
Do you think we should wipe the characters?


Author Topic: Wipe  (Read 8390 times)


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2008, 02:08:11 pm »
I agree with the Wipe. Why?
-Get rid of bad data. Some people can actually open any lock due to corrupted data. Also many player pets are messed up, especially with the recent pet system improvements it should be worth getting rid of old pets and old Rings of Familiar.
-Since the last wipe, which was about three years ago, many imbalances and exploits have been massively abused.
-Many quests (and rewards) have changed, starting a new character today is completely different from starting a character three years ago.
-The Settings have changed a lot, many RPs from the past shouldn't have been possible with current settings.
-Wiping is nice.

And, important:
-It would symbolise a new era in PS.
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Re: Wipe
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2008, 02:16:38 pm »
I think the big question here is, if we let you guys wipe the database what will you give us in return? ;)


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2008, 02:19:15 pm »
I think the big question here is, if we let you guys wipe the database what will you give us in return? ;)

They don't need anyone's permission to wipe..

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Re: Wipe
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2008, 02:21:43 pm »
-The Settings have changed a lot, many RPs from the past shouldn't have been possible with current settings.
-Wiping is nice.
So you expect people wipe their chars from their memories and wont recreate them? Er.. interesting way of thinking?


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2008, 02:24:07 pm »
I wanted to vote 'no, unless there is a very good reason'. But when I look back at the two years I have been playing, the first part where I was too weak to kill a rat and spent most time drinking beer in the tavern was the most fun. So my vote is yes.
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Re: Wipe
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2008, 02:24:33 pm »
I voted for a wipe and have advocated it for nearly a year now. I do not particularly want a wipe but then I could live with it.

One thing I think would be imperative before the wipe is to tweak the xp system so that skills are self-supporting. By that I mean you should be able to generate enough progression points in the course of training one level to buy the next level.  It would be helpful as well if skills generated enough wealth to pay for training as well but having a job to pay for your life's vocation until it starts to pay for itself is not unrealistic.

I believe the wipe would be good from another aspect and that would be to rationalize the user base. It is all very well to claim you have x number of user accounts but inflated statistics do not add to credibility. Get rid of all the accounts, force new ones and start counting from there. Impose a use policy so that accounts not used in three months become inactive and require a reset to use and after six months wipe them from the database. For those people who want to go on hiatus for an extended period develop a system where they apply and after the six months is up they get an email asking them to confirm they wish to maintain the account otherwise it gets wiped.

The biggest argument against a wipe is the email activation problem that still seems to be affecting some people. Until that is fixed you can only really do a partial wipe, characters but not accounts.


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2008, 02:46:19 pm »
I created my account if only to comment on this situation, while I believe a wipe would be a good way to start over, to put people on an equal playing field, i do not like the idea. It should be up to the player to start a new character to start a fresh process. Also, I believe that we would loose some of the greatest players this game has, in one short moment they would all be gone. And by losing my friends, I would lose the incentive to play also. And although I know new players would come in their places, it wouldn't be the same. We would lose the community we all worked so hard to create.

If you do not think of us as a community look around. After Materis died,we, as a community honored his life. We are a close knit group who have created a world. To loose the people we all have grown close to would hurt terribly. I do not want to destroy the bonds that have already been formed. Currently, having all the different characters at different levels helps to create a strong community, where some can do things others cant. Some protect others, some craft for others. And I honestly believe wiping characters would only ask for cheaters to come in and power-level with no one to check their abilities.

I don't think it would be beneficial for the game or the players. . . in either case, that is my two cents, think of it as you wish.
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Re: Wipe
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2008, 02:52:59 pm »
If wipe comes, PS is done for me.


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2008, 02:55:30 pm »
Why I vote no? Because I do like the char I play.
Of course it will be wiped latest at V1.0 but for until then?
I do believe that a wipe at this time (as always) will create some very sad moments for very many people..
It is not our decision as players though..

However if there will be a wipe of the characters there should be also a wipe of accounts, clean slate for all.
Then also clean statistics for usage could be created within the same pain.

I did vote No...


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2008, 03:01:46 pm »
There is the total wipe, which would delete all characters and return the database to a pristine state. Then there is the wipe where all the accounts and characters in the database are not deleted, but all skills, stats, inventories and other built varables are wiped back to default.

I have posted a few times in support of either plan. Completely deleting the characters will hurt, and will probably cause a bandwidth suck on laanx as people realize all those names are open for creation again and begin fervently making characters. The other wipe is fair, allows those that claimed names to keep them, and puts everybody on even footing again.

But we have needed a wipe for a while. Those that are serious about the game will remain. Many will be mad, but that does not ultimately matter. It allows the characters to start evenly again, because we all know about the massive abuses and exploits of recent history. It also helps for clearing out corrupted and messed up values in the database.

This has always been a game in testing, but it seems to have shied away from being truly in test. Everybody who ever put hours and hours (a year of my life personally) into their characters has been informed again and again that a wipe will happen. If they leave, others will come to play. The developers should not listen to the angry roar of the mob, reset the database and allow all of us to start on even footing again.

When exploits are found, wipes should occur. If they occured on a regular basis there would be no point to exploiting. The quests could also be opened for repeatability, allowing for efficient quest testing. The amounts of PP and EXP could be raised by a large percentage across the world allowing for rapid development to test higher levels of skills.

While I would be wistful about some of my characters progression, ultimately I would like to see a balanced game. PS has so much that is good about it. Lets get the wipe done with, and move forward into a new age.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 03:23:19 pm by eldoth_terevan »


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2008, 03:09:29 pm »
A lot of people spent a huge amount of time to play and get where they are now...  :'(



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Re: Wipe
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2008, 03:11:10 pm »
Well, I don't want a wipe, but if there's a really good reason, I'll accept it. But then, if there was a really good reason, you would just do it, without asking whether or not we like it, wouldn't you? :P


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #57 on: February 08, 2008, 03:11:23 pm »
I voted yes.

I don't want to lose my stats and skills and prized possessions. I do however want ALL of the bugs that drag PlaneShift down to be gone so that the game can run properly. I think this year out of all the years I have played PlaneShift is the most frustrating. I would rather lose everything and have smooth game play than what I am experiencing right now with the lag and other issues.
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Re: Wipe
« Reply #58 on: February 08, 2008, 03:16:32 pm »
I voted no.

I've worked hard to train up my char, and I know eventually I'll have to do it again...but I got really mad at someone a few months back and deleted Izzabella and have had to re-train her already, it kinda sucks and is very boring i must say. It would be very discouraging to re do all that now. and then again latter as well... I know the crafters feel the same way I myself have never crafted but I hear it takes a very long time to rank. Same with the people that have put millions into CW training. and what about the guild houses that have been auctioned?
They lose the tria they spent on those, and if they get to keep them, then that's just plain unfair to everyone else who does not have a guild house and has to start saving tria from scratch again.

and someone said they don't care if people would quit over this, well I would care. A lot of really good role-players work hard and I'd miss them, they help make PS what PS is today. not to mention we currently can't even get any new members until the e-mail activation bug is fixed.

And someone else said that we should not train, yet just role play. well I role play someone who likes to fight, I'm not going to RP fights all the time, all I get out of it is godmoding, I know there are some out there who don't but all I've seen is godmodes. (thats not my issue here however) And besides if no one trained and we all just RP'ed our skills then how would we test things? not everyone is a hard core trainer, and on the same level not everyone is a hard core role player.  Everyone enjoys different things, thats one thing we have to realize so just saying "shut up about it and just do as I do!" is not a nice thing, we are all not like you, we were made to be different for a reason.  That's why there are so many jobs in the world, and even in the game, many options of what to do, just because you don't like to do something don't assume everyone hates it.

I for one will admit I hate training..its utterly boring, its more fun to go with someone, to go in groups even or just bug friends in tells to help pass the time, but like I said I do it because that's how I chose to RP my char, and I decided long ago if I was going to RP her as a bad ass she was going to have the stats to back it up in a sword to sword fight.

thats just my two tria worth, okay thats a bit more than two tria..but whatever.

@ Zorbels reason with me here..how is a wipe going to effect lag? other than 1/2 the people won't play anymore?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 03:20:00 pm by Izzabella »


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Re: Wipe
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2008, 03:28:35 pm »
If lag issues are caused by tons of bad or useless data in the database, then a wipe will help with lag. I say do it. Do it now.