Author Topic: Suno's Path  (Read 2078 times)


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Suno's Path
« on: February 15, 2008, 10:40:16 pm »

"Get back here!" a man shouted, chasing after a group of children. He was carrying a cleaver with blood staining it, both fresh and dried. The children were running away with their hands full of butchered meat, all of them wearing ragged clothes, and looking very unclean. They turned into an alleyway of the street they were running on, and when the man caught up to them, not a second later, one of the children jumped up and impaled a dagger into his forehead before his eyes caught glimpse of them. The man fell flat on the ground as death overtook him, blood gushing from the wound after the child walked across his body and pulled out the dagger.

He stuffed the dagger into his pocket and took back the meat that he had one of the other children holding for him while he completed the task, and quickly caught sight of a child sitting against the wall of the alleyway staring at them. He was wrapped in brown cloth rags, and had long white hair that looked like it had never been cut before. He had black horns that were unusually large for his age and his race. The child that had just killed the butcher gave his meat back to one of the other children, then proceeded to walk toward the young Ynnwn at the end of the alleyway, his hand looming around the pocket that contained his dagger.

"Did you see all of that?" he asked after reaching earshot of the child sitting against the wall. He could see at this range, that the child was very scrawny, and his eyes carried a heavy sadness. The young Ynnwn looked up at him, saying nothing and pulling the rags tighter around his body. "Hey, I'm talkin' to you!" the child yelled, leaning closer to the Ynnwn boy.

"No..." the Ynnwn boy said weakly.

The child stood up straight again. "Good," he said, turning back to the other children. He looked over his shoulder as he walked, his pace growing slower, and he soon came to a complete stop, turning around and walking back toward the Ynnwn boy. He stopped again, shaking his head and turning back toward the other children. They looked at him questioningly as he took a raw piece of meat from one of the children and started walking back toward the Ynnwn boy. When he got closer, he threw the meat on the ground in front of the young Ynnwn. "Eat it," he said briefly. The Ynnwn boy looked back up at him, then down at the meat, and he wearily slid his body off of the wall and crawled over to the meat, picking it up. He started nibbling on it, and after a few small bites he gorged himself in it, taking greedy mouthfuls in per bite and getting blood all around his lips. "You're with us now, kid," the child said with a grin, crouching down to the Ynnwn boy and offering his hand. The young Ynnwn forced down the rest of the meat and slowly took the child's hand, his person looking more healthy already.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 09:24:37 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 01:07:44 am »

The child stood and tugged the Ynnwn boy to his feet, the sudden rise making the Ynnwn's rags nearly fall off, revealing no clothing underneath. He scrambled them back across his body and looked at the other child, a beat of sweat dripping down his face. The child turned around and walked back toward the crowd, ignoring what he'd just seen, the Ynnwn boy dragging his feet as he followed. When they reached the other boys, all eyes were on the Ynnwn, looking at him suspiciously and tiredly as their arms strained from carrying the meat so long.

One of the children looked at the boy that helped out the Ynnwn. "Are you sure about this?" he asked skeptically.

"Let's give him a chance." the child replied, looking back at the Ynnwn boy, who was glancing at everyone silently.

"Fine, but take back your share. I'm tired of holding it," another boy said, dumping half of the meat he was carrying in the child's arms. The boy looked at the young Ynnwn, moving his arms to hint that he wanted him to take some of the meat as well. The Ynnwn didn't get the hint and just stared at it, his mouth drooling. "Take it, ya idiot!" he yelled, thrusting his arms to hurl the meat at the Ynnwn's chest. He caught it, but then fell down as laughter filled the air. "Oh come on, this kid's pathetic!" the boy taunted.

"I apologize..." the Ynnwn said, standing up and looking down at the bloody meat in his hands.

"Come on, we have to get out of here before someone sees us with this corpse!" one of the children suggested, everyone but the Ynnwn boy nodding to his words. They started to run, the Ynnwn boy stumbling with the sudden change of pace. He regained his balance and tried to catch up with them, being a few meters behind as they ran, and constantly being distracted with the sight of the meat in his hands.

They arrived at a poorly-built structure that looked like it was about to cave in. One of the children walked up to the door of the structure and held the raw meat in one of his arms as the other turned the knob, the door falling over when he applied force to push it open. "Hey Rilos, didn't I tell you to fix the freakin' door!?" the child shouted into the darkness of the building. He walked inside, everyone else following him with small laughter. Once progressing a few steps into the building, they could see candlelight, and they proceeded toward it. Finally reaching the source, they dropped the raw meat in a pile around the flame, and scattered around the building. The Ynnwn boy watched them all walk around, and looked down at the meat still in his arms, letting it fall to the floor with a sigh.

