the one who had helped him rescue her.  It had sparked a long list of events that, in the end, lead them to leave their home and move here.  Ever since then, things had gone bad.  Thoughts of pain and how he betrayed his friend passed through Grokin's mind and Mosin couldn't help but realize how hard it would be to kill the poor, pathetic dwarf.

"It was a girl..."


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Re: Turn-Taking Story
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2007, 06:45:42 pm »
[before it goes in the direction I think it's going...]

"Go on," Mosin said coldly, but not enraged.

"I was heading to town when this strange girl appeared," Grokin began to tell, "She looked at me and asked what I was doing..." Grokin trailed off in fear and said quickly "...and then this bandits appeared..."

Mosin held his dagger up to Grokin's throat "Remember you owe me, you babbling rock-dwarf," he grawled.

"Ok ok!" Grokin replied in a panic, "This girl asked where I was going.  I told her I was going to the tavern here.  She whispered into my ear a strange phrase: ish-ish ick spach.  I didn't know what it meant but I then I followed here to this cave and, well, a Black Flame priestest has it now!"

"What!!!" Mosin rawred, but he put his dagger back in it's sheath for the truth and grawled on, "As you were ready to walk away with that tavern tart, you walzed away at the first available girl you meet, and you gave her the treasure of Azure Sun!"

"I swear, I didn't mean to..." Grokin mumbled in sobs, as even he was abhored about how he was given a simple task of upmost importance and he couldn't do it.  He indeed owed Mosin for the life of his mother, and ever since had to help him out with many things, including the rite the treasure was to be used for.

"Sober yourself up, and then we chase after that woman," Mosin ordered.

"What exactly do you mean?" Sintha asked Broshine.
"I was to find the 'girl of fate', to save our world," Broshine said.
"Why do you think it's me?" Sintha inquired , "The fates weren't exactly kind to me."
"What on earth do you mean?" Broshine told her, "You seem to be a nice young lady.  Disturb perhaps, but that can be worked on."

"Look at me.  I'm a orphan, I never saw my parents, I'm broke, I wear rages and can't hold gold coins in my bare hands!" Sintha quickly said in an irrate state, "I tried to pick you up cuz I though you had an interest in my body and lust in your heart!  How does that make me blessed?"
"I'm sorry my girl," the Xacha lowered his head, "I'm blind."