Author Topic: A Diaboli's Tale  (Read 4602 times)


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2007, 02:09:28 pm »
Hopefully i dont start flooding of how great that was :thumbup:.But realy i especialy enjoy the faint mixture of emotions that step in your way.But i would be intrigued to see if the way Duraza summons Unholy Light does not weaken his control over it.After all Unholy Light takes mental concentration.And emotions require you to focus over them to continue and you canot concentrate on other things.Even as simple as movement (im talking about more complex movement like dancing or quick sidesteps for battles).
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 02:11:41 pm by Entevir »
If I stand on the axis of the world will you mind if I say that the world revolves around me ?


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2007, 06:13:24 am »
[Firstly thanks. ;D As for how Duraza uses Unholy Light eventually he learns how to concentrate without emotion interfering. Until then his ability to use it for long periods of time was low (you'll understand in the next parts of the story).]

A month has passed since Duraza learned how to wield Unholy Light. During this time he has constantly trained under Volset doing a number of tasks. During these tasks Hasseo and Duraza started to form a powerful rivalry. Knowing that Volset's eye was always on them they contained their wanting to fight. However they always competed trying to prove one was better than the other. Then oneday they finally got their chance. Duraza, Hasseo, and Rysenel stand together far outside the city's limits near a forest of wild monsters. Volset approches them from behind.

"You all are early as always."

"We are just eager to learn," Rysenel says. Meanwhile Hasseo and Duraza just stare at the forest both wondering what the task for today is.

"Then your in luck because today you all will be learning a special technique." 

Hasseo and Duraza suddenly look at each other before looking at Volset, Duraza asking, "Special technique?"

"Yes. Remember when I told you three about the Unholy Vortex?"

"The strongest technique ever found. It is a mage style technique but mastery takes a while even for them."

"Correct Rysenel. Even Unholy Mage's can't always master this technique."

"Then why teach it to use? We are still just starting," Duraza says.

"Because the best time for one to start learning the Vortex is in the early stages of training. It takes long to master but the primary movements can be learned in the begining stages."

Hasseo grins, "I think that this will be a great oppertunity for us to learn a new technique."

Duraza frowns, "Your only saying that because you use the mage style. Your just hoping it will be easier for you."

Before Hasseo can talk back Volset says, "Enough. Now listen I won't have time to watch you in the forest so you both better not act like fools because of your pride."

"Yes sir," both say at the same time still exchanging dirty looks.

"Good. Today the task is to go into the forest. Do whatever it takes to learn the Unholy Vortex."

"And how do we learn?" Rysenel asks.

Volset smiles, "Glad you asked." Then he sticks his right hand out and closes his eyes in concentration. For a little while nothing happens but then all three start to sense energy coming from Volset's right hand. Suddenly swirling threads of gray energy start to form an orb in Volset's hand. In a few second's the orb is complete, the energy strands inside swirling like wind. "This is the Unholy Vortex and this..." Volset suddenly presses his hand to the ground tearing the rock under them apart and digging a hole in the ground, "Is its effect. I did not even use it at its full power and it could tear rock into shreds. It's power in the mind is even greater and its purpose is actually to break through the defenses an opponent may create in his or her mind."

"That was amazing," Rysenel says. Meanwhile Hasseo and Duraza just stare in awe.

Volset nods, "It will be more amazing to me if I get to see my students learn it. Inorder to do it you must concentrate and then focus your energy into your hand. Make sure you keep the energy rotating else the effect will only be as good as a regular mage attack. It's the spin put on the energy that makes it stronger. I picked the forest because it's the hardest place to concentrate. You will be attacked by monsters every moment so you must work as a team to make it through. Return to me when any one of you has learned the Vortex or you are close to death."

All three nod. "Good. Than I must be off."

Volset leaves leaving Hasseo, Rysenel, and Duraza to face the forest each one wanting to test their strength especially Duraza and Hasseo.

[You guys gotta wait for the rest  :P ]
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2007, 12:44:26 pm »
At once all three walk into the forest and stand around looking for the foes they expect to face. They begin to walk slowly their weapons drawn and their faces showing their obvious parinoia.

"I wonder where all these monsters are," Rysenel says grasping his longsword tightly.

"No idea but we will find out soon," Duraza says, his eyes darting everywhere.

"Why don't we split up? We can cover more ground and theres a better chance that we will be able to concentrate more," says Hasseo.