A few more candles lit around the room, and soon the entire building was illuminated. The Ynnwn boy saw two new faces, the rest being the same kids he'd been running with earlier. There was another boy in the corner of the building, sitting there absent-mindedly. One of the kids approached the boy in the corner, his face showing anger. "Rilos, get off your lazy ass and do something around here! I'm tired of you always sitting around and doing nothing! We're always feedin' you and takin' care of you, the least you can do is pay us back a little, huh!?"

"Leave me alone," Rilos said slowly. The Ynnwn boy walked closer to them, looking at the boy who was yelling at Rilos. He turned back to the pile of meat, walking back over to it and picking up a piece, returning to Rilos and crouching down beside him, offering the aliment in his hands. Rilos looked at it, then looked up at the Ynnwn boy with a smile. "Thank you," he said, taking the meat and nibbling on it, returning his eyes to the wall.

"What're you doin' you idiot!?" the other boy asked, glaring at the Ynnwn.

"You all helped me when I was helpless, so I'm passing it on," he replied.

"Ugh, whatever!" the boy said, walking off toward another part of the building. The Ynnwn looked back at Rilos, pulling his rags back around him after realizing he'd been letting them fall.

"Who are you, anyway?" Rilos asked him.

"I...don't know," the Ynnwn replied, looking away from his rags and back at Rilos.

"You don't know your own name?"


"Then I'll give you a name. How does Suno sound?"

"Suno?" the Ynnwn boy questioned.

"Yes. Around here, not many people like to use their real names, anyway. I use mine, but most of us don't trust each other enough to give away our real names." Rilos clarified.

"Alright then," Suno nodded.

"Get over here!" a voice commanded from the other side of the room. Suno and Rilos stood and walked over to the rest of the boys, Rilos still nibbling on the meat he was given. The boy who cast the voice looked around at everyone as they were assembled in a hastily-formed horizontal line in front of him. "We have a new recruit here with us. Everyone introduce yourselves." All eyes went to Suno as he stood apart from everyone else. When they spoke their names, they stepped forward.

"I'm Scott," one of them said, stepping back again.

"Druzult," another said.

"Kor," the boy that helped Suno earlier said, repeating the actions of Druzult and Scott, stepping back out of the line.


Rilos nodded to Suno. "Rilos Kyntr," he said, stepping back afterwards.

"Hank," the last boy in line claimed.

The leader of the meeting stepped around everyone else. "And I'm Gary, the leader of this group," he said with a laugh. Everyone else sighed and shook their heads except for Rilos, who was staring off in a random direction. "So who're you?" he asked Suno.

"Oh, name's Suno," Suno said weakly.

"Welcome to the club, Suno," Gary said, putting his hand on Suno's shoulder. Suno wrapped the rags closer around his body, eying the dirty hand that was touching him, his eyes then wandering around the room to see everyone else; his new family.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 09:24:47 pm by Suno_Regin »


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2008, 01:51:58 am »
Good start.  \\o//

Buuut... You accidentally wrote Suno's name in the third paragraph of the second chapter thingamajig.


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 10:36:07 am »
Agh, thanks for pointing that out. :P


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 01:44:21 pm »

Gary looked down at the rags, wincing and turning his head back up to Suno's. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up," he suggested, laughter coming from a few of the other children. Gary escorted Suno out of the building, and while they walked along the streets, they saw a few merchant stalls. Gary walked up to one of them and reached into his pocket, pulling out a few trias and laying them on the stall, being handed a few hides and black dye. He started walking back toward the building, Suno watching him with a blank expression as he followed. They stepped back over the fallen door and into the building, Gary throwing the hides on the floor. "Ulrich, take care of this will ya?" he called, one of the children sitting up and looking at him. Gary layed the bottles of dye on the hides and walked toward a corner of the building, Suno following close behind him. He turned back around to Suno, pulling a dagger out of his other pocket. "Time for a haircut, kid," he said, Suno taking a few steps back at the sight of the weapon.

"H-haircut?" Suno asked timidly.

"Ya need one. Just look at your hair! It's like you could get lost in that bundle with a little more time." Suno took a few steps back toward him with a questioning expression, but didn't say anything else as Gary layed the dagger on the ground and spun Suno around so his back could face him. He picked the dagger up and pulled back a clump of Suno's hair, steadily severing it and letting it fall to his feet. Suno winced as he did this a few more times, and after he stopped feeling the dagger for a few seconds, he turned around to face Gary. "Well, how do ya like it?" Gary asked, holding up a piece of broken glass for Suno to look into. His hair was much shorter now, and spiked up messily from the back of his head. He looked back at Gary, saying nothing but seeming to be satisfied.

After a few more minutes, Ulrich's voice called from the other side of the room. "Hey, I'm done!" he yelled, picking up a bundle of black leather and walking toward Gary and Suno.

