Author Topic: Malkari - Corruption of the Innocent  (Read 3157 times)


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2007, 06:45:41 pm »
Malkari walked into Hydlaa, noticing that the other residents of this city also carried weapons, so he felt safe walking through without worrying about being killed on the spot. He kept walking and soon stumbled upon the Temple of Laanx, where memories of Farren Kutter fighting the anti-existance came into mind. He let the memory come and go, not stopping or fearing it. Since accepting that his promise was broke and he was no longer limited to helping people, he began to let the anti-existance slowly take over his thoughts. The Statue of Laanx stood valiantly in the middle of the Plaza, watching over the residents of its fair walls. Malkari walked by it and saw Harnquist's shop, where he stepped up to and found a lot of weapons on display, along with many people using the shop's furnaces and other crafting materials. Without much interest, he walked back toward the edge of the stairway leading toward the Statue, and looked at the bloodstains on his sword.

Just then, a mysterious Elf approaced him, and began to speak.

"Hmph, you look like you dragged yourself here." The Elf said.

"Not as easy as I'd hoped getting here..." Malkari responded, wondering why the Elf cared about him.

The Elf asked Malkari about himself, and he explained the story of how his father's memories had become his own, and how there was another existance inside of him that made him stain his blades with innocent blood. He told Malkari that his curse was actually a gift, and had great potential to him. He related his life with Malkari's, saying that he too was an outcast and had a curse of his own. But, he learned to embrace it and follow his destiny. He advised Malkari to do the same. Since he had caused so much sadness and could not do much good in the world, he was destined to destroy, and embrace the entity that was within him, make that power his own.

"Now I have two questions, if you do not mind answering them." Xeonart said.

"Go ahead and ask..."

"Firstly, what is your name?"

"Malkari Shi-no..." Malkari hesitated, remembering that Shinito meant Warrior of Dawn...he was embracing his "destiny" as it was called, and remembered what the anti-existance called himself in Mitaki's native language...Otaru, Warrior of Shadow. "Otaru. Malkari Otaru."

"Well, Malkari Otaru, forgive me for the suddeness of my second question, but your potential truely makes me curious. I wondered if whether you would consider joining me. I need more people like you and I'm sure I could help you tame that power of yours..."

"If it gives me a use for my powers, than I'll gladly accept your offer..."

With that, Malkari joined "The Fallen Kingdom." The Elf introduced himself, saying his name was Xeonart, the leader of this guild. He was wearing strange clothing, looking somewhat like a grim reaper, but Malkari did not pay much attention to it as they spoke. Accepting his newly-discovered fate, Malkari borrowed the powers of the anti-existance and teleported away leaving a burn-mark on the ground he stood on, after saying goodbye to Xeonart. He ended up on the roof of a building in Hydlaa, where he sat down and talked to himself.

"I was given a choice of two be a Shinito, or to be an Otaru...I have chosen your side,, let me borrow your strength, and let me keep my thoughts. I ensure you that with our combined skills, we may set out to fulfill our goals. All I ask is that you let me tap into your vast strength, and use your powers as my own..." Malkari said to the anti-existance living inside of him.

" do not have any powers...what makes you think I would lend you my strength, when I can simply use you as a vessel?" His mind spoke to him.

"You don't have a solid body...without your power, I should just kill myself, seeing as my fate would reach a dead-end without them. That means, you would die too...I'm in control here, you no longer have any say in the matter. My power is being able to control you...the way you used those powers back in the village was sloppy...with me here, you won't go insane with power, and we can control them in a more concrete way..."

"I you've made up your mind." The mind simulates a laugh. "Then, I will let you have my powers...just make sure you don't do anything stupid with them...or they can rip you apart."

The voice in Malkari's mind disappeared, and at once his body had undergone a change. His scars disappeared, his eyes changed from blue to red, and he was no longer able to tap into his father's memories, having Ikatim's full mind come into view. His headache disappeared, and he felt more alive than he had before when he was torn between the two minds and being depressed from killing innocents.

"Haha...this is he kept his promise..." Malkari said to himself. "Now I have these powers I can use at will...and I'm now part of something that has use for me...looks like I'm finally climbing the right side of the hill."

