Author Topic: The Invisible Foe  (Read 10823 times)

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2008, 01:36:49 pm »
Part Six

A Bad Dream

As we looked up at the dark night sky I turned to Leama, hugged her and told her I was sorry for taking her away from her new life. She told me that she understood. Then we went to sleep close to each other so I could feel her small warm body and watch her as her breath even out as she slept. Then Leama started to move a bit. I woke, looked at her and realized she must be dreaming. With a happy feeling I went back to sleep myself. Dreams can be filled with such happy thoughts, but not always.

Leama dreamed of being in a field with flowers everywhere. It was a beautiful place; the day was warm and full of peace. Then it all changed. Suddenly the man she feared was standing in front of her and he smiled his amazing smile that made her heart stop. She asked him what he wanted and why he had such an affect on her. He stood there, smiled and said he would have an earth shattering affect on her and she would never ever understand it until the time was right. All he told her was the he was in her life for a reason and it was for her to find out why. Then he gently took her in his arms, held her a very short moment, smiled at her and disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

Leama sat up fast and woke me up also. She was pale and sweating. Something had bothered her greatly; I would never know what it was and I knew it.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2008, 02:31:46 pm »
Part Seven

The Final Day in Hydlaa

As we routinely did, we rose in the early light of the day, ate our apples and washed. This day would be different though, it was Leama's last day here in Hydlaa. Neither one of us knew if she would return. I thought that she would not and Leama hoped she would. Talking to Father was not easy, he expected things done his way and would have no one object to his demands. The truth was I did not know why he wanted her to return home. There was talk that a young female dwarf had died in our home town, though no one knew why, and her husband needed a new wife to tend to him and his farm. All of the young lady dwarfs were now married in our town so it made sense that Leama was needed to return home.

I had thought of something during the night. I wanted to stay here to experience this life for a short while longer. I knew I would never have my freedom again, so I wanted to stay. Being here was like living out a fantasy and I wanted it a little longer. Very quietly I mentioned this to Leama. To my surprise she told me this is a magical place and I should stay as long as I wanted. So I wrote a short note to my husband telling him to expect me later because I wanted to stay here longer then I thought. This is a beautiful place after all. Leama told me she would gladly deliver it to him and hoped that he would understand.

So we walked around greeting people as they went to work and did their daily chores. People from the party greeted Leama and told her to be safe. Some gave her more advice like remembering to stay on the main road while she walked home. Everyone had a big smile for Leama. It was good because she would always remember this day and I wanted it to be a happy memory.

Everyone thought we were both going back together though and many people wished me a safe trip back also. This made me think again that I should travel home with Leama. As we sat on a stone bench, her feet not touching the ground because she was so small, Leama said that she wanted me to stay here if I wanted to and not to worry about her. Then she said it might be for the best for her to get away from that man she was so afraid of. One thing Leama felt pretty certain of was that her foe would not leave his home just to torment her. Maybe she had to leave she thought silently.

The day went by fast. So many people invited her to dinner at the Kada El tavern that she decided to go. That evening she told me it was a wonderful place to gather with friends to eat, drink and talk. So as we strolled there she told me that there were a great many steps to go up to the tavern. Leama remembered I had a fear of heights. She did not want to tell me earlier so I would not worry. So we walked to the steps and stopped so I could look at them. I asked Leama to hold my hand so we could slowly walk up the steps. Suddenly a large blue stone Kran came up to us, carefully picked me up and carried me up the stairs. He gently put me down so I would be safe and told me that I could not miss a special dinner for Leama because of a few steps. I had to look way up at him, almost making me dizzy due to his great height, shocked yet grateful and then I looked down all those steps that I would have taken very slowly due to my fear. He told me he would carry me down when we were ready to leave. You have no idea how grateful I was to know someone was looking out for me. This was a new experience for me. Now I truly understood why Leama loved it here.

When I walked to the door into the tavern, I just stood there. Never had I seen a place like this before. It seemed to be a place where men might gather after a hard day at work to eat and drink. It was dark yet inviting somehow. A lady should not be there I thought until I looked and saw many ladies there. I slowly stepped over the threshold. Some ladies were sitting at tables eating, some down a set of steps sitting by a fire to keep warm. Everywhere we went people greeted us. I was actually beginning to learn names and say hello without keeping my head down. This was all very new to me. Let me tell you that I saw a lot of very handsome dwarfs around of which helped me keep my head up also.