Rysenel shakes his head disapprovingly, "Master Volset said we should stay together. Monsters are everywhere."

Duraza tightens his grip on his swords, "Hasseo is right. After all I want to make sure that I am the first to master this technique."

Hasseo nods, "And I'll make sure I too master it."

Rysenel just shakes his head as Duraza and Hasseo stare darkly at one another each one still craving to fight the other. "Fine we will meet back here in a couple hours, just don't die," Rysenel says before all three run off into the forest in different directions.

"Ok I just need to concentrate," Duraza says when he gets to a quiet area. After taking deep breaths Duraza sticks his hand out and begins to concentrate trying to summon up the abilities shown to him by Volset. "Come on....come on...." For a while he continues to try and many times he gathers energy but he can not give it form. Suddenly a noise comes from the trees and Duraza pulls out both of his blades. "Who's there...."

"It is I..." says a rasping voice.


"I....I am the spirrrit of this forrrest..."

"Spirit of the forest..?"

"Yes....and you are intrrruding.."

"I'm just here training."

"Leave or die.."

Duraza draws his blades, "Make me.."

"Get out!" shouts the spirit. Suddenly an odd creature hops down from the tree. As Duraza stares at the creature he realizes that it is almost like a shadow. "What kind of creature are you..?"

"I am a demon...A darrrk creaturrre currrsed to live in this forrrest...I was trrrapped herrre. Now yourrr herre in my domain and therrreforre you arrre my prrey!" Suddenly the creature attacks dark claws rushing at Duraza. Immediately he blocks using his blades but is pushed back hitting the tree behind him.


"Idiot...I am much strongerrr than you..."

"Well just see about that." Then Duraza gets up concentrating and summoning gray energy to cover his blades. "Taste Unholy Light demon." Then Duraza throws one of his swords at the creature. It dodges quickly but does not notice that Duraza at the same time was running closer his other sword still in hand. By the time the creature was able to turn Duraza stuck his blade through it the gray energy intensifiying the pain.

"ARRRRRRRGHH!" the creature started to scream. Then Duraza took his blade out and moved backwards the energy on his blade fadding. After picking up his other blade he walked away leaving the creature there. For a while things were again quiet before he started hearing noises in the trees. When he turned around he saw the same creature again this time with 5 others just like him.

"Where did all you guys come from....?"

"We live in the forrest...You can not defeat us.," they all say at the same time. Suddenly all 6 creatures attack Duraza, black claws trying to rip him to shreads. Duraza uses his blade and evades a few attacks but they continue relentlessly and soon enough he gets knocked to the ground a large gash cut into his right arm.

"Darn it. I can't pick up my other sword. I was never a good left-handed swordsman but I guess I have no choice." Duraza tries attacking using only his left hand only to fail being knocked back again.

"You can't defeat us.." the creatures say again simultaniously.

"Well I can give it a shot..." Duraza then starts to focus trying to summon his unholy energy back into his blade. He fails his attempt however and once again gets knocked back by the beings. "Darn it...."

"Now you will die!" Then the head of the creatures attempts to attack Duraza. Suddenly Hasseo comes down from the trees, gray energy spinning in his hands, "Unholy Vortex!" With that Hasseo unleashes a blast of energy knocking all the creatures away.

"Seems that a winner has finally been choosen. Face it Duraza I've learned it and you've failed. You could barely hold your own out here. I'm better than you."

Duraza only stares at Hasseo, his anger swelling up inside.

"What can't face the facts? You've seen my pow-" Before Hasseo gets to speak he sees one of the creatures jumping down from the trees claws outward in attack. Duraza immediately responds without thought unleashing a black flame, blasting the beast backwards. Hasseo turns realizing that it was Duraza who released the blast only to stare at him in shock.

"So you know dark magic...It seems you forgot to mention this when we met."

"I didn't mention a lot of things," Duraza responds only half paying attention to his own words. Silence is all that follows, Duraza looking only at his hand, shaking with fear. His memories start once again to rush to him, of his mother and the way he killed her. Then he realizes it, "So this is that same power...."

"What are you talking about?"

Duraza speaks without paying attention to Hasseo, "The power that killed my mother....The way I killed my mother..."

Hasseo's eyes suddenly burst open with shock and fear. For a while niether says a word then Hasseo speaks rage in his eyes, "Your a murderer."

