Author Topic: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]  (Read 22810 times)


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #105 on: November 05, 2010, 02:36:14 pm »

Forum ID: Catlemur
In game characters: Erzekiel Stroed(secondary) and Hromdair Selav(main)
Time Zone: GMT+3
Hours in game: When I have free time.
Frequent Hang Outs:Harnquist,lakes,rivers and mining spots.
Religious Orientation: Atheist
Guild/Guilds: None
One Paragraph Description: A young Enkidukai wearing a dark hooded mantle stands in front of you.You can notice a tribal tatoo that means that he is a blue way battle mage.Two magical daggers are attached to his leather belt.It is rumoured that he is a member of a forbidden political movement responsible of many  Guard and Octarh assainations called Legion of Shadows.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #106 on: November 20, 2010, 09:52:45 pm »
Forum ID: Hipie_Froboz
In game character: Hipie Froboz (Main), Finema Renawoz (secondary)
Time Zone: UTC - 5 hours (EST)
Hours in game: varies a lot, usually weekends, once in a while during the week
Frequent Hang Outs: varies, often Ojaveda, sometimes the tavern, traveling, mining, arena, the rest of hydlaa, and just about anywhere else. Send a tell if you want to roleplay and I will tell you where he is; Hydlaa only
Religious Orientation: if he has one, he won't be telling you; Talad
Guild: House Chesire; None
One Paragraph Description:
A blikau enkidukai, wearing platemail and about twenty-five cycles old, stands in front of you. On close inspection he looks scared from many battles. Besides that, his coat is well kept. He has a longsword in a scabbard at his side, and a shield slung over his shoulder on a strap. His eyes watch you relentlessly, unless he knows you.; A young cub stands in front of you, about 12 cycles old. He carries a pair of daggers sheathed in beautiful handmade sheaths on a handmade belt, and is suspicious of almost everyone, particularly nonenkidukai.
Now that my forum account works, I can finally post this
« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 11:27:32 am by Hipie_Froboz »


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #107 on: November 21, 2010, 12:24:56 am »
Although I technically have already posted a post like this for Manxa, she has undergone extreme renovation, so I figured I might as well.

Forum ID: Dracaeon

IG character: Manxa Sheniaa

Time Zone: EST

Hours In Game:  Varies like everyone else, but generally in late afternoon to evening.

Frequent Hang Outs:  Most likely Kada-Els tavern, bit often at Harnquists and the Library.

Religious Orientation: Talad, but is not very serious about religion.

Guild:  Knowledge Seekers

Quick Description:  Manxa is a young Clamod fenki, about in her mid-twenties, looking well groomed and clean.  She bears no scars and carries no weapons, preferring to debate with words than with blade.  She is pretty in her own way, though not beautiful, but has no defining feature that makes her so.  She is garbed in simple attire, inexpensive so it can fit her budget.

Other stuff:  Manxa is a pacifist, to a great extent, which stems from a traumatic event in her childhood.  She is also vegetarian, and happens to have a case of epilepsy that causes.seizures every time she ingests too much alcohol.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #108 on: February 15, 2011, 10:37:56 am »
Forum ID: Lorepius Numons

IG character's names: Ezus Mey, Lorepius Numons [I don't use Lorepius much more, since he's dead IC. If you need a corpse, Lorepius is your guy]

Time zone: GMT+1

Hours In Game: Varies (usually in the afternoon, at day during weekends)

Frequent Hangouts: The Windowless Tower, Harnquists Smithery

Religios Orientation: Talad, Xosia, [SECRET]

Guild: Diamond Claw

Quick Description [EZUS]: Ezus is a dark grey coloured klyros, he wears a small golden necklace depicting a claw with three fingers. His armour is full of cuts and blood stains, but his Longswoard is well cleaned. His shield has many dents on it.

Other Stuff: He is mysterious and keeps a low profile. He is only well-known in the Alliance of Light. He thinks of himself as an important member of the DC guild. He is the Preast/Recruitment Officer/Herbalist of the DC guild. The necklace he wears has nothing to do with his guild.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #109 on: February 16, 2011, 05:43:44 am »
Wow... I've never read this thread before... I suppose I should post something here.

Forum ID: Tessra

In game characters: Teshia [main] and Tessra Greenleaf, Lattia Droghe, Sheffan Sheffani, Taiena, Verdn, Rhelly, and about 6 others that you don't get to know the names of. ;)

Time Zone: CST

Hours in game: hehehe... usually between 3pm and 3am. 

Frequent Hang Outs: Tesh tends to gravitate towards Gugrontid, and spends a lot of time by the lake or in the Adani Temple.  Tess and Sheff are almost always at the Amdeneir forge, Verdn stands on a pillar in the plaza, and all the others are all over the place. 

Religious Orientation: Tesh is publically Dakkru, but actually a practicing follower of Xiosia; Sheff follows Talad; Lattia leans towards Xiosia, Verdn follows Laanx, none of the others are actively religious.

Guild/Guilds: Tesh, Taiena and Sheff are members of the Adani Order, Tesh being the current master of the order; Tess is a student in the Knowledge Seekers, Lattia is a miner for Gifts of the Dome; Verdn is a captain in Nemesis; none of the others are guilded.

One Paragraph Description: Teshia and Tessra are twin ylian sisters, come to this level from another.  Tessra is quiet, and shy, and gets herself into trouble quite often.  She is naive, and not too bright, but has a quick wit and is hardworking and eager to learn.  Teshia is much more abrasive, and can be quite rude and distrusting of strangers.  She makes a point of trying to be kind unless given a reason not to, but has a scathing manner to enemies, and is not exactly sane all the time.  Tess is fairly weak, while Tesh is an avid fighter and viciously defends her companions.  Tesh is under extreme internal conflict, and usually her actions indicate that she cannot decide which path to choose, good or evil; the situation dictates which she will do. 

Lattia is a hardworking miner dermorian.  He is rather bright and has a great deal of common sense, but is uneducated and cannot read.  He is extremely polite to females, and rarely smiles or shows much emotion.

Sheff is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, actually... he's dumb as dirt.  He's easily excited, and has the mental capacity of a small child, always looking about for the next shiny thing to catch his eye.  He's a loyal and faithful kran, and acts as the bodyguard to Tessra while she's at the forge. 

Taiena is a slightly older clamod fenki.  She's a little soft about the middle, and has a quiet, sweet air about her.  She is soft spoken, and gentle, and a great cook.

Verdn is a tall, rather sinister looking Diaboli.  He doesn't talk much and its probably best that you don't approach him, as he's just a likely to kill you as look at you. 

Hm... that should be a good start, no?
Also, it's more credible to others if you grow in power slowly over time.  First kill rats, then noobs, then klyros, and eventually work your way up to more powerful creatures ~ Miomai

Lady Crankenstein

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iXi Debonara Veno
« Reply #110 on: May 08, 2011, 03:01:03 pm »
Forum ID: Lady Crankenstein

In game characters: iXi Debonara Veno   as main   ( many alts once, now not so much, was RPing big story lines )

Time Zone: CST  Live in Texas

Hours in game: MANY MANY MANY /week  mostly evenings but days on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays

Frequent Hang Outs:  Hydlaa.

Religious Orientation: XIOSIA   ...  previously Dakkru by upbringing.

Guild/Guilds: Daughters of Xiosia
     Demorian female, taken young into Temple and used as Temple concubine for leaders of the Church State ( Dakkru worship ). ( just go with it, ok? ). leading to Previous nature: Anger, sadistic, cold blooded, with twisted humor, was an agent of terror for leaders of the faith.  Recently joined Daughters of Xiosia as a reformed heart, has no idea how to accept true love. only to give. Once looked upon citizens of Hydlaa as a joke, but now, cares for them all, and sees her previous life and faith as having been blind and lost. Humor got better.   Has had exposure to alchemy /chemistry , and dark mystic ways, tho not personally invovled.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #111 on: August 07, 2011, 01:48:00 pm »
Forum ID: Medillo

In game characters: Medillo Maluuk, others.  :whistling:

Time Zone: GMT

Hours in game: Very often in game!

Frequent Hang Outs: Hydlaa, in particular Hydlaa plaza.

Religious Orientation: To be revealed!

