Author Topic: Tales from the elderly  (Read 3529 times)


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Tales from the elderly
« on: May 13, 2008, 08:55:01 am »
(A well bearded old man walks slowly on a cane and sits in a chair by the fireplace in the Kada-el tavern, and a large group of young children gather at his feet)

Come on round, now lads and lass's I be 'ere t'night to tell you of a great world... a world beyond this!

now I can't be sure cause i tell you young 'uns now what me grandpappy done told me and his grandpappy telled him!

I speak of a world beyond the eagle bronze doors, I has heard tales of a world without a crystal! where a great fire ball burns high in the sky, and where people do not feel as free with other races as we do now!

We live in tolerance between us, be we Kran... Dwarf... Enkidukai... Ylian, we all be livin in harmony, but some say the world beyond ours is a talad forsaken place! where there is no love... and some say... it's where young children go when they disobey their parents!!!

(The children all run to their parents scared as both the old man laughs at the tale he has told and the parents laugh at the hijinks of their children)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2008, 03:38:04 am by A_Traveller »

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 12:42:23 pm »
* Mathy Stockington laughs.

I cannot wait for more!!!
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Tales from the elderly II
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2008, 07:42:55 am »
Tales from the Elderly II: The Fire Kran
(An aging Kran slowly walks towards a circle of children sitting by the fire in the Kada-el tavern, kra body scratched and dented from a hard life of mining, and a set of metal hands. Kra crouches by the fire and grabs a burning log from the fire. The chidlren Gasp)

AHAHAHA! Fret not little ones! fire not hurt! Me have hands of hardened steel!! (a young Enkidukai looks scared as he touches the old Krans iron hand and gasps)
Child: Why are your hands ion mista?
(The Kran smiles) Well that is the story of the  Fire Kran!!!
(the children fall silent)
Long ago when me is small... me was happily walking through old mine near Grungotid! Me was having fun eating rocks and gems... but then, out of the shadows i see kra!
A great Kran the size of Ulbernaut!
(The old Kran stands tall and holds his hands up high, the children gasp)
Kra was birght and smokey, that when me see! Kra was made of nothing but FIRE!!! I get scared and run!
I not see the big pile of Iron in the corner, me hands get stuck!!!, Me cry and cry and scream for help, then the great fire Kran come and melt the ore, it harden onto me hands, leaving Iron, and still to this day me think me sees him, wandering the sewers... crying, cause everyone sees him and run!
(later in the evening the old kran wanders behind the kada-el tavern and into the sewers there he sits and begins to chew on a lump of ruby, he hand it too a great flaming kran)
Little ones do not believe in you... they think me lie
Me know they do friend.... me know, but you hands proof!


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Tales from the elderly III
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 09:22:30 pm »
Tales from the elderly III: The Fenki-flyer
(A tattered and scarred old Enkidukai walks heavily into the Kada-el Tavern, he has an eye patch over one eye, he walks in and a group of children look at him, he is scary looking, and he looks almost angrily at the kids. Then suddenly the children all cheer and run over to him, and he breaks his mood and grabs the kids and hugs them warmly. he takes a seat just outside the door and the children gather around. he points to the darkened Crystal.)

Naow Laddies an' Laddettes, whot do ye sey to flying!
(a young Klyros giggles as he hovers slightly but then falls and the old Enkidukai laughs)
Aye ye can fly a little lad, but i mean fly up so high as to toch the crystal!
(a young child laughs and says "No one can" The old Enki laughs again)
No? But I know one laddette tha' did! She was called Ereinamakustein Alamahababa! Bu' we all called her The Fenki-Flyer!
She believed tha if we could toch the crystal, we could meet Talad!
Now she made a set of wings, made of Gobble skin! She  constructed em and stock them too her Arms.
and she flew! she flew up! Up! UP! UP!!!!
and to this day, we have no seen her! some say, she has decided to stay with talad!
(the children look up in wonderment at the crystal)


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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 02:21:26 am »

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2008, 05:41:20 am »
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Tales of the elderly IV
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2008, 03:24:07 am »
Tales of the Elderly IV: The Mini Gods
(An Ylain sailor walks slowly into Kada el Tavern, he is not so much elderly as his is worldly. He has a bag of gifts collected in his travels for children, he grins kindly to a young dwarf and digs through his bag, he pulls out a bar of platinum and hands it to the child, who struggles with its weight.)
Lad... Do you know what that is?
(the young dwarf shakes his head)
That lad... is a Mini-god rock!
(the young dwarf looks wide eyed at the old sailor)
Aye lad... tis a short tale... but one Ye must know!
(the sailor winks at the young dwarf)
Now lad... the Nolthrir of the lower levels of yliakum believe.. that if ye put that rock under yer pillow at night when ye sleep, A wee tiny god will come out of it!
(the young dwarf grins happily)
Now the thing is, when ye have that god with ye... he'll... or she'll look after ye and make sure yer always safe!
(the child grins at the sailor and thanks him... then hurries off to show off his gift. The Sailor wanders over to a table and joins an enkidukai with a grin on it's face)
Mate.... your full of lies...
(the sailor chuckles) Aye lad... but the kiddies love a good story!
(the two laugh heartily and continue to drink and chat through the night)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 03:52:56 am by A_Traveller »


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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2008, 03:27:16 am »
your stories are great! i like your writing style too! :thumbup:
Yarrwin: "Look! A distraction!"
Hucirel: "Were? Were is it?"


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Tales from the Elderly IV
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2008, 03:59:42 am »
Tales from the elderly V: The Tale of the Great Sea Ulbernaut
(An old aging Ylian walks slowly into Kada-El's, he has a single eye, a hook for a hand and a peg leg. He is wearing an old sea cloak and hat. When he walks into the Tavern he walks heavily to the bar, children look frightened at him and hide in their near there parents, He orders a huge pint of rum. A teenager walks slowly towards him.)

Child: ummm.... Hey man... why do you have a wooden leg and a metal claw...

(The old sailor looks at the Teen and looks angry, the teen flinches away, but then the Old man Bursts into laughter and speaks in a deep, calming, almost hypnotic voice)

Sailor: That my child is a hook, and my leg... well it's a peg, and I'll tell you why... It was a great beastie of the sea... His name... is Gulgrag... The Giant Sea Ulbernaut!

(the child looks shocked, yet curious)

Sailor: It was a cold, dark night... I was aboard the good ship Bulberwinkle... I was a first mate and taking over a friends watch... Then the sea began to churn... the waves grew higher and HIGHER!!!! then... out of the black depths I saw it... a great sea-monster... It looked just like an Ulbernaut, but was covered in hard shell, It had a huge mouth  that could eat five men in a single gulp! I called all hands to battle stations, and as me mates began to run for bows and spears... as the wood and steel flew I saw on the quarter deck, me old mate Juka get flung over the side, I grabbed a rope, tied it around my ankle and leaped over the side, as I swam to him, I couple see a dark figure below me... my heart began to beat like an Imperial Guard Drum! I began to swim as fast as I could, but to late... as I felt its grip I pulled away, he managed to get a hold of me hand, I heard the sound of bone breaking and the sound of meat slicing and the beast didnt even slow down, just shot into the air! it landed behind me, I knew it because I was draged under the deep blue waters as the beasts tail got tangled in my life line! the hemp cable tugged me ever deeper until somewhere I heard a cracking noise as the lifeline tore a chunk of wood from the ship, I then realised... I was at the beasties mercy... I felt the rope tug me deeper... deeper... then the next thing I knew, I was shot out of the water, in a split second I saw My old mate Juka, with a sword, swinging at the cable! I felt the blade slice into my leg, then I felt the his foot hit my gut and I was suddenly free... me and juka were drawn into a ships boat and rowed to the ship. the next day, I remembered little of the previous night... all I knew... was that I had survived... and luckily... I hadn't lost as much as I could have...

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2008, 10:00:55 am »
Well written. Very entertaining. I am completely enjoying this.

Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Tales from the elderly VI: The Man-Eating Pie!
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2008, 02:10:40 am »
Tales from the Elderly VI: The Man-Eating Pie!
(A stocky old Ylian woman laughs loudly from a corner, the sound mixing into the general Ambience of joy filling Kada-El's on the night of The Harvest Celebration, Piles of delicious foods and drinks a seen in every direction, old men are laughing as they play chess in a corner, and a pair of big strong farmers arm wrestle by the bar, even the bounty hunter Jarrpi, normally silent and a greatly indecent being to be near smokes at a pipe and laughs in jest with a friend. The stocky Ylian Lady bellows out with raucious Laughter as she listens to an old Sailors tales of Great sea fights against beasts of the sea.)

Lady: Well I do believe my good deary that that is a terribly frightful tale of monstrous ghouls from the depths but I'll tell you a truly horrible tale!

(The old Sailor seems taken aback that such a sweet old house wife could have a horrific tale of beasties)

Lady: Well you speak of Krakens and Demonic Palerays, but how about Demon-Pastrys!

(The old sailor Bursts out in laughter, swinging back in his chair, but a young child looks wide eyed at the old lady

Child: Burr Ho!!!! Oi dunna Loik thees sounds o mean ole beasties in Pois!!!

(the old lady smiles)

Lady: I baked it myself! with my own two hands! I believed it would be a grand Idea a Pie that could talk with you as you ate it! but then it went bad...

(The old sailor falls from his chair cackling with laughter, a few men in the tavern begin to laugh at the old sailor)

Lady: Well it was a chilly Novari day and I decided to make a nice warm pie!, but this was back when My dear husband was a trader, and I was alone, so i thought I could ask the old enchantress down the road to make the pie speak with me, so I made up the scrumcious delicious pie and took it down the road, and she used her Hazabalooperap-zap hocus pocus and BAM!!!! the pie came to life, Talkin with me, it spoke of things such as polotics and how cute the custard tarts in the bakery were, and I couldn't bring myself to eat the poor thing when we got back to my house... but then... it saw... in the trash... An empty pie tin, the remnants of the previous nights dinner... it went balistic and I was alone, nought but me... and my trusty rolling pin, as the wicked pastry leapt at me, the howling of my saviour sounded as my dear pet dog waffles leapt through the window and began to dig into the poor crusty little fellow... and I realised... Dont get attached to your food... its got to be eaten eventually!

(The old sailor seems to be having a heart attack, however when one watches it becomes apparent he's laughing hysterically... and the old lady seems genuinly proud of this "Amazing victory")

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2008, 08:23:42 am »
Brilliant. I cannot wait for more!!
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Tales from the elderly VII: The Were-Ulbernaut
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2008, 09:45:23 am »
(The air in kada-els rings with laughter and singing as a group of bards sing, dance, and play instruments. A fiddle sings out a jaunty rythm, a deep bass voice echoes out of the singers vocal chords)

I sing a lil ditty 'bout a lad name Rolber
went out for a walk through lands all full of Ulber!
strolled along with a bag full of meat,
must of forgot what Ulbernauts eat...

Oh Rolber young 'n' Rolber meek,
waltzed along athinkin deep,
Didn't know what he would meet
Poor Poor ole Rolber

Now Rolber sat to eat a treat,
made a fire an' cooked 'is meat,
didn't know that he'd been seen,
sat an sang an ate what he eats...
didn't see that Ulber.

Oh Rolber full of roasted meat,
sittin there in the Azhord heat...
didn't see that nasty treat!
Poor Poor ole Rolber

The Ulber came sniffin the air
sein Rolber a siiting there,
came up from behind
and it attacked Rolber.

Oh Rolber Fought and fell and screeched,
fell to the floor for the Ulbernaut to eat!
got crushed by an Ulbers feet
Poor Poor ole Rolber

The next few days he felt kinda weak,
sat in town and tried to eat,
suddenly he wasn't meak
He was an Ulber

Rolber ran around the street!
Eatin folk and stompin trees,
got killed by guards in a strange old heat!
Poor Poor Were-Ulber....

Mathy Stockington

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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2008, 06:12:11 am »
A_Traveller I hope you have more wonderful tales to tell us. They are very well done.
Life is lived forwards, but understood backwards


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Re: Tales from the elderly
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2009, 12:39:50 am »
 :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: \\o// \\o// \\o// \\o//
thats  some awsome storytelling.....