Author Topic: Trefalgr\'s Secret...  (Read 7872 times)


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2003, 05:25:20 pm »
(OOC: Ok, Trefalgr, I really don\'t like doing two posts in a row, though, unless it adds to the effect (ie. two different viewpoints).  I\'ll write something in a wee bit if you haven\'t thought of anything.  Or maybe Shaded, you could jump in again, or that dude who came in bleeding at the beginning, or even a new character? There are still some inanimate people in the inn.)
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« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2003, 06:22:09 pm »
Still beneath his bed the weary traveler is awakend by a large explosion. The traveler is not quite so tired now and cautiously crawls out from underneath the bed. Slowly peaking out he hears and sees nothing. The traveler then slowly rises to his feet, still cautious of what might still be lurking around. Quietly walking towards his room door he hears faint voices from outside his room somewhere. Slowly opening the door it makes an easing creak, the traveler then peaks through the crack he has opened in the door. He sees nothing and continues his quiet trek to find out whats happening. The traveler now walking down a small poorly lit hallway crowded with doors on either side. Finally making it to some stairs he hears the voices more clearly. Feeling that it is safe now, he casually walks down the old wooden steps and finds everyone watching the door that he had previously collapsed in front of. \"Excuse me, Umm, what is everyone doing? I hope I\'m not intruding on anything...\" Said the traveler.


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« Reply #32 on: April 01, 2003, 08:03:13 pm »
The bartender notices the traveler and chucks a bottle at him, thinking he\'s a demon in the dim light.  The bottle shatters harmlessly due to a poor throw.  The bartender notices that the traveler is human and apologizes.

Ever since the explosion it seemed rather silent outside.  Suddenly the door explodes in a fireball and when the smoke clears, a single demon, monstrous in stature, weilding a sword of dark fire stands in the ashes.  Behind him, a horde of demons, some missing various parts from the blast appear to be rallying into a formation.  

Suddenly the demon horde is shaken by another explosion; the source of this one, however, is completely unknown.  In the light of the explosion, a figure of a Pterosaur with a passenger is seen.  The large demon, taken by surprise turns around.  Zahtek charges at him with his sword pointed forward, but the demon turns around and slashes at Zahtek\'s broadsword.  The amazing force of the blow throws Zahtek across the room and shatters his sword.  With his own inertia he smashes into the wall headfirst and collapses, unconscious.  
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« Reply #33 on: April 01, 2003, 08:18:48 pm »
Amidst all the chaos the traveler runs back up to the top of the stairs. He then lies down on the ground so he can still see the action. The traveler then reaches into his backpack and pulls out an empty sheet of parchment, a writing tool, and another odd tool and begins to sketch the hideous creature. While the traveler is still sketching more important things are taking place. An inn bystander quickly rushes to Zahtek\'s side and tries to shake him from his unconsciousness. The bystander then drags Zahtek to a secluded corner of the inn, the bystander then takes a small bottle of liquid out of his pouch and pops its cork free from it. The bottle is then brought up to Zahteks nose, obviously this bottle contains some sort of powerful smell. Zahtek jerks suddenly from this act and then groans Zahtek is now awakend but slightly disoriented, and very much injured.


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« Reply #34 on: April 01, 2003, 08:50:06 pm »
Zahtek grabs the bottle from under his nose, coughs and throws it across the room, with a disgusted look on his face.  He stands up, then falls down again and stands up a bit more slowly.  He holds his head and looks around, confused, not even noticicing the man who revived him.  Outside another explosion erupts.  The large demon ignores it and rushes at Trefalgr.  With one blow he disarms Trefalgr and grabs his belt pouch.  When he touches the pouch he appears to be revitalized. The black fire encircling his  body grows in one large burst.  He yanks the pouch from the belt and raises his sword at Trefalgr.   As the sword comes down Zahtek tackles the demon onto the floor.  The belt and sword go flying to opposite corners of the room.  The demon, taken quite by surprise in his fit of glory falls to the floor with Zahtek on top of him, pummeling him continuously.
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« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2003, 04:12:27 pm »
At this moment the traveler decides that he should be helping instead of drawing pictures. He then rises from his position, reaches into his backpack, and pulls out a small sack. The traveler then jumps down the first flight of stairs and quickly throws the small sack down to the ground furiously. Mysteriously a thick fog envelopes the room almost instantaneously. The traveler then jumps down to where the monster was, pulls out a large pin from his backpack, and jabs the monster in the throat with it. The monster then lets out an unearthly scream that cuases the rest of the demons to step back a ways and some even retreat.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2003, 06:47:57 pm »
(OOC: Two things, Kinoss: 1)how could your traveler jump onto the demon when Zahtek is already on him?  Also, how would you know where his neck is in the smoke. You could have just stabbed Sahtek in the neck. 2)you should give your traveler a name.  
I am going to wait for Trefalgr to post something before responding again. I think he plays a vital role in this.)
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« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2003, 06:55:40 pm »
(OOC: I didnt jump onto the demon, I jumped to where the demon was, that is what i said in the story. I knew where the demons neck was because it was only a thick fog not a wall of dence fog. I will give my name when someone asks me for it  :]  so far no one has asked me yet, mainly because ive either been asleep or Its just too busy to ask such things just now.)


