Author Topic: PvP, Crime and Punishment (feel free to reject, critisize, or sugest changes)  (Read 3393 times)


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The first point I would like to make make is I have liberally stolen what I think are good ideas from other games and other threads to compile what I believe what be an enjoyable and workable system.

My view on MMO's is that they should have as much realism and freedom of morality as possible, everybody plays them so as to play a role, some want to be villains (rp villains NOT griefers) and others want to be heroes.  Neither is truly possible if all rules are server enforced and all PvP is consensual.  That said, very few people want a game in which lower level and non combat characters become marginalised as they are unable to defend themselves against constant attack, if we wanted that we might as well all go and play WoW where you don't have true professions, just trade skills which are a side line to a main combat class.  Thats my rant and explanation out of the way on with *my* system for pvp and crimes.

1. Consensual PvP or dueling: Any player can challenge any other and shall specify before the challenge is accepted whether or not it shall be to the death.  Either way there is no looting allowed (though placing wagers in advance is fine).  Duels that are not to the death will end when one of the players reaches 1hp and both players will automatically halt their attacks.

2. Guildwars: Before deciding how to implement guildwars it needs to be decided on why you are implementing them, what will be accomplished by this process?  I have seen several good suggestions on the forums so I shall only skim briefly over the surface.  I am personally in favour of having the guilds ruling the world, each guild gains a rating based on its membership, assets and alliances which ascertains its standing on the councils (this can be server-wide or my preference each city having its own giving the guilds real connections to their homes) A guild which wishes to declare war on another wagers a certain number of its guild points upon the outcome of the battle.  The battle goes on until every member of one of the guilds has been killed once OR one guild manages to beseige their opponents guild hall for a certain length of time.  Any allied guilds may join the battle, and any guild may declare war at most once a (day/week/month)

3. Crimes and Punishment
   i. Theivery - Pickpocketing will yield a smallish (2-5) percent of the victims carried wealth, each attempt as well as having a chance to succeed or fail has a chance of detection.  If not detected the victim will not know untill they next open their inventory at which point they will be informed "You have been robbed"  If the criminal is detected he willl lose law points (more in a bit)
  ii.  Murder (PK)  Have safe points, I'd recommend homes, inns, churches and guild houses no PvP is permitted in them.
      With that one restriction any player can target and attack without warning any other player. If this is witnessed by lawful NPC's or is reported by the victim (can be processed by simple script) the criminal will lose several law points.  If the killer goes on to loot the body they will gain a larger percentage of the victims wealth (~25%) and more law points will be lost.

4. Legal kills Any player who is on a low enough law points total is freely killable with no penalty this also applies to anybody who starts non-consensual PvP (for a short while, the allows friends of the victim to defend them) This could be represented by a change in colour of the players name.

5. Law points  These could be gained from doing good deeds such as killing most wanted criminals or certain quests, they are lost by commiting crimes,  as a players total goes down merchants will give them worse deals and eventually when they hit a low enough total they will not be allowed entry into cities (NPC guards will attack on sight) Bounties can also be posted for players with low enough LP's.  Law points will very slowly increase to a certain above middling value as a player goes without commiting crimes or getting caught.

6. Punishment As death isn't very permanent a suitable punishment for anyone who is caught while having a very low law total would be the stocks surrounded by guards for a number of ingame days.  If a lock is placed holding it shut it allows players who are roleplaying villains to risk capture them selves attempting to rescue there comrade.

Done as you can probably see the last couple of sections are somewhat abbreviated because my fingers are getting sore (and its almost time to leave work) if anything is unclear or contradictory feel free to post and I'll do my best to clarify or if needed revise this.

Cheers for reading :)


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Now this is odd, I know people have been reading this as the views counter is going up, but no one has replied.  I'm curious if this is because a) people like the idea and think it needs no changes (highly unlikely) b)its soo bad its not worth the effort of trying to improve, or c)no one thinks this is worth discussing any more.

if you dont want to post about it feel free to pm me.


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I haven't posted until now because it confused me.  ;D


  • Hydlaa Resident
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hmm out of the stuff i would just like a black market arms dealer that would charge something like 5-10 times the price or something for weapons, so you don't have to be lawful to buy things


  • Hydlaa Resident
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I think law points would be interesting, but should not be displayed to the public.  That way you could Rp being evil but in reality collect enough points to perform an assassination in secret without the guards.  It would be a shame if you always got caught every time even when you had a whole planned RP in which you didn't.


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My suggestion for law points would be to have them secret until they reach a certain level then have a visible change (maybe in the players name) so that people know they are a criminal. As for the assasination idea, a really good criminal wouldn't have many law points, you would only accrue them if you got caught. Where a player is the victim possibly make it optional wether to report it or not so a guild of criminals could practice picking each others pockets without gaining law points.

Thinking about it, a nice idea would also be to have skills/spells/items that allow the criminal to hide his status either temporarily or to give guards and other players a detect chance.

and yay people are talking to me  ;D


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Thought just came to me, as an incentive for those who wish to play a truly good character, wouldn't it be nice if an appearance change (colour of name etc) appeared for those who reach a high enough 'good' total, have NPC's being friendlier, better prices from merchants etc...

The law points could also be a requirement for certain quests, only truly honourable characters would be trusted with carrying a nobles jewelry for instance, but nobody would go to a paladin to organise a theft.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Could this not just be set as a faction?  It technically may already be in game as with the government faction.


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Good idea, as long as the faction scores can support conditional statements (I would be very surprised if they cant) the basic coding is already there, all that would be needed is to allow non consensual pvp, add modifiers to the faction score from criminal activity and have the town guards respond to intrusions by people with a low enough faction score.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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im happy with the law points and stuff but not about stocks, people would just quit the game...


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I think it is a great idea, but I don't think that the guards should be enforcing the law points. I say that the dominating guild should kill the players with low law points if they don't then rebellions will occur and they wont be the dominating guild  :).
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 12:00:58 am by saluir »


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Now why the heck would you want that?! Have you even played yet???  X-/

Under the moon

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No killing. If this was to happen, there would be a strict system of law and punishment. If you have a silly system of killing as the only punisment for doing wrong, you end up with half the players being lawless morons just because it is cool to be eVul.

Killing a 'bad guy' in PS is like putting a killer on a train instead of a prison, and hoping they do not come back.


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Perhaps there could be a system where you join the guards.  You then must patrol the city and you get paid for every criminal you bring in (defeat in combat).  That way good inclined players can help maintain the peace.  Also, could we design it so that when fighting a criminal it is basically a duel.  If you defeat them without killing you get rewards, if you do kill them then your law points go down.  Now this would have a few exceptions but for the most part it may work after some tweaking.  As I said in the other PvP thread, first we should get combat able guards before we start adding their special features.


  • Hydlaa Citizen
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There is a vital flaw in your law points system. If someone kills or brings in a lot of criminals and then slaughters a few innocent n00bs, he wouldnt get punished. Imagine policemen shooting children.
The problem with stocks is that the punishment would take too much time. You coud as well disable the players account or character for several days... That would punish the player, not the character. Im thinging something like a curse would be more suitable... or mandatory work in the mines. (not sure i used the correct term)
Safe points dont make much sense either. Emotional conversations can sometimes lead to a fight and fighting can be fatal. What better place for that than an inn! Or a ritual killing in a church?

Yes, im evil! :devil:
A new day, a new failure!