Author Topic: A Diaboli's Tale  (Read 4613 times)


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2007, 09:55:40 pm »
heh keep it up but i feel your giveing a lot away to soon but that could just be me.
I am afraid of fighting. I am afriad of being beaten and losing. But i am more afraid of surviving as a cripple than dying in fight.However. I always try to find a new strong enamy.
(Fighter in the wind)


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2007, 11:17:07 pm »
heh keep it up but i feel your giveing a lot away to soon but that could just be me.

Don't take everything someone says seriously  :P
While I won't give anything away myself (you'll have to wait for the rest of the story) I'll tell you that not everything in this story is complete truth because the characters are able to lie/overexaggerate. What you think I might be giving away too soon could just be one big lie  ;)
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2007, 11:19:11 pm »
Psst I know secret stuffs.


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #33 on: December 08, 2007, 08:05:06 pm »
The diabolo rushes at Duraza, dragging his sword through the dirt, "Now Darkom prepare to die, to fall at last to the Ronorok line!" He lifts his blade up, holding it in the air as Duraza's head rises. "I am going to savoir this moment," the diabolo says while laughing. "Are you ready Darkom?"

Duraza stares up at the blade in fear, still to hurt to move, "Is this this the end?" Suddenly someone bursts from out of the hole behind them, everyone frozen still as in a blurr of motion a man is infront of Duraza, his hand on the diabolo's chest. Duraza stares at the man for what seems like forever, too weak to really see him or to understand whats going on.

"Unholy Vortex!" shouts the man, creating an orb of gray energy in his palm and immediately blasting the diabolo backwards with the waves of gray energy.

"Vol-...Volset?" Duraza says. Then he falls to the ground, fainting from blood loss.

Two days later

Duraza's eyes suddenly burst open as he raises quickly shouting, "Volset!" Pain strikes him in his chest as he clenches it and breaths deeply. He looks around, realizing he is in a small room, laying on bed with white sheets. His wound has cealed but still painful, his blood stained armor and weapons replaced with a white shirt and trousers. The door opens and Rysenel and Salesis walk in, Rysenel being the first to speak.

"You alright Duraza? We heard you screaming."

Duraza looks up, his face displaying his confusion, "Where am I...what happened?"

Salesis sighs, "Well he seems to be okay." Then she turns around to look to Rysenel, "I'll leave this to you and get back to the tower."

Rysenel nods to her and Salesis walks off, taking one last glimpse of Duraza, some sadness in her eyes. Rysenel turns back around, a hint of sadness in his own eyes as well, doing nothing but starring.

"Well?" Duraza says, still confused.

Rysenel blinks as if having woken up from a trance, "Sorry...I just don't now how to tell you this.."

"Tell me what?" says Duraza, his patience lessening.

"Well you know that guy you were fighting?"

Duraza nods, his thoughts of the battle and his inability to fight back angering him, he clenching his fists. "What about him."

"Well he's dead but......Volset died along with him..."

Duraza's eyes pop, staring at Rysenel. Rysenel says nothing back, Duraza realizing that what he was just told is no lie. His head slowly sinks down as he lays on the bed, his eyes now knowing the sadness within Salesis' and Rysenel's. Slowly, in a low voice, Duraza mutters the words to himself, the words that he understands perfectly yet refuses to believe, "Volset...dead..?"
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: A Diaboli's Tale
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2007, 08:39:15 pm »
Duraza sits on the bed, staring at Rysenel in disbelief. For a while no words are said, Rysenel turning his head to avoid Duraza's gaze. Then Duraza finally decides to speak.

"How? How was he killed," he says, his voice a little weak.

"I'm not sure...only Hasseo was there with him during the fight," Rysenel says, still not bothering to turn his head.

Duraza rises from the bed, clenching his teeth from the pain in his chest, putting on his boots, "Where is Hasseo, I need to talk with him."

"No Duraza, you need rest now, wait till your wou-," Rysenel says before Duraza pushes past him and runs off. He turns around, already seeing Duraza running down the street, "Now he's probably going to get himself hurt again."

Duraza runs down through the streets, frantically searching for Hasseo, grabbing his chest from pain. He runs through the alleys, eventually reaching the tower. immediately he looks upwards, noticing Salesis moving about on the top floor, "Hmm, it may not be a good idea to go up there. Salesis will send me back for sure, besides I doubt Hasseo will be there." He takes one last look and then runs off, passing through the plaza and going through more alleys. He quickly makes his way back to the hole in the wall, seeing a few workers around it planning on how to rebuilt the missing section. For a few minutes Duraza stares at the wall, his mind wandering to the words said by the strange diabolo.

"You are nothing but a servant. Even worst you are the worthless offspring of a family of servants. You disgraced the Ronorok name, my families precious reputation and power dragged in the dirt. For this you must suffer, for this you must pay, because of this you bear that wrectched name. The name of Darkom."

Duraza clenches his fists, his body tensing as he glares at the wall, "I was useless agaisnt that guy....Whats even worst is that Volset had to...had to die for me to live...Me, the useless child of servants." He continues to stare, his mother's words repeating themselves in his head, just as clear and powerful as the day he heard them.

"Yes my son. You are the son of murderers and a murderer you shall be. You will kill countless just as you have done me and tourment the innocent one day. It is your purpose, and one not even you can avoid."

A few tears run down Duraza's face, the painful memory of his mother's words making his chest feel as if it were about to burst, "Is the Ronorok family just another group of people we've hurt? Even without trying it was my existence that ended the lives of others...Just me living is why Volset is dead." Duraza walks through the hole, examining the area, dried blood still on some of the grass. Immediately he falls to his feet, tears streaming down his face, "Why am I forced to suffer so? Why must the Darkom name bear such a horrid past? Why did I, I of all people have to be born to such a wretched family....I rather have not been born at all.."

"Well I'd be happy to end your life," Hasseo says from behind him.

Duraza blinks, turning his head to see Hasseo leaning on the wall, a dark smile on his face, his eyes full of hate.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens