Author Topic: The NEW Quelfarani!  (Read 863 times)


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The NEW Quelfarani!
« on: March 16, 2003, 12:07:14 pm »
Alright, it wasn\'t too good the first time around, so let\'s see if my intentions are a little more clear.

The clan Quelfarani is a guild exclusively for Enkidukai, based on the ideals of brother- and sister-hood. We are a close-knit group that believes in quality, not quantity for our members. It is highly roleplaying-oriented, which means your character better have some sort of history or thought behind them. This doesn\'t mean you have to have a 300-page book written on them; merely that you didn\'t just come to Planeshift and say, \"Yeah man, this is cool, I\'m gonna be a cat-man, hoo hah.\"

The goal of this guild is simple: to master the Labyrinth and find the surface. Of course, we cannot do such as of yet, and likely wouldn\'t be able to until the final release. In the meantime, you must learn to master the controls of the game. Become skilled at climbing, leaping, and squirming into places that you shouldn\'t really be able to get into. Show me that you can perform feats of control skill (walk the rooftops, climb walls, stand on lamps) and that your character has a good plot behind him/her, and you will quickly climb the ranks.

If you are interested and/or would like to hear more, feel free to visit the web site  or e-mail me.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2003, 12:12:21 pm by Valfaran »


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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2003, 12:48:48 pm »
Nice site, nice story, nice music still, nice work :D

Good luck Val, I\'ll look forward to the continuation of Quelfarani history.


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« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2003, 04:12:46 am »
*Excavates thread and plops it down at the top as this guild seems to interest me the most*

Has anyone heard anything about this guild or is it now quite defunct?

Bit of a pity if it has done...I was finding the writing and roleplaying quite good.


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« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2003, 12:14:40 am »
The Quelfarani is in no way defunct, I assure you!

Unless of course you call a severe lack of members defunct.  ;(

I am pleased that you enjoy my writing; I take pride in my pitiful albeit effort-pushed works...and it\'s not often people seem to comment on what I do. Even a \"Oh my god it sucks so much it\'s burning a hole in my skull!\" is okay every once in a while.

But anyhoo, I\'ll stop my rantings.

As long as I am with this game, the Quelfarani will live, if not in numbers, in spirit.


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« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2003, 03:00:58 am »
Unfortunately, when it comes to rp, numbers will be rather scant.  But numbers aren\'t often that important, if the group and the history is solid.  

One guild I was involved in was the most solid group of roleplayers I\'ve ever encountered.  It was incredible to rp with these folks.  Unfortunately, for one person rp meant cyber-sex, and the rp became more \"couples\" oriented, so I left it.  But it was still amazingly wel defined and detailed.

This early into things, I wouldn\'t be worried about gathering members.  Having a limit of race and rp is not going to gather a very large group of folks, but with like-minded allies, that\'s not always a problem.

I\'ll be keeping an eye on your site and future endeavours as so far, your guild sounds more like my sort of thing, but it will be some time before I make any real sound choice to join.


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« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2003, 01:08:49 pm »
i dunno, sad story, but i don\'t see where the guild comes in :? ...hmmm, how about some of that persuation ;)
:emerald: The Treecastle *will* stand !!! :emerald:

in-game name: Seeln


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« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2003, 03:03:33 pm »
Well, the story isn\'t finished yet. If you really want to know what happens, I can tell you in private message, but I don\'t want to post it out here for the chance of anyone already interested in the story reading it and then losing interest in the actual story because they know what happens.

Also, if I am to persuade you, I must ask the question, are you worth persuading? Tell me a little about yourself, or even better, your character. Do you roleplay regularly? Do you like writing? Do you have any skills to offer the clan?


