Author Topic: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum  (Read 4185 times)

Farren Kutter

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[Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« on: August 24, 2007, 08:42:45 am »

Ranger Guidelines

Nature is our ally. In nature, we hold all advantages. Alone, we can fight a small army, with nature at our backs. But also remember that as a Ranger, while we may be loners, we can also come together. And then, we are unstoppable...

Follow your morals. Everyone has them. If someone is in need, and you think you should help them, then do so. If you think something is wrong, fix it. If you think someone should die for some wrongdoing, then kill them. We are above the laws of men, if we go above them for the best.

Never betray another Ranger. We are a family, and a team. As such, we must treat each other with respect, and help each other when one of us is in need. We are a loose association of people, but we can tighten into the most elite unit of warriors if needed. Nature works by everything working together in its cycles, and we shall follow its lead, but work together as a team.

-- Farren Kutter, Master Ranger

Our Laws

Our laws are simple, yet not all will find themselves of the right mind to follow them. For our laws are these. You must swear to follow and uphold the laws of nature within the limits of its tolerance. These laws, to you, must be above the laws of any government. The laws of nature are easy to determine, just sit and watch it for a long time and you will see how it works. Things that happen outside of the norm for nature will either be accepted by nature or rejected. Generally it will deal with such things on its own, and you will likely know it if it doesn't. We must also protect nature from those who might overly harm or damage it. Most of us will also likely find ourselves protecting people from nature. And even people from other people, sadly.

Out of Character: About the Guild Organization and Purposes


The scout is the ranger in training, a rank for new players only. Their mission is to learn about the world and explore it thoroughly. They should train their skills in the areas they find useful for their paths and serve the guild by learning all they can and doing the quests given to them by the older rangers.

What we are. A ranger can train scouts, offering them certain guidance and sharing the secrets they have learned. They are expected to help the guild by bringing knowledge, by collecting items for our vaults and by mastering their skills as fighters or magicians. They also have the responsibility of recruiting new members. The rank of Ranger is mainly for fighter type Rangers, as those who are more heavily into magic will likely be 'Druids'.

Special/Unique Ranks
(You may acquire any of the following titles should you request it and demonstrate you can carry them out responsibly. Also note that Ranger-rank people that are mages will be known as Druids, and promotion to Mentor may be given upon request of another member or upon decision of the leader. If such a promotion was not desired, simply tell me.)

A druid is the ranger who has chosen the path of the arcane arts. They hold the same responsibilities and privileges as any other ranger but they are recognized for the time and effort invested in knowing the secrets of magic. A druid is a healer as well as protector. They have knowledge of herbalism and alchemy and can even resort to powerful spells to defeat their foes or protect their allies. There are rare druids who may actually call upon the power of nature itself. (For information on this rare type, please message me. Any members who wish to be of this type, or people outside of the guild who wish to have such a character, I will give you the rules and guidelines to RPing such a character, for it is truly purely RP)

(Null, going to be remade as something else)

The wise and more experienced rangers who have gained thorough knowledge of our world and have performed many teaching duties for the Rangers are acknowledged as Mentors. They have the responsibility to guide other rangers and the authority to give them tasks and promote them. They are also more skilled in the abilities of Rangers.

Master Ranger (Guild Master)
He serves as leader of the rangers. He will often check on everyone's progress, or help them attain their goals, sometimes even by setting smaller ones for them. He is also the one, aside from Mentors, who teaches special Ranger skills and techniques.

Our Purpose

We offer players an angle to define their character. By becoming a member of our guild you are choosing a class: you are a fighter and an explorer. We also provide a bunch of friends with common goals, a team, people to call on for help, people to roleplay with. In addition there are some guides available on RPing a ranger, as well as guides on the special techniques for our guild as well as guidelines for ranger skills. (At the moment our website is being heavily redone, so please just PM me for the guides and such as I have them all as .docs on my computer)

***NOTICE: As a roleplay guild, you must approach me directly or through one of the Rangers through roleplaying in order to join. Rangers can be noted by a leather necklace with a wooden disc that has an engravement of two swords crossed in front of a tree. Also, I do not like divulging very much IC info on the guild such as the history, but Farren can relate it to you if he is asked and is in the mood for it. This Guild thread may be subject to change.***


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 09:06:11 am »
Lepohi looks on and smiles "Good luck in your adventures Rangers. I look forward to seeing you in Hydlaa."