Leama bought us dinner and ale and said there was no reason to keep the money now, we sat to eat. Soon enough people pulled up chairs to sit with us and make sure we were ready for our trip. This is when Leama made the announcement that I was staying on for a while. All the people cheered for me and seemed to like the idea I would be their newest resident. The evening went very well, food, drink and good company for all. Then someone came up to me and whispered in my ear that a tall handsome man had bought us a room for the night so we would not have to sleep outside on Leama's last night in town. This worried me because the offer seemed to come from someone that sounded much like the man Leama was so fearful of. I thought not to tell Leama where the offer came from, we had a room for the night and that was all that mattered. For me it meant I did not have to walk down those steps and this made me very happy. Leama knew that and accepted the room graciously.

It was time to sleep once everyone had left to go to their homes for the night. I did not want Leama to be tired and have to stop to many times during her trip home on the first day so it was best to get a good nights rest. All in all it should take at least fourteen days for her to get there. I already told the families on her route that she would be stopping by. One very nice family asked me what she looked like so they could make sure they took good care of her. I thought a moment and realized she looks just like me and told them that, we all laughed. If Leama stayed on the road I told her to go on and did not get curious as she sometimes does then it would not be a problem. That was if she listened to me, of which was rare.

This was her last day here and she seemed to enjoy herself and I was glad to think she would have this memory for as long as she could keep it. It is good to have happy memories.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2008, 05:40:41 pm »
Great!!!!! More more more!!!  \\o// \\o// \\o//

I just love the little details that you weave in so intricately, like the way her feet could not reach the ground from the bench. I can picture it in my head so well, keep up the great work  :thumbup:

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2008, 01:53:06 pm »
Part Eight

Departing – Day 1

At first when I woke up I was confused where I was, and then I remembered someone bought us a room for Leama's final night in her beloved land. Looking over to the other bed where she was sleeping, I realized she was not there. The tub of bath water was still warm and it looked used with bedclothes hanging off the side of the tub. I knew Leama would not leave without saying good bye to me so she could not be far. Well I said to myself it is time to let Leama have some time alone and I went down the small set of stairs, hugging the wall as I went due my fear of heights, to get fresh bath water and have some food sent upstairs for me to eat.

Having been served delicious food to break my fast and a nice hot bath was a luxury I could get used to this I thought. Time was passing by so I had to get out of the bath and find Leama. After I was dressed I left our room and asked if anyone had seen her. I was told she had gone to the roof. My first thought was of the steps to get there and suddenly the same Kran that helped me yesterday was there to help me today. He picked me up and took me to the roof. He laughed at me because I weighted so little. Gently he put me down again once we found Leama looking out over the land she loved. The Kran told me he would be back to take me down and I smiled thankfully at him.

Slowly I walked toward Leama as she looked at the city from the roof of the tavern. She looked sad, but at the same time resigned to what she had to do. Sensing my presence she turned towards me knowing I would not get to close to the railing. For a moment we just looked at each other, then she said it is right for her to go back home. Maybe she thought she should not have left in the first place and if she had stayed home she would not have the troubles she had now. She smiled at me and said it was time to go now.

We hugged each other closely with tears in our eyes and she walked down the stairs to get her things and leave. I stayed up on the roof for a short moment until the Kran came to me. He told me to stay a while because I would be able to see Leama walk away with her sack until she became a tiny spec walking with her head down full of sadness and worry. The pretty green grass against the beautiful blue sky was lost to me. All I wanted to do was run after Leama and make her stay of which I did not, but I desperately wanted to. Together the big blue Kran and I watched as Leama walked away from her beloved new home, her cherished new life, back from once she came. When we could no longer see Leama, the Kran picked me up and brought me downstairs as he promised with a big smile on his face because he enjoyed every moment of helping me. Sadly I leaned against his rock hard chest and wept.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards

Lolitra, Celorrim Purrty Twins

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2008, 02:22:38 pm »
explains a great deal... keep it coming.
Her Royal Highness Lolitra Hollinthy Purrty nods regally 'I am delighted to meet you' her tiara twinkles in the crystal light.
[had to remove my signature - as the image host lost it!!!!]

