Author Topic: Ban "Server Down" Threads!  (Read 2736 times)


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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2008, 10:23:26 pm »
If you don't like your thread any more, you could just ignore it...
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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2008, 02:20:33 am »
Apparently new ones don't know about surprising and longer server downtimes. And for some reason neither that this has been asked for so many times.
I wonder if a better noticable hint to the fact that this question will always get the same answer in the forum would help this a bit.

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Socius Rockus

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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2008, 03:53:01 pm »
I love those threads, they give me post count +1 ^^ :sorcerer:

neko kyouran

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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2008, 03:53:49 pm »
until they are locked and deleted a few days later....   :whistling:


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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2008, 04:26:29 pm »
I actually haven't seen many 'down' threads lately.

Perhaps to prevent these from happening, maybe the forum could spam someone creating an account to read stickies and searchto see if their 'great' idea was used before.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 07:47:18 pm by neko kyouran »
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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2008, 07:49:09 pm »
This is an abuse of your power, Neko. You know this only generates spam, so lock it. Or I'll make you have to.

neko kyouran

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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2008, 08:46:19 pm »
Let me tell you something Raa.  With the "pleasant" PMs and posts you have made, I could have you removed from these forums permanently.  Why don't I? Because I'm a nice guy.

You don't seem to understand that the world isn't just about you.  You may have started this thread yes, but that doesn't give you any power to say, "I don't want this thread to exist any more just because people didn't like my idea". 

If you were afraid that people didn't like it, then you should never have posted it to begin with.  The moment you pushed that submit button, you agree to allow other forum users to read, think about the topic you bring up, and respond with what they think about it.  And that is exactly what they have done.

You need to get over yourself and realize that the world isn't just about you.  You think they are just ridiculing you, that people are just disagreeing with your viewpoint because they hate you and want to make fun of you?  That's the biggest bunch of BS I've heard in a long time.  Have more respect to your fellow forum users.  Take a good look at the replies.  Do you see people making fun of you?  I sure don't.  The people who replied thought about the issue and expressed their thoughts on the issue.  That's all.

There were a few posts that drifted offtopic yes, but as you can see they were removed, so that the thread could continue along in the mature manner it had.

You don't seem to understand exactly how this forum functions so I'll take a little time out of my busy life to explain the basics for you.

1) rules are posted.  these rules are to be followed by forum users and staff alike, and dictate exactly what is permissible and what is not on these forums.
2) forum users then make posts following these guidelines.
3) forum staff ensure that forum users adhere to these guidelines and step in and correct issues when they arise, as per stated procedure in said forum rules.
4) in a perfect world, ever one lives happily ever after, the end.

 I will not just lock a thread just for lockings sake.  Thread locking and thread deletion are tools used only and i mean only, when the other options are proven to not be working, or to perform forum cleanup, such as to close and remove duplicate threads about the same issue, to better improve forum searching and archival purposes.

This particular thread and subject matter does not fall under the lock/delete criteria, and as such it will not be locked/deleted until that is deemed necessary.  But that will never happen, as I will simply remove offtopic posts and allow the thread to continue to have it's discussion for as long as forum users wish to discuss it.  When no one wants to discuss it further, it will simply fall away as new threads are created into the archives not hurting anyone.  If anyone purposely tries to derail a thread as to cause its removal, then they are in a world of hurt as I lay my ban hammer into them.  Contrary to what you may think, I've have only had 3 people banned in the entirety of my time here, as I'm too nice of a fellow for my own good and think people will change if repeatedly nudged in the right direction.  I'm not about to start making exceptions to how this forum is run just for people who create threads and then want to have them removed without a very just reason for me doing so.

For people who choose to post in this thread after I finish writing this post.  Make sure its on topic and discussing the topic and not any person in particular.  If I even think for a small smidgen that your post is trying to flame anyone or derail this thread, your post is being removed and you will be faced with the consequences of your actions.

As for you Raa, I expect an apology PM in my inbox for the rude comments you made towards me both publicly and through PMs, and hope you grow up a bit.  It's time you get over your teenage angst and start acting like a mature individual.  Otherwise, please don't return to these forums until you do.

Edit: cleaned up some wording and fixed a few typos.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 08:51:31 pm by neko kyouran »


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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2008, 09:25:56 pm »
* Izzabella gives Neko a hug and a big homemade cookie

Hmm I was wondering..what about the news box in the top right corner?

maybe when the server is down a small message can be put in there that might get the attention of the noobs..something simple such as "yes we know the server is down we are working on it, it will but when we are done" I dunno just an idea.


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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2008, 04:40:35 am »
A server status \o/
someone would have to write a javascript :s

What you can failure tommorow, failure today.

Better click for shiny stylez Help me with images!

neko kyouran

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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2008, 07:55:47 am »
Hmm I was wondering..what about the news box in the top right corner?

maybe when the server is down a small message can be put in there that might get the attention of the noobs..something simple such as "yes we know the server is down we are working on it, it will but when we are done" I dunno just an idea.

It's a good idea.... The forum code would have to be modified a bit though, but Mythryndel made some good points in another thread about it, and I'll quote them below for discussions sake:

pingo works on just the PS [EDIT]service? If responds, then the physical server will respond to pings. It was my understanding that JUST the game was down, not the physical server. I am not trying to be contrary, just trying to make sure the suggestion covers what people really would like to know.

I have a service monitoring perl script that I use for lots of things. It is very basic, but it checks every X minutes and sends an alert (usually e-mail) to an admin when it is not responding... and again every X minutes until it starts responding again. I would be happy to modify this to put a status in the "News Box" and it would give a delta time since last responding. This should prevent a significant portion of the posts like this one.

The other thing that would be nice is if any intentional maintenance (AKA NOT a crash) would be announced and give players fair warning that the server might be flaky for a few hours/days. If this is pre-planned maint then it should not be too much to ask for a 30 second post before and after the maint event. If, as I understand it this time, there was an announcement made in-game. That is great... but what about those that weren't in-game to get that announcement?

PLEASE don't take this as griping, but as me seriously offering help and advice to keep the devs from getting frustrated with the players, and to keep the players from badgering the devs as much as possible while still keeping them informed.


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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2008, 08:09:39 am »
I had a laanx status checker on our guild wiki too.
It was an external program, in fact, it was pingo's code a little modified for the output, which created a wikipage with the content
Laanx Status: [[up.gif]]
the image was replaced by either up.gif, down.gif or wait.gif. in fact for up and wait i used the gifs with the proper name, but for any other status i used the down symbol. a text output would be possible for more information.

I had pingo run from a shellscript which timer controlled generated the wikipage.

Why i use the past tense? well, currently my server is down due to hw issues or a misconfigured kernel. need to fix that when i get the time for that :P
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When does it end, when is my work done?
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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2008, 08:18:24 am »
Don't make me break out the FailCat on this thread.

When the server stops it's usually one of several reasons.
1)  Planned Stoppage for new release.  This one is usually fairly obvious and details are posted on the main site and the forums about server downtime because a new release is being made.
2) Update stoppages.  This is when we fix a bug or have some database stuff to do.  This usually only takes a couple of minutes and there is usually a warning in game about down time.
3) Unplanned stoppages ( ie crashes ).  When the server crashes it will automatically restart itself after a minute or 2. 
4) Unplanned halts.  This is when the server either gets locked up somewhere (we've seen it get 'stuck' ) or it fails to restart itself properly.  In these cases the server will be down for several hours until somebody takes a look.   

The majority of the time it will fall into 2 or 3.   #4 is where most of these problems (and threads) can occur from.   For me, the best bet is if the server has been down for several hours and no information on main site or forums then inform somebody (GM) on IRC and they can get in contact with somebody that will investigate the problem.
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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2008, 08:28:11 am »
While it may help a bit, a server up/down indicator on the forums.
 Still I think the threads will come because:

1- Mostly people new to the game make these threads
 1.5- So they might as well not know there is a server up/down indicator in the top left corner, even if it's said in the player guide :P

2- When the server is down for a long time (Arcraig's points 1 and 4), they still going to ask 'Why is the server down?'
 2.5- Knowing if the server is down/up only helps people who think it's their firewall. The 'Why' question about the server downage is mostly the main thing the thread-makers are after.

So though I ,like the Idea of the server up/down thingie, I don't think it will help stop the 'Server down?'  threads ;)


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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2008, 09:00:08 am »
Just my two cents worth - the server up/down indicator box is a good idea

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Re: Ban "Server Down" Threads!
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2008, 09:38:42 pm »
I think it is a good idea, but it won't completely stop the threads. Just like stickying the tutorial walkthrough doesn't stop those kinds of threads.
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