"Good," Gary said, grinning at Suno. Ulrich tossed the clothes at Suno's chest for him to catch them, but he once again fell down from the unexpected force applied on his body. Ulrich laughed and walked away, saying nothing else. "Try them on," Gary suggested.

"Alright, just don't look," Suno said, standing up and holding the pants away to look at them.

"Just try to cover your ass. I'll be over here," Gary said, walking over to where Druzult and Rilos were sitting.

Suno backed himself into the corner, quickly slipping on the pants to keep people from seeing his necessities. He slipped himself into the rest of the leather, folding his arms to try and keep warm. He walked over to Ulrich and Gary while shivering, attempting to bundle himself with the extra folds of leather hanging from the clothes. "They're a little loose," Suno told Ulrich after reaching earshot.

"You'll grow into them. We're not going to keep spending our trias on your clothes, so just deal with it. At least you have something decent to wear," Ulrich scoffed.

"Come on," Gary said, "let's get your place figured out." He turned to where the other children were sitting and waved his hand back to motion them to where he was. When they gathered, he spoke again. "Since unit one has four, and unit two has three, let's have Suno join unit two. Does everyone agree?" he asked. A few nods came from the children, Rilos smiling at the idea. "Alright then," Gary looked back at Suno, "it seems you're with me, Rilos and Druzult."
« Last Edit: February 29, 2008, 09:24:56 pm by Suno_Regin »

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 02:34:26 pm »
Nooo, stop! Don't post any more, or I will get addicted :P


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 10:24:25 pm »
This is my favorite part of the forums and your story just adds to the reason why it is so. You are very talented. I cannot wait for the next installment. Thank you for so greatly entertaining me.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 10:28:40 pm by Leama »
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards.


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2008, 02:44:08 am »
* Kieve awaits the next segment eagerly *


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2008, 02:15:54 pm »

"What do I do with this?" Suno asked, holding a dagger in his hand.

"It's to defend yourself," Gary explained. "When we finally get what's necessary to survive, people try to hurt us." As Gary spoke, Druzult and Rilos turned their heads, and the rest stood silently as they listened. "All you have to do is this," Gary said as he started lunging into the air with his own dagger, his movements very fluent. Suno nudged his arm slightly to try and mimic Gary, but was too scared to do much else. Gary sent Suno back into the line as he addressed the group. "Now, does anybody have a stall in mind?" Some shook their heads, others stepped up to speak.

"Izaak just got new stock. He has some nice leathers and animal meats he'd be willing to part with," Kor said with a smirk. Suno looked down the row as a few kids cheered, Druzult and Rilos not paying much attention and instead holding a conversation with each other. Suno looked back at Gary who was nodding at Kor's words.

"Izaak is Hiraul's apprentice, right?" Gary asked. Suno started looking around the room, not recognizing any of the names mentioned in their conversation.

"Yes," Kor responded. "Hiraul died right before the animal carcasses were dispatched. He was losing business because it took too long for his supplies to reach him, so he went out to hunt by himself and ended up becoming part of what he sold, if you know what I mean." Gary kept nodding as Kor spoke, Suno being more interested in trying to hear what Druzult and Rilos were saying than what was being spoken of between Kor and Gary.

"Izaak is a particularly young Klyros. It'll be easy to sneak a few of those supplies out from under his wings," Ulrich pointed out.

"Yes, you're right," Gary responded with a grin. He turned to Suno, who was still looking toward Druzult and Rilos. Gary followed Suno's eyes to the two and raised his brow in question. "Hey!" Gary yelled at them. "Did you guys hear a single word of what we were saying!?" Druzult and Rilos jumped, looking at Gary.

"Sure we did!" said Druzult, scratching his head. "We were talking about food, right?" Rilos stayed silent, looking at Gary solemnly.

"Close enough! Just don't blame me if you end up getting killed on such an easy task because you don't know what you're doing!" Gary scowled. He looked back at Suno, who now had his undivided attention. "I hope you're ready for your first assignment," Gary said. "We need all the help we can get sometimes. This should be easy, so we'll go alone." He looked back at Druzult and Rilos, shaking his head. They went back to talking amongst themselves as Gary walked up to Suno, a grin spread back across his face.


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2014, 04:21:42 pm »
I'm bumping this from ages long gone because I plan on adding to it after all these years. :)


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2014, 02:50:21 am »
"RR is a PieSexual" ~ Monala

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2014, 04:20:26 pm »
Does your wife know you're posting in a forum subsection for singles? :P


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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2014, 04:23:49 pm »
Hint: this is a subtle commentary on the lack of a hyphen in "single-author stories." :P

Donari Tyndale

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Re: Suno's Path
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2014, 04:33:29 pm »
Oooooh. *quickly deletes the "looking for soulmate" thread*