Author Topic: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?  (Read 2923 times)

Under the moon

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This thread is split off this other one with Xillix's permission:

I fully understand the reasons of why or why not people do not wish for a wipe. I am not going to debate those reasons. Instead, I am going to ask a question. This question is for the 'no wipe' people. What would make it worth it for you to have a wipe? Think long and hard on this. "nothing" is not an acceptable answer.

Let me give a few examples: If all bugs (or many) were fixed, but the system had to be wiped to implement the update, I would be fine with a full wipe.

If old character/guild data was causing crashes, I would want a full wipe.

If training was completely redone to be more fun with less grinding, I would be fine with a stat and money wipe.

If it was not just a simple wipe, but an In Character epic event of unparalleled scope written by the best of the best writers, then I would be fine with a full wipe.

So the question is, what is your 'If'? What would make you say: "Yes, wipe the system." (or partial wipe) The other topic is for discussion, this one is asking for an answer. If you have a NO WIPE post to make, do it here:

I am going to ask that any post that is a NO, NOTHING, or wanders off topic be moved to the other thread or deleted, if warranted.

Please answer in this format:

If [THIS WAS THE RESULT], then I would be fine with a [full/money and skill] wipe.

Or something very similar in your own words.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 08:29:41 pm by Under the moon »


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2008, 08:20:25 pm »
Well, it's like this:

With so many of these rare weapons and guildhouses given out, and the hours put into grinding and whatnot, people don't want to let things go unless absolutely necessary. At the moment, we aren't in dire need of a wipe (it'd be nice, but we can wait). Is there an urgent reason why we should wipe?

Under the moon

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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 08:33:31 pm »
What Suno meant is:

If it was really urgent and absolutely necessary, then I would want the type of wipe that is needed.

A vague answer. I am looking for more personal, exact 'ifs'.


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 09:14:19 pm »
Username usurpation.  So Link can have his old one back.


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 09:17:58 pm »
If a new profession was implemented,  then I would want a stats/skills wipe.
If a the current professions where drastically redone then I would want a stats/skills wipe.
If a new well-planned and tested economy was implemented, then I would want and inventory wipe.
If factions were improved and properly implemented then I would want a factions wipe.
If hell froze over I would want a full character wipe*.

* Deleting accounts that haven't been used in a long time is absolutely fine though.
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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 09:45:19 pm »

* Deleting accounts that haven't been used in a long time is absolutely fine though.

Unfortunately, some of us can't log in due to technical issues. I'd rather not lose my character just because my computer is a piece of junk.

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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2008, 05:52:17 am »
A full wipe is not that easy justifyable. Here is a list of conditions that needs to be true that I can see a reason behind a full wipe:
  • All bugs gone. There are no bugs left that would allow to gain unfair advantages or level unintended fast. I don't see that coming fast.
  • All skills and professions implemented.
  • Quest system overhauled in a way that quests aren't that easy to break. Trasok recently swallowed 6 ancient swords from a guildy from me because the server crashed at the wrong point in time.
  • If it has come to the attention of the devs/gms that some players exploited a bug without reporting it and the bug was used to gain advantage the knowledge wasn't shared to the devs/gms to prevent that bug from beeing fixed: Wipe the inventory,all stats and skills from those players.

Too make it short, if we are at a point where we can say Planeshift 1.0 is near and the current code has proven for a long time that it is stable and no exploitable bugs have been seen for over one year that would be a reason. But there are many tiny and not so tiny flaws in the game that could be fixed without a full wipe that even with the greatest and latest new features added a full wipe would leave a sour taste. There are still bugs in game that allow unfair advantage. All those who say: "Full wipe to make it fair again" should think twice as one or two days after the full wipe there would be the again players exploiting bugs and flaws to rank their chars faster. We are far away from a point where we can say with confidence: After a full wipe all is fair.

Anyhow, I think there are reasons for less drastic wipes and wipe like actions I would cheer for:
  • If a new map system is implemented that would allow to play Planeshift without any loading zones I would be fine if all character positions are resetted
  • If a certain skill, lets say crafting, is totally reinvited and reimplemented I would be happy if the old levels of that skill would be turned into PP's and trias. The players allready have grinded for that and grinding works in planeshift. I see no need to make the player grinding again. By turning the old skills into progression points and tria the player can concentrate into testing the new implementation.
  • Developers work on quests, fix all known flaws and want us to test the quests again and want to get 'fix' all chars with a messy quest state: Quest wipe for the world  \\o//

If there will be smaller wipe like events or wipes done with care in deciding what to wipe and what not to wipe and maybe avoid regrinding by giving suitable amounts of PP's and tria thats fine. A full wipe will come, thats for sure. But it should be delayed as far as it could and be annouced like: "Planeshift is in a good shape, we are about to consider a full wipe within some months. Help us to find the remaining flaws so that another full wipe isn't necessary or at least can be delayed for years."

