Author Topic: Trefalgr\'s Secret...  (Read 7874 times)


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Trefalgr\'s Secret...
« on: March 13, 2003, 02:25:32 am »
(OCC: I am writing this to start the story off. My hope is for others to pick up at the Inn.)

IC: Trefalgr rasies up from the ground where his fallen travelling companion now laid, dead. Blood drained from the wounds upon his neck. Trefalgr scoops his dropped sword from the ground as he comes off his knees. His blade catches the moonlight coming thru the light fog that hung low in the air. In the corner of his eye, Trefalgr notices the reflected light glince of the face of their attacker, a dark figure, one that Trefalgr now knows to be a vampire.

Spinning around, Trefalgr faces the monster. He watches as it comes out of a blood trance, obviously brought on from the draining of Trefalgr\'s friend.

As the devil regains focus, he finds a new target in Trefalgr. The vampire lunges at Trefalgr, but Trefalgr won\'t be taken by suprise a second time. He raises his sword, blade shimmering in the moonlight, and drops it directly into the devil\'s shoulder. A hellish wail ensues. The vampire drops to the ground, still howling at the pain of the fresh wound. Trefalgr picks up a nearby branch that has fallen off a tree alongside the road and sharpens the end, forming a stake. The vampire, immobilized by the wound, can do nothing but howl as Trefalgr drives the stake into its sliced heart.

Trefalgr stops for a moment to mourn his loss. Realizing that other horrors lurk in the Ageless Forest, he picks up his belongings and loads the remaining horse with the body of his friend. After loading is complete, Trefalgr heads for the Frothing Boar Inn, he and his companion\'s original destination. As he begins to walk, he drops his hand to a pouch tied to his belt and sighs a sigh of releif.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2003, 09:02:04 pm by Trefalgr »
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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2003, 12:03:47 pm »
Upon reaching the inn, a very old, yet still strong and dangerous-lookng man rushes out to meet Trefalgr.  
     \"Come in shunny!\" he says, \"It\'s dangrus out \'ere at night.  Ther\'s thinksh movin\'. Thinks movin\' \'bout thit niver we seened afore.  The wizher shez shumtins goin on! Sumtin shpeshal,\" he pauses for a moment. \"an bad.\"
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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2003, 09:20:08 pm »
\"Well spoken, old man,\" Trefalgr says as he passes thru the door. \"I have met one of the ferocity that lurk in the dark shadows of the night woods. A vampire attack me and my travelling companion on our way to this place, but only I survived the beast\'s ambush and only after I ran a stake thru it\'s black heart. Now my companinion lays slung on the back of a horse awaiting his grave. Now that I am here I do wish to relax a the bar a spell and retire for the evening.\"
Trefalgr removes his black hooded cloak to reveal a dark  leather shirt dirty and travel worn.  His hair is pale yellow but bordering on white and hanging slightly past his shoulders. Removing his sword and sheath from his belt, he reaches around back and secures his dagger. He then take his cloak and lays them near a rack where the weary travellers rest their heavy travel packs.
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« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2003, 05:55:43 am »
Suddenly, another adventurer stumbles into the inn. He looks badly injured, slowly stareing up at the old man and Trefalgr he mutters a few words \"Help me... the... map...\" just before he collapses to the ground into unconsciousness...