Guild/Guilds: Klyris Junction

One Paragraph Description:             
In front of you stands a tall, slightly unnerving figure. His clothing is simple, an off grey colour in numerous layer of fabric draped around his small frame, and he wears a hood covers his face entirely, which is only occasionally arranged in such a way that leaves his eyes visible. He speaks in a wavering and unusual voice which sounds neither female nor male, which when coupled with his shapeless clothes makes his gender indiscernible to strangers. He sells potions and bloods to those that enquire.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #112 on: November 10, 2011, 07:56:17 pm »
Characters: Rigwyn, Sillamon, Zalloh, Xantus, Izalox, Gehis, Rhilee, Halisher, Helka and many more.
Timezone: US/Eastern
Time: Around Midnight to 3AM Friday and Saturday Evenings.
Frequent Hangouts: Hydlaa
Religious Orientation:Depends on the character
Guilds: * This space intentionally left blank  * 
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 11:18:37 pm by Rigwyn »

Mariana Xiechai

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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #113 on: November 11, 2011, 12:47:20 pm »
 ;D Oh hoo

Mariana [Main], Rhianon, Ziljhi, Rheyai, Evirea. I'm usually on in the evenings, though my hours fluctuate quite a bit and I tend to swap between my alts fairly regularly. They're often in Hydlaa, though depending on the situation most are willing to run about wherever for RP purposes.

Religious orientations: Mariana--sort of agnostic, though she respects others that have faith and does her best to acknowledge it properly. She believes in the god's existance, but sees them as distant and flawed beings. Rhianon I suppose you could regaurd as a Dakkruist. Or maybe a follower of Talad. It depends on which day you catch her on...or which hour...or frankly the situation entirely. Rheyai's a tad too young to care about such things. Ziljhi is a Xiosian. Evirea doesn't put much thought into which god she follows, she mostly just likes to write.

Guilds: Only Mariana is in a guild out of my characters, and she's a member of the Adani Order.

For a general feel of their characters:
Mariana: Typically friendly and outgoing personality, unless you strike the wrong chord with her. She's willing to chat with just about anyone, but she's doggidly loyal to friends and frequently gets herself into trouble in situations reguarding their well-being. RP-ed as being very adept at Red Way and swordsmanship.

Rhianon: I'll let you find out about this one on your own, but she's a tad on the loony side. Flew over the coocoo's nest one too many times.

Ziljhi: Friendly Azure Way mage, and psychologist. Likes to talk circles around people to figure out their motivations, but sees most as children and often acts in a fatherly manner.

Rheyai: Withdrawn five-cycle old fenki cub, Mariana's sister. Usually found playing with her small furry pet, and has a deep love for animals, though she is wary of strangers.

Evirea: Female Klyran writer with an incredible lack of social skill. She'll often spout long lists of alchemical or literature facts and then scramble away from a conversation. Highly intelligent, but also difficult to engage or relate to.

There are others, but it wouldn't be fun if I gave away all my secrets now would it? ;)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 12:56:31 pm by Mariana Xiechai »

Aramara Meibi

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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #114 on: November 11, 2011, 03:18:02 pm »
might as well

Characters: I have two main characters. They are sisters. One is Aramara. The other is Icerra. The name shared between them is Meibi (pronounced 'maybe'). I've had other alts, mainly as one off characters for RP's sake, but also some failed villains that I've permakilled.

Religious Orientations: Ara is a Xiosian Priestess of the Daughters of Xiosia. Icerra has just recently dedicated herself to Dakkru.

Guilds: Ara-DoX, Icerra- Dakkru's Devout

Both fenkis can usually be found in and around Hydlaa, although Icerra prefers to remain hidden, and is usually only found when she wants to be. Ara can typically be found forging shields at Harnquists, but also spends a lot of time in the wilderness, gathering herbs or hunting.

Ara is friendly and approachable and is generally in the mood to help. She's dedicated her life to the service of Xiosia and this includes the service of all of Xiosia's children. Oh yeah, there's this other thing, she's a pyromancer, which means she has visions when she stares into the fire. Some people find her to be cryptic for this reason, especially her boyfriend.

Icerra, being the younger of the two, is still mentally a child. She abhors magic. She's fascinated with death and completely morbid. After recent events, she's developing schizoid personality disorder and so may appear aloof or otherwise emotionally dead. You can approach her if you find her, but don't expect any sort of meaningful relationship to form. She finds life to be ironic and false, and so she won't hesitate to kill or be killed.
all blessings to the assembled devotees.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #115 on: November 11, 2011, 04:52:28 pm »
hm... now I add my chars as well...

Characters: Jilata Rerek, Oele Tendera

Religion: Jilata is Dakkruist, Oele didn't decide yet

Guilds: Jilata: United Traders Inc, Oele: The One

Both are mostly in Hydlaa. Oele tends to wander around on the plaza and between different more visited spots.

