Author Topic: A story of a dwarf ( Stonebreaker.....if you want to be completely correct)  (Read 647 times)


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[My first try  at a planeshift story,  hope you enjoy.  This story has  passion, romance , humor .....and errrm well just  read for your self ;) and prepare for mass spelling mistakes :D ]

Chapter 1  In the beginning   

Gregory  is a young Stonebreaker, who has just entered Hydlaa , he is eager and optimistic about his future. He  wears simple but clean clothes,  his trousers are slightly dirty at the bottom due to traveling.

He  walks, carrying his bag, with a broad smile on his face and a gleam in his eye. He  stops outside the Tavern to take a look  at his surroundings 

 "Here it is beautiful Hydlaa, beautiful beautiful" 

Gregory, being tired after walking so far, decides to go in to the tavern to have a  pint of ale

He walks in,  seeing only the barmaid and a Yilian in dirty clothes  ordering a ale. Gregory walks to the bar.

"One pint of your finest ale" Gregory  says still smiling   
The barmaid looks around confused "Who said that?"

The Yilian looks down at Gregory "Down there" He point with his mug

Gregory loses his smiling and  mumbles  in coherent words

The Barmaid looks down "Oh sorry, that always happens with..." 
"Dwarfs?" Gregory mumbles just  loud enough for the Barmaid to hear. The Barmaid blushes

"Yes..... one ale coming up sir"  Shes says while going to one of the barrels filling a empty mug  with ale. Gregory  regains his smile and  says "Cheers".  The Yilian   looks at Gregory, sipping some of his ale,he puts his mug on the bar and with  a cheerful voice says 
"Greetings"  Gregory looks up at the Yilian, his clothes  were dirty and torn, he did not seems very wealthy. 
"Greetings sir" Gregory replies
"Here you go , that will be five trias sir"  The Barmaid says opening her hand
Gregory goes on his tip-toes and gives her trias from his pocket, he then grabs  the mug full to the  brim with ale. 
"Care to join me at a table" The Yilian says,  pointing to a table.   
Gregory looks at the table and nods, they both walk to a table  with three candles  on it.
"So whats your name dwarf?" The yilian says sipping some of his ale
"Gregory Dover" Gregory says   looking at one of the candles. The Yilian  spits out some of his drink and laughs
"Gregory Dover?!?! Not exactly a name for a dwarf" Gregory frowns
"Whats your name then?" 
The Yilian sighs and says quietly 
"Maurice  Gangelberry" Gregory bursts out laughing
"Looks like were even, when it comes to names pal"  Maurice says winking
"Aye" Gregory replied,  sipping some of his ale "I am new to Hydlaa, I just  arrived."
Maurice  raises a eyebrow "Really? Why did you come to Hydlaa then" He says sipping his ale expecting the same old story
Gregory puts on a grin as he  speaks proudly "I have come here to gains glory, honor,fame and have money.....and success"
Maurice sighs and puts his mug down  "Sorry to burst your bubble, but  everyone else is doing exactly what you wish to do, it is not easy" He looks Gregory in the eye "For  one successful Hydlaa   person they're twenty failed ones" Gregory  loses his grin "Really.....?"
Maurice still with his serious voice says "No I lied" he then starts laughing "But you get my point" He picks up  his mug and sips some of his ale.

Another Yilian walks into the Tavern, wearing chain armor and carrying two swords. He has many Imperial markings on his armour.He seems his early twenties, he has long brown and a   trimmed beard. He orders a pint of ale and looks around the Tavern

Maurice  smiles and shouts "Roberet! over here pal" Roberet  smiles back as he grabs a mug of ale and walks over
"Gregory I would like you to meet my friend, Roberet" Maurice says sipping some of his ale
"Greetings sir" Gregory says looking up at the Yilian.
"Hail, Roberet Goldsmith of the Imperial Trades and Imperial Guard at your service" He bows slightly, then he sits down next to Maurice
Maurice chuckles "Enough with the formal stuff Robbie, your at the Tavern"
Roberet chuckles "So you have a last name Gregory?"
Gregory bites his lip "...Lets keep it at Gregory....sir......what is this Imperial ...  ...organisations you say you are part off" Gregory says trying to take away the subject of his name out of the conversation. Roberet smiles as he sips some of his ale
"Just the one organisation  ....or guild ...whatever you may call it. I am in the Dark Empire"  Gregory looks shocked
"Dark? your evil?" Roberet bursts out laughing, then he stops
"No do not let the name fool you were not  evil" Roberet smiles  while sipping some of his ale   