*Sorry if I\'m not very good at punctuation*


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« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2003, 12:06:00 pm »
Trefalgr rushes to the side of the man who has fallen unconscious. Dropping to his knees, he grabs the man and flips him on his front. A quick scan of the man reveals to him no major wounds, only a minor cut here and there.
\"This man must have been running for a long time,\" Trefalgr says direted at the old man, \"and I would guess something is chasing him. We should prepare ourselves for it\'s possible arrivale. Give me a hand with him.\"
Two strong looking men who have been watching the event get up from the bar and hurry over to where Trefalgr is kneeling. Trefalgr begins to pick up the man and the two others quickly take the load from him.
\"Set him up with a room, I will pay for it,\" Trefalgr says as he crawls of his dropped knees. In a full stand now, Trefalgr puffs heavily, \"Now how about that drink, old man.\"
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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2003, 10:52:37 pm »
The two sit down at a table and talk. The old man\'s name turns out to be Gonnle Skyshroud, a once mighty warrior now a humble innkeep warn with age.  Gonnle orders two stiff drinks and places one in front of Tefalgr.  
    \"Shorry \'bout yer friend, shunny, like I shed, the whizer\' shezh ther\'z bad thinksh movin\' \'bout.\" When he says \"wizard\", he waves his hand at an empty corner of the room; he then looks over and says, \"Oh, mushta gon ta bed erly.\"
    At that moment a faint ghostly noise is heard and most of the people in the room shudder.  A chill passes down both Gonnle and Tefalgr\'s spines. Suddenly an eary crowing is heard and the flapping of numerous wings.  A strong wind is heard from outside and suddenly the door flies open, sillhouetting a dark robed figure.  The figure steps into the room; many men have already taken up arms and most have a terrified look in their eyes.  The figure, even in the light, is completely black.  Three ravens are pirched on his body: one on his right shoulder, one on top of his head, and one on the head of the staff he holds in his left hand.  A twisted black sword hilt protrudes from the folds of his robeson his left side.  The only part of his skin visible is his left hand, which is dark grey and cracked, like it has been dead for hundreds of years.  Four more ravens fly into the room and land on the tables or chairs.  Everyone strands completely still.
    From inside the dark hood of the robe, a cold scratchy voice is heard:
    \"They\'re coming...  The migration has begun.  Soon, the distribution of death will be much adjusted.\"
    A strong wind rushes in through the door. Tables, chairs, and people are knocked over and thrown against the back wall.  The figure stands dead still, his robes flapping rapidly.  Gonnle jumps over the counter where the terrified barkeep is crouched over crying and grabs his warhammer.  He charges at the robed figure, but right before he reaches him, he is thrown to the floor by the ever-increasing wind.  The figure turns around and walks out the door, unaffected by the wind.
You are here,
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You will never be there.
Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
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« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2003, 05:22:35 pm »
could someone please add something to this, I don\'t want to have to sections of the story in a row...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2003, 06:13:01 pm by Ravenmaster »
You are here,
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You will never be there.
Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
And there is everywhere else.


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« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2003, 08:17:07 pm »
Trefalgr rushes to the aid of Gonnle.
Kneeling, Trefalgr helps the old man to his feet and escourts him back to his seat.
\"What were you thinking challanging a creature of such power? One of your age shouldn\'t be fighting the creatures of the darkness.\" Trefalgr rounds the table a sits back in his own chair. \"What was he and what was this migration that he spoke of?\" A silence ensued, and Trefalgr could wait no longer for a reply. \"Out with it man,\" Trefalgr demanded, \"What was the event that has just transpired!\"
Trefalgr sat staring at Gonnle, waiting for some answers.
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« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2003, 08:17:49 pm »
(OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply to this.)
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« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2003, 08:51:30 pm »
Gonnle looks quite shaken. He stares blankly back at Trefalgr for a moment then says \"I don know. The wizher, the wizher, he knowsh, he told ush about it.\"  He rushes up the stairs to check the wizard\'s room.  Meanwhile, several men start rearranging the furniture.  There is still a strong wind coming through the open doorway and screaches and howls can be heard coming from outside.  Many people look around horrified and grab whatever armaments they can find, including some decorative swords hanging on the walls.  One brave young warrior gives a short speach in an attempt to boost morale and charges out the door into the night, overcoming the wind.  None follow him and a single voice in the room yells out to him, \"It\'s your own death, Salo!\"  Gonnle runs hastily down the stairs, tripping near the bottom.  A large already festering wound shows on his shoulder.  With a gasp he says, \"They\'re dead. All of em. I found their corpshesh. No shign of da whizhard.  There was shometin up there. It attacked me. I hit it with the hammer and ran.\"  Before he can stand up, a small dark creature with enormous claws jumps from the upper floor onto him.  The claws on one hand drive into his eyes and face and the others into his back.  A gurgled scream emmits from his lips and he collapses in a pool of blood.  A man nearby lobs the little demon\'s head of with one powerful blow from a longsword.  New terror is in the room.  There is no clear leader and everyone appears to be on the verge of insanity.
You are here,
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You will never be there.
Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
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« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2003, 04:28:28 am »
(OOC: does this mean im dead too?... awww!!)