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2008, 02:27:46 pm »
Part Nine

Departing – Day 1

Up to this point Mathy has told this tale. Now that we are separated again I will continue the story.

As I walked down the path past all the places that had become so familiar I became saddened. There was a feeling deep down inside of me that I would not be back any time soon, if ever, I did not know. I kept wondering if I wanted to return knowing that someone that had such an impact on me was watching me and I did not know why. At least the journey would give me plenty of time to think.

Once I was far enough away I would take out the map Mathy gave me to negotiate my way home, home, I thought Hydlaa was to be home forever. For now I would enjoy the scenery and the walk. So I walked a while and then that terrible feeling came over me like I was being watched. I turned around and saw no one near by and I was scared again.

So I took a moment to sit down on a large rock to rest and drink some water. I must remember to ration my food and water to make it last. Then like magic I saw an apple on the ground. There were no apple trees around so I could not help but wonder if he was trying to protect me for my trip home or just give me a departing gift or just let me know he was there. It scared me again.

This gave me time to think. I jumped down and picked up the apple and then slowly I climbed back up to the top of the large rock. As I examined the apple I noticed there were no holes in the skin so I was pretty sure that if I ate it I would not be poisoned. The apple was big enough to keep me from being hungry for a whole day for a journey such as this.

It was a feeling I had that made me think he had given me the apple. I was so confused, was he out to hurt me? Did he want to help me? How would he change my life? I thought that maybe he was not real, a figment of my imagination, but he so seemed real during the two times I saw him. The hug he gave me was warm. Did he possess some kind of magic? Was it good or hurtful magic? Why would he want to hurt me? I liked my little peaceful existence and did not want any intervention from anyone. Why was this happening to me?

I jumped down off the large old worn rock I sat on and sadly picked up my things and continued to walk while I put the apple away so I could eat it later.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2008, 08:50:51 pm »
oh wow I didnt expect the narrative change, i LOVE IT!!! more mroe more!!!  \\o//

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2008, 01:36:15 pm »
Part Ten

Departing – The Night of Day 1

I actually enjoyed walking and being by myself. I thought up silly little songs to sing as I walked. It helped me from thinking about what I was doing and why. Father, oh Father, I wish he had left me be I sang. I smiled to myself as I sang. It was good no one was near by because I was a horrible singer, though I did not care at that moment.

Though I really was sad because I was just starting to get into a routine each day. I had my friends who surprised me that they listened to my stories. Laughing to myself when I thought of the first time I started to tell a story to one person and so many gathered around to listen. After that it happened all the time. Though sometimes I felt badly knowing I was taking the hard working people from their jobs. I must say it brought me joy to see them smile or laugh at something I said. Even if they just sat listening to me and never took their eyes off me. A storyteller I became to these wonderful people who graciously called me friend, a source of entertainment that all of us enjoyed.

It was starting to get dark now and I knew I had to stop to rest for the night. How I longed for my small spot on the hill by the plaza! What was it Mathy told me? That I should sleep by the biggest rock I could so no one would see me. She told me to make sure I kept my sack close by me or even use it as a pillow if I could. Most importantly I was to make sure I could reach my daggers if I needed them. I wondered if I should eat first or find the rock I needed to sleep by.

Then suddenly I smiled, if this was all I had to worry about I had no troubles at all. Then reality came back to me and I knew I had much to concern myself over if I wished to make it back to Father safely. Father himself was of course was a major concern for me too.

There it was right off the side of the path; it was a large rock. Big enough for me to hide near so no one would see me. I laughed to myself about being happy to find big rock that looked like it had been there for ages. The rock was old and weathered. As the Azure sun darkened it turned the sky a beautiful red and I could see the deep crevices in the rock.

Many people have walked past this rock and I wondered at all it had seen and heard through the years. I walked around it to make sure no one else was using it and it seemed that I could sleep there the night. I took out my apple and sat on my rock to eat. Once I climbed up on it the rock had a perfect little indentation for me to sit on it.