Jilata is a proud akkaio fenki, who loves the falcon she owns above everything. Caused by events in her past she finds it very hard to trust strangers. But usually when she trust someone, she doesn't change her mind that easily.

Oele, a Ylian kid, little older than 6 cycles old. She has a terrible direction sense and gets lost in Hydlaa all the time. Cause of that she hardly leaves the city to avoid getting lost in the wilderness. She doesn't like talking that much and tries to speak as much as possible with body language.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #116 on: November 11, 2011, 05:12:18 pm »
Forum ID: umm... Fairly obvious

In game characters: Travosh Zetch, Rathark (last name unneeded, could be considered Zetch as well)
Time Zone: US central time

Hours in game: I'm on fairly often, usually around 6 PM and up.

Frequent Hang Outs: Travosh: Kada El's, Hydlaa in general. (occasionally the sewers)
                               Rathark: The lake near Gugrontid

Religious Orientation: None, klyrosian anti-god beliefs. Rathark doesnt have the capability to be a religious follower.

Guild/Guilds: Travosh: The Adani Order
                   Rathark: None

One Paragraph Description: Travosh is grey klyros with white spotted arms, nigh always wearing a (red trimmed instead of that GHASTLY purple) mage robe. Is generally one of two things, either wise-cracking but generally pleasant and tolerable, or cynical, quite obviously speciesist towards Enkidukai (and to a lesser extent demorian females), and quite intelligent.

Rathark is a monstrous specimen, magically experimented on by a corrupt wizard as an egg he appears much taller and bulkier than any normal klyros could be, towering somewhere in the upper ylian and lower ynnwn heights (though its hard to determine as he slouches over mostly). His scales are a deep blue, with occasionally glowing brown runes inscribed in it. His wings have become vestigal and non-functional, and his claws are for the most part blunted (though no less a threat from their size alone). His personality is actually phenomenally kind and child-like, as he IS a child, just massively accelerated physically, and enjoys art more than anything.

I rp Trav as a Master of Red-Way (And am almost there level-wise anyways), though generally tries to talk himself out of any conflict  (warning, master of bs'ing in the non-metal fashion) before the need for incineration occurs.

Rathark has incredible Brown-Way as well as physical strength, but no mind to use it. Only lashes out with primal instinct without a real plan, relying on sheer force when provoked


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #117 on: November 14, 2011, 02:07:16 am »
Forum ID: Potare

In game characters: list never ends.

Time Zone: gmt: +10, Australian EST

Hours in game: 2 hours maybe more or less a day

Frequent Hang Outs: taverns, lakes, where ever there is a party, hydlaa, rivers

Religious Orientation: (N/A, Other, I won't tell you, are all fine answers)

Guild/Guilds: Kore Irka Clan

Barsidious Whiteni

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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #118 on: December 02, 2011, 12:45:30 am »
Forum ID:
* Barsidious Whiteni gestures towards the rather obvious bold letters hovering beside the post and shrugs

Barsidious Whiteni, ylian, male

* Barsidious Whiteni laughs at that. "Well, you'll just have to dig around to find out, won't you?"

Time in game:
Unfortunately considerably infrequent at the moment, but hopefully a slight increase when more free time presents itself.

One paragraph description:
Barsidious Whiteni is a generally gentlemanly fellow, with perhaps a bit of casual snark and wit. He has a habit of gouging at people through words, in a way that suggest he is evaluating their responses. Why this is has yet to be revealed. He offends often, but appologizes eloquently, which may or may not be why his head is still graciously and firmly attached to his shoulders.


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Re: [A post for RPers to find Rpers]
« Reply #119 on: December 06, 2011, 12:44:40 pm »
Forum ID: Aestarel

In game characters: Sarane

Time Zone: PST

Hours in game (week): Just started playing but probably 10-20

Frequent Hang Out: Sewers, Laanx temple (in the basement)

Religious Orientation: Athiest

Guild(s): None (yet)

One Paragraph Description: A young Dermorian, simply dressed in leather. He carries a rock pick which is worn from use. You notice dark circles under his eyes, as if he does not sleep much. When his sleeves shift you can see ornate designs carved into his arms. His long burgundy hair is carefully combed and pulled back.
(I am not good at starting RPs but I do want to do them... perhaps someone patient enough could help me get started?)
Sarane Nolsir :: Dermorian
Cilean Archet :: Enkidukai