Duraza suddenly looks up, " was an accident.."

"There is no such thing as an accident. You killed your own mother. aren't even worthy of living, of studying under master Volset..."

"It wasn't like that...I ddin't mean to do it.."


"Enough!" Duraza screams. As he does he lets out another flame from his hand targeted at Hasseo. Hasseo dodges only getting a slight brusing on his left leg before drawing his daggers.

Duraza stands up in shock of what he's done, "Hasseo...I didn't mean to..."

"So now your going to kill me too? Well guess what I'll kill you first!"

[Next part coming soon  ;) ]
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2007, 04:24:25 pm »
Hasseo is such an arse.There is just no other word for it.There is a to stupidity that Hasseo crosed.If thats what you wanted to make of him the good work Duraza.If not then you rushed the blaming part.Actualy who would say someone killed his own mother purposefully if they admited it with such delay.
And one more thing was the unholy vortex that Hasseo used a full power technique or just the basic moves ?Cause again it would be godmodingish if Hasseo mastered a technique you say takes years to master in one evening.
Well id say this part was a bit rushed Duraza.Not as good as the other ones.Try to concentrate more on the emotions you seem pretty good at that.And remember rivals are only rivals because they aknowlege each others strenght.

[ Edited for language! Read our rules. --Karyuu ]
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 04:32:04 pm by Karyuu »
If I stand on the axis of the world will you mind if I say that the world revolves around me ?


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2007, 03:47:31 am »
Hasseo is such an arse.

Thats pretty much how he's supposed to be represented. Fact is he's hot headed and proud (for reasons not explained, them having to do with his past). After learning the vortex and finding that Duraza didn't he was already feeling that he finally surpased him. He pretty much saved Duraza using the Vortex to piss Duraza off (if you didn't notice then sorry  :sweatdrop: ). After having to be saved by Duraza though he was pretty mad but in shock that he almost died. Once he found out what Duraza ddi to his mother he used it as a way to re-route his anger. This way he felt he had a reason for it instead of trying to fight Duraza because he felt "he's better than me."

And one more thing was the unholy vortex that Hasseo used a full power technique or just the basic moves ?Cause again it would be godmodingish if Hasseo mastered a technique you say takes years to master in one evening.

Only the basic moves. As you noticed all he did was "knock" the creatures away. One of them even came back. Because of how the energy is spinning when its released it kinda is like a blast of wind or vortex. Because Hasseo can not keep the energy steady/stable long enough (because he hasn't mastered it) he has to release the energy immediately after gathering giving him the wind vortex effect. If he could keep it stable, instead of letting it explode, he'd actually be able to do a lot more damage. So he's no where near mastering  ;)

Well id say this part was a bit rushed Duraza.Not as good as the other ones.Try to concentrate more on the emotions you seem pretty good at that.And remember rivals are only rivals because they aknowlege each others strenght.

The fight scene between those two is the next part. Thats where a lot of emotions will play in. They do acknowledge each others strength but neither of them would ever be willing to say it.  Each one thinks he's better than the other and thats where the rivarly forms, to see who's the best.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2007, 08:04:21 am »
The sun begins to set as both Duraza and Hasseo face each other prepared for battle. Hasseo fueled by rage holds daggers tightly, his hands shaking. Duraza still in shock tries to keep calm, unsure of what will happen.

Hasseo lifts his daggers up, "Prepare to die!." Then he rushes at Duraza only to be blocked by Duraza's blade. "Hasseo.....stop...we don't need to figh-.."

"Shut up and die," Hasseo says while Duraza is speaking jumping back and throwing his daggers at Duraza. Duraza uses his blades to deflect still trying not to fight, "This isn't the answer. Killing me won't solve anything."

"Are you so sure? I'll rid the world of a murderer and thats good. Besides we don't need people like you. To kill your own mother? Its heartless." Hasseo then throws 2 more daggers he hid in his clothing along with 4 blast of Unholy Light. Duraza only deflects one dagger but the other one hits him in his already injured right hand. The pain makes him forget the spheres of energy coming at him ending in him getting blasted back by all of them.

"Ahhhhh! Darn it!" Duraza yells in pain.