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« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2003, 11:59:46 am »
(OOC: Um, well yeah. Maybe you hid in the corner or something and no one found you.  If you wanted to keep that character alive you could say you escaped or hid. Also, there are quite a few people in the inn, so you could just take over one of them. Sorry.  By the way, does OOC mean Out of Context? I figured it was out of something.)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2003, 12:00:10 pm by Ravenmaster »
You are here,
You will always be here,
You will never be there.
Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
And there is everywhere else.


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« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2003, 12:07:22 pm »
out of character
don\'t argue with fools, first they pull u down to their level, then they beat u with experience.


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« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2003, 12:27:16 pm »
(OOC: Ok, gracias. Now, let\'s get on with the story. Tefalgr, you must have something to do, a little demon just killed your new pal Gonnle and a dark robed figure came in a told you bad things are happening)
You are here,
You will always be here,
You will never be there.
Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
And there is everywhere else.


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« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2003, 02:40:42 pm »
(OOC: Thanks for killing off everyone, with nowhere to go. j/k. So, does that mean you are out Ravenmaster, or are you still gunna write. I hope you stay, I love the way you write. :) )

Trefalgr stops to think for a second. \"This is too strange, too strange to be coincodence.\" Grabbing his things, he runs up the stairs. Seeing nothing there, Trefalgr sighs in relief. He darts into the closest room and slams the heavy wooden door behind him. He then crosses the room and draws the curtians. With the room now sealed from prying eyes, Trefalgr loosens the bindings on his belt pouch. Opening it, he draws out a small amulet. The amulet is a strange red crystal with a steel dragon incircling it.
\"Dang this thing, why was I chosen to destroy this wreched thing. It as to be the the cause of all this evil. All things vile must be drawn to its evil energies. And to think this was the symbol of the greatest empire our time has seen.\" Trefalgr replaces the amulet into his deep pouch. As soon as he secured te bindings, Trefalgr feels the cold blowing of the winds, the same evil feeling winds as before. Trefalgr would not be caught off-guard like the other taverndwellers. He readied his hand on the hilt of his sword.
 As his hand draws his sword, the dark form of a demon creature leaps thru the window. This demon is larger than the last, about the same size as Trefalgr. As the demon turns his head, his red eye scanned the room. Noticing Trefalgr, the demon rages and lunges. Trefalgr takes an evasive step in reverse, but this didn\'t cause the demon to miss, only lessening the blow. Trefalgr grunts from the pain, but he cannot be fallen so easily. He swings is blade in front of him unaimed. The edge of the sword hits the demon hard, slashing what Trefalgr guessed was the creatures arm. The demon jumped back, and paused. He looked at Trefalgr, seemingly impressed at Trefalgr\'s surviving even one blow. Trefalgr realizes the demon\'s pause, and hurls is sword directly in between  the demon\'s blazing red eyes. The creature screams and drops to the floor. Trefalgr watches as the glowing in its eyes subsides.
Trefalgr pulles his sword from the head of the slain creature. Resheathing it, Trefalgr moans in pain. He looks down at the wound on his chest, until then he had almost forgot about it. The wound wasn\'t deep, but the creature had slashed straight thru the hard leather of Trefalgr\'s tunic and had left ligt scraches in his chest. A little soaking of blood stained the leather.
\"I have to find that wizard he may be able to help me. Much more of these fights and I may need more than a new tunic. Either way it is not safe for me here, now that the they know where I am.\" Trefalgr, opens the door and eads back down to the tavern.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2003, 02:42:37 pm by Trefalgr »
-We are all souls forged from blood, and in blood we made whole.-
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