(To be continued...)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 06:45:16 am by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2007, 06:03:36 pm »
After many days in Hydlaa, Malkari got used to his surroundings and a few of the people that resided there. Being that he now has the powers of the anti-existance, showing his face out in public was strange to him at first, being that his eyes were now red and he had some traits that people would consider otherworldly. Walking into the tavern one day, Malkari saw Xeonart again, talking to himself with others listening. He at first didn't care, and went to sit next to the fireplace while Xeonart spoke, but then he was addressed.

"Malkari, I know I saw you walk in here...come here." Xeonart said to him.

"Alright." Malkari replied casually as he moved away from the fireplace. Upon doing so, he saw a familiar face, the one of Anarkia, who was one listening to Xeonart as he was talking to himself. He'd met Anarkia a few days before, working in the tavern, and she seemed depressed. After he started to talk to Xeonart, Anarkia looked at him with a strange look in her eyes.

"Malkari, I have a job for you." Xeonart said to him. When Xeonart was talking to himself, he mentioned someone knowing too much about the Kingdom, and when Anarkia tried to ask about what he was saying, he bitterly told her that it was not her concern.

"Say the word." Malkari said with a grin on his face.

"Find a female Ynnwn...known as Yanlora." He paused. "She usually can be found near Harnquist's, working on weapons and the such...and when you do...I think I don't have to tell you what to do next." Xeonart noticed the excitedness in Malkari's eyes.

"Finally..." Malkari said, grinning and looking at his own hands, "I've been dying to try out these new as you wish, consider the job done..."

Anarkia looked at them both concerned. She did nothing but stand there after Xeonart told her that it didn't concern her, but she followed Malkari after he rushed out of the tavern to find Yanlora. Upon finding Harnquist's shop, Malkari did indeed see Yanlora, and walked up to her as she was talking to another woman. The other woman looked at Malkari, and returned to talking to Yanlora until Malkari said something.

"You're the one...can you come with me, please?" Malkari asked Yanlora, giving away what he was trying to do right away by showing his Symbol of Vengeance, the emblem of The Fallen Kingdom, out in the open to them, since they had already encountered Xeonart's kind before.

"What for?" Yanlora asked him. The other woman noticed Malkari's Symbol of Vengeance right away.

"Why do you want her?" She asked as well.

"I just wish to talk..."

"And if I don't feel like it?"

"Well we can just do it here then, I guess." The other woman said.

"This really isn't the place..." Malkari said with frustration, turning to the woman who's name he found out was Noriin, "and this really doesn't concern you."

"Whatever happens to my friends concerns me as much as them."

"Oh well...I suppose it'll be more fun this way." Malkari said, already drawing his swords. "Yanlora, your head is mine, and if your friend interferes, you both will leave this world."

Anarkia watched the three, wondering what she could do. Xeonart had come to aide Malkari, along with a woman named Anumesa, who appeared to be a lifeless doll.

"If you like..." Yanlora said, and without hesitation, she and Noriin called the Hydlaa guards.

After hearing the guards arriving, Xeonart called off Malkari and Anumesa. Malkari punched a nearby tree in anger, not being able to test his skills, and disappeared using the anti-existance's magic, leaving a burn mark on the ground he once stood, appearing near the Temple of Laanx where he layed down and vented his anger. For the next few days, Malkari had constantly been trying to kill Yanlora, failing each time as he could not lure her away from Hydlaa, or find her alone, always getting the guards called. In the Laanx Temple, he saw Yanlora with a group of people talking, and he hid behind a nearby bench as he waited for his chance to strike. Strangely, he was not alone, as he saw another strange Enkidukai hiding behind a bench beside him. He called him over, and realized that he was the imfamous Elvi, the leader of The Outlaws. He told Elvi his plan, and asked how he could get rid of the crowd so he could strike down Yanlora, but the plan failed as the crowd moved away from the area. He payed Elvi for trying to help him out and not giving him away, then went to chase, but lost the crowd in the wilderness of the Ojaveda Road. He decided that instead, he would try to hunt down Noriin, finding that she had a companion, Velh.