"Get up. I want to slay you when your standing. To do so while your ground is a cowards move," Hasseo says. Slowly Duraza gets up his mind and thoughts racing violently because of the blasts of Unholy Light. Hasseo then sends out 2 more blasts of energy and Duraza not being able to think clearly can dodge niether, sending him straight into a tree. "I said stand murderer or have I killed you already?" Hasseo says, waiting once again for Duraza to stand. For a while Duraza does nothing just trying to gather his thoughts. The only thing that ever appears in his mind is his mother and her death. Over and over does the violent scene replay in his mind and his anger just increases. Suddenly black flame starts to engulf his left arm and from the ground he launches the flames at Hasseo. Hasseo gets burned on his left leg but dodges most of the flames. As Duraza stands he starts to send flames everywhere, setting all the trees around he and Hasseo on fire. As Hasseo looks around he realizes that he and Duraza are both trapped in a wall of black flame.

"It ends Hasseo...I'm tired of you blaming me for my mothers death...I'm tired of people hating me...of judging me for something I didn't know I did till it was done...I will burn my suffering into you and let you see how painful it is to live the way I do.."

Hasseo stands speachless. Meanwhile Rysenel, who was still in the forest, finds himself in the area where Duraza and Hasseo are fighting. He sees the black flame and senses something bad happening so he runs off to search for Master Volset, hoping Hasseo and Duraza are both safe.

Duraza uses the black flame on his left hand to create a blade of black fire. Hasseo draws a broadsword from his back while observing this, "Your micking the blacksmith style with dark energy...I guess that your skill with dark magic is far greater than it is with Unholy Light. Still you can't beat me!." Then he charges his blade with energy making gray flames swirl around it. For a second both warriors stand then they both rush at each other, their swords clashing. They run around the area jumping and slashing at each other with their blades. Niether slows down knowing that once they lose their pace the other will take advantage of this and strike. Soon they find themselves standing again staring at each other.

"Before I end this I want to know why...why it matters to you what happened in my past?" Duraza yells.

Hasseo suddenly looks shocked when Duraza asks. For a while he stands just shaking his head. Then he says with great passion in his voice, "When I was born my parents were slain. When I learned of this as a child I swore I would avenge them. Avenge the death of any who was killed out of hate or by someone to emotionless to care. I spent everyday training till I wasn't able to stand. I did nothing but train. All my life I hoped for a chance to avenge my parents but it never came. It may not be the same but by killing you I  can start to avenge them all. Every last person slain by a heartless fiend!" Suddenly Hasseo drops his sword and concentrates creating Unholy energy in his hand. In a few seconds the energy is sitting in his hand spinning and then unleashed, "Unholy Vortex!" Hasseo yells. Instantly the energy blasts Duraza back and clears the field of the black flames. "I shall finish you with this technique Duraza and then start my journey to recieve vengence."

Duraza slowly gets up barely able to move from the blast. As he stands Hasseo prepares another Unholy Vortex, draining himself completely to make sure that Duraza dies in the next shot. However all Duraza can think of is Laris, his mother. Every thought focuses on her and all he does is wish that she were still here, that he could rewrite history so that she would still be living and that he would be happy. "i'm sorry mother...." he says to faint for Hasseo to hear. "I failed seems I can not escape my fate.....I either die here or kill the man who tries to kill me and I certainly don't want to die...I refuse to die....and to keep myself alive...I am willling..." Duraza musters all his strength to raise his right arm and he starts to focus Unholy Light swirling in his hands. Just as Hasseo looks up he realizes that Duraza too is holding the Unholy Vortex in his hands.

"So I guess its down to both of us using the ultimate technique..." Hasseo says.

Duraza does not pay attention though shouting out, "I am willing to kill again!"

Both warriors rush at each other hands outward ready to brace themselves for contact. Right when they are about to meet Volset appears inbetween them stopping and breaking both their arms, canceling the vortex's. Rysenel runs up from behind to see the scene created.

"You called me just in time Rysenel. These idiots where just about to kill themselves."

Niether Duraza nor Hasseo look at Volset. Instead they only look at each other their eyes intense with hate. Suddenly Hasseo faints out having lost all energy followed by Duraza, his body realizing its energy depleted as well.

"What should we do master?" asks Rysenel

"For now we will take them to rest and heal. Their punishments will be given afterwards," Volset says.

"Oh one last question master."


"Those creatures in the forest...what were they?"

"Dark spirits," Volset says. After a moments thinking he says, "Its possible that the spirits persuaded their fight. Those creatures can do things to you without you realizing. However that doesn't mean these two still won't be punished after waking."

