Author Topic: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)  (Read 6491 times)


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2007, 04:10:32 pm »
Excellent as always, UtM.  Remember:  Every good porody needs a Cyl.  Hmmm... how about Cyl-bacca?  ;D

Farren Kutter

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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2007, 04:26:12 pm »
And maybe Farren Skykutter >.>


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2007, 05:21:57 pm »
I'm not exactly fond of the idea of being your father Farren >.>

Under the moon

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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2007, 06:22:02 pm »
[[Yea! It is Einnol! Do not worry about it. The Cyl knows his part. *evil grin*.  And, by request....]]


The day seems to be getting hotter and hotter as iKtomiD2 continues scooting his way between the boulders, holding the hopes of all the roleplayers in the world on his bot shoulders. Well, actually, he has the Plans rolled up for a headband to shade  his eyes from the harshness of the Azure Sun.

iKtomi halts as something stirs behind one of the boulders. Being of the curious nature, and forgetting  the old saying about what killed the cat, he decides to check it out. As he peeks around the rock, a flash of light hits him full in the face, blinding him for a moment. However, he is still quite awake. That is until a rock thumps down on top of his head.

System message: iKtomiD2 has been knocked out by a Gobble.

As the bot tips over, a group of Gobbles comes shambling out of the shadows to claim the bot as their loot. Being too heavy for just one Gobble to carry, the stone wielding Gobble enacts a group loot so that his friends may help him out.

Gobble loot iKtomiD2 for an iKtomiD2

They shamble off, toting their prize.


Eight or so Gobbles carry the still unconscious iKtomi into a bazaar wagon-tent and dump him unceremoniously next to a pile of other bots.  Before going, they tie his shoestrings together so that he can not run. The little bot wakes up to find himself amongst bots of every sort, most twisted and malfunctioning beyond use. He trips over a motionless RNquist and bumps into a  pile of random bots, who promptly start asking him to use simpler phrases. That is all but one.

JayosePO: You! I thought I was rid of you finally. Why does bad luck continues to beset this humble and simple bot?

Jayose raises his hand to smack iKtomi with a large carpfishā€¦. Not sure where he got that. The Gobble mobile bazaar lurched back into motion, carrying our two friendsā€¦

Jayose: Pardon me? I can barely stand  this  walking malfunction. ā€˜Friendsā€™ is not the word I would use.

iKtomi copy/pastes what Jaylose said.

Whatever. We continue.


A group of Noobtroppers mull about the site of the crashed and mangled bat-thingy.

Noobtrooper A: Soā€¦ what are we doing here again?

Noobtrooper B: I think it is a Questā€¦ but I donā€™t see any bots around.

Noobtrooper C: Maybe they implemented bot-less quests, you think? Maybe if weā€¦ KAAAAA!

NoobtrooperC is stabbed in the face by Darth Frostmourn, who-  Wait, what are you doing here?

Darth Frostmourn: Too much talking, not enough stabby-ness. I came by to fix that.

Erā€¦thanks. Anyways, NoobtrooperB comes to an epiphany as he looks at the crashed bat-thingy and a pair of tracks leading away from it.

NoobtrooperB: Hey! I just had an epiphany. Someoneā€¦

Darth Frostmourn: KAAAYEEEYAAAA!

TrooperB is stabbed in the face. What was that for? He was about to tell you where the bots with the Pied Plans went.

Darth Frostmourn: Ohā€¦ sorry. I thought ā€˜epefanyā€™ was a bad word. Anyways, I guess I should have my boys here go after them, huh?

If you have any left, that isā€¦


The wagon comes to a halt as iKtomi and Jayose give each other the silent treatment.

Jayose: Twerp.

iKtomi: *beep*

I said silent. The two bots -remain- silent until a couple of Gobbles come in the wagon and start sorting through the other bots, picking out the ones that seem to be at least partially functional.

Jayose: Oh no. They are looking for useful code to scavenge for some horrid internet scam, or WoW neked dark elf hack. We are doomed.

One of the Gobble points out Jay and iKtomi and motions them to the door.

iKtomi beeps.

Jayose: I hate you.


The Gobbles line up all the bots that can stand on their own, and prop up the ones that canā€™t. Jayose and iKtomiD2 are in that line, along with another of the D2 line of bots, a joseD2. The Gobbles start walking towards the small farm buildings as a older man walks out to greet them. Off in another direction, standing on a hill so as to strike the most heroic pose possible against the dimming Sun is a young man. He watches as the sun slowly loses its power to the coming night, while swirling motes of glowing mist still cling to its surface. Soon, they too will succumb to the ever insistent night.