[Good job Farren, that was both a great read and outline of your guilds philosophy. Il nudge you for the guide lines.  :)]
-= Lepohi =-


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 10:05:15 am »
"Hmm, good luck Farren. Hopefully you will find your place in the new world, or die. I'm surprised he's actually trying to gather followers during times like this.." Duraza says before walking off.

Lots of luck  ;D
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens

Farren Kutter

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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 08:34:02 am »
Heh, thanks guys. I would like to note that all of this information was originally written by Zhai, who I had relinquished the leadership of the guild to for quite some time. Much of it was changed by me, some of it fully, most of it merely rephrasing differently or small modifications, mainly additions. I'd also like to thank Zhai for writing up the wonderful RP guides we have for the Rangers.


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 11:01:34 pm »
A Ranger guild is a nice idea. And you seem to be capable and willing to make a fine one.

Still it is my opinion that you could work better some of the details. Though I'm not sure, since I don't know what you're truly after.

Follow your morals. Everyone has them. If someone is in need, and you think you should help them, then do so. If you think something is wrong, fix it. If you think someone should die for some wrongdoing, then kill them. We are above the laws of men, if we go above them for the best.
Our laws are simple, yet not all will find themselves of the right mind to follow them. For our laws are these. You must swear to follow and uphold the laws of nature within the limits of its tolerance. These laws, to you, must be above the laws of any government. The laws of nature are easy to determine, just sit and watch it for a long time and you will see how it works. Things that happen outside of the norm for nature will either be accepted by nature or rejected. Generally it will deal with such things on its own, and you will likely know it if it doesn't. We must also protect nature from those who might overly harm or damage it. Most of us will also likely find ourselves protecting people from nature. And even people from other people, sadly.

I've quoted the above because these paragraphs seem to be the actual definition of the Rangers of Yliakum. I believe that you should have put more emphasis on the part of the text I made bold, instead of having it like a sort of  "We go around and do whatever we think is right. Oh, right, while we're at it, we also protect nature from people and people from nature." Considering the latter should be your main concern (as Rangers).
Also, your politics seem to be unfriendly towards the Guard, which could cause some conflict with it. (Should you actually roleplay like a Guard exists.) Just making sure you're aware of that.

All in all, it's well written and displayed. Good job.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Farren Kutter

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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 10:07:56 am »
Well I had a full and detailed reply to you Sangwa, but the gods saw fit to make the power flicker just as I was about to hit the 'Post' button. I was disheartened by it, so I will thus give the short version.

The -guild- is, forgive me for such terms, True Neutral. The -members- of the guild are ranging from lawful good to chaotic neutral (Evil just tends to like making things go bad, so they don't usually fit in with us). The guild's goals, as a guild not as separate entities that we call members, are to keep nature balanced and all. The members must abide by certain rules, and those are given, as well as guidelines, which may be followed or not, though it is quite encouraged to follow them. The Rangers, as a guild, only have duties to nature and other Rangers. As individuals, they must do as their morals see fit. The guild can only officially go to war if it is against another guild that is dedicated to and proficient at unbalancing nature or something of the sort. The guild's objectives are solid, and the guild can only be ordered as such if it is towards those objectives. Farren, for example, could never declare a war on the Outlaws just cause the outlaws cause a ton of trouble, unless they manage to unbalance nature to where nature cannot rebalance itself. Another objective is the unity of the members, so if one of our members is attacked by someone, it is our duty to go to their aid if called upon. All members, even Farren (me) must heed this.

Separate from the guild's objectives are everyone's individual morals and judgements. They may make their own decisions if it is not directly guild business. Rangers are encouraged to protect people from both nature and each other, but their only duty to the -guild- is to protect nature if necessary from excessive use of resources perhaps. I could go on and on about my definitions of unbalancing and rebalancing nature, but I would prefer it was not in my guild thread, so a simple PM inquiring such would work. The point is, protecting people is an individual objective and is a choice. They are encouraged but it is not enforced.