Rysenel nods then both he and Volset carry Duraza and Hasseo out of the forest, both capable of using the greatest of the Unholy Arts.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2007, 10:55:24 am »
[Because the punishement those two had to suffer was very horrible, cruel, and blood filled that it would be to horribly graphic for a movie and for this website I decided to skip it  :P Really it's not that intresting. Instead we now continue 2 years into the future. Duraza is now 18 and has met all of the other students. I am missing their names (they are in my logs at home) but it doesn't matter because they aren't as important and Duraza still had little contact with any of them, even when preforming his guard duties. Which reminds me, now he is a part of the guards special task unit known as the Unholy Guardians of Ragon. Each of the 8 students are potent in the Unholy Arts and each has mastered at least one of the 3 styles (none mastered more than 2 besides Volset). Volset leads the guardians and each group is its own unit within their group. This means Duraza still works with Hasseo and Rysenel. Hasseo and Duraza have learned "tolerate" each other and they can barely do this. Their rivalry still exist and more importantly their hate of each other because of the events that happened in the forest.]

Dawn in the city. Duraza sits in one of the 3 guard towers looking down sleepily at the empty streets. At the bottom of the tower stands Hasseo and Rysenel, each one also sleepy from having to spend a night on the look out. Recently a criminal escaped from the city's prison putting the whole town on lock down, searching for her and the person who set her free.

Duraza yawns, "This is so pointless. Whoever this girl is shes probably miles away by now."

Two hours pass and Duraza falls asleep on the watch only to be waken up by one of his fellow class mates, Salesis.

"Duraza wake up. Your time is up, go home and get some sleep."  Duraza doesn't move even a bit forcing Salesis to scream, "Wake up!" while pouring a cup of water on his head. Duraza immediately lifts his head in shock while Salesis lets out a little giggle. Duraza looks at his wet hair while getting up and says, "Very funny. Thanks so much."

"Anytime," Salesis says still laughing. Duraza leaves the tower to find out that Hasseo and Rysenel left a long time ago, "Great so they left me here. What a surprise."

[rest later]
« Last Edit: July 20, 2007, 11:11:29 am by Duraza »
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2007, 08:42:40 pm »
[nothing like not being able to play ps and a good song to get me in the writting mood  :thumbup:  Just to remind you this is just picking up from the last post.]

For a while Duraza just wanders the city, it still to earily for anyone to really be outside. Then suddenly he hears a scream comming from the direction of the town square. Right away he draws his blades and runs down an alley into the area where the screams were heard. As he looks around he sees a fenki in a black cloak running down a different alley and a young female xacha laying on the floor, covered in blood.

Duraza runs up to examine the Xacha's body, "Darn it...Doesn't anyone pay attention during their guard duty?" He looks around to see if anyone is around and after being sure he's alone he cleans the blood from his armor and pulls out his short swords, "This must be the work of the lady who escaped the prison. I guess I don't have much choice but to find out." Then he runs down the alley he saw her go down as well.

After a couple of minutes Rysenel stumbles upon the same body left in the square, "This can't be good. I need to get to the guard tower and tell Salesis to alert the rest of the guard. If this is that criminals work it might be wise to wake Master Volset as well.." Then he runs off in the direction of the guard tower.

As Duraza runs he sees a part of the fenki's dark robe disappear down a side alley. "That must be her..." He turns and runs down the alley spotting the fenki running as quickly as she can. "Hey stop! Your under arrest!"

The fenki pays no mind to Duraza, trying to increase her pace.

"Hmph. They never can make this easy..." Then he tosses both blades at the fenki.

Right away she turns down a different alley, both blades missing their target.

Duraza continues to run and turns down the same alley deciding to forget his blades, "Guess I'll have to get new ones.." Then he notices the fenki turning again and again, trying to lose him. He continues to pursue her till they get near the cities wall.

The fenki stops at the wall and looks at it carefully, turing as soon as Duraza reaches the alley.

Duraza grins, "Ive got you now so just give up and come back calmly with me."

For a while the fenki is quiet but then she removes the hood on her head. She looks at Duraza with deep green eyes and as she does her lips slowly curl into a wicked smile before she speaks, "So you think you've caught me boy?"

"I'm pretty sure I have.." Duraza says, suddenly unsure of himself.