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« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2003, 12:09:43 am »
Trefalgr asses the situation and the smoke in the room starts to disipate.
\"First things first, my pouch,\" Trefalgr spoke aloud to himself.
Trefalgr spots the brown leather pouch in the far corner of the room. He guesses that he can make it to it with little problem from the demon seeing how Zahtek and the traveller from earlier were keeping him more than busy. Trefalgr races across the tavern, with now lie in ruin. Jumping over a table, Trefalgr lands directly behind where Zahtek is standing.
\"Zahtek, keep his distracted a minute longer. I need to secure my pouch,\" Trefalgr yells.
Zahtek replys with an afirmming nod. A turns back to the demon, this time fighting twice as hard.
Terfalgr takes off again towards the pouch. As he does the demon knocks Zahtek over and give chase to Trefalgr. Zahtek regains himself and notices Trefalgr\'s  sword lying next to where he landed. He quickly grabs it up and hurls it at the demon\'s back. The sword sails thru the air and comes to rest in the shoulder of the demon. It howls but doesn\'t fall and only stops for a moment. A moment long enough, however, for Trefalgr to reach the pouch and stuff it securely under his tunic.
The demon now runs headlong at Trefalgr, fist drawn back ready to crush his target. Trefalgr makes a quick roll in the direction of the demons large sword. The demon lunges at where Trefalgr once stood and pushes forward his dark fist straight thru the tavern wall. The demon snarls and turns to Trefalgr.
Trefalgr looks down at the sword lying at his feet and picks it up. The sword, once burning with an evil flame, lies extinguished without its master\'s hand. With the mammoth sword in hand, Trefalgr\'s muscles strain from the weight. The demon charges at Trefalgr. Raising the sword above his head, Trefalgr swings it at the demon. The evil sword cuts clean thru the middle of the demon. The halves of its body drop dead on the floor.
Trefalgr drops the sword next to the demon\'s dead body and reclaims his own, pulling it from the its hole in the right half of the demon.
The others in the tavern quickly pile table tops against the doorway replacing the broken door. Trefalgr hurries to help, picking up a table and adding it to the pile.
\"That should hold them off for a while. I can\'t stay here much longer, the demons will only keep coming. I think it is time you all know the reason for our troubles here tonight. Here, let us sit.\"
Trefalgr stands in front of the other taverndwellers and begins to explain his situation.
\"The demons that attack us here tonight are drawn here because of an amulet that I carry.\" Trefalgr pulls the pouch out from under his tunic and proceeds to open it. From the pouch he pulls the red crystal amulet. \"This is the Haziknon, the treasure of my kingdom. Many ages ago, my people were waging a great war and we were losing. The kings advisor, a man by the name of Fulicron, suggested to the king of the time that they use a ritual to get the \'blessing\' of the demon prince, De\'oke. The king\'s most trusted general, Xigel, tryed to talk the king out of his desision. The king took Xigel\'s untrust in his desision as tresion. The king the offered Xigel to De\'oke as a sacrifice. This pleased the demon and he rewarded the king with the power of the Haziknon. For an age the Haziknon poluted the monarchy and eventually drove them into madness. A week ago our council decided that the Haziknon must be destoryed.\"
Zahtek spoke up, \"Why were you chosen to destory the Haziknon?\"
Trefalgr relpys, \"Xigel was my great, great, great grandfather. My bloodline is said to be the only one that hasn\'t fell to the evil of the Haziknon. My resistance to it was really the only factor invovled in the council\'s chosing me. I must bring it to the Kandali Temple and smash it with Mora, a hammer forged from blessed iron. It is the relic of the Kandali Paladins. This is the only way to destroy it.\"
The room falls silent for a moment. Trefalgr continues, \"The demon horde is to strong for me to travel alone. And with my companion slain, I will need the help of others. I will take whatever help I can get. If you want to remain here, I believe you will be safe, for I believe the demons will follow me and the Haziknon.\"
The room exchanges glances each waiting for the next to be the brave one to step forward.
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« Reply #39 on: April 03, 2003, 05:24:57 pm »
Zahtek steps forward, saying, \"I am with you, friend. I cannot allow evil like this to remain.\"  A large unnatural burn mark covers Zahtek\'s chest, shoulders and fists.  The skin is blackened and slightly bubbly.  We whinces in pain.  He bends over and picks up the demon\'s sword, saying quietly, \"And you will aid me in avenging your master\'s evil.\"  Outside another explosion is heard.  The dim light of dawn creeps through the windows.  With another blast the pile of furniture blocking the door explodes into the room.  In the doorway stands an old man.  His robes are tattered.  In one hand he wields a staff with a crystal embedded in the end.  Behind him is a Pterosaur.  
He smiles a friendly smile and says, \"The day has finally arrived. The demons are gone for now. Many have died, but do not be fooled, for them death is temporary.\" He pauses for a moment and then sees Zahtek\'s burnt flesh. \"Oh my, you have been burnt by an unholy flame.  Let me see what I can do.\"
The bartender jumps up from his hiding place behind the bar and runs over to the old man, crying, \"Thank the gods you have returned, Dandor. Gonnle is dead! The demons, they got \'im!\"
Dandor lies Zahtek down and starts muttering some spells. Within a couple minutes only the mark of new-grown skin remains.
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« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2003, 08:28:01 pm »
Astonished and awwed by what has just happend, the traveler then rises to his feet and says \"I will help you with all my sould, friend. I am the greatest map-maker in all the lands, I know this world like my home.\" The traveler says as he removes his pin from the demons neck. \"I know my quest is not nearly as important as yours, but I need help as well, I... my...\" the traveler stumbles in his speech as he tries to continue on, \"I\'m... sorry... I haven\'t told you my name I\'m Kinoss...\" says Kinoss seeming to come to an abrupt stop. Kinoss looks around quickly, grabs his backpack, swiftly placing it over his shoulders. \"If there be any more who wish to join do so now. For I believe our journey will begins soon, and we will need all the help we can. Am I right Trefalgr?\"


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« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2003, 05:34:18 pm »
Dandor stands and says, \"I\'m afraid you will not be leaving soon, my eager young friends. Although your quest may be important, sleep is also very important.  Your barbarian friend here will be very weak from the spell I have cast on him. I think you should rest here for a couple hours.  You will be safe as long as Tlemoth and I are around.\"  At the sound of its name, the Pterosaur that had been waiting outside squeezes through the hole were the door once was.  
« Last Edit: April 07, 2003, 03:04:36 pm by Ravenmaster »
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Although you may strive to get there,
upon reaching there you will realize you are really here.
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« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2003, 10:39:03 pm »
\"Your words comfort me, Dandor, and sleep is most welcome. I will not stay for free though.\" Trefalgr reaches into a deep money pouch and and pulls out enough for him and his two new companions plus alittle extra. The bartender smiles at the donation and quickly leads the trio upstairs.
Trefalgr helps Zahtek to his room. He lays the already sleeping Zahtek into the bed. Trefalgr leaves Zahtek\'s room and goes to his on room. As he lays down he closes his eyes and thinks about the odds against him. As he lays and thinks about the journey ahead, Trefalgr drfts into sleep.
-We are all souls forged from blood, and in blood we made whole.-
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« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2003, 03:31:28 pm »
Trefalgr awakens to the sound of Dandor\'s voice.

\"It\'s nearly mid-day, my young adventurous friend.  You\'ll be wanting to reach Letranech by nightfall.  That\'s a half-day journey, but  if you have haste, you should be able to make it in time. Wouldn\'t want to get caught in the dark with those demons around, would you?\"

Dandor leaves the room and wakes up Kinoss and Zahtek.  In a few minutes, the four are downstairs.  A table is set up with three bowls of hot porridge and three cups of milk.  Zahtek sits down immediatley and begins eating.
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« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2003, 05:04:55 pm »
Kinoss sits down, pulls open his back pack, and pulls out map. Kinoss studies it for a bit and then puts it back into his backpack. \"It looks like a hard journey... I\'m sure we will be able to make it though. What a beautiful day today! And to think last night I would have mistaken this world for Hell! Things sure can change.\" As Kinoss says while staring at a group of Ravens eating on a fleshy bone. No one responds to Kinoss, as they are all too busy eating. Kinoss then watches Zahtek\'s Ravenous eating for a bit and chuckles a little bit. \"Hungry Zahtek? Ha ha ha!\"