Meeting Noriin again one day near the Plaza, he casually walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder, grinning with a threatening look on his face. Her and Velh both drew their weapons, Malkari backing off and getting ready to fight, yet not drawing his swords. Instead, he decided to rely fully on the anti-existance inside of him, its powers making his skin come to a strange boil. He reached his arm into the ground, it phasing through like there was no matter there at all, and it reappeared behind Noriin, ready to choke her. It connected, but Velh cut Malkari with his daggers, forcing him to retract his arm from Noriin's neck. Just then, Malkari looked over and saw Anarkia once more, watching the fight with a strange grin on her face. He turned back to the task at hand, and his skin began to boil once more.

"Malkari, I thought you were supposed to murder Yanlora...or is this just for fun?" Anarkia said to him, forcing him to turn his attention to her once more.

"I have my reasons...though this is fun itself." He replied to her, Velh and Noriin getting ready to attack him. He shot his shadowed arm at Velh this time, but it was parried and sent back at him. Angered, Malkari drew his longswords, ready to charge. Velh took out a bow and began to aim an arrow at him. Malkari dashed at him, and tried to parry the arrow that was now flying at him from Velh's direction, but instead missed his chance and it hit him in the shoulder. Trying to shake off the pain, his skin boiled again, the shaft falling out of his skin, but the arrowhead getting stuck. After he got the shaft out, his body returned to a more physical form, and he charged Velh once more, this time not giving him time to shoot a second arrow, and he jumped in the air forcing his blades down upon him. Velh rolled out of the way of the slash, but Malkari crouched down and slashed to the side, hitting Velh's leg and leaving a huge gash. Noriin, who was distracted with one of the Kingdom's allies, Arcov, finally defeated him, but wasn't able to finish him off after she checked on Velh, and came at Malkari to keep him from killing Velh.

Someone else had come to aide Velh and Noriin, Roberet, but he did not do much until later on in their battle. Shortly after Roberet's arrival, one named Nixe came as well, to help the fight. Malkari sneered, but just then an ally of the Kingdom also came to aide, Armaros. They were too late, though, as Noriin charged at Malkari while his attention was on Velh, and stabbed him twice, making him cough up heavy amounts of blood and fall to the ground, his skin beginning to boil once more. While Malkari was distracted, Noriin tried to heal Velh, but could not heal him completely as Armaros began to fight her. Meanwhile, Nixe was trying to finish off Arcov, leaving Malkari to handle Velh once more, Roberet stood to the side with a small crowd that had gathered to simply watch.

Malkari lifted himself up off the ground with one arm, and raised his other one, casting a strange magic that caused a hellfire to come down upon Velh, but now being healed, Velh managed to escape the vicinity that the fire rained down upon. Being angered, Malkari phased into a strange shadowform. Nixe, after now completely immobilizing Arcov, aided Velh with standing, and attention was now turned on Armaros, who fled the battle after Noriin had brutally beaten him. Nixe healed Velh completely now, and Malkari had arisen from the ground not long after, a new look of rage in his eyes. His skin now came to a complete boil, not just his arms, and all at once, shadow-like arms shot out of his body, attempting to choke everyone in the area. He managed to catch Roberet, Nixe, and Noriin in his grasp, while Velh and Arcov, being on his last leg, barely escaped them.

Malkari desperately tried to kill all three of them in his hands, but after being shot and injured so many times by Velh, and having Nixe throw her shield at him distracting him from keeping his concentration on the arms in order to dodge, he loosened his grip. Noriin escaped, along with Roberet who cut the arm off completely, but Nixe was still trapped. All of his available arms gathered around Nixe, trying to kill her, but with everyone now ganging up on Malkari, he had no choice but to slam Nixe into the ground in order to be able to avoid some of the attacks and parry the others with the swords in his physical arms. The shadow arms that he'd created shot back into his body, making him take a few heavy breaths to reorient himself. Noriin, after regaining herself from nearly getting choked, charged at Malkari, but he managed to dodge and she lost her balance.

While Malkari was distracted once more, Velh charged at him and forced his dagger into his stomach. Malkari coughed up blood on him, and without another second to waste he forcefully grabbed Velh's arm and pulled him out, throwing him onto the ground, and tried to escape from the fight. Anarkia watched with a terrified look on her face, Malkari glancing at her as he tried to run, not sure what she was doing. Roberet stood in Malkari's way, and tackled him down. Malkari coughed up more blood, but rolled around on the ground and came around Roberet, only to run into Nixe who was now conscious after just being slammed on the ground earlier. She reached out at Malkari trying to stop him, but he slammed his elbow into her face, knocking her out once more, and managed to escape from the heavy crowd that was forming. Soon after, Anarkia walked up to Malkari, who had tripped after being stabbed in the side by someone before completely escaping.

Unexpectingly, she began to heal him, and he looked into her eyes as she tried to save his life. His bleeding stopped, and his wounds closed.

"Th-thank you..." He said, not sure why she was helping him. Without second thought, he began to run further away so that he could rest a little. She nodded to him as he left, and the fight continued in the Plaza as Anumesa and Desot appeared to battle them off. Malkari, however, had fallen asleep far away from the area, having many thoughts going through his head after what had just happened...

(To be continued...)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 10:22:42 am by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #17 on: November 01, 2007, 07:02:16 pm »
A few days later, after fully recovering, Malkari met Anarkia while she was working in the tavern, a smile coming to his face as he saw her.

"Hey, Anarkia..." He said casually.

"Greetings, menki."

"'s Malkari...I know we've met on occasion here before, and at yesterday's incident..."

"You're okay, right?" She asked him, worried about his wounds.

"If you hadn't done what you did, I don't think I could've made it out of that mess..." After Malkari said this, Anarkia began to smile at him. "It was quite unexpected, really...I didn't want things to end that day. I don't think I can thank you enough for that."

"You're welcome..."

Malkari fell asleep next to the fireplace as it was raining outside. After waking up, he ran out of the tavern, Anarkia being distracted with work. He met Yanlora again in the Plaza, and told her of what happened the other day.

"Your friends aren't very cooperative...instead of simply telling me where you were, they fought...was a pretty bloody battle, too bad you weren't in it." Malkari said to her right away, a fake frown on his face.

"Hmm...I heard of it." She said, not really that worried.

"Here, I'll put it bluntly. You have two choices, we end this now, or have a little fun..." He said to her out of nowhere, already trying to get into a fight.

"Well.. I think my choice is depending on what time will bring...even if it's short time..." After Yanlora said this, a woman nearby, Morila, who was a member of The Outlaws, drew her swords and was about to help Malkari with killing Yanlora. She called the guards on them, and Malkari once again had to teleport away to escape them. Being angered now, he returned to the tavern, and saw Anarkia once more, a smile coming to his face when he saw her.

"That Yanlora's an annoying one..." He said. "Oh well, savor the moment I suppose..." He began to laugh. Anarkia laughed along with him, making Malkari sure that she was actually on Xeonart's side. She introduced him to one of her friends, and they greeted eachother casually. Later, another Enkidukai woman walked into the tavern, distracting Anarkia's friend with simple talk. Anarkia sat next to the fireplace, as Malkari sat on the bench and looked down at her, trying to talk to her about her past, which she would not tell him of. Instead, she changed the subject, and asked Malkari about himself. He told her of the markings on her body, and she was a little confused, but accepted it. She started to itch her neck, and with Malkari asking if she was alright, she told him that it was just a simple scratch. Malkari smiled, and reached over to scratch her neck for her, she became more relaxed and layed against Malkari's leg. He moved into a massage, and she was purring as he comforted her. She looked as though she'd had a rough past, so he stopped asking her about memories that might have been disturbing, and began to tell her something else as he now had his full focus on giving her the massage.

"Perhaps...there may be memories that we become happy when thinking about, we just need to form them..." He told her, understanding that they both had memories they did not wish to bring up. Anarkia smiled, but was seemingly distracted by something else. A strange Enkidukai girl had just walked into the tavern, and began to flirt with someone inside, the impression being that she wanted to make Malkari jealous, or at least that's what he figured. He and Anarkia walked up to a tavern balcony, and Malkari knew right away that this girl would make him happy...she was very beautiful, and very kind, despite what people said about her and how they treated her. They kissed, and moved into more...Malkari was completely lost, not caring anymore about any of his problems, and only focusing on Anarkia. He tried to hide his eyes, which were colored red after he accepted the anti-existance's power, but she said that they were unique, and she liked he showed them to her, and they moved from kissing, to something more...

Malkari awoke, Anarkia was apperantly asleep somewhere else, so he moved out of the room that he was staying in after his night with Anarkia, and walked outside back into the main Plaza, not soon after seeing Anumesa sitting outside of the Temple of Laanx. She walked inside, and he followed her, not sure why she was in such a place. He found out that she was under Xeonart's control from a Seal of Vengeance that was burned onto her skin, and she was hiding there trying to get away from Xeonart. Malkari took up a sense of responsibility, and tried to get Anumesa to come back to Xeonart, but she screamed and ran. After getting back outside, Malkari drew his blades, and gave her a choice of serving Xeonart, or these would be her last seconds of life...Anarkia had said something by mistake in the tavern last night, that she "loved Xeonart," which Malkari figured meant that she just liked how he was living and wanted to serve him. He felt that it was more reason to capture Anumesa, he didn't want Anarkia to make anymore enemies than she had after healing him in the battle and being so nice to Xeonart. Anumesa screamed for help in the middle of the Plaza, and Velh and Nixe came to help her. Noriin, was sneaking up on Malkari, ready to pounce on him. All at once, Malkari was shot, tackled, and stabbed by all three of them, and ended up on the ground nearly dead already. Anumesa sat and watched, feeling safe now that they'd come to help her. Malkari tried to get up, only to be stabbed once more, but managed to avoid Nixe as she charged at him.

He smacked the ground hard, and something strange began to happen to him...his eyes changed color, from red back to the blue they had before, and his mouth forced open, something coming out of him...the scars that disappeared from his body after adorning the anti-existance's power reappeared, and he shrieked in pain as all of this was happening to him at once. The shadow of the anti-existance began to pulsate on the ground not far from Malkari, and after he'd regained his consciousness, Velh began to ask him what was going on. Noriin, however, was dying to kill him, but Anumesa stopped her and said that he may have been like she was, under control...but really, Malkari was not. He had simply lost his power, that power that Xeonart said had potential, and gave him reason to live...Malkari started to cry after he awoke from near-death, and told the story of what happened to him. Velh began to understand it all, that he was "marked from birth," with so much happening to him in his short time being alive. Malkari said that he tried to protect, but people still died, and he tried to destroy, but failed at that also, now losing his powers and not having accomplished anything...he had no reason left to live, and lifted his sword to his neck, ready to end his own life, but Anumesa and Velh stopped him from doing it, and he curled up with his head buried in his hands, crying...there was nothing he could do right, and it seemed like he had no further reason to why? Why were these people trying to keep him alive?

Just then, someone from the Kingdom came to help out. Goleus, who was labeled a "trickster" by everyone there, began to talk. He had an amazing magical ability, and shielded himself, ready to fight against Velh, Noriin, and Nixe. After shielding, he used the Seal of Vengeance that was burned onto Anumesa's arm to control her into helping him. Anumesa began to attack Velh, being driven back by many slashes and such. While also, Goleus was fighting trying to keep his shield up and send rock-hard fists to attack everyone. The anti-existance's shadow pulsated harder, and began to form into a physical body...being cast out of Malkari not by magic, but injury, it could not come out in a physical body...and it also could not come out when it was simply a memory, which is why it kept trying to take control of Malkari until he finally accepted its power. It was now able to escape, and with Goleus distracting everyone from destroying it, it threatened to end all of their lives if it could complete its growth. Malkari, still on the ground bleeding, crawled over to Nixe, who was aiming a magical attack at Goleus while he was fighting, and asked her to instead aim her attack at the creature on the ground. Without second thought she destroyed it, knowing that it was the cause of Malkari's strange powers, but could not charge another attack at Goleus, so she layed back on the ground, not able to do anything but watch. Malkari tried to stand, but not to help Goleus, instead to destroy him. He realized now that choosing Xeonart's path meant more suffering, and he didn't want that...with the anti-existance gone, his father's mind came fully into view, and he never desired such a path. However, Malkari could not stand, and instead coughed up much more blood as he fell to the ground in pain.