Four other people walk into the Tavern and walk over to the table next two Gregorys table, Roberet takes a look at them with a worried  expression

The four mumble, an Enki  says loudly "Those Imperial scum, we should crush them" The other three agree in nodding 
An Klyros takes a look at Roberet seeing all of his Imperial marking  his  holds up his arm and points  "There is one of those Imperalist scum!"

Roberet stands up and quickly finshes his drink and puts down the mug 
The Klyros stands up "What is your name?"

Roberet looks at the exit   then looks at the Klyros "Roberet Goldsmith of the Imperial Trades and the Imperial Guard"  The klyros shouts "Get him!' The four start running at Roberet with swords and axes Roberet looks at Gregory "It's been a pleasure , but I must go" He says smiling , he then proceeds to run to the exit , with the four chasing him out of the door

      Chapter 2 "O how the heart beats"

Later that day Gregory and Maurice were at the Hydlaa plaza, Maurice was showing  Gregory around  Hydlaa

Maurice points to  the Blacksmiths  and the surrounding area 

"Thats were you can get your weapons  made and repaired ....if you have the money, the Hydlaa Plaza is where most citzens tend to be, so if you want to be noticed would be a preferable place."

Gregory smiles as he sees the crowd around the blacksmiths
"Thats  most of Hydlaa for you" Maurice says with his hands in his pockets
Gregory then sees a female Ywnm, he begins to gaze at herr, she looked beautiful with a unblemeshed face and   wearing a clean robe. She seemed to light up every direction she looked at. Gregory  snapped out of his gaze and says in a soft voice
"Who is she?" He points  toward the Ywnm.  Maurice looks at  the Ywnm
"Ah. her not know much about her....only that she has one massive , muscle bound Ywnm as a partner" Maurice says while Gregory was still in a gaze   "Shes ....beautiful .....I .......think I  her......shes beautiful" Gregory says   as he seemed to  have ignored what Maurice said about  the female Ywnm having a muscle bound partner 

 Maurice  looks at Gregory "First looks can be deceiving pal"  Grgory still in a gaze ignoring Maurice still

"I must  be with her .... she must be mine...... she is so beautiful

Gregory sighs "Well good luck trying"

To be continued......

[ Will Gregory get the Girl? Will the muscle bound Ywnm notice that? Will Maurice get a job????? All to come  ;D]



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Chapter 3   The Princess and the Dwarf

Maurice stood there frozen by love,he  kept on staring, until the Ywnm caught a glimpse of Maurice while she was talking to a  small group, she turned and faces Maurices direction, the Ywnm gave a polite wave to Maurice, wondering about who he was.

As she waved , Maurice snapped out of his gaze,  he went bright red, then he manages to put his hand up to wave back.

Gregory noticing all of this  puts his hand on Maurices back  "Better go there and ....introduce your self" Gregory says smiling to Maurice Gregory looks up to Maurice
"I I look alright? my clothes beard..... " Gregory goes into a  mumble until Maurice pushes him towards her
"Don't be fussy he said as he pushed Gregory"
Gregory,after being pushed by Maurice, proceeds to walk up the Plaza stairs and towards the Ywmn. The female Ywmn notice this I strayed away from  the group she was talking to, and stood,facing towards Gregory. 

Gregory clears the lump in his throat as he looks up to the female Ywmn. Her eyes dazzled a crystal blue. He spoke nervously "Greetings, I could not help but notice you......may I ask....if you would be so kind as to tell me your name?" The female Ywmn  replies in a warm voice "Greetings,sir dwarf, my name is  Daisy, Daisy Hatfield"

[Ah   read the rest later :D]