Author Topic: Humble Beginnings  (Read 540 times)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Humble Beginnings
« on: November 23, 2007, 02:28:45 am »
How did you start off? I recently looked up my logs. Here is my first character, and my later one when I become an Enkidukai. I don't remember the identity of my first race, only that I didn't like it after a while.

(15:05:23) Serq says: help!
(15:05:33) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: But its Hvdsjhvlvhdjd
(15:05:41) Serq says: how do i change my appearence?
(15:05:54) Sanrokiz says: how can you help?
(15:06:03) Serq says: ?
(15:06:14) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: Both follow me
(15:06:14) Bensonor shouts: where?
(15:06:32) Serq says: huh
(15:06:53) Sanrokiz says: i dont know ...
(15:07:05) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: How old are u
(15:07:08) Auction from Famet: all the coal is gone.
(15:07:16) Serq says: I really wanted to change my appearence...
(15:07:26) Serq says: Im so confused
(15:07:29) Sanrokiz says: Great name :-)
(15:07:57) Hvdsjhvlvhdjd says: Sanrokiz how old are u
(15:08:09) Sanrokiz says: very old
(15:10:12) Serq says: hello
(15:20:22) Auction from Stromthipper: buying 4 iron ore at harns
(15:20:35) Auction from Bensonor: selling 1 iron ingot
(15:21:05) Serq says: can someone help me?
(15:21:18) Serq asks: How do I change my appearence?
(15:21:31) Cumeri says: sure
(15:21:38) Cumeri says: What do you need?
(15:21:52) Serq says: how do i change my appearence, i just uploaded my self
(15:22:05) Auction from Stromthipper: buying iron ores fresh for making steel =)
(15:22:17) Cumeri says: [hm..there is no way to do it]
(15:22:40) Serq says: thanks
(15:22:55) Serq says: so theres no way of having a job or something either?
(15:23:15) You advise: You purchase armore from a mercheant. Apart from that you can not change your physical attributes
(15:23:19) Cumeri says: want to have a job
(15:23:26) You advise: *armor
(15:23:41) Cumeri says: that you can do
(15:23:49) Serq says: i don't know, the site said something about mining and architecture and medics and all that
(15:24:28) Cumeri says: first of all I suggest you to follow me
(15:24:35) Cumeri says: I will show you the city
(15:24:50) Cumeri says: this guy here is harnquist
(15:24:58) Cumeri says: the smith of the city
(15:25:00) Serq says: thanks
(15:25:18) Cumeri says: Do you know the name of the town we are?
(15:25:29) Serq says: no i dontr know anything
(15:25:35) Cumeri says: Hydlaa
(15:25:45) Cumeri says: it is called Hydlaa
(15:25:58) Cumeri says: what is about you, Zardar
(15:26:00) Cumeri says: ?
(15:26:11) Cumeri says: want to get a guide through the town?
(15:26:14) Zardar says: I am looking also for a job.
(15:26:15) Serq says: umm ok
(15:26:22) Cumeri says: then follow me
(15:26:37) Cumeri says: this is the Plaza
(15:26:46) Serq says: ok
(15:26:47) Cumeri says: with the fountain in the middle
(15:27:42) Cumeri says: the tavern
(15:28:24) Bensonor shouts: any strong magicians out there /tell me for a trade
(15:29:22) Cumeri says: the northern gate
(15:29:23) Serq says: sorry phone rang
(15:29:39) Zardar says: what rang?
(15:30:06) Cumeri says: if you follow the way you will come to the Magic Shop and to the Bronzen Doors
(15:30:59) Cumeri says: Boralis
(15:31:08) Cumeri says: the armor merchant of the town
(15:32:15) Cumeri says: [it is hard to get started for you at the moment because all mobs are impervious to attack. So it is hard to get experience to learn a job]
(15:32:37) Cumeri says: but I will show you the rest of the town
(15:33:34) Auction from Oskarius: selling 39 gold ores, 400 each
(15:33:51) Cumeri says: the temple
(15:33:57) Cumeri says: the temple of Laanx
(15:33:57) Serq says: ok
(15:35:10) Cumeri says: this part of Hydlaa is called Hydlaa east
(15:35:36) Cumeri says: the library
(15:36:01) Cumeri says: Jeyarp buys hides and furs...remember this
(15:36:32) Cumeri says: I will give you 250 tria
(15:36:36) Cumeri says: each of you
(15:36:43) Serq says: yay!
(15:36:51) Serq dance
(15:36:52) Zardar says: thank you very much
(15:36:53) Cumeri says: buy a map of Hydlaa from Jayose
(15:37:12) Zardar says: how to open /see the map?
(15:37:46) Cumeri says: [click accept trade]
(15:38:08) Cumeri says: [left corner ahead]
(15:38:23) Serq says: wow thanks!
(15:38:28) Cumeri says: a map
(15:38:37) Serq says: Kitty!
(15:38:52) Famet says: lol
(15:38:58) Cumeri says: yes...this race is called Enkidukai
(15:39:06) Serq says: lol
(15:39:13) Cumeri says: trade with Jayose, Zardar
(15:39:23) Serq says: zarder, you ok?
(15:39:36) Zardar says: I got the map and had look on it.
(15:39:42) Cumeri says: great
(15:40:01) Cumeri says: the Hydlaa map, or?
(15:40:08) Cumeri says: The other one is trash
(15:40:12) Zardar says: yes
(15:40:24) Serq says: ok
(15:40:38) Cumeri says: ok...then follow me
(15:40:42) Serq says: what does mercenaries mean in your name
(15:40:57) Cumeri says: this is the name of my guild
(15:41:49) Cumeri says: the gate to Ojaveda
(15:41:57) Cumeri says: another town
(15:41:58) Serq says: such funny names
(15:42:14) Zardar says: its for the cat city?
(15:42:35) Cumeri says: yes, that's cat city
(15:44:18) Serq says: sewer
(15:44:22) Cumeri says: the sewers of Hydlaa
(15:44:22) Serq says: yes?
(15:44:26) Serq says: haha!
(15:44:40) Zardar says: here should be some rats to kill?
(15:44:46) Cumeri says: here is the place newbies gets startet
(15:44:47) Serq says: xp!
(15:44:56) Serq says: yayz!
(15:45:04) Zardar says: behind tavern I didnt find any rat
(15:45:04) Cumeri says: yes, but the rats cannot be killed at the moment
(15:45:12) Serq says: why?...
(15:45:29) Cumeri says: behind the tavern there is another entrance to the sewers
(15:45:42) Serq says: k
(15:45:50) Zardar says: yes, but i found no rats.
(15:45:53) Cumeri says: [because the NPC server is down...can last some hours]
(15:46:01) Serq says: nooooo!
(15:46:08) Serq says: in other words, we're screwed?
(15:46:15) Zardar says: too bad!
(15:46:19) Cumeri says: yes, that's why I said it is realy hard for you now
(15:46:37) Serq says: uh-oh spaggethi-o
(15:46:40) Cumeri says: probably try again in some hours, or tomorrow
(15:46:46) Serq says: ./say ok
(15:46:51) Zardar says: but there was a toggle or so caled dreature.
(15:47:05) Cumeri says: gobble
(15:47:14) Zardar says: yes sorry
(15:47:18) Cumeri says: yes, there are, but you cannot attack them
(15:47:26) Serq says: aww
(15:47:33) Cumeri says: we will try...follow me
(15:48:02) Cumeri says: try to attack
(15:48:20) Zardar says: last time they killed a friend of mine.
(15:48:27) Cumeri says: try
(15:48:44) Serq says: It say he impervious
(15:48:51) Cumeri says: impervious?
(15:48:55) Serq says: impervious
(15:49:08) Cumeri says: that's what I am talking about
(15:49:13) Serq says: oh noez!
(15:49:24) Serq says: ill try tomorrot
(15:49:24) Cumeri says: but...I can donate some weapons to you
(15:49:33) Serq says: help!
(15:49:52) Serq says: I got hijacked by a force field carry on
(15:49:59) Cumeri says: [what is your highest level in combat skills?]
(15:50:16) Cumeri says: [which weapon?]
(15:50:24) Zardar says: axes for me
(15:50:24) Serq says: how i find that
(15:50:30) Serq says: i think its daggers
(15:50:39) Serq says: it is
(15:50:53) Cumeri says: ok, at first some daggers for you
(15:50:57) Serq says: wow i suck
(15:51:22) Cumeri says: don't buy a shield
(15:51:26) Serq says: why
(15:51:28) Cumeri says: They don't work yet
(15:51:32) Serq says: oh
(15:51:35) Serq says: thanks
(15:51:37) Cumeri says: use two weapons
(15:51:45) Zardar says: so two weapons will be better?
(15:51:51) Cumeri says: yes
(15:51:59) Cumeri says: you make twice damage
(15:52:10) Cumeri says: your axes I have to buy
(15:52:35) Zardar says: you seems to be very experienced and helpful
(15:52:40) Cumeri says: well, I am
(15:52:45) Zardar says: thanks
(15:52:52) Cumeri says: If you like you can join my guild
(15:52:58) Cumeri says: we all are helpful
(15:53:21) Cumeri says: but follow me to the smith
(15:53:25) Zardar says: but at the moment i have no trias
(15:53:40) Zardar says: but at the moment i have no trias to join the guild
(15:53:41) Serq says: ok
(15:53:51) Cumeri says: you don't need
(15:53:55) Serq says: i have 150
(15:54:01) Cumeri says: only if you founf a guild
(15:54:13) Cumeri says: *found
(15:54:16) Zardar says: ok , I misunderstood.
(15:54:30) Serq says: hmm, can I start a new character? This one has bad stats, and is ugly
(15:54:44) GuildChat from Serq: Player Serq has joined the guild!
(15:54:46) GuildChat from Zardar: Player Zardar has joined the guild!
(15:54:59) GuildChat from Cumeri: Welcome in the guild, Sirs!
(15:55:21) Serq says: but Id like to kepp the daggers. can you please hold them for ten minutes, and ill meet you at smith?
(15:55:29) GuildChat from Zardar: were can I see the guild rules
(15:55:31) Cumeri says: sure
(15:55:34) Serq says: same name, new guy
(15:55:59) Cumeri says: and your tria, too
(15:56:04) Zardar says: se you at the smith
(15:56:19) Serq says: how
(15:56:22) Serq says: how i do gold?
(15:56:32) Cumeri says: click on the coin
(15:56:52) GuildChat from Cumeri: [in the forum, Zardar]
(15:56:55) Serq says: wghat coin
(15:57:15) Cumeri says: [in your inventar at the right side]
(15:57:20) Serq says: ok i got it
(15:57:20) Cumeri says: [ok]
(15:57:33) Cumeri says: choose a Kran
(15:57:33) Serq says: thanks so much brb
(15:57:38) Serq says: see u at smithy in 10
(15:57:39) Cumeri says: They are very strong
(15:57:41) GuildChat from Zardar: sorry, i meant, your guild rules and objectives.
(15:57:47) Serq says: kran, ill see ok
(15:57:50) Serq says: ty
Fri 29-Jun-2007 16:03:09 Serq Feht
(16:03:09) Serq says: wwait
(16:03:15) Serq says: how i get to main city
(16:03:38) Serq says: how i get to main city
(16:03:56) Serq says: the H thing
(16:04:01) Rakhun says: I'm not going there now, I can't show you
(16:04:03) Serq says: Hylleae whatever?
(16:04:05) Serq says: ok
(16:04:08) Rakhun says: Hydlaa
(16:04:09) Serq says: which way?
(16:04:14) Serq says: pleasE?
(16:04:35) Rakhun says: I'm going to the iron mine, it is on the way to Hydlaa so I can show you to there
(16:04:39) Serq says: thanks
(16:07:18) You tell Rakhun: Help I am lost!
(16:08:00) You tell Rakhun: Help! I am lost!
(16:09:04) Serq says: help!
(16:11:03) Rakhun tells you: not my fault, you ran off, in the right direction though
(16:11:30) You tell Rakhun: Im in a green pointy thing
(16:11:51) Serq says: help!
(16:11:54) Serq says: help me
(16:11:58) Serq says: please!
(16:12:05) Rakhun tells you: doesn't sound familiar to me
(16:12:07) Serq says: where is Hydla
(16:12:12) Gurnuk says: whats your problem ?
(16:12:27) Gurnuk says: you are in the right direction
(16:12:34) Serq says: how much longer?
(16:12:42) Gurnuk says: 5 minutes
(16:12:45) Serq says: thanks i love you
(16:12:53) Gurnuk says: no problem
(16:13:00) You tell Rakhun: Someone gave me directions, thanks
(16:13:01) Gurnuk says: good way
(16:13:25) Serq says: w
(16:14:12) Serq says: where is hydlaa
(16:14:16) Serq says: from here?
(16:14:26) Serq says: huh?
(16:16:13) Serq says: help[!!
(16:16:19) Serq says: where is Hydlaa from here?
(16:16:23) Cruz tells you: where u talking with me opps sorry i was watching a movie and training energy =)
(16:16:33) Serq says: hello?
(16:17:12) You tell Cruz: Im lost. Where is Hydlaa
(16:17:35) Cruz tells you: can u return to the green door??
(16:17:44) You tell Cruz: The what?
(16:18:20) Cruz tells you: the green door the thing that is like a brigde
(16:18:36) You tell Cruz: Im so lost right now
(16:18:39) Cruz tells you: bridge
(16:18:50) Cruz tells you: are u a cat??
(16:19:00) You tell Cruz: yes
(16:19:07) You tell Cruz: im black, im on a hill
(16:19:24) Cruz tells you: can u see me??
(16:19:36) You tell Cruz: No
(16:19:57) Cruz tells you: darn i dont know were are u
(16:20:09) You tell Cruz: Is the green door the really big piller?
(16:20:36) Cruz tells you: yes it is
(16:20:51) You tell Cruz: Im coming
(16:21:25) Cruz tells you: there are like 3 pillars i hope u found the one
(16:21:39) You tell Cruz: The tallest one for miles
(16:22:06) Cruz tells you: u know how to get to the gold mine
(16:22:15) You tell Cruz: I dont know anything
(16:22:38) Cruz tells you: well u know hydla
(16:22:59) You tell Cruz: Before I made a charcter as a cat and prmised someone Id meet him in Hydlaa
(16:23:30) Cruz tells you: lol thats funny
(16:23:47) You tell Cruz: Im screwed
(16:24:12) Cruz tells you: u dont know how to get out of death realm right??
(16:24:33) You tell Cruz: i found it
(16:24:52) Cruz tells you: found what??
(16:25:04) You tell Cruz: lol
(16:25:12) Serq bow
(16:25:34) Serq says: hi
(16:25:51) Serq says: where is Hydlaa?
(16:26:03) Cruz says: hold on im healing u
(16:26:05) You tell Cruz: Where is Hydlaa
(16:26:15) Serq says: i was hurt?
(16:26:23) Cruz says: u had 20 of life
(16:26:24) Serq says: from what?
(16:26:34) Cruz says: 20% maybe u felt down somewhere
(16:26:36) Serq says: howd i get hurt?
(16:26:42) Serq says: ok
(16:26:50) Cruz says: lets go to hydlaa
(16:26:51) Serq says: tplease, take me to hydlaa
(16:29:52) Cruz says: just continue foward
(16:30:11) Serq says: thanks man. I love you
(16:31:10) Cruz tells you: if u need help type "/tell cruz" dude haha
(16:31:36) You tell Cruz: ok,. thanks
(16:33:23) Auction from Vorodie: sell 5 gold ore 400 tria each
(16:33:39) Serq says: gasp
(16:33:43) Serq says: hey
(16:33:59) Cumeri says: wait Serq
(16:34:03) Serq says: i went through hell to get here cumeri, whats up
(16:34:13) Serq says: lol
(16:34:37) Stromthipper shouts: durf you dropped your molten iron, I'm known for being honest and trustworthy, don't make this hard on yerself
(16:34:45) Serq says: i sprained my pinky holding down shift to run
(16:34:54) Ugeyie says: help
(16:35:07) Cumeri says: how did you get here?
(16:35:16) Serq says: 5 people
(16:35:25) Cumeri says: 5 people?
(16:35:26) Ugeyie says: i need money plz or some help
(16:35:30) Serq says: 5
(16:35:33) Ugeyie says: i need money plz or some help
(16:35:37) GuildChat from Serq: Player Serq has joined the guild!
(16:35:39) Ugeyie says: how do i get money
(16:35:46) GuildChat from Cumeri: Welcome back, Serq
(16:35:47) Ugeyie says: how do i get money
(16:35:52) GuildChat from Serq: np
(16:36:36) GuildChat from Cumeri: that's for you
(16:36:37) Serq says: oh ty
(16:36:41) GuildChat from Cumeri: to get startet
(16:36:49) Serq says: you're so nice to me
(16:37:13) GuildChat from Serq: k
(16:37:18) GuildChat from Cumeri: you know the way from Oja to hydlaa now, that's great
(16:37:21) Auction from Occasus: 5 iron ingots - total 100 trias
(16:37:27) Ugeyie says: can any1 help me get started
(16:37:32) Cumeri blushes
(16:37:42) Ugeyie says: can any1 help me get started
(16:37:43) GuildChat from Serq: no i dont lol
(16:37:48) GuildChat from Cumeri: hehe
(16:37:50) Ugeyie says: can any1 help me get started
(16:38:01) GuildChat from Cumeri: if you want to get back to Oja
(16:38:06) GuildChat from Cumeri: die!
(16:38:08) GuildChat from Serq: some one was trainging spells on me lol
(16:38:27) GuildChat from Cumeri: hehe
(16:38:32) GuildChat from Serq: it was my payment for the passage to the green door
(16:38:37) Tarchajs says: can someone give a 700 pound kran a piggyback ride to Oja
(16:38:49) GuildChat from Cumeri: who was it`
(16:38:50) Serq says: never heard of it
(16:38:51) GuildChat from Cumeri: ?
(16:38:57) GuildChat from Serq: Cruz
(16:39:03) GuildChat from Serq: lol
(16:39:10) Auction from Drughetto: i buy gold ores - who is selling gold? i pay 400 trias each ^_^
(16:39:17) Wic says: serQ
(16:39:22) Serq says: huh?
(16:39:38) Serq says: wic huh?
(16:39:40) Wic says: would you like to buy a mercenary helm?
(16:39:43) GuildChat from Cumeri: there is not much what you can do, Serq
(16:39:53) GuildChat from Serq: do i want to buy merc helm?
(16:40:01) Serq says: umm
(16:40:08) Serq says: how much
(16:40:13) GuildChat from Cumeri: you cannot buy them from NPCs
(16:40:19) Wic says: 4.5k
(16:40:21) GuildChat from Serq: this guys offering it to me
(16:40:25) GuildChat from Cumeri: you get it as a quest reward
(16:40:28) Serq says: im mpoor lol
(16:40:34) Wic says: kk
(16:40:37) Tarchajs says: is it better than the 4 horned helm
(16:40:43) GuildChat from Serq: hes selling for 4.5k
(16:40:48) Tarchajs says: the battle helm
(16:40:54) GuildChat from Cumeri: hehe, he tried me earlier
(16:40:59) GuildChat from Serq: lol
(16:41:04) Auction from Orino: i cant seem to give these money away .. all you need to do is find those ingots
(16:41:21) GuildChat from Cumeri: maybe because of the guild name
(16:41:29) GuildChat from Serq: lol
(16:41:40) GuildChat from Kistoll: cumeri
(16:41:51) GuildChat from Kistoll: ive reached a city in the desert
(16:41:56) GuildChat from Serq: hmm, how do I earn the job of Beast Trainor?
(16:41:58) GuildChat from Cumeri: [we have a forum, Serq:]
(16:42:07) Auction from Drughetto: i buy gold ores - 400 each
(16:42:14) GuildChat from Cumeri: [register there to get more information]
(16:42:18) Auction from Drughetto: i also REPAIR weapons.. if somebody needs
(16:42:22) GuildChat from Serq: k
(16:42:24) GuildChat from Cumeri: that's Ojaveda, Kistoll
(16:42:36) GuildChat from Cumeri: you canot

Wow, I was such a noob. The place I read about the game discussed what it would be like when it was finished, but I misinterpreted it. How were your starts?
Have you told a Daylo 'I hate you' yet today? Do it. You'll get teleported to another area!


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Re: Humble Beginnings
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 07:03:19 am »
\o/ This brings back so many memories...


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Re: Humble Beginnings
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2007, 01:36:49 pm »
Once upon a time, a Stonebreaker walked through the city gates and into Hydlaa for the first time in his life.  Seeking for a way to support himself, he went about the task of looking for employment.  Since he was good working with his hands, he sought out the local blacksmith:

Mon 07-Nov-2005
(19:35:52) Einnol says: hello
(19:35:52) Harnquist tells you: Greetings, traveller.  Quality arms and armor you'll find at my shop.  Can I help you?
(19:36:05) Einnol says: do you have any quests?
(19:36:05) Harnquist tells you: Give you..?  Get a job, freeloader!
(19:36:16) Einnol says: I would like a job.
(19:36:16) Harnquist tells you: No.

Disappointed, but persistent, the dwarf returned later after taking a walk around the city:

(20:55:21) Harnquist tells you: A fine day for business.  How can I help you?
(20:55:34) Einnol says: do you have any quests?
(20:55:34) Harnquist tells you: I'll not give you anything.  You must earn your keep here in Yliakum, just like everyone else.
(20:56:13) Einnol says: Do you have any work?
(20:56:13) Harnquist tells you: No.

Thus began a cold relationship between the two.  ;)


  • Hydlaa Resident
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Re: Humble Beginnings
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2007, 01:52:27 pm »
Once upon a time, a Stonebreaker walked through the city gates and into Hydlaa for the first time in his life.  Seeking for a way to support himself, he went about the task of looking for employment.  Since he was good working with his hands, he sought out the local blacksmith:

Mon 07-Nov-2005
(19:35:52) Einnol says: hello
(19:35:52) Harnquist tells you: Greetings, traveller.  Quality arms and armor you'll find at my shop.  Can I help you?
(19:36:05) Einnol says: do you have any quests?
(19:36:05) Harnquist tells you: Give you..?  Get a job, freeloader!
(19:36:16) Einnol says: I would like a job.
(19:36:16) Harnquist tells you: No.

Disappointed, but persistent, the dwarf returned later after taking a walk around the city:

(20:55:21) Harnquist tells you: A fine day for business.  How can I help you?
(20:55:34) Einnol says: do you have any quests?
(20:55:34) Harnquist tells you: I'll not give you anything.  You must earn your keep here in Yliakum, just like everyone else.
(20:56:13) Einnol says: Do you have any work?
(20:56:13) Harnquist tells you: No.

Thus began a cold relationship between the two.  ;)


Yo made my day ;)

I won't post my beginnings, they're too recent ;) Though I read the forums before (I couldn't rush and play because client doesn't run well in my system), so I was warned about npc's
"I think 640k will be enough for everyone"


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Re: Humble Beginnings
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2007, 05:09:32 pm »
The first day in PlaneShift was a lucky one for me because my RL husband (Stronith) asked me to come check out the game. So as long as I could find him in game I knew I would have someone to follow around and ask questions to. I didn't have to experience the hardships of finding out everything on my own.

Pustulio says: hello
Zorbels says: Hello
Pustulio says: r u new?
Zorbels says: yes
Pustulio says: ok
Zorbels says: looking for a friend
Zorbels says: in a near by town I think?
Pustulio says: umm, i came from a town that way
Pustulio says: so if u keep walking for a long time youll see a town
Zorbels says: I will head that way then. What are you up to?
Zorbels says: is it easy to get weapons?
Pustulio says: not really
Pustulio says: u have to fight rats
Zorbels says: oh wonderful
Pustulio says: and sell the stuff they drop
 Pustulio says: bye! gooduck
Zorbels says: bye

Zorbels says: hello is there a town near by?
Acheronista says: u mean the plaza?
Zorbels says: I am looking for a friend
Acheronista says: or oja?
Zorbels says: Yes that's it the plaza
Acheronista says: folow tthis path all the down
Acheronista says: then goto othe bottom of the city
Acheronista says: thats the plaza
Zorbels says: okay thank you so much
Zorbels says: have fun and see you around
Acheronista says: u to

Stronith shouts: ZORBLES!
Zorbels says: Yes
Stronith shouts: WHERE ARE YOU?!??!?!
Zorbels says: I am here
Zorbels says: Where ever the hell that is
Zorbels says: yaaaaaaaa
Stronith hugs Zorbles
Stronith grins
Zorbels says: I have found my way to you
Necro says: stronith!!! hey!!!!
Stronith hugs Zorbles
Stronith says: Necro....hello
Stronith says: Zorbles, this is necro
~~~~Necro is dancing all over the place~~~~
Zorbels says: I like the dance
Stronith says: he can be a little silly at times
Necro says: hello zorbels
Zorbels says: Hello
Stronith shakes his head, smiling
Stronith says: Here Zorbles...
Necro says: kitty kitty kitty
Zorbels says: Meow
Zorbels says: he he
Necro pets the kitty
Stronith says: necro. you see 2 swords around here.
Stronith says: and hey
Stronith says: hands off the kitty
Zorbels says: um
Zorbels says: no swords
Necro says: why won't you accept?
Stronith says: she did
Zorbels says: I recieved it anyway
Zorbels says: weird
Stronith says: but she canceled a different one and now the items are missing
Zorbels says: did not mean to not accept
Stronith growls
Necro says: so we just cloned 2 broad swords?
Zorbels says: oh well trial and error
Stronith says: Lets go back to the blacksmith, Zorbles
Zorbels says: okay then do some ass kicking?

........ And this is when Zorbels the character was born.  From that point on I wrote a story straight out of my logs. It can be found here. The Story Of Zorbels
   I've been outside, it's overrated and the graphics suck!