In a desperation attempt after much fighting, and after he'd knocked Velh out and he was lying on the ground, Goleus wanted to destroy Velh with one final magical attack. Using his own Seal of Vengeance, he charged an enormous ball of dark energy, and threw it at Velh's motionless body. Noriin jumped in the way and took the blast, screaming out in pain as it dispersed from directly hitting Noriin, and her eyes shot off a strange light, then she went dim...Noriin's life had ended there, and she was dead, lying next to the unconscious Velh. The only person able to fight now, was Nixe, but Roberet had come soon after hearing Noriin's scream, and helped try to immobolize Goleus before he could escape. Nixe charged at Goleus in rage, ripping out his throat, and eventually ending his life as well. This battle caused much pain and suffering in the short time it happened, Noriin and Goleus losing their lives, Malkari losing much blood, Nixe injured beyond belief and only fighting with rage now, and Velh unconscious after taking such a heavy thrashing from Goleus' magic. Malkari was able to stand now, his wounds still not fully healed, but his bleeding had slightly stopped, and he was not coughing as badly as he was before. Roberet carried Velh to the tavern, and that was the last Malkari saw of them both that day. Nixe, being the only person left in the area besides Malkari, called him to talk to her. Malkari shrugged and followed her, and she told him that he had potential, much like Xeonart did...she said that she would be able to show him a way he could make his father proud of him, and he accepted her offer with a grin on his face. This is what he wanted...a reason to live that would at least make him happy, or in the very least, his father. She said that she would wait a few days before training him, since they were both still recovering from their wounds, so they went their separate ways.

Malkari met with Lolitra a few days later in the Plaza...he'd remembered after seeing her, that his father once made a promise to Lolitra's sister, that he would protect her from the person that was hunting her down...sadly, that promise was broken, and he wanted to applogize to Lolitra for that. Not getting much time after revealing himself in the Plaza, Malkari was confronted by Yanlora, who was angered at him. Malkari said that he no longer was going to hunt her down, but she started to yell, saying that he said once that "her head was his" as he put it, but he shrugged it off. After Xeonart's name was mentioned, Lolitra went into a panic, and Marqsaynt helped her out when she crashed to the ground. Malkari could not turn his attention to her, though, as Yanlora was drawing her swords and getting ready to end Malkari's life. He simply said to get on with it, he had no more reason to live having failed so many times at what he wanted...he completely forgot about Nixe telling him that she would help him. Yanlora was about to do it, but Lolitra stopped her...she was not sure why. Malkari began to tell of what happened to Noriin, and the reason why he had left the Kingdom, also saying that Goleus was killed, and Velh was probably going to be a nervous wreck after hearing about her death. Yanlora thought it couldn't be true, but it was...Lolitra, however, began to ask Malkari if Xeonart knew he left...Xeonart had not been around lately, so he simply said that Xeonart would only know he's gone, if he saw his change in appearance after losing the anti-existance's power. She said that she could make Malkari into an agent...and let him redeem for what he'd done by spying on Xeonart and giving them information. Malkari didn't agree, but he did write down a list of the names of people from the Kingdom he'd met since he joined, and gave away small amounts of information.

Anarkia walked up to the crowd, wondering what was going on, not noticing Malkari's change in appearance right away, as when she came, Malkari hid his face and began to cover his scars. After being questioned so much, he was able to get away from the crowd, and was able to talk to Anarkia...she was saddened after she saw Malkari. But, she was not saddened by his appearance, she was saddened that his Symbol of Vengeance was no longer on his clothing...she knew right away that he left Xeonart. Malkari realized that what Anarkia said earlier, was the truth...Anarkia loved Xeonart, not him...and tears slowly grew in his eyes as they talked. He told her of the battle, and what happened...all because of Xeonart. People were hurt and confused, and he'd nearly lost his life, all because Xeonart would sacrifice anyone and anything to get his way. He wanted to convince Anarkia that he would always be there for her, and love her, and try to keep her from suffering...if she kept after Xeonart, she would possibly face the same fate as Anumesa, being nothing but a lifeless doll for Xeonart to use at his disposal. She did not wish to believe it, and asked to be alone to make a decision...Malkari respected it, and moved away from her. Soon after, someone yelled out Malkari's name. He stopped, and realized that it was Velh. Velh was running after him angrily, with his knives drawn, and began to point them at Malkari. He asked about what happened to Noriin, and Malkari simply said that she was dead...and wished a curse upon those that did not tell Velh sooner. Velh had a friend there, also saying that it couldn't be true, and Velh was ready to kill Malkari thinking that he was simply playing a game with him.