It was a nice evening, the sky such a pretty red color, just before the Azure Sun darkened, a bit cold, but I was heading north so that did not surprise me. I never thought if I brought warm enough clothes to take on this trip, I hoped so. Climbing down off the rock again carefully not to fall, I looked around the rock again. It was so big that I could not see over the top of it so I felt safe. Taking my sack with me I went behind the rock away from the road and slept for the night. Tomorrow will be another big day of walking and walking.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2008, 03:06:10 pm »
Part Eleven

Day 2 of the Journey

The Azure Sun started to brighten and awoke me from my sleep. I slept really well all things considered. Though as I rose I felt stiff, my back hurt from sleeping on the hard ground instead of the soft grass as I was accustomed. So as I sat up I stretched and wished for a nice hot bath to make me feel better. Well there will not be any baths probably until I got back to Father's house unless I could find the homes of the people that Mathy told me about. I ate another apple and started on my way.

As I walked I had many thoughts. I remembered the house I lived in all my life. I was not looking forward to going back. That was a house not a home; there was not any love there. I received more hugs in Hydlaa then I ever had in that house. I feared that I would not be allowed to leave and I would never escape again. More then anything I was doing this for Mathy and I hoped that she would stay in Hydlaa forever and never go back. I hated she was in a loveless marriage. Again I wondered what was going to happen to me, I did not want a loveless marriage either.

Thinking and walking was great for me. It is so peaceful here. The birds singing and the sky so blue with its puffy clouds made the dirt road not seem so lonely. Then suddenly I felt it before I saw it. It was that dark cloud with its terrifying shadow over me. The pretty sky was gone and all I could see was darkness. He was back again. I said out loud leave me alone as I looked up the darkness that surrounded me. Now standing still I was very frightened and I knew he was laughing at me.

Then he appeared before me, as real as could be. If I put my hand out I thought I could touch him, but I was too scared. All he did was look at me with those deep penetrating blue eyes of his and smile. Please go away, I have done nothing to you, I thought. He was amazingly handsome; I knew his hair would be soft and skin warm. He just looked down at me as he enjoyed my discomfort. He said I am here to stay no matter where you are and I will continue to change your life forever. No words were spoken. It was as if he could see into my mind as I could his. Then as soon as he came, he left. I shook my head to understand what had just happened and I could not.

The pretty clouds were back in the sky but I did not care. I felt drained and tired. There was no place to sit down nor hide or rest, so I had to continue. It was hard to walk; my feet and legs felt heavy and my head hurt. I was completely drained of all my energy. He took it all from me and I knew he would return. Helplessly I walked on no longer joyful at my surroundings, but very scared to be alone. Yet I was not alone, he was there and probably will always be. It became a very slow and agonizing journey for the rest of the day.

As the sky started to darken I realized I had to find a place to rest. Looking around I saw no rocks to hide near. All I could see was open spaces and grass everywhere. Thinking hard I tried to remember what Mathy said about leaving the traveled path. Try as I might I could not remember so I would have to find a place to rest for the night. I went up a hill and down another until I found a nice place that looked safe

Here off the dirt path I put my sack down and slowly lied next to it hugging it close, my head pounded, my legs and feet hurt me beyond any pain I ever had before in my short life. So tonight I will rest on the soft lush grass with all my joints hurting and thoughts and fears of the unknown. It will be interesting to see if I would have the strength to get up in the morning I thought.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2008, 11:31:16 am »
Part Twelve

Day 3 of the Journey

As I woke up this day, I felt different. The parts of my body that hurt yesterday did not hurt today. It was a good sleep, one that regenerated my body and made me ready for the next part of my journey. I listened to the birds sing and smiled at the pretty blue sky with its happy clouds of all different shapes.

Then upon rising I saw a small lake. Standing there I looked around to make sure I was all alone and I was. I walked to the lake and put my hand in the water. It was a beautiful blue color and it looked clean, though it was cold. This might be my last chance to bathe and I did want a bath so much. So I looked around, saw I was still alone and started to take off my clothes to take my bath.