As for the Guard, yes I acknowledge them as existing, and yes, the Rangers could run into problems with them. It would be better if someone were willing to have a real Guard guild purely dedicated to RPing as the guards, at least for hydlaa. As of yet, there have been tries, but none seem to stick to it or find enough members to be active with at least one on at all times. Very hard to do, unfortunately.

P.S. Yes, that was actually a very short version >.>
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 10:10:15 am by Farren Kutter »


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2007, 10:55:06 am »
For future reference, I ignore Alignments and alignment based discussions and justifications in PS. So no, I won't forgive you. :P

It's merely my opinion that a Ranger guild should have present the notion of when and how to protect nature. Naming examples of threats and how you deal with problems related to those would only reinforce the Ranger-like nature of the Rangers of Yliakum. It's completely understandable, however, if you don't give this any focus. It's your guild and it doesn't need to be the standard Ranger guild.

I'm not considering this a flaw, should you be aiming for something else than the ordinary Rangers guild. Originality is required and I'll praise it right here.
A "loosely organized" (as in with guidelines substituting strict rules) guild of nature friends who help each other sounds like a fun idea for whoever is willing to play it.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Farren Kutter

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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2007, 01:04:54 pm »
Well as I say, the alignment is just to give a comparison of how members are compared to the guild. As for knowing when and how to protect nature, it is easy enough if you pay attention. The hard part is getting others to pay attention to you. I can RP all I want about protecting something, but some people totally ignore you altogether because you do not fit into their RP 'script', or they are murderous and insane and attack you with the intent to kill or harm badly. In the middle of somewhere populated by a bunch of other people (who likely will ignore the whole scene, sometimes even RPers will). Game mechanics don't support us in any way. To save someone from a rampaging monster, we'd first have to communicate our wish to help, why, then group with them, and then finally attack the creature. All of it would have to be done OOCly, for realistically speaking I should just be able to bury an arrow in the things back regardless of whether someone else is attacking it. Oh wait, I forgot, we don't have bows and arrows either (game mechanics wise). Nor any ranged weapon, which is NOT what gives a Ranger its name. Rangers are just warders of nature, and use bows and other ranged weapons due to practicality, and are generally trained equally (sometimes more or less) in melee combat of some sort, generally smaller weapons (again due to practicality).

Anyways back on topic... As for naming threats, Farren is an open guidebook to any and all, Ranger or otherwise. I believe I must continue nagging settings for more info on nature, because it is something my character SHOULD know, and can't learn ingame. Sure you can read about a few creatures, but my character should know much more about the natural world than just tidbits written by some insane dude, and thus I would then be a better guidebook, and would make more sense as 'Master Ranger'. It would make me so happy if I could know this stuff, because then people might have an RP reason to speak to me and create RP. And the other rangers, obviously, and that would give us more friction within the game and RP community.

Farren Kutter

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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2007, 07:02:20 am »
Did I mention the guild is recruiting? Like, searching recruiting, not like, we might accept you passive recruiting. If you're interested and think your character might fit in please do approach me, Kaerli, or Peeg ingame and approach us ICly.


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2008, 09:29:08 pm »
forget you guys i've applied for sumthing else
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 09:39:04 am by BLARG!!! »


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2010, 02:38:05 am »
The Rangers of Yliakum are recruiting once again.  Approach Kaerli ICly if you wish to join (also, if you do not feel comfortable with such things, you can PM me here or fire Kaerli a /tell and we may be able to set some RP up from that).


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2010, 04:47:50 pm »
The Rangers of Yliakum are recruiting once again.  Approach Kaerli ICly if you wish to join (also, if you do not feel comfortable with such things, you can PM me here or fire Kaerli a /tell and we may be able to set some RP up from that).
It is I, Eyickos!

To catch more people, I will be on the lookout for new recruits as well. I will send them off to Kaerli or another senior guild member.


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Re: [Guild] Rangers of Yliakum
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2014, 08:02:54 pm »
By decree of our great Warden Seria de Belores, the Rangers of Yliakum are now officially part of the Dark Empire. [And yes Gag, that's how we can decide upon the fate of others guilds ;D]