Woman inside the building: Farren, dear, are you posing on your hill again? Please get off and help your Uncle Venge pick out some bots, now would you? And make sure he gets a bot that is fluent in Italian.

Farren sighs and gets off his hill: Yes Aunt Arianna, Iā€™ll remind him. But all the bots look like pieces of garbage, so I am not sure if they will speak much of anything.

Farren runs over to Venge, who is talking to the leader of the Gobbles and Jayose.

Venge: I suppose you are a roleplaying bot.

Jayose: That is my primary function. My current quest count is overā€¦

Venge: I have no need of an RP bot. RP is overrated.

Jayose: Of course you donā€™t need any RP in a pre-alpha world such as this. That is why I am also fluent in power leveling, PvP, falling off the world, OOC, netspeak, l33t, French, and many other sorts of communication.

Venge: What I need right now is a bot that understands C++.

Jayose: I am programmed in C++! Why, some of my most basic code isā€¦

Venge: Do you speak Italian?

Jayose: Well, no.

Venge: Close enough. Weā€™ll take this one. And that joseD2 over there as well.

Gorbak: *gibber gibber, something something, poot* (My good sir, you have chosen an exceptionally good deal on this day.)

Venge: Farren, take these bots inside and have them debugged.

Farren: But I was going toā€¦ umā€¦ well, I am not sure where I was going, but it had nothing to do with debugging bots.

Venge: You can play with whoever you were going to play with later. Stop being an ingrate and do what I say.

Farren: Fine, fine. Come on Jayose. And the jose also. Get a move on.

Gorbak orders the other Gobbles to herd the remaining bots back into the wagon as Farren starts leading  Jayose and joseD2 back to the farm. Suddenly, joseD2 stops.

joseD2 is now known as joseDontwanna.

Farren: Uncle Venge, this bot has bad motivation. Look.

Venge turns to Gorbak: What are you trying to pull here?

Gorbak: *squeal, gibber, spoon, babble* (By everlasting Gods and Forefathers! I had no idea he was defective in such a way. I will remedy the situation immediately. Let me apologize and also sweeten the deal by giving you this pair of pink galoshes, and matching frilly umbrella. You never know when you can use a frilly pink umbrella. Why, I was once caught in a terrible windstorm with only these two items. I would not have been able to survive without them...)

As the Gobble continues the regaling of his tale, iKtomiD2 begins slowly sneaking away behind one of the wagons. Jayose spots him with his sharp eyes, however.

Jayose: Oh no you do not! Sirs, that  D2 unit is in perfect shape! Why, he is in such good shape, you could sell all of your other bots, and have him do all the work himself. You could even rent him out to your neighbors for hard labor. He is practically new!

Farren: What about that other one, Uncle Venge?

Venge: Whatever. Weā€™ll take it.

Jayose: You will not regret it sirs. This bot loves to be worked from dawn to dusk, and then dusk to dawn. I should say you never have to let him sleep, for how much he likes to be overworked.

Iktomi: *beep*

Venge continues talking to the Gobble as Farren leads the two bots away. Jayose leans over so that only iKtomi can hear.

Jayose: You mess with the Jay, you get burnedā€¦twerp.

[[sorry Sep, no dice. :)]]
« Last Edit: June 20, 2007, 06:33:28 pm by Under the moon »


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2007, 01:27:28 pm »
MOON :D:D:D hahaha XD I love it... pleease pleeasemake Peacer join XD is jar jar binks in it?

What about yoda, I want to be Yoda
The Guardians of Power

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Farren Kutter

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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2007, 03:03:20 pm »
Peacer, go watch Star Wars: A New Hope before commenting on this >:( Jar Jar? In a parody (porody) of Star Wars: A New Hope? Go smack yourself about twenty times, jeeze  X-/


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2007, 03:05:32 pm »
but jar jar rocks
The Guardians of Power

left the game, looking in now and then to check progress, if you want to contact me use the email attached to the msn contact on this forum account


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2007, 04:03:39 pm »
Peacer, while it would be funny to hear Peacer Peacer say "Millions of people iza gunna get pwned?", Farren's right.  Wrong movie.  ;)

Same goes for Yoda too.

