Author Topic: Departure  (Read 2570 times)


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« on: April 15, 2007, 09:25:00 pm »
Nurahk sits at his desk, his hand stroking his forehead in deep concentration.  All around him
lie papers, words pop out at him "Ecuetas", "Quitarias", "Outlaws"...It's not as much too much
work, it's too little enjoyment.  His ears perk up slightly, the silence that meets them reveals the
emptiness of the guildhouse.
Empty, it's what has been greeting him at every turn.  He's grown weary of it, empty promises,
empty apologys, empty threats.  His eyes flicker down to the two pins he has on his desk 'there can
only be one ShadowLord, but I perhaps, two flames will help the IIA.'  In the corner of the room hangs
his black cape, the DE insignia still makes his heart skip a beat.  It is his only regret, that such a great
thing has turned around and sucked the energy from him.  His hand curls down to his pocket from which
he pulls a lock of fur, 'Karyuu, I'll find you' he whispers gently.
He gets up from his desk and removes his uniform, doning again the travellers outfit and sliding the cape
back into place before thinking again.  He folds up the cape and places it on his desk.
A time to move on, a time to feel full again.

Taking the cape and two pins he walks down to Vexonee and Rooker's rooms, leaving the cape and one pin
by Vexonee's door, and the other pin by Rooker's.  They'll do the Shadow Force justice.

He goes back to his desk to write one last letter to his Father.  Then packs his bag, and goes searching for

[I'll still be around the Forums and IRC, can't let the whiners run free without me there to piss them off <.< :P ]
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 09:34:13 pm by Nurahk »


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Re: Departure
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 02:50:02 am »
Vexonee walks out of her room on her way to Harnquist's, but stops short, the items by her door catching her attention immediately.  Reaching down she picks up the cape, quickly catching the pin as it rolls off the fabric.  Staring at the items, her expression quickly fades into emptiness as she turns on her heel and walks down the hall knocking loudly on Nurahk's door.  Standing there, waiting for what feels like an eternity, she runs their last few conversations through her head.  Looking at the door one last time, she says softly, "Your vision will continue.".  Clutching the pin and cape tightly in her hands she walks back to her room, the catching of the lock as her door closes a deafening sound as it echoes in her ears.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 08:38:02 am by Vexonee »


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Re: Departure
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2007, 02:11:08 pm »
[I guess we just reply in character or... Meh I've never really got this section of the forums  :sweatdrop:]

Narure stands in the plaza talking with Lolitra again, somthing seems missing. He takes his hat off and studies her back inquistavley as she retires for the day. He walks to the tavern and takes a look around hopefully, desolate. A pressence missing.


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Re: Departure
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2007, 02:24:48 pm »
[I had no idea it would be this soon when you said it. I will miss you.]

Parallo, secluded in his studys for days, makes an emergence and discovers that Nurahk has left. He immediatly returns to his books dismayed and more misanthropic and bitter.
I suggest the statue of Laanx gets turned into a statue of Parallo <3. An NPC could never replace the huge hole he left in my heart when he died  :'(


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Re: Departure
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2007, 07:08:07 pm »
Rooker emerges from his room on his way out to Oja when he notices something gleaming in the torchlight near his doorjamb.  Bewildered, he picks up the pin.  "Hmm, must of fell off milord's vestments", he thinks.  Shrugging off the oddity, he heads towards Nurahk's chambers. 

Rooker knocks softly, aware of the late hour.  "Milord?", he calls out to the door.  But his hearing cannot pick up movement or sounds from the chambers.  "Milord", he says again while studying the pin again in his hand.  "Weird", he thinks, "this pin still has it's backing..."  Suddenly, a cold realization takes hold in Rooker's mind.  "Nurahk", he whispers to himself.  Rooker's shoulders slump as the weight of the pin magnifies in his mind.  After a few seconds and a few breaths later, Rooker's shoulders come back up as a new wave of emotion wells to the surface.

Rooker looks around the hallway at the few torches illuminating the space.  Using a palpable tendril of darkness, he snuffs most of the torches to puffs of smoke and glowing embers while leaving the torch lighting Nurahk's door untouched.  "To guide your way home, should your journey take you there.", he says aloud to no one at all.  Rooker takes one last look at the door, alit from the torch's firelight, surrounded by flickering shadows and wisps of smoke.  "A fitting statement", he says wistfully.  Rooker then quietly walks into the darkness.


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Re: Departure
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2007, 07:43:14 pm »
As Garon hears of Nurahk's departure, he raises an eyebrow, saying to himself "Interesting.  I do wonder who is now in charge of the Imperial Intelligence Agency."

Garon leans against a nearby wall, contemplating this turn of events in the upper realms of an organization he was considering enlisting in a branch of, and more importantly, what it means to him.

Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: Departure
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2007, 01:25:00 am »
Lolitra sits scribbling out her list of guests for the 2nd Royal Ball in Hydlaa...  she pauses after writing 'Lord Nurahk.....' her brow wrinkles. Then she thinks to herself 'I have not seen him lately' and a strange sensation washes over her.  She actually misses him, the arrogant and yet suave menki, who knows how to flatter, and of course irratate her.. but she actually misses him.  She goes to  put a line through the name as if to cross him off the list, but then writes 'Threesouls' instead and a question mark.

[miss your banter..]
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]


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Re: Departure
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2007, 07:27:25 am »
[heh... was going to make a proper RP thingy out of this. Proglin would have went to some hall somewhere both Nurahk and Proggy knew very well *wink wink, nudge nudge*  But I don't even freakin' feel like it. So in all my wisdom, my constantly expanding vocabulary and increasing grammer skills, I would like to say the following;

[word dealing with excrement] MAN! you rocked.]
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 08:58:08 pm by neko kyouran »
yours, the entertainer