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« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2003, 07:29:38 pm »
Again I must return from the wilderness and intercede into the affairs of the guild which has captivated my fellow felines.  Again I must say that I wish not to join, but I will advise those of you who are oriented towards working with your fellow kits.  Follow the path you believe to be right, for that will leave to your internal peace.  My path leads to the outskirts of all civilisation, and yours may lead not to the surface, but to the deepests depths of this world.  Valfaran, I commend you for your will and initiative in attempting to bring the brotherhood together, but I will stay away from it.  As my former master said \"The cats are not meant to be united, and will always revert to their solitude eventually.  The path back to the darkness is guaranteed, as long as whiskers grow on our cheeks.\"
\"All that seperates them from the shambling walk of the zombie are the quiet lies the Locust tells\" -Harlan Ellison


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« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2003, 02:34:23 am »
Valfaran, I really like your sig. and slogan.

You should make some kind of wallpaper out of it.  Perhaps not with a huge Valfaran across the middle of it. :-)

- Venge


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« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2003, 05:37:30 pm » give me many ideas, O Administrative One.

By the way, it\'s sorta the guild slogan. I made it up while writing the story behind the guild; the phrase itself actually has quite a story behind it. Which also reminds me, I need to continue my work on the story!

*scurries away to doodle out some stuff on paper and then use the crappified Adobe Photodeluxe Home Edition 3.0 to conjure up some wallpaper and the remainder of the story*


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« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2003, 07:18:12 am »
Greetings, Kin.

My name is Ayshe Keha-Tien, and I am the one who has been chosen to lead our small band of Enkidukai, bonded together in kinship and friendship. My own story is incomplete, sadly I have little recollection of how I came to be in these lands. I have managed to piece together fragments only... this I know, I am told my own lands were destroyed somehow, long ago and I, amongst many were taken away to live in Dermoria when I was but a cub.

I do recall how I came to be who I am today, Elder Claw of the Lair I am part of - indeed it is where my memories begin anew after an unknown time. I awoke at the gates of the city, wounded and weak and beset by monsters. My rescue came at the hands of a stranger - an Enkidukai - who risked himself to save me. For his own reasons he stayed and nursed me to health. So impressed was I with his kindness I asked if we could become guildmates as he was the only person I knew in the world. He accepted and for a short time, we gathered Enkidukai to us, in kinship and friendship to work as one unified clan. But one day he ventured into the labyrinth and returned not...

Amongst our clan, and as you know amongst many it is the male who leads in battle, and the male who heads the clans. With my friend gone I realised it was time to break tradition or risk the loss of our infant guild. I took the mantle of leadership with a heavy heart.

Since that day, months past, our numbers have grown, and we have a small, but close, group of kin who, it is to my delight, love to explore this world and impress upon the new arrivals the warmth and kindess I was once shown. We help all and any who require it, but as a sign to the kinship of our kind, only Enkidukai may join our ranks. Those among us realise that strength is unity, and true wealth is to be found in kin.

Why do I say all this? Not because I wish to advertise this guild - if people believe we are right for them their own path will lead them to us. Not because I wish to brag. I do this because, had I known of the Quelfarani in those early days I would have pledged my sword to you and yours, if you would have a lost, grief-stricken Enkidukai in your guild. But those days have passed, I now have a responsibility not only to my own, new family but to all who seek assistance.

I can no longer offer my sword but I can freely offer my friendship. May our clans forever drink the same water, and be blessed by the Azure Sun, Valfaran, if you will it so.
The Felines Lair


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« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2003, 12:22:24 pm »
((Please pardon the lengthy response time...I have returned briefly from an unspeakable sort of imprisonment [grounded off the computer]!))

Indeed, it is a delightful thing to see another with such noble ambitions as my own. Though my story is a bit different than yours, I too understand the hardships of losing a loved one, and it has not made this journey any easier. I wish, however, that I could say I have had as much success as you in your endeavors. My guild is a struggling one, even beyond my recent absence. It is hard to find in this growing world those who are true to their word and will place the interests of a group and a common goal above those of their own. Despite, as I have told others before, the Quelfarani (soon to be Shadows of the Azure Sun) will never die, even if it exists in my heart only as a dream, even if I remain the only true member.

I give thee and thine my own blessing, Ayshe Keha-Tien, but pray that we do not breathe beneath the Azure Sun for long. I am merely a Shadow of the Azure Sun, the thing in its absence; so, may the rays of the True Sun shine down upon us all on some blessed day to come.