@UtM:  Just keeps getting better.  I love these lines here:

joseD2 is now known as joseDontwanna.

Farren: Uncle Venge, this bot has bad motivation. Look.

Looking forward to more.


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2007, 04:24:45 pm »
There is still one very "in"famous character that is missing on this porody: Uurrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnghhhhhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnng urnnng!   :P

Under the moon

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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2007, 09:05:21 pm »
[[sorry for the wait. Had me a broken foot (still hurts) and it has been hot here. the moon's brains melt in the heat, cheese and all that.]]


        The shed is mostly empty, but for a few picks, an half a dozen sacks, and a shovel that seems to be frozen to the ground. Farren stands at the door, trying to give his best heroic pose possibleā€¦ in a carrot shed, while iKtomi amuses himself by walking in small circles. Jayose sits off to one side as the debugger begins to work on him.

Jayose: Good gods, this will be nice. I can not remember the last time my program has had anyone look at it. I have been lagging for months now.

iKtomi just rolls his eyes and keeps what would no doubt be a very scathing insult to himself. After a bit, Farrenā€™s shoulders droop as his pose breaks.

Farren: Whatā€™s the use? What good is the perfect ā€˜hero poseā€™ if Iā€™ll never get out of here. What damsels are going to faint at the feet of aā€¦ aā€¦ CARROT FARMER? I never get to be a real hero if Uncle Venge has his way.

Jayose: That is a sad thing to hear. You have an admirable hero pose, if I do say so myself. It would be a terrible thing to waste. May I be of any help?

Farren looks shocked for a moment: Did an NPC just ask -me- for a quest?

Jayose: Oh. Sorry sir. It shall never happen again.

iKtomi just grins impishly from his corner.

Farren: Besides, unless you can speed up the release of  the 1.00 server and client, or some features that I can use, then you arenā€™t really any good to me. Sorry.

Jayose: That is all right sir. I am used to being called useless, along with many other things I can not repeat, as there might be children reading. Besides, I'm not even sure which server weā€™re on.


 Farren:  Well, if there's a bright center to the roleplaying universe, you're on the
server that it's farthest from.

Jayose: Sir! You donā€™t mean Runescaā€¦?

Farren: NO! Donā€™t even say it. Ok, so it is not -that- bad here. And call me Farren, or My Lord Farren, or ā€˜the heroic Farrenā€™, orā€¦

iKtomi beeps.

Jayose: For once I agree. Just ā€˜Farrenā€™ will do, sir.

Farren: Not even an occasional ā€˜Your Greatnessā€™? Just in front of the ladies, at least?

Jayose: Sorry, sir Farren, but no.

Farren: Sir Farren? I do like the sound of that. You may continue addressing me as such.

Jayose: And you may call me Jayose, NPC bot, and giver of astounding quests and items of great importance. That is iKtomiD2, the small and useless. Kick him anytime you feel the need.

Farren: It is nice to meet you both. Surprisingly so.

iKtomi beeps joyfully in response, shooting a cold glare at Jay. Farren starts looking over iKtomi to see what cleaning and debugging he may need as well.

Farren: Well, I have never seen a couple of bots as cluttered and beat up as you.

Jayose: Well, we are in pretty darn good condition  considering the abuse we get from players, and our recent brush with the RP Rebels. If you ask meā€¦

Farren: I wouldnā€™t ask you. Not enough time for twenty questions right now. what was that you said about the Rebels? You have been in the fight against the Dark Empire?

Jayose: Well, yes. It all beganā€¦

iKtomi beeps in irritation.

Jayose: Fine. Sir Farrren, if you will just scroll up, you will get the entire story.

Farren: that sounds like too much reading. How about a quick sum-up?

iKtomi beeps, giving a short copy/paste of text along with the image of a lovely fenki:

copy/paste: You must aid us, Steubi-Van Viscooby. Youā€™re our last hope.

Farren: What is that, and who is it?

iKtomi smirks at Jayose and beeps a few times, repeating the copy/paste over and over.

Jayose: What do you mean ā€œUse simpler wordsā€, you impertinent little creep!? Answer our new master. What is that?

Farren: Master Farren? I like the sound of that as well.

iKtomi beeps.

Jayose: Focus, Sir Farren. The little hack says it is just a lost file fragment, maybe from another parody.

Farren: But who is she? She's hot. Just the type of girl who needs a hero!

