Author Topic: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood  (Read 9608 times)


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2008, 10:29:27 pm »
Looks very good Phinehas! I'm hoping this guild will provide the competition we, the Imperial Scholars, so much require.
The Scholars? Competition? For us? Hahahahaaaaa! :P (kidding)

However, about the Promotional Thread itself (the topic) I believe you could do some tuning. I'd separate the OOC information into listed points, so people can browse through them in an easier fashion.
Another thing would be to add some type of flavor text: something that'd keep it still sharp, but also decorated. As it is you're showing us a good car without the painting.
I see your point about "listing" the info... I'll do that.

As for the flavor text, I thought about it... But couldn't really come up with anything that sounded good without being cheesy. Like I said, I'm keeping it simple as this is a foundation for a guild... Even since I posted this we've already taken on more flavor and style, thanks to the awesome members.

I've never perceived Phinehas as a very brotherly dude, hence why I'm not so hot on the name. Despite that, the wording attached to it seems to work.
I did put a lot of thought into the name, as I had the same reservations you did... I came to the conclusion, however that Brotherhood does an admirable job of showing our unity of purpose. It also points out that no one character(as much as Phinehas would love to) will elevate himself above all the rest. Of course there are "older" and "younger" brothers, but there isn't a "father". That analogy turned out weird.
As for the rest, something that has always been a part of Phinehas' character, although rarely seen, is that he's willing to put up with a good deal more than usual if it furthers the study of magic.

Oh, I forgot... *insert a lot of melodrama directed at Sangwa for his criticisms* You're just a bad person. :D

Also, I changed the name of the guild in the first post to be a link to our forums, and will be adding one to my signature.

Plus, the guild has been created in-game, for those of you who were wondering.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2008, 10:42:10 pm by Phinehas »


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2008, 05:40:41 am »
I suggest a simple rearrangement in presentation. I had to read eight paragraphs and battle through the intricate interplay of inner and outer circles before discovering your guild's aims. The latter, I suggest, should be given greater prominence.
While you have a point, it's a minor one that can, in my opinion, be easily avoided by the elusive art known as "skimming". I'll rearrange it, but really... That was barely worth posting.


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2008, 07:58:08 am »
I've visited your forums, and I saw your guild is physically located in an arcane tower. That reminded me of The Arcane Order, which also had an 'Arcane tower'. Also the name and the goals of your guild are quite similar to those the Arcane order had. Just as the fact that you don't have one leader but an inner circle of equals.

Now, there's nothing wrong by re-using elements of other guilds, especially not when they are dead for a long time. On the other hand, I remember that your character always strongly opposed the AO and refused to join them. Isn't it strange to create a guild with so many similarities with a guild that you always opposed?
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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2008, 08:22:18 am »
Hehe, I don't remember the Arcane Order too well...

I came to the conclusion, however that Brotherhood does an admirable job of showing our unity of purpose. It also points out that no one character(as much as Phinehas would love to) will elevate himself above all the rest.
This is what I don't understand as well. I would imagine Phinenhas wanting to be the one leading, as he never showed to be willing to listen to many. He may have reached a conclusion that team play allows for better results though... Either way, we're just questioning Phinehas' choice of guild considering his character and past actions. People change, and this seems like a good result.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion and I can be reasoned with. I'm probably right, though.

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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2008, 02:26:51 pm »
Ok, you guys have forced me to give a little insight into Phinehas' character... something I rarely do, and don't particularly like to. In this case, however, I'll just have to hope that everyone is a mature enough RPer to not take advantage of the OOC knowledge I'm now supplying them with.

First off, does anyone remember the reason Phinehas didn't like the AO? Of course not, because it was always so vague. Want to know why he hated them? They never invited him to join the guild.

Let it sink in for second... for all his being a well-known magic wielder, and perhaps even more well-known than any individual member of their guild, they never invited him to join. This hurt his pride, as he really had wanted to join. Now, of course there were other reasons he disliked them... He was a young man at the time, and as all young people, thought he knew better than everyone else how everything should be done.

More than one year has passed since then, years spent mostly in study and reflection. Over time his pride healed enough that while he would never say it to anyone out loud, he could admit to himself that the AO had done a lot of things right. This is why you may see some similarities. In designing the guild, Phinehas had no particular intention of copying the AO, but he didn't shy away from the idea of being similar like he might have a few years ago.

Those same years that healed his pride brought him to the realization that while his own studies progressed fairly well, if he was going to have any sort of an impact on magic-wielders in general, he would have to relax his desire for control a little, or at least appear to. He has lost more than one young mage over the years simply because he refused to try even a little bit to keep them as an apprentice. He judged that their thirst for knowledge should overrule their dislike for him, but eventually realized that, in all fairness, even his great desire to learn had never surpassed his pride to the point of letting him study under a master. So he realized that in a guild, he could not appear to have complete power, and indeed that if he had the responsibility of complete power he would never have any time for his own studies.

So, as far as the Brotherhood and the Inner Circle go... Allow me to point out that Phinehas is, at the moment, the only Archwizard... So while he will be fair in promoting people, it will be a good while before anyone else can challenge his power, or even share it. By then he'll have the guild pretty much running the way he wants it, and won't mind someone else taking part of the burden of running it so he can continue his private studies. He's thought it through carefully, let me assure you.

A last consideration: Even Phinehas gets lonely. He doesn't want to give up his studies for the sake of socializing, but it would be nice to have someone to discuss mutually interesting subjects with.

Ok, that all seems a little off-topic, but I said it to allay your fears that I was sacrificing Phinehas' personality for the sake of starting a guild. He's a devious little bugger, he is. I would appreciate if nobody used this knowledge IC as you would have no way of knowing it, since Phinehas keeps his mouth shut about his own feelings, ambitions, and methods. Also, don't think I just made that all up so it would sound good. This isn't something thought through in retrospect, to reconcile his actions with how I want things to be. This is all factual history... Phinehas did go through those changes of feelings as I have spoken them. I'm not about to give up who he is just to start a guild.

That said, for all those who are freaking out wondering who would ever join a guild run by this creepy, little, self-centered jerk, I refer you back to the government to point out that dictatorial power is safely out of his hands, even though he will have great influence, and that there is a player behind the character who, while staying true to Phinehas' character, won't let him ruin the fun of the guild for everyone else.


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2008, 08:46:41 pm »
*Kieve grins*

Count me in.  :thumbup:


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2008, 11:35:41 pm »
Hey... why is it that [with the exception of Saiix] I can never seem to catch you other spellcasters in-game? :P


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2008, 02:17:52 am »
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing time zones. I'm not on much during the week, and when I am on it seems to be during the slump...


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2008, 08:17:28 am »
Its because everyone else in that guild has I life and I have nothing better to do but stay logged in all the time  :P
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
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Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2008, 06:47:56 am »
woot! go phiny work on it hard! thanks fr the reference by the way. If I was still around PS i'd join (with a different charcter obviously) in a heartbeat. Also thanks for the refernece and explanation post.

If you need any ooc help, email me! (the one entered in teh forums still works)

my how times have changed.....


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2008, 11:37:36 pm »
Well phinny, it could use alot of work. I might have been able to lend you some of my talents if I was around ;) , but considering that I wasn't, it's a satisfactory job.   :D

[ insert useful critisism]

I wanna be a wizard!!

Good Job.
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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2008, 01:16:45 am »
I'm interested in joining this guild. Phinehas I've been in 2 other guilds that you have been a member of, but i am not going to bring up who i was, not that you remembered me or care.... but anyway what time zone are you in? and around which times are you usually online? I'd like to meet you in game and see how a "interview" would go.


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2008, 11:37:41 am »
I'm interested in joining this guild. Phinehas I've been in 2 other guilds that you have been a member of, but i am not going to bring up who i was, not that you remembered me or care.... but anyway what time zone are you in? and around which times are you usually online? I'd like to meet you in game and see how a "interview" would go.

I'd advise trying to join the guilds forums. It might be easier then finding the members ingame.
Saggi Lezeheso, The Whisper's Jest
Demoik and Rioqura, The Immortal Harrow
Vertum, Will of Dakkru

Duraza Darkom, Slayer of Kittens


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2008, 12:16:52 am »
No kidding. Especially us AWOL types... we're pretty elusive. *dry chuckle*


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Re: [Guild] The Arcane Brotherhood
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2008, 02:25:16 am »
question, Phinehas, i would like to try and join, but i might need to up my arcane skills abit. they are behind. I will problably be using another account, as  i cannot member the ussername and pw for my first account. hope to see u in game, ill have to start a fresh..

edit* obviously After the server is back up..
Yarrwin: "Look! A distraction!"
Hucirel: "Were? Were is it?"