The fenki's smile remains on her face as she speaks, "The last Darkom. It would be an honor to kill you."

Duraza stares at the fenki in confusion, his words drizzled with fear, "What..?!"

The fenki suddenly makes a deep bow, her smile only become more twisted as she stares at Duraza, "Sadly that honor must be saved for my master, not myself." As soon as she raises herself back up she lets creates a blast of wind, aimed at Duraza.

Duraza is knocked right into a house behind him, caught by suprise.

The fenki turns to the wall concentrating, "If our alley is correct then this part of the wall is weakest, having been destroyed by a tefusang and rebuilt hollow." She then knocks on the wall, hearing the hollow sound and realizing it to be true, that section of the wall being the only built from wood, not stone.

Duraza, still dazed, attempts to get up from the ground, rising slowly.

The fenki grins, "Why not just rebuild with stone? Why be so lazy as to use wood and paint it a stone color. This shall be their undoing." Then she starts to blast the wall with powerful flame spells. In a matter of minutes the wood starts to burn, falling apart all over.

Duraza finally is up to watch the fenki motion to him to follow her before disappearing through the burning wood. "Great...a hole in the wall. This day just couldn't get any worst." He then tightens his fists and runs after the fenki through the hole, still wondering what will meet him on the other side.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2007, 11:10:35 am »
As soon as Duraza appears on the other side of the wall he finds himself in disbelief. The fenki runs up to a strange hooded diabolo in black robes carrying a large silver blade with a golden hilt. The diabolo's eyes stare at Duraza and Duraza alone, deep and mysterious, as wicked as the fenki's smile. However what shocks Duraza the most is the man standing next to the hooded diabolo. He is an old ylian with a long beard. He looks at Duraza as if he has seen him before and Duraza knows this to be true. This man is no stranger, but someone from Duraza's past, his name Mr. Lex.

Mr. Lex looks at Duraza for a bit before speaking, "Seems like you've grown much. Your not the same little boy I knew back then."

Duraza expresion remains confused, almost fearful, "Mr. Lex? What....what are you....why are you here?"

Mr Lex shakes his head, "I'm here for you boy. I've come to take your life."

"...but why.."

"Why? Why is because you don't deserve to live. Your a killer and thats all you'll ever be."

Duraza blinks, a flush of anger running through his body but his shock still present, " know it was an acident!" He yells. "You of all people should know! And then...then you left me, left me alone without anyone!"

Mr Lex frowns, "I thought it was an accident. I hoped it was. But what your mother said only kept replaying in my mind. She knew what you were before you've even had the chance to become it. Why do you think that is boy?"

Duraza says nothing, his head sinking as he just stares at the ground. His mother had said it. When he was a boy the city believed it. Hasseo fought him over it. Now Mr Lex has come back to tell him the same. In a voice, drained of belief in his own words, he speaks, " do you know what I am...who gave you the right to decide?"

"I haven't decided. I was told. Told something your mother obviously knew. The dark history of the Darkom bloodline."

"Dark history...?"

Mr Lex nods, "Yes. I learned these stories from two people who have been chasing your scum blood line for years. People non other than the two who stand with me."

Duraza's head turns to look again at the fenki he was chasing and the diabolo carring the massive blade. Both of them stare back, wicked smiles on their faces, each one seeming to be waiting for a chance at taking his head. "So they are.....?"

Before Mr Lex gets a chance to speak the fenki interrupts, "I am a servant of my master," she says motioning to the diabolo, "And my master is the last face you will ever see."
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2007, 07:59:38 am »
brilliant! don't keep us waiting so long, please.


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2007, 11:41:09 am »
brilliant! don't keep us waiting so long, please.

Sorry about the long wait. I'll try to post the next part soon. Just glad someone is reading this  ;D
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2007, 02:32:19 pm »
I like it, and I have only skimmed the story. Haven't had much time to read closely. Very nice, Duraza.


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2007, 07:34:30 pm »
Duraza takes a moment to stare at the diabolo. He was taller than Duraza, his body very muscular, with an aged face. He wore a black robe, covering eveything but his chest and arms, which were unarmored. Across his chest was a large scar, seeming to extend farther but covered by his robe. Lastly, his blade, a sword as long as a claymore but much thicker. It had a golden hilt with black crystals embedded in it. The blade itself was rectangular, a point at the very end at the top corner. Suddenly Duraza's thoughts are interrupted by a deep voice.