Jayose: I am not sure who she is, sir. I think she was on the wagontrain with us. A person of some importance.

copy/paste:  You must aid us, Steubi-Van Viscooby...

Farren: Oh! This is so perfect! The young damsel in distress, and the hansom hero in the making *points to himself*, and the two silly sidekicks to lighten the mood. This almost sounds like the start of some epic story! Find the rest of the text and copy/paste it for me.

Farren knocks on iKtomiā€™s head, too which the little bot jumps and scoots back out of reach, beeping furiously.

Jayose: You must forgive him, sir. He has had more than a few of his lines of code crossed. You see, he claims he belongs to one Steubi-Van Viscooby, and the message is addressed to him. I think he has lost his mind, though, as we have never been owned by anyone with such a silly name.

Farren: Steubi-Van Viscooby? I wonder if that could be old steuben.

Jayose: What? you think he might actually be talking sense? And here I was hoping we could melt him down into a pile of dust.

Farren: We might still have to do that. steuben is the closest name I can think of to that long and silly one. He lives out beyond Oja in the sand hills. But I should read the rest of that message first if I am to be the hero. I mean, come on, look at this pose. *gives his best hero pose*

iKtomi beeps shortly.

Jayose: He says he would paste the entire message, but it is stored in his shoes, which are tied together. If you untied them, he will find it for you.

Farren: You canā€™t just untie them yourself?

Jayose: Sirā€¦ we are bots and have only the most rudimentary of commands. No one ever thought to put an /untie in our code.

Farren: In that case, I better do it for you. I am sure you wonā€™t run away just because your shoes are not laced together. Sidekicks never do that to heroes.

Farren /unties the laces, only to have the copy/pasting vanish, as well as the fenki image.

Farren: What the carp? Where is the rest of the message? Give it to me.

iKtomi shrugs and beeps.

Jayose: He canā€™t use more correct sentences, you diabolical virus! Give him the message.

Just at that moment, Aunt Ariannaā€™s voice calls from the house: Farren? Are you practicing posing in the shed again? Please stop for a bit and come eat your dinner before it gets cold.

Farren sighs and turns to go: You two be good now.

Jayose: I am sure I can slap him into shape by the time you get back. Give me some time and a hot poker, and heā€™ll tell you everything. Wonā€™t you, my little friend.

iKtomi makes a worried little beep as the scene fades out.

Under the moon

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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2007, 09:57:24 pm »

Farren enters the room with shoulders slumped. Heā€¦ actually, this scene is a bit dull, so letā€™s sum it up. Farren says the bots might be stolen, to which Venge smacks him on the head and tells him to erase any scripting they may have. Farren says they might belong to ā€˜Old steubenā€™, then dodges being smacked on the head. Venge lets slip that steuben may have known Farrenā€™s father, and that they are both dead and rotten by now, to which Arianna smacks him on the head. Farren then mentions that he wants to go off and join something or other that will make him more heroic looking to the ladies. Uncle Venge grins, then  smacks himself on the head, telling Farren he will have to stay at the carrot farm for at least one more year. Farren leaves in a huff, though tries to make it a heroic looking leaving in a huff. Arianna tells Venge that Farren just is not cut out to be a farmer, and has too much of his father in him. Venge saysā€¦

Uncle Venge: Are you actually going to let me say anything. I grow tired of this summing up. We all know Farren is going to take off because he is too much like his father. Now, if you would all just settle down and test the actual features instead of running around with all this ā€˜RPā€™, we could get more done. You think -I- like sitting here on this carrot farm?

Blah. End of scene.

Venge: Donā€™t you cut me off..


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2007, 05:55:16 am »
the lack of me is bad.... the amount of humor is good

there is balance >.>


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2007, 03:34:42 am »
I eagerly await my part. Good thing I'm patient. It'll be a while.


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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2007, 07:32:58 pm »
Hahah, this is great, Moon. :D  I look forward to the rest of it.

Kayden - WTB Developer / Engine Team
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Re: PlaneWars: A Noob Hope (StarWars porody)
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2007, 08:17:18 pm »
Not to be a bore, but you still are missing...


 Though I'm sure you have something special for such "unique" character. ;)

And by the way: UUUHHHGGG rrrrRRR! HHHĆ¼Ć¼rrRRRRRRRRn hhhh! HHHurrRRRRR RRRn hhhh. UUUHHH GGG-rrrr!
