Author Topic: Godmodding prevention.  (Read 2112 times)


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Re: Godmodding prevention.
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2007, 05:16:15 am »
Can I just point iut that a street fight is VERY differant from a bitch fight.

You either have a strange view of what a bitch fight is, or you live somwhere where all fights are ... poncy.

Bitch fights for the most are viscious and involve alot of "underhand" tactics, tooth and nail snarling ripping out clumps of hair and biting chunksout of each other. its viscious but at the same time looks slightly amusing because whilst all this is going there is still a string of insults flailing around and turning the air blue.  Yes this is stereotypesd as a female thing, because I have never seen a guy fight this way.  No offence ment its just how it is here.

Street fights occur (without sexuakl discrimination) and look alot more seriouse. You have people  who will really go for it, using anything you can get your hands on, fist, feet, knees, head, the surrounding scenery (walls, doors, windows), picking up things from the floor and smacking your target in the head with whatever is there. This blunt attempt to royal F**k somone up is  generally alot more serious looking  and there is no time for insults until the two are broken up.

its harder to explan in text. but easier to note which is which in real life situations. 


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Re: Godmodding prevention.
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2007, 11:47:41 am »
Again, IMPOV they are the same. But maybe another 'the same' as you might think.
See it like I see two books as 'the same' Because it are 2 books, but one of them could be a Fantasy novel while the other  could be an educational book about how plants grow ;)

Did you read the first post. The second part of it answers why people wont just go round killing people 'because they can'.

Your definition of bitch fight seems to vary greatly from mine. To claify, when i talk about PvP I mean the type of fighting we have now. Except I imagine it as non-lethal. Anyway back the point, that being that open PvP would benifit RP (which is the point of the game) greatly if implemented in an effective way, which is entirely possible.

Oeh, missed that one I guess. But Again: no it would NOT.
to rely on 'stats' and 'skills' in a duel that is supposed to benefit the RP, seems very strange. I´m sure we have uber mega characters (or as raleigh would say '1337') that would have the laugh of their life killing everyone they meet. and don't forget the stuff i said before ;)