"Tis a shame you are nothing but a boy. A small seedling like yourself won't stand a chance," says the diabolo. He stares at Duraza the same way Duraza had been staring at him, taking in every little detail.

The fenki looks up at the diabolo, "Master...?" Suddenly the man walks toward Duraza, his sword in his right hand pointed to the ground.

"You know I've waited a long time for this moment boy? The moment I finally achieved the goal of my family. The very reason for our existence since that fated day." The man starts to smile but his eyes reveal rage and anger, the smile only coming off as sinister. "I have searched and hunted for years to finally have found you, and now I am going to kill you. Then who knows, to celebrate I may burn down your city and kill its people. Maybe instead I will convince them to be happy with me and we will feast. Or maybe I shall feast upon their flesh."

Duraza winces, the excitment the diabolo speaks with while saying those things disgusting him.

"One thing is certain though," says the diabolo, "Today I shall bathe, bathe in your blood. Ah what a bath that will be, one that will take away the hardships of myself and the hardships of my family for the rest of our life."

The fenki continues to watch her master in admiration, Mr Lex a little disgusted himself by what the diabolo is saying speaks up, "Can we just get this over with..?"

The fenki looks back giving Mr Lex a cold look as she growls, "My master will do as he likes."

Mr Lex immediately quiets himself to avoid further scolding as suddenly the diabolo begins to laugh, "He's right. I am gloating far to much. Any last words before I kill you boy?"

"Just one," Duraza says, a little confidence in his voice, "Why do you want to kill me? What did I ever do to you?"

[hopefully I can get the rest up by the weekend.]
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #28 on: October 24, 2007, 05:37:25 pm »
Wouldn't that be two questions?


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2007, 08:03:24 pm »
[finally the next part, hope it sounds good  :P ]

The hooded diabolo laughs darkly and charges at Duraza, using his blade to make a deep gash in Duraza's chest. Duraza staggers backwards from the blow then falls to his feet, blood soaking the grass as he stares into the cold eyes of his opponent.

The hooded fenki laughs, "Your overly curious. Didn't you say you only had one question? Either way it's a shame you'll die without knowing either."

Mr. Lex just watches Duraza's blood pour over in disgust, "Can you hurry this up, its not the most pleasant sight."

The diabolo gives Mr. Lex and the fenki a fierce glance, silencing them instantly. Then he turns his head back to Duraza, "So you want to know why boy? Why I hunt you. The answer is simple, it is because you bear the name Darkom, the name of those who betray my family, of those who tried to eliminate us."

Duraza continues to just stare at the diabolo blankly, too weak to speak and confused about what he's saying. "Not sinking into your head boy? I suppose I might as well give you the honor of understanding your curse before your life, and the line of your pathetic family is over."

The diabolo's face becomes serious as he speaks, "You see a long time ago there was a great diaboli family. A rich and respected family, one that was powerful and for a while lived prosperously. This family gained its status from its knowledge of magic and its ability to teach people how to master different ways. However there were always those who were jealous. Those who would go agaisnt the family and try to murder it's members. In times of conflict this family used its influence over the people to help fight enemies, always insisting that, if possible, the enemies life be spared "

All is silent as the diabolo smile's, seeming a little proud, "This family, known as the Ronorok, used its former enemies as servants, making them help to better the families control and gain more power. For a while it continued like this, the Roronok family growing bigger in both blood members and servants."

The diabolo's smile quickly fades into a frown, anger growing in his eyes "Then one day after a war, one that left the Ronorok family weakened, the servants decided to rise up. We took them as no threat at first and tried to calm them down. However they had found some sort of power, one they called the White Core. It gave the dark power beyond what we had known. They used this power to wipe out most of the Ronorok family, the remaining survivors fleeing. This group of servants formed their own clan, using their powers to destroy all that was around them. Eventually they became known to the people as Dark Omens, later on to be renamed Darkom by one of your own. This is the tale of your family and mine. Do you understand now?"

The diabolo grips his blade, preparing to attack Duraza again, "You are nothing but a servant. Even worst you are the worthless offspring of a family of servants. You disgraced the Ronorok name, my families precious reputation and power dragged in the dirt. For this you must suffer, for this you must pay, because of this you bear that wrectched name. The name of Darkom."
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens