Author Topic: Why I like PvP in my MMOs  (Read 1578 times)


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Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:56:59 pm »
As much fun as it is to play against AI, the AI in most games isn't very good. Also there's a tendency for AI actors to have less magical powers (and in general to be "lesser") than the players...I prefer a fair fight, and find much more challenge/reward in fighting against other players.

Interacting with players is an important part of online gaming. There are various ways we can interact - chatting, emoting (similar to chatting in many ways), trading, or, uh, fighting & stealing. I think it's silly to limit what is perhaps the most powerful and potent way that players can interact - with the combat system. In a good game, there's some stakes on the competition (maybe that's just the gambler in me speaking), so I like games where people can loot each other after they slay each other. DragonRealms and GemStone 3 (Which I believe was either the first or one of the first was on AOL & Prodigy before the interweb was popular) both allowed unlimited PKing (with consequences - if you PK'd without a good reason, then they'd lock you in the inescapable prison for a few days) and also graverobbing of all carried/equipped equipment/items.

Without the game punishing griefers, the players all formed an loose, unwritten alliance against graverobbers. Graverobbing was a death mark from the other players, and was pretty rare. (Although it did happen, very stealthily...) This kind of necessary alliance really could bring players together and form nice bonds.

Of course, trying each PvPer each time they PvP with a judge (GM) isn't the most resource friendly way of doing things...that being said, if PvP was allowed fully then the players would have to form a loose alliance with each other to slay anyone who would dare PK...

Sometimes you have to build a sandbox, and then let the users build a castle.


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Re: Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 05:48:05 pm »
There is 2 types of PVP i like to see. The Guild vs Guild PVP (like in Guild Wars) and the Race vs Race PVP (Like in WoW). But i think the one that will fit best in the game is Guild vs Guild. But i think the race vs race is better


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Re: Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2008, 06:08:51 pm »
As I know [and hope] Race Vs Race won't ever happen in PS.

Velh Krome

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Re: Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2008, 06:10:27 pm »
[Sorry for offtopic, but: Miaua is back? Now thats great news \o/]


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Re: Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 11:41:26 pm »
One great aspect of PlaneShift is RP fighting.
Great interaction, not limited by how much you grind, and you can personalize your actions.


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Re: Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2008, 05:00:16 am »
PvP can be thrilling indeed but it also poses problems. First of all, like Suno already hinted at, PvP based on character skill always prefers those people that grind a lot and have the time to do so. I won't deny that fighting against another person can be a lot of fun ... but I don't see any fun in getting to a high enough level that you can fight against some of the leveling-oriented players. Leveling and grinding is boring for me and I only do it very, very occasionally. This means a lot of us, myself included, don't enjoy PvP either because we are weak PvPers.

The second problem is that PvP needs to be very well controlled or it will go directly against the roleplaying atmosphere this game is trying to create. People who fight eachother because it is fun aren't very realistic .. and their motives not very IC. To keep PvP IC I prefer punishment for fighting, this by guards arresting PvPers and also making death very unattractive for everyone. With high risks less people will be inclined to fight eachother ... but of course that'll make PvP less fun. :P

PvP can make the game better and more real but only if it comes with a lot of risk and if there is some way for the roleplayer/casual leveler to stand a chance too, in my opinion.
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Re: Why I like PvP in my MMOs
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2008, 05:50:10 am »
I personally would like to see the ability for Players to be able to 'TRAIN' other players, so that levellers can actually pass on their skills to others by RP...  rewarding them with skill points in specific skills - say if they are level 10 they can train up to level 5...? then PVP would be a more viable option...   for instance, you could use a 'train option' where the fight results in there being no option to kill at the end... or if you are just fighting, if one beats a person of a higher skill... they gain experience?

Well it is only an idea.
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]