Yanlora approached the forming crowd, and stopped took a while, but he finally backed down and put away his knives, and sat on the nearby step with many friends trying to comfort him because of his loss. Anarkia walked back up to Malkari, who was simply standing and watching after relaying the message of Noriin's death, and she asked Malkari to come with her...without hesitation, she left with her, and they climbed a stairway and jumped onto the roof of a house. Malkari was not sure what was going on, but right away, Anarkia turned around and kissed Malkari, holding it out for a very long time and putting much meening into it. Malkari was still not sure why she was doing this, but he held onto her tight and closed his eyes, losing himself in the kiss. After a few minutes, she tore herself away from him...

"Malkari...I love Xeonart..."

"I'm sorry I put you through an emotional time...if this is what you want, then I'll respect your decision..." Malkari said to her, knowing that he should not have made her choose between him and Xeonart. Lately after telling her why he stopped serving Xeonart, she'd been very depressed, and was ignoring him when they met a few times before Velh's encounter with him. "Please, be happy, Anarkia..." He said as his final words, then jumped from the rooftop without letting her speak anymore, knowing that he could not protect Anarkia from the danger that would come from her loving Xeonart...He knew now, that the only thing he had left to live for, was Nixe's promise, which he still did not understand...yet, he also knew, that he may never be happy, that he must always suffer no matter what he does...he could not protect, he could not destroy, he could not have the one he loved, and he could never redeem himself completely for letting so many people down before...whatever would happen in the future, Malkari no longer wished to deal with, but he knows he must, and now embraces the suffering. After his last encounter with Anarkia, he started to wear a strange Demon Mask, which has a blood tear on the side of it, revealing that he will always continue to suffer, and will have a neverending pain...

Best Wishes, Malkari...Son of Mitaki, Former Minion of Xeonart, Child of Suffering...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 06:54:16 am by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2007, 02:32:38 am »
My goodnezz, it feelz zo weird to zee Anarkia'z name there.  ::| That waz beautifully written, Zuno. Zhame you don't want to write anymore. It'z very... zhiny... zomg

Okay, now I'm just being freaky. Good job.



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Re: Malkari
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2007, 06:49:08 pm »
Wow.....I've only been gone for about 5 days and i caused so much damage without being there....I really am the greatest  :devil:

Oh and by the way, I love it, even if it is just all ingame events  :P
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2007, 06:51:29 pm »
Hey not ALL of it was ingame, most of the posts were character background ;P


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2007, 06:55:54 pm »
I said I love it didn't I, that should be whats important. Everything except this part at least

Former Minion of Xeonart

I'm gonna have to kill you for that  :P
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2007, 06:57:53 pm »
lol xD

Roleplay went the other direction, things change I guess. Xeonart wouldn't be very happy having an untrained normal powerless emotional mess as a minion would he? :P


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2007, 07:01:12 pm »
Dont worry Duraza ill make you a new minion who is pure evil and doesnt have any morals.   :devil:
« Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 07:16:45 pm by Anumesa »


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2007, 07:04:25 pm »
Hah, can't wait for the weekend to come, I know there'll be some more eventful roleplays. Hope you can make it this time Duraza :P
« Last Edit: November 02, 2007, 07:09:22 pm by Suno_Regin »

Velh Krome

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Re: Malkari
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2007, 07:18:49 pm »
Velh grins deviously, awaiting in his hermitage=P


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2007, 07:23:30 pm »
Hah, can't wait for the weekend to come, I know there'll be some more eventful roleplays. Hope you can make it this time Duraza :P

Yes, he's been missing out on a lot. That's what you get for killing your keyboard, Duraza! (By the way, I'm serious, get a G15 or whatever. It's really shiny.)


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2007, 07:27:04 pm »
For those questioning some of the things I've mentioned throughout this story, I'm doing a complete rewrite and information extendation of my old stories of Mitaki...I used to only write tidbits of fight scenes, I'm going into much more detail and explaining things a lot more clearly, so I hope this rewrite entertains people who actually care what comes from these sore typing fingers. :P


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2007, 07:34:40 pm »
Mmkay. May the Force be with you.


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Re: Malkari
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2007, 07:54:53 pm »
Ehh, this'll be harder than I thought. I don't feel like writing right away.