If it was not just a simple wipe, but an In Character epic event of unparalleled scope written by the best of the best writers, then I would be fine with a full wipe.
Sorry, I dont get it. If I get it right this is about having a full wipe to justify an event and in my opinion thats not a good idea. Players put effort in gaining skills and items. I can not imagine an event that would be good enough and entertaining enough to justify it. And another problem is: Many players affected by the wipe will miss that event. Its not nice to see all that stuff is gone and other players had a nice event while I was sleeping.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 09:50:50 pm by Zwenze »

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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2008, 08:49:00 am »
Username usurpation.  So Link can have his old one back.

   I am in favor of a wipe, but this is a good suggestion.


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2008, 08:17:38 pm »
If the server needs it, and if players can keep their characters' names, then I would be fine with a full wipe.

If it is necessary to do a wipe to fix a major bug or bugs that is/are a problem right now, and if players can keep their characters' names, then I would be fine with a full wipe.

If it is not possible to keep characters' names, but at least one of the conditions from the above "ifs" is true, then I would be fine with any kind of wipe that does not involve wiping characters and guilds.

If a new feature is implemented, then I would want a wipe of whatever thing the new feature had to do with. (eg, a skill wipe if a new profession is implemented, or a money wipe if the economy is somehow improved.)


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2008, 12:48:09 am »
If locked quests were unlocked I could probably live with having to gain levels in stats and skills again. I voted no, but I guess that there isn't a really big reason for me to care since Illysia is more of a roleplaying character now.


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2008, 05:45:34 am »
If a really great or important new feature was implemented or a really annoying bug was fixed, and that would absolutely require a wipe, I would be fine with any type of wipe that is required. This game is still in development, so it has to be done when there is no other way to realise certain improvements. But I wouldn't like a wipe just to "reset everything" ("it's unfair that there are so many people who are stronger than me, let's make a wipe, so everyone is equal again"), "balance economy" (that should be possible without a wipe) or because some people exploited a bug (of course the exploiters could be wiped, depending on how serious it is, just not everyone else).


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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2008, 05:55:14 am »
A full wipe? I suppose when the devs say "planeshift is about how we want it" you could have a full wipe s everyone ranks up in the same way, but i'm not really sure if that really warants a wipe. I mean what does it matter if someone ranks up differently?

Personally i don't really care that some people are uberpowerfull. seeing i roleplay quite a bit and don't grind that much i will never be maxed out fast so if there is a wipe I will probably just be lagging behind even more then i am now seeing at the moment I'm atleast at the point where after a year of play on this character I slowly leveled up a little.

A full wipe I'm not even sure would do anything. If a bug would seriously mess up everyones rankings then sure reset the rankings. but a moneymaking bug? reset everyone caught overusing it and leave the rest alone. *shrugs*
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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2008, 07:08:12 am »
It's simple, if the Devs think it's necessary to have a full wipe, then I would think it is worth having said wipe. We players can't know when a wipe is needed because we don't have all the information and background knowledge of development. I trust that the Devs know what they're doing and am pretty certain they aren't just sitting in their chairs laughing evilly at us petty players while they make up more schemes to make our planeshift lives as miserable as possible ... well maybe there are some exceptions. :P
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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2008, 11:17:50 am »
For me as a role player PlaneShift is its players, its history and settings. If a total wipe means deleting these things I find that sad. Do not get me wrong I understand the reason for the wipe. I was hoping it would come a long time from now.

My main concern is that the older players, who are rich in history, will leave because they will not want to build up their character again. If that happens then you will be left with a totally new game with mostly new players but maybe that is what you want after all.

If I am wrong, please explain to me what a ‘complete wipe’ is then.

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Re: Wipe question for the 'NO' people. What would make a wipe worth it?
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2008, 12:01:20 pm »
A full wipe gets rid of all character data. It is like everyone starting the game fresh with a brand new shiny server and client (as the wipe would only come when a new client was released).

And please remember this is not a debate thread. A wipe is not up for debate. One will happen eventually. One will not happen now or even soon. This thread is for asking what would make it OK for you. Please stick to the topic.