Slowly I entered the water and washed myself. It was not to be a long restful bath but still I was happy to be clean. Once out of the water I allowed the Crystal to warm and dry my body and my long dark hair. I washed my dirty clothes as well. This was the best I had felt since I left Hydlaa. I put my clean clothes on the ground to dry as I dressed in my other clean clothes. Today will be a good day, I had to make up for time I lost yesterday and I knew I would.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards

Donari Tyndale

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2008, 04:20:23 pm »

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2008, 04:22:30 pm »
Part Thirteen

Day 3 of the Journey continued

Nothing mattered because I had a great day walking up and down the grassy hillside enjoying my peace and quiet. If I really thought about it this was the first time I felt happy, well not happy but serene, since I left Hydlaa. I did not care that I might be lost. It was getting late so I thought to sit and eat something before I went to sleep.

Out in the distance I saw something far away. They looked like small animals chasing each other for the fun of it. I smiled to myself thinking maybe they had something else in mind. Who was to say that every living thing does not experience love? Maybe the two of them loved each other.

Sitting there on the soft grass, I thought about love as I watched the small animals in the distance. Many times I had seen couples holding hands and looking deeply into each other's eyes. Thinking back I wondered then as I did now what they were looking for as they looked at each other.

Once I saw a couple walk into an apple tree because they were not looking where they were going. I almost laughed when an apple fell on his head and someone ran by quickly to pick it up and run away again. As I put my head down on the ground to sleep, I wondered, 'What is love?'
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2008, 06:13:51 pm »
Great!!! :D

More!!!  \\o//


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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2008, 06:43:33 pm »
Wow, you're writing so fast now. Good job. :)

Mathy Stockington

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Re: The Invisible Foe
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2008, 03:05:52 pm »
Part Fourteen

Day 4 Lost

Again I woke up feeling happy. Sleeping on the soft grass rather then the hard dirt was a great way for me to sleep through the night. In Hydlaa I had been sleeping under the night sky for so long I did not know any better. Then I sat up without any pains and looked around at the beautiful green peaceful hillside. There was a patch of pink flowers growing up ahead and thought that must smell as pretty as they looked.

The thought made me smile. There was no one in sight again and I was alone with my thoughts. I pulled another apple for breakfast from my sack and turned it over and over in my small hands. This one was shiny and clean as all the others in my sack because I washed them before I started my journey. It was just a bit bigger then the others and that was good because I was hungry. On this day I did not see any lakes to wash in though I was not as dirty as before because I was walking on the soft green grass instead of the dusty dirt road.

It was time to look at the map again that Mathy gave me. Yesterday I did not look at so it would take some time to figure out where I was. I remembered Mathy told me not to leave the main road so I was unsure the map would not help me at all. What I should have done was ask Mathy how to really read a map before I left. I laughed as I thought about it. She knows I have no sense of direction.

Mathy said many times if I did not know exactly where I was going I was certain to get lost. I stood up and looked around. It was true, I left the main path and walked for a full day and now I was very lost. Yet walking on the grass was much easier then the hard dirt road. If I had not left the main path I would never found the lake to wash myself and my clothes, so leaving the path was a good thing.

Now I looked around shielding my eyes with my hand against the strong blue sky with its bright crystal to see if I could figure out where I was. I really was not sure but I did not think it was a good idea to retrace my steps of yesterday, so I continued forward. This time I walked more towards where I hoped the main path was. Always trying to stay wallwards or at least what I thought was wallwards, I continued on until I saw something in front of me in the distance. There were the small animals I saw yesterday playing in the grass. They were chasing each other and jumping all around just like two little children. They seemed to be having so much fun.

As I walked I thought now of my childhood. Did I ever play like that? Was it always a working childhood? From my earliest memory that is all I can recall. I remembered Mother teaching me how to plant the seeds and how to pick the vegetables when they were mature enough. Then once I was old enough she taught me to cook them. So it seemed all I have ever done was work of some kind.

I wondered as I walked if there was more to life then just work. After all I worked in Hydlaa also. I mined for gold though it never seemed like work because we all did it together. But it was work, and that seemed like what life was about. I wanted more, I wanted to have a husband to love and care for. I wanted to have his children and have a home for them to grow up in. Just think of it I told myself, a home full of love, children and all the good things that life has to offer. So there is more to life then just work as I thought before. At least I hoped so.

I walked on further not thinking of anything particular. I was happy here surrounded by the pretty scenery of green grass, small hills and a pretty blue sky. I took off my boots to walk in the soft grass. It was peaceful here. This uneventful day was almost to an end. I could sleep under the dark sky in peace